Пример #1
        public void Run()
            PISystems piSystems = new PISystems();
            PISystem  piSystem  = piSystems["<AFSERVER>"];

            AFDatabase afDatabase = piSystem.Databases["NuGreen"];

            const int pageSize   = 1000;
            int       startIndex = 0;
            int       totalCount;

                // Find a collection of elements instantiated from the Boiler tempplate.
                // Only the Elements' header information (Name, Description, Template, Type, etc.)
                // are loaded from the AF Server by this call.
                AFNamedCollection <AFElement> elements = AFElement.FindElements(
                    database: afDatabase,
                    searchRoot: null,
                    query: "Boiler",
                    field: AFSearchField.Template,
                    searchFullHierarchy: true,
                    sortField: AFSortField.Name,
                    sortOrder: AFSortOrder.Ascending,
                    startIndex: startIndex,
                    maxCount: pageSize,
                    totalCount: out totalCount);
                if (elements == null)

                // This call goes to the AF Server to fully load the found elements in one call,
                // so further AF Server calls can be avoided.

                // Now we can use the elements without having to make any additional server calls.
                // In the example below, accessing the Attributes collection would have
                // caused an additional call per element if we had not called LoadElements previously.
                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} Elements.", elements.Count);
                foreach (AFElement item in elements)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Element {0} has {1} Attributes", item.Name, item.Attributes.Count);

                startIndex += pageSize;
            } while (startIndex < totalCount);
Пример #2
        public void Run()
            PISystems piSystems = new PISystems();
            PISystem  piSystem  = piSystems["<AFSERVER>"];

            AFDatabase afDatabase = piSystem.Databases["NuGreen"];

            const int pageSize   = 1000;
            int       startIndex = 0;
            int       totalCount;

                // Find a collection of elements instantiated from the Boiler tempplate.
                // Only the Elements' header information (Name, Description, Template, Type, etc.)
                // are loaded from the AF Server by this call.
                AFNamedCollection <AFElement> elements = AFElement.FindElements(
                    database: afDatabase,
                    searchRoot: null,
                    query: "Boiler",
                    field: AFSearchField.Template,
                    searchFullHierarchy: true,
                    sortField: AFSortField.Name,
                    sortOrder: AFSortOrder.Ascending,
                    startIndex: startIndex,
                    maxCount: pageSize,
                    totalCount: out totalCount);
                if (elements == null)

                // Because we are just retrieving the element's name, no additional calls
                // to the AF Server are made.
                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} Elements.", elements.Count);
                foreach (AFElement item in elements)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Element name is {0}.", item.Name);

                startIndex += pageSize;
            } while (startIndex < totalCount);
        public void Run()
            PISystems piSystems = new PISystems();
            PISystem  piSystem  = piSystems["<AFSERVER>"];

            AFDatabase afDatabase = piSystem.Databases["NuGreen"];

            AFElementTemplate boilerTemplate = afDatabase.ElementTemplates["Boiler"];

            const int pageSize   = 1000;
            int       startIndex = 0;
            int       totalCount;

                // Find a collection of elements instantiated from the Boiler tempplate.
                // Only the Elements' header information (Name, Description, Template, Type, etc.)
                // are loaded from the AF Server by this call.
                AFNamedCollection <AFElement> elements = AFElement.FindElements(
                    database: afDatabase,
                    searchRoot: null,
                    query: "Boiler",
                    field: AFSearchField.Template,
                    searchFullHierarchy: true,
                    sortField: AFSortField.Name,
                    sortOrder: AFSortOrder.Ascending,
                    startIndex: startIndex,
                    maxCount: pageSize,
                    totalCount: out totalCount);
                if (elements == null)

                // Partially load the element by retrieving information only for the Water Flow attribute.
                AFElement.LoadAttributes(elements, new[] { boilerTemplate.AttributeTemplates["Water Flow"] });

                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} Elements.", elements.Count);

                AFAttributeList attrList = new AFAttributeList();

                // Because we are retrieving the Water Flow attribute which was previously loaded,
                // no additional server calls are made.
                // If LoadAttributes had not been called previously, then a server call would have been made for each element
                // in the loop below.
                foreach (AFElement item in elements)
                    attrList.Add(item.Attributes["Water Flow"]);

                AFValues values = attrList.GetValue();

                Console.WriteLine("  Water Flow values");
                foreach (AFValue val in values)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Element: {0}, Timestamp: {1}, Value: {2}",
                                      val.Attribute.Element, val.Timestamp, val.Value.ToString());

                startIndex += pageSize;
            } while (startIndex < totalCount);
        private static OSIsoft.AF.Search.AFEventFrameSearch searchToCriteria(OSIsoft.AF.UI.PropertyPage.EventFrameSearchPage page)

            AFDatabase db            = page.Database;
            string     start         = page.EventFrameCriteria.StartTime;
            string     end           = page.EventFrameCriteria.EndTime;
            string     AFstart       = page.EventFrameCriteria.AFStartTimeString;
            bool       inProgress    = page.EventFrameCriteria.InProgress;
            string     LastFullSeach = page.EventFrameCriteria.LastFullSearchString;

            LastFullSeach = LastFullSeach.Replace(@"\", "").Replace("\'", "'");
            OSIsoft.AF.Search.AFEventFrameSearch timelessTerms = new OSIsoft.AF.Search.AFEventFrameSearch(db, "notime", LastFullSeach);
            List <AFSearchToken> tokens = timelessTerms.Tokens.ToList();

            switch (page.EventFrameCriteria.SearchType)
            case OSIsoft.AF.UI.Search.AFBaseEventFrameCriteria.EventFrameSearchType.ActiveBetween:
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.Start, AFSearchOperator.LessThanOrEqual, end));
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.End, AFSearchOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, start));

            case OSIsoft.AF.UI.Search.AFBaseEventFrameCriteria.EventFrameSearchType.EndingAfter:
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.End, AFSearchOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, AFstart));

            case OSIsoft.AF.UI.Search.AFBaseEventFrameCriteria.EventFrameSearchType.EndingBefore:
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.End, AFSearchOperator.LessThanOrEqual, AFstart));

            case OSIsoft.AF.UI.Search.AFBaseEventFrameCriteria.EventFrameSearchType.EndingBetween:
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.End, AFSearchOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, start));
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.End, AFSearchOperator.LessThanOrEqual, end));

            case OSIsoft.AF.UI.Search.AFBaseEventFrameCriteria.EventFrameSearchType.EntirelyBetween:
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.Start, AFSearchOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, start));
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.End, AFSearchOperator.LessThanOrEqual, end));

            case OSIsoft.AF.UI.Search.AFBaseEventFrameCriteria.EventFrameSearchType.StartingAfter:
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.Start, AFSearchOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, AFstart));
                if (inProgress)
                    tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.InProgress, AFSearchOperator.Equal, "true"));

            case OSIsoft.AF.UI.Search.AFBaseEventFrameCriteria.EventFrameSearchType.StartingBefore:
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.Start, AFSearchOperator.LessThanOrEqual, AFstart));
                if (inProgress)
                    tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.InProgress, AFSearchOperator.Equal, "true"));

            case OSIsoft.AF.UI.Search.AFBaseEventFrameCriteria.EventFrameSearchType.StartingBetween:
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.Start, AFSearchOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, start));
                tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.Start, AFSearchOperator.LessThanOrEqual, end));
                if (inProgress)
                    tokens.Add(new AFSearchToken(AFSearchFilter.InProgress, AFSearchOperator.Equal, "true"));

            OSIsoft.AF.Search.AFEventFrameSearch criteria = new OSIsoft.AF.Search.AFEventFrameSearch(db, "search", tokens);

            AFNamedCollection <AFEventFrame> UIFrames = page.EventFrames;

            IEnumerable <AFEventFrame> AFSDKframes = criteria.FindEventFrames();

                int count = AFSDKframes.Count() > 1000 ? 1000 : AFSDKframes.Count();
                if (UIFrames.Count != count)
                    MessageBox.Show("They UI and AFKSDK frames report different variables", "Count error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
            catch (System.FormatException e)
                // Bad event frame search formatting for AFSDK UI.