public ArtificialIntelligence(UserInterface userInterface, VisualCortex visualCortex) { if (logicTimer != null) { logicTimer.Stop(); } // 0 = 40fps when set to 1ms, 8fps screen, 15fps is 7.5fps // 1 = 65fps when set to 1ms, 8fps screen, 40fps is 8fps // 2 = 1000fps when set to 1ms, 6 fps screen, 60fps is 6.35 fps // 3 = 1000fps when set to 1ms, 7.5 fps screen, 60fps is 7.65 fps, 200fps is 8fps logicTimer = new ATimer(3, 1, new ATimer.ElapsedTimerDelegate(() => { logic(); })); this.userInterface = userInterface; this.visualCortex = visualCortex; timerPerformanceStopwatch = new High_Performance_Timer.Stopwatch(); screenCapturePerformanceStopWatch = new High_Performance_Timer.Stopwatch(); basicAI = new BasicAI(); autoQueue = new AutoQueueManager(); logicTimer.Start(); }
void _EndedDragMode() { if (!_isDragMode) { return; } //AOutput.Write("END"); _isDragMode = _isProcess2 = false; _timer.Stop(); if (!_wTransparent.Is0) { _wTransparent.Post(Api.WM_USER); //let it close self } }
void _DocChanged(SciCode doc, bool opened) { _doc = doc; _update = false; _visibleLines = default; _modTimer?.Stop(); _modFromEnd = int.MaxValue; _diagCounter = 0; _cancelTS?.Cancel(); _cancelTS = null; if (opened) { _StylingAndFoldingVisibleFrom0(doc, firstTime: true); } }
public Entity(Vector2 position, int maxHealth) { airTime = new ATimer(); airTime.Interval = 100f; airTime.TimerType = ATimerType.MilliSeconds; airTime.Stop(); startPosition = Vector2.Zero; DrawColor = Color.White; CollisionRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); Health = new GameAttribute(0, maxHealth); Position = position; Friction = 0.2f; HasGravity = true; HasWorldCollision = true; }
/// <summary> /// Starts or stops capturing. /// Does nothing if already in that state. /// </summary> public void StartStop(bool start) { if (start == Capturing) { return; } var wForm = (AWnd)_form; if (start) { //let other forms stop capturing wForm.Prop.Set(c_propName, 1); AWnd.Find(null, "WindowsForms*", also: o => { if (o != wForm && o.Prop[c_propName] == 1) { o.Send(c_stopMessage); } return(false); }); if (!Api.RegisterHotKey(wForm, 1, 0, KKey.F3)) { ADialog.ShowError("Failed to register hotkey F3", owner: _form); return; } Capturing = true; //set timer that shows AO rect if (_timer == null) { _osr = TUtil.CreateOsdRect(); _timer = new ATimer(t => { //Don't capture too frequently. // Eg if the callback is very slow. Or if multiple timer messages are received without time interval (possible in some conditions). long t1 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds, t2 = t1 - _prevTime; _prevTime = t1; if (t2 < 100) { return; } //show rect of UI object from mouse AWnd w = AWnd.FromMouse(WXYFlags.NeedWindow); RECT?r = default; if (!(w.Is0 || w == wForm || w.OwnerWindow == wForm)) { r = _cbGetRect(); } if (r.HasValue) { var rr = r.GetValueOrDefault(); rr.Inflate(2, 2); //2 pixels inside, 2 outside _osr.Rect = rr; _osr.Show(); } else { _osr.Visible = false; } }); } _timer.Every(250); } else { Capturing = false; Api.UnregisterHotKey(wForm, 1); wForm.Prop.Remove(c_propName); _timer.Stop(); _osr.Hide(); } }
private void StopAnimation(string status) { ATimer.Stop(); StatusTxt.Text = status; }
public override void MouseDoubleClick(TreeNodeAdvMouseEventArgs args) { _editFlag = false; _timer?.Stop(); }