Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set GraphicDevice display and rendering BasicEffect effect.
        /// Create SpriteBatch, font, and font positions.
        /// Creates the traceViewport to display information and the sceneViewport
        /// to render the environment.
        /// Create and add all DrawableGameComponents and Cameras.
        /// First, add all required contest:  Inspector, Cameras, Terrain, Agents
        /// Second, add all optional (scene specific) content
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            display = graphics.GraphicsDevice;
            effect  = new BasicEffect(display);
            // Set up Inspector display
            spriteBatch   = new SpriteBatch(display);                   // Create a new SpriteBatch
            inspectorFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont> ("Consolas");     // Windows XNA && MonoGames
            // set window size
            if (runFullScreen)
                graphics.IsFullScreen              = true;
                graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth  = GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Width;
                graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Height;
            else               // run with window values
                graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth  = windowWidth;
                graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = windowHeight;
            // viewports
            defaultViewport          = GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
            inspectorViewport        = defaultViewport;
            sceneViewport            = defaultViewport;
            inspectorViewport.Height = InfoPaneSize * inspectorFont.LineSpacing;
            inspectorProjection      = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fov,
                                                                           inspectorViewport.Width / inspectorViewport.Height, hither, yon);
            sceneViewport.Height = defaultViewport.Height - inspectorViewport.Height;
            sceneViewport.Y      = inspectorViewport.Height;
            sceneProjection      = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fov,
                                                                       sceneViewport.Width / sceneViewport.Height, hither, yon);
            // create Inspector display
            Texture2D inspectorBackground = Content.Load <Texture2D>("inspectorBackground");

            inspector = new Inspector(display, inspectorViewport, inspectorFont, Color.Black, inspectorBackground);
            // create information display strings
            // help strings
            inspector.setInfo(0, "Academic Graphics MonoGames 3.6 Starter Kit for CSUN Comp 565 assignments.");
            inspector.setInfo(1, "Press keyboard for input (not case sensitive 'H' || 'h')   'Esc' to quit");
            inspector.setInfo(2, "Inspector toggles:  'H' help or info   'M'  matrix or info   'I'  displays next info pane     'A'  Treasure info.");
            inspector.setInfo(3, "Arrow keys move the player in, out, left, or right.  'R' resets player to initial orientation.");
            inspector.setInfo(4, "Stage toggles:  'B' bounding spheres, 'C' || 'X' cameras, 'T' fixed updates");
            // initialize empty info strings
            for (int i = 5; i < 20; i++)
                inspector.setInfo(i, "  ");
            // set blending for bounding sphere drawing
            blending = new BlendState();
            blending.ColorSourceBlend      = Blend.SourceAlpha;
            blending.ColorDestinationBlend = Blend.InverseSourceAlpha;
            blending.ColorBlendFunction    = BlendFunction.Add;
            notBlending = new BlendState();
            notBlending = display.BlendState;
            // Create and add stage components
            // You must have a TopDownCamera, BoundingSphere3D, WayPoint3D, Terrain, and Agents (player, npAgent) in your stage!
            // Place objects at a position, provide rotation axis and rotation radians.
            // All location vectors are specified relative to the center of the stage.
            // Create a top-down "Whole stage" camera view, make it first camera in collection.
            topDownCamera = new Camera(this, Camera.CameraEnum.TopDownCamera);
            boundingSphere3D = Content.Load <Model>("boundingSphereV8");
            wayPoint3D       = Content.Load <Model>("100x50x100Marker"); // model for navigation node display
            // Create required entities:
            collidable = new List <Object3D>();                          // collection of objects to test for collisions
            terrain    = new Terrain(this, "terrain", "heightTexture", "colorTexture");
            // Load Agent mesh objects, meshes do not have textures
            player = new Player(this, "Chaser",
                                new Vector3(510 * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(510, 507), 507 * spacing),
                                                                             //new Vector3(75502, 60, 75441),
                                new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.78f, "redAvatarV6"); // face looking diagonally across stage
            //new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.78f, "jiggy");
            player.IsCollidable = true;                                      // test collisions for player
            npAgent = new NPAgent(this, "Evader",
                                  new Vector3(490 * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(490, 450), 450 * spacing),
                                                                     //new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.0f, "magentaAvatarV6");  // facing +Z
                                  new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.0f, "bb"); // Changed the NPAgent to use a custom mesh*************************************************
            npAgent.IsCollidable = true;                             // npAgent does not test for collisions
            // create file output stream for trace()
            fout  = new StreamWriter("trace.txt", false);
            Trace = string.Format("{0} trace output from AGMGSKv8", DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"));
            //  ------ The wall and pack are required for Comp 565 projects, but not AGMGSK	---------
            // create walls for navigation algorithms
            Wall wall = new Wall(this, "wall", "100x100x100Brick");

            // create a pack for "flocking" algorithms
            // create a Pack of 6 dogs centered at (450, 500) that is leaderless
            pack = new Pack(this, "dog", "dogV6", 15, 450, 430, player.AgentObject);
            // ----------- OPTIONAL CONTENT HERE -----------------------
            // Load content for your project here

            // Load in 4 treasures placed around the map ********************************************************
            treasure1 = new AGProject1.Treasure(this, "t1");
            treasure1.addObject(new Vector3(496 * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(496, 500), 500 * spacing), 0);

            treasure2 = new AGProject1.Treasure(this, "t2");
            treasure2.addObject(new Vector3(447 * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(447, 453), 453 * spacing), 0);

            treasure3 = new AGProject1.Treasure(this, "t3");
            treasure3.addObject(new Vector3(100 * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(100, 100), 100 * spacing), 0);

            treasure4 = new AGProject1.Treasure(this, "t4");
            treasure4.addObject(new Vector3(200 * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(200, 400), 400 * spacing), 0);

            // create a temple
            Model3D m3d = new Model3D(this, "temple", "templeV3");

            m3d.IsCollidable = true;                    // must be set before addObject(...) and Model3D doesn't set it
            m3d.addObject(new Vector3(340 * spacing, terrain.surfaceHeight(340, 340), 340 * spacing),
                          new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.79f); // , new Vector3(1, 4, 1));
            // create 10 clouds
            Cloud cloud = new Cloud(this, "cloud", "cloudV3", 10);

            // Set initial camera and projection matrix
            setCamera(1);              // select the "whole stage" camera
            // Describe the scene created
            Trace = string.Format("scene created:");
            Trace = string.Format("\t {0,4:d} components", Components.Count);
            Trace = string.Format("\t {0,4:d} collidable objects", Collidable.Count);
            Trace = string.Format("\t {0,4:d} cameras", camera.Count);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple path following.  If within "snap distance" of a the nextGoal (a NavNode)
        /// move to the NavNode, get a new nextGoal, turnToFace() that goal.  Otherwise
        /// continue making steps towards the nextGoal.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // If the NPAgent should begin searching for a treasure
            if (!AGProject1.CustomItems.NPSeekingTreasure)
                // find closest non-activated treasure
                // get distances to each treasure
                float t1distance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(this.agentObject.Translation.X, this.agentObject.Translation.Z), new Vector2(AGProject1.CustomItems.TREASURE_ONE_LOCATION[0] * stage.Spacing, AGProject1.CustomItems.TREASURE_ONE_LOCATION[1] * stage.Spacing));
                float t2distance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(this.agentObject.Translation.X, this.agentObject.Translation.Z), new Vector2(AGProject1.CustomItems.TREASURE_TWO_LOCATION[0] * stage.Spacing, AGProject1.CustomItems.TREASURE_TWO_LOCATION[1] * stage.Spacing));
                float t3distance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(this.agentObject.Translation.X, this.agentObject.Translation.Z), new Vector2(AGProject1.CustomItems.TREASURE_THREE_LOCATION[0] * stage.Spacing, AGProject1.CustomItems.TREASURE_THREE_LOCATION[1] * stage.Spacing));
                float t4distance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(this.agentObject.Translation.X, this.agentObject.Translation.Z), new Vector2(AGProject1.CustomItems.TREASURE_FOUR_LOCATION[0] * stage.Spacing, AGProject1.CustomItems.TREASURE_FOUR_LOCATION[1] * stage.Spacing));

                // put distances into an array, then sort
                Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>   tup1dist  = new Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>(t1distance, stage.treasure1);
                Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>   tup2dist  = new Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>(t2distance, stage.treasure2);
                Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>   tup3dist  = new Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>(t3distance, stage.treasure3);
                Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>   tup4dist  = new Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>(t4distance, stage.treasure4);
                Tuple <float, AGProject1.Treasure>[] distances = { tup1dist, tup2dist, tup3dist, tup4dist };
                Array.Sort(distances, new AGProject1.TreasureTupleComparer());
                Console.WriteLine("" + distances[0].Item1 + ":" + distances[0].Item2.Name + " " + distances[1].Item1 + ":" + distances[1].Item2.Name + " " + distances[2].Item1 + ":" + distances[2].Item2.Name + " " + distances[3].Item1 + ":" + distances[3].Item2.Name);

                // set next target to treasure
                if (!distances[0].Item2.Activated() && (AGProject1.CustomItems.TreasureMode || distances[0].Item1 <= AGProject1.CustomItems.SEARCH_DISTANCE))
                    nextGoal     = new NavNode(new Vector3(distances[0].Item2.Object.Translation.X, 0, distances[0].Item2.Object.Translation.Z));
                    treasureGoal = distances[0].Item2;
                    AGProject1.CustomItems.NPSeekingTreasure = true;
                else if (!distances[1].Item2.Activated() && (AGProject1.CustomItems.TreasureMode || distances[1].Item1 <= AGProject1.CustomItems.SEARCH_DISTANCE))
                    nextGoal     = new NavNode(new Vector3(distances[1].Item2.Object.Translation.X, 0, distances[1].Item2.Object.Translation.Z));
                    treasureGoal = distances[1].Item2;
                    AGProject1.CustomItems.NPSeekingTreasure = true;
                else if (!distances[2].Item2.Activated() && (AGProject1.CustomItems.TreasureMode || distances[2].Item1 <= AGProject1.CustomItems.SEARCH_DISTANCE))
                    nextGoal     = new NavNode(new Vector3(distances[2].Item2.Object.Translation.X, 0, distances[2].Item2.Object.Translation.Z));
                    treasureGoal = distances[2].Item2;
                    AGProject1.CustomItems.NPSeekingTreasure = true;
                else if (!distances[3].Item2.Activated() && (AGProject1.CustomItems.TreasureMode || distances[3].Item1 <= AGProject1.CustomItems.SEARCH_DISTANCE))
                    nextGoal     = new NavNode(new Vector3(distances[3].Item2.Object.Translation.X, 0, distances[3].Item2.Object.Translation.Z));
                    treasureGoal = distances[3].Item2;
                    AGProject1.CustomItems.NPSeekingTreasure = true;
            agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);              // adjust to face nextGoal every move
            // agentObject.turnTowards(nextGoal.Translation);
            // See if at or close to nextGoal, distance measured in 2D xz plane
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(
                new Vector3(nextGoal.Translation.X, 0, nextGoal.Translation.Z),
                new Vector3(agentObject.Translation.X, 0, agentObject.Translation.Z));

            stage.setInfo(15, stage.agentLocation(this));
                          string.Format("        nextGoal ({0:f0}, {1:f0}, {2:f0})  distance to next goal = {3,5:f2})",
                                        nextGoal.Translation.X / stage.Spacing, nextGoal.Translation.Y, nextGoal.Translation.Z / stage.Spacing, distance));
            if (distance <= snapDistance)
                // If the NPAgent finished searching for a treasure
                if (AGProject1.CustomItems.NPSeekingTreasure)
                    // Set the treasure to active.
                    AGProject1.CustomItems.NPCNumTreasuresLeft = AGProject1.CustomItems.NPCNumTreasuresLeft + 1;
                    AGProject1.CustomItems.NumTreasuresLeft    = AGProject1.CustomItems.NumTreasuresLeft - 1;
                    AGProject1.CustomItems.NPSeekingTreasure   = false;
                    AGProject1.CustomItems.TreasureMode        = false;
                    // Resume moving to the last active waypoint.
                    nextGoal = new NavNode(backupNextGoal.Translation);
                // else, the agent finished moving to the next node in its path.
                    // snap to nextGoal and orient toward the new nextGoal
                    nextGoal       = path.NextNode;
                    backupNextGoal = new NavNode(nextGoal.Translation);
                    // agentObject.turnToFace(nextGoal.Translation);
            base.Update(gameTime);              // Agent's Update();