Пример #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void UpdateLadder()
        m_heroBoxComputed = false;

        // prevent any crash
        if (m_player == null || m_motor == null)

        // Handle dynamic of controlled hero
        if (m_isControlling)
            Settings oSettings = GetSettings();

            // update default jump dir
            float fX = m_player.m_inputs.m_axisX.GetRawValue();
            if (fX > 0f)
                m_defaultExitDir = true;
            else if (fX < 0f)
                m_defaultExitDir = false;

            // handle jump exit first
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_player.m_jump.m_button))
                bool bJump = Input.GetButton(m_player.m_jump.m_button);
                m_releaseJump |= !bJump;

                if (m_releaseJump && bJump && GetSettings().m_canJump)

            // update velocity
            m_motor.m_velocity.x = 0f;
            m_motor.m_velocity.y = APInput.Update(m_motor.m_velocity.y, oSettings.m_maxSpeed * m_player.m_inputs.m_axisY.GetRawValue(), true, oSettings.m_acceleration, oSettings.m_deceleration, Time.deltaTime);

            // Handle exit and move
            if (m_timeForNextCatch > 0f)
                m_timeForNextCatch -= Time.deltaTime;

Пример #2
    void HandleHorizontalMove()
        m_sliding = false;
        float maxSpeed = ComputeMaxSpeed();

        // compute horizontal velocity from input
        float fMoveDir = m_inputs.m_axisX.GetRawValue() != 0f ? Mathf.Sign(m_inputs.m_axisX.GetRawValue()) : (m_motor.FaceRight ? 1f : -1f);

        // compute slope factor
        m_speedFactor = 1f;
        if (m_onGround)
            float fGroundAngle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Acos(m_motor.GetGroundNormal().y);
            fGroundAngle  = fMoveDir != Mathf.Sign(m_motor.GetGroundNormal().x) ? fGroundAngle : -fGroundAngle;
            m_speedFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(m_basic.m_slopeSpeedMultiplier.Evaluate(fGroundAngle));

        // Compute move direction
        Vector2 hrzMoveDir    = new Vector2(fMoveDir, 0f);
        float   absAxisX      = Mathf.Abs(m_inputs.m_axisX.GetRawValue());
        float   hrzMoveLength = absAxisX * maxSpeed * m_speedFactor;

        // align this velocity on ground plane if we touch the ground
        bool bCrouched  = IsCrouched();
        bool bAttacking = IsAttacking();

        if (m_onGround)
            float fDot = Vector2.Dot(hrzMoveDir, m_motor.GetGroundNormal());
            if (Mathf.Abs(fDot) > float.Epsilon)
                Vector3 perpAxis = Vector3.Cross(hrzMoveDir, m_motor.GetGroundNormal());
                hrzMoveDir = Vector3.Cross(m_motor.GetGroundNormal(), perpAxis);

            // cancel input if needed
            if (bCrouched || bAttacking)
                hrzMoveLength = 0f;

        // handle dynamic
        if (m_onGround)
            float fDynFriction, fStaticFriction;
            ComputeFrictions(out fDynFriction, out fStaticFriction);

            // update sliding status
            if (fDynFriction < 1f)
                m_sliding = true;

            float fVelOnMove = Vector2.Dot(m_motor.m_velocity, hrzMoveDir);
            float fDirLength = fVelOnMove;
            if (m_sliding)
                // dynamic is different while sliding
                if (!bCrouched && !bAttacking && absAxisX > 0f)
                    float fDiffMax = maxSpeed - fVelOnMove;
                    if (fDiffMax > 0f)
                        fDirLength = fVelOnMove + Mathf.Min(fDiffMax, absAxisX * fDynFriction * Time.deltaTime * 20f);
                    fDirLength = ApplyDamping(fVelOnMove, fStaticFriction);
                // raise deceleration for crouched/attack
                float fDecel = (bCrouched || bAttacking) ? m_basic.m_deceleration * 2f : m_basic.m_deceleration;
                fDirLength = APInput.Update(fVelOnMove, hrzMoveLength, true, m_basic.m_acceleration, fDecel, Time.deltaTime);

            ClampValueWithDamping(ref fDirLength, m_maxAirVelDamping, -maxSpeed, maxSpeed);
            m_motor.m_velocity = hrzMoveDir * (fDirLength);
            m_groundSpeed      = Mathf.Abs(fDirLength);
            // in air dynamic
            float fVelOnMove = Vector2.Dot(m_motor.m_velocity, hrzMoveDir);
            float fDiffVel   = (hrzMoveLength - fVelOnMove);
            float fMaxAccel  = m_basic.m_airPower * Time.deltaTime;
            fDiffVel = Mathf.Clamp(fDiffVel, -fMaxAccel, fMaxAccel);

            m_motor.m_velocity += hrzMoveDir * fDiffVel;
            ClampValueWithDamping(ref m_motor.m_velocity.x, m_maxAirVelDamping, -m_basic.m_maxAirSpeed, m_basic.m_maxAirSpeed);
            ClampValueWithDamping(ref m_motor.m_velocity.y, m_maxAirVelDamping, -m_basic.m_maxFallSpeed, m_basic.m_maxFallSpeed);
            m_groundSpeed = 0f;