public void performAES192(string text) { Aes myAes = Aes.Create(); myAes.KeySize = 192; // Encrypt the string to an array of bytes. encrypted = AES_Class.EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(text, myAes.Key, myAes.IV); // Decrypt the bytes to a string. roundtrip = AES_Class.DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(encrypted, myAes.Key, myAes.IV); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); Console.WriteLine("Enter a text to encrypt"); string text = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(text); AES_Class AES_Object = new AES_Class(); stopwatch.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { AES_Object.performAES128(text); } stopwatch.Stop(); var elapsed = stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch2 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch2.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { AES_Object.performAES192(text); } stopwatch2.Stop(); var elapsed1 = stopwatch2.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch3 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch3.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { AES_Object.performAES256(text); } stopwatch3.Stop(); var elapsed2 = stopwatch3.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch4 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch4.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { AES_Object.performAESCTS(text); } stopwatch4.Stop(); var elapsedCTS = stopwatch4.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch5 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch5.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { AES_Object.performAES256CBC(text); } stopwatch5.Stop(); var elapsedCBC = stopwatch5.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch6 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch6.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { AES_Object.performAES256ECB(text); } stopwatch6.Stop(); var elapsedECB = stopwatch6.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch7 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch7.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { AES_Object.performAES256OFB(text); } stopwatch7.Stop(); var elapsedOFB = stopwatch7.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch8 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch8.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { Alice.performEllipticCurveDH(text); } stopwatch8.Stop(); var elapsedECDH = stopwatch8.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch9 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch9.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { RSA_Class.performRSAMethod(text); } stopwatch9.Stop(); var elapsedRSA = stopwatch9.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch10 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch10.Start(); DES_Class DES_Object = new DES_Class(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { DES_Object.performDES(text); } stopwatch10.Stop(); var elapsedDES = stopwatch10.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch11 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch11.Start(); //for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) //{ // Triple_DES.performTripleDES_FILES(text); //} stopwatch11.Stop(); var elapsed3DES_FILES = stopwatch11.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch12 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch12.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { Triple_DES.performTripleDES_MEMORY(text); } stopwatch12.Stop(); var elapsed3DES_MEMORY = stopwatch12.Elapsed.Milliseconds; var stopwatch13 = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch13.Start(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performChaChaEncryption(text); } stopwatch13.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatChacha = stopwatch13.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performPoly1305MAC(text); } stopwatch.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatPoly1305 = stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch2.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.perform3DES(text); } stopwatch2.Stop(); var elapsedChilkat3DES = stopwatch2.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch3.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performAESGCM(text); } stopwatch3.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatAESGSM = stopwatch3.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch4.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performARC4(text); } stopwatch4.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatARC4 = stopwatch4.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch5.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performBlowfish2(text); } stopwatch5.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatBlowfish = stopwatch5.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch6.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performTwoFish(text); } stopwatch6.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatTwoFish = stopwatch6.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch7.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performDeffieHelman(text); } stopwatch7.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatDeffieHelman = stopwatch7.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch8.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performRSA(text); } stopwatch8.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatRSA = stopwatch8.Elapsed.Milliseconds; stopwatch9.Restart(); for (int r = 0; r <= 100; r++) { ChilkatLibraryMethods.performRSA(text); } stopwatch9.Stop(); var elapsedChilkatECCSharedSECret = stopwatch9.Elapsed.Milliseconds; Console.WriteLine("AES 128 bit took {0} milliseconds", elapsed); Console.WriteLine("AES 192 bit took {0} milliseconds", elapsed1); Console.WriteLine("AES 256 bit took {0} milliseconds", elapsed2); Console.WriteLine("AES CFB mode took {0} milliseconds", elapsedCTS); Console.WriteLine("AES CBC mode took {0} milliseconds", elapsedCBC); Console.WriteLine("AES ECB mode took {0} milliseconds", elapsedECB); Console.WriteLine("AES OFB mode took {0} milliseconds", elapsedOFB); Console.WriteLine("Elleptic Curve Deffi Hellman took {0} milliseconds", elapsedECDH); Console.WriteLine("RSA Method took {0} milliseconds", elapsedRSA); Console.WriteLine("DES Method took {0} milliseconds", elapsedDES); //Console.WriteLine("Triple DES to files took {0} milliseconds", elapsed3DES_FILES); Console.WriteLine("Triple DES to memory took {0} milliseconds", elapsed3DES_MEMORY); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat Chacha20 {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatChacha); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat poly1305 {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatPoly1305); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat 3-DES {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkat3DES); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat AES GCM {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatAESGSM); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat ARC4 took {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatARC4); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat BlowFish took {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatBlowfish); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat TwoFish took {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatTwoFish); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat Deffie Hellman took {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatDeffieHelman); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat RSA took {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatRSA); Console.WriteLine("Chilkat ECC Shared Secret took {0} milliseconds", elapsedChilkatECCSharedSECret); Console.ReadKey(); }