Пример #1
    public void ConnectRoom(AP_Room r)
        Vector2 connectDir = r.GetUnitPos() - GetUnitPos();

        if (connectDir.magnitude != 1)
            print("Rooms not orthogonally adjacent, connect failed");
Пример #2
 AP_Room ExpandRoom()
     if (ExpandingDoors.Count > 0)
         Door nextDoor = ExpandingDoors[0];                                                   // get most recent door from expanding doors list
         ExpandingDoors.RemoveAt(0);                                                          // removing door from list makes sure it's not used again
         AP_Room newRoom    = CreateRoom(nextDoor.newPos);                                    // place room based on door retrieved
         AP_Room originRoom = GetRoomAtPos(nextDoor.origin);                                  // get origin of nextDoor, then find that origin room in dungeon rooms
         originRoom.ConnectRoom(newRoom);                                                     // join both rooms with a door edge
         print("NO DOORS TO EXPAND FROM");
Пример #3
    void BuildBigRoom(bool isEndRoom)
        Vector2 origin = DungeonRooms[DungeonRooms.Count - 1].GetUnitPos();             // get unit position of last room in dungeon room list to know the previous room to big room

        Vector2[] dirs             = GetRandomDirections();
        Vector2[] sectionOffsets   = { Vector2.zero, Vector2.right, new Vector2(1, 1), Vector2.up };    // offsets of four rooms composing the big room with 0,0 as the bottom left room section
        Vector2[] sectionPositions = new Vector2[4];
        bool      isValid          = true;
        int       curDirIndex      = 0;
        int       offset           = 0;                     // stores random offset of big room from origin room

        offset = (Random.value > 0.5) ? 0 : -1;             // for now as big rooms are 2x2, either no offset, or -1 offset are possible
        int attempts = 0;                                   // used to track attempt iterations to place big room, to use both possible offsets

            isValid = true;
            Vector2 curDir = dirs[curDirIndex];

            if (dirs[curDirIndex] == mNorth)
                sectionPositions[0] = origin + curDir + new Vector2(offset, 0);
            else if (dirs[curDirIndex] == mEast)
                sectionPositions[0] = origin + curDir + new Vector2(0, offset);
            else if (dirs[curDirIndex] == mSouth)
                sectionPositions[0] = origin + curDir + new Vector2(offset, -1);
            else             // dir[curDirIndex] must equal mWest
                sectionPositions[0] = origin + curDir + new Vector2(-1, offset);
            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)                                                     // using 0,0 as bottom left, setup other section positions
                sectionPositions[i] = sectionPositions[0] + sectionOffsets[i];
            // iterate through vector2 array. if all positions are free space, continue
            for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++)
                if (!isSpaceAvailable(sectionPositions[r]))
                    isValid = false;
                    if (attempts == 0)                                                              // swap the offset and try again
                        curDirIndex = 0;
                        attempts    = 1;
                        offset      = (offset == 0) ? -1 : 0;
        } while (!isValid && curDirIndex < 4);                                           // repeat trying different positioning of big room until valid position is found

        if (curDirIndex > 3)                                                             //reload level if big room fails to generate in current conditions

            //            Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevelName);
            print("RELOAD LEVEL " + ((isEndRoom) ? "END ROOM" : "MID ROOM") + " FAILED");
//			do {
//			} while(Application.isLoadingLevel);

            return;             // return from this function so no other lines in this function run, this should theoretically be unnecessary?

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)                                                 // iterate through array again, generating a room at each chosen unit position
            AP_Room r = CreateRoom(sectionPositions[i]);
            r.SetRoomType(((isEndRoom) ? AP_Room.RoomType.end : AP_Room.RoomType.mid));
            // consider expanding rooms of big room using add door to end, to enable potential branching from big room
        // merge the four created rooms

        AP_Room[] otherRooms = new AP_Room[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            otherRooms [i] = GetRoomAtPos(sectionPositions [i + 1]);
        GetRoomAtPos(sectionPositions [0]).MergeRoom(otherRooms);
        //GetRoomAtPos (sectionPositions [0]).MergeRoom (	GetRoomAtPos (sectionPositions [1]),
        //												GetRoomAtPos (sectionPositions [2]),
        //												GetRoomAtPos (sectionPositions [3]));

         * GetRoomAtPos(sectionPositions[0]).MergeRoom(GetRoomAtPos(sectionPositions[3]));
         * GetRoomAtPos(sectionPositions[2]).MergeRoom(GetRoomAtPos(sectionPositions[1]));
         * GetRoomAtPos(sectionPositions[2]).MergeRoom(GetRoomAtPos(sectionPositions[3]));
        AP_Room entryRoom   = GetRoomAtPos(origin);
        AP_Room midRoomNode = GetRoomAtPos(origin + dirs[curDirIndex]);

        entryRoom.ConnectRoom(midRoomNode);                                                                             // connect this big room with the last main path room generated

        if (!isEndRoom)
            // choose a valid direction and room for the main path to continue on from
            int entryDoor = 0;
            int exitDoor  = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (Vector2.Distance(origin, sectionPositions[i]) == 1)
                    entryDoor = i;
            exitDoor = (entryDoor + 2 > 3) ? (entryDoor + 1) % 3 : entryDoor + 2;
            //            print("entry door = " + entryDoor + "   exit door = " + exitDoor);
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (i != exitDoor)