public void Dencrypt() { try { string plain = "Plain TextABCDEF"; string k1 = "0123456789ABCDEF"; string k2 = "io.github.odys-z"; byte[] iv64 = AESHelper.getRandom(); string iv = AESHelper.Encode64(iv64); string cypher = AESHelper.Encrypt(plain, k1, iv64); string[] cypherss = AESHelper.Dencrypt(cypher, k1, iv, k2); Assert.AreEqual(plain, AESHelper.Decrypt(cypherss[0], k2, AESHelper.Decode64(cypherss[1]))); Debug.WriteLine("Check this at server side:"); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Cypher:\n{0}", cypherss[0])); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Key:\n{0},\nIV:\n{1}", k2, cypherss[1])); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Expacting:\n{0}", plain)); plain = "Слава Україні"; cypher = AESHelper.Encrypt(plain, k1, iv64); cypherss = AESHelper.Dencrypt(cypher, k1, iv, k2); Assert.AreEqual(plain, AESHelper.Decrypt(cypherss[0], k2, AESHelper.Decode64(cypherss[1]))); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Assert.Fail(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Upload files to "a_attaches" table. Before files been saved, all files attached to /// the recid will been deleted. (This is supported by the semantic-DA samantics configuration) /// <p><b>FIXME:</b></p> /// this method used 2 round of memory copy, should implemented in stream style /// </summary> /// <param name="files"></param> /// <param name="busiTbl">business table to which file is attached, e.g. "a_users"</param> /// <param name="recid">business record Id to which file is owned, e.g. "admin"</param> public void AttachFiles(List <string> files, string busiTbl, string recid, Action <MsgCode, AnsonResp> onOk = null, Action <MsgCode, AnsonResp> onErr = null) { AnsonMsg jmsg = Delete(null, "a_attaches"); AnUpdateReq del = (AnUpdateReq)jmsg.Body(0); del.WhereEq("busiTbl", busiTbl) .WhereEq("busiId", recid); foreach (string file in files) { byte[] f = File.ReadAllBytes(file); string fn = Path.GetFileName(file); string b64 = AESHelper.Encode64(f); del.Post(AnInsertReq .formatInsertReq(null, null, "a_attaches") .Cols("attName", "busiId", "busiTbl", "uri") .Nv("attName", fn) .Nv("busiId", recid) .Nv("busiTbl", busiTbl) .Nv("uri", b64)); } jmsg.Header(Header()); Console(jmsg); Commit(jmsg, (code, data) => { if (MsgCode.ok == code.code) { if (onOk != null) { onOk(code, (AnsonResp)data.Body(0)); } else { Utils.Logi(code.ToString()); } } else if (onErr != null) { onErr(code, (AnsonResp)data.Body(0)); } else { Utils.Warn(data.ToString()); } }, onErr: (c, err) => { if (onErr != null) { onErr(c, err); } else { Utils.Warn(string.Format(@"code: {0}, error: {1}", c, err.Msg())); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Login and return a client instance (with session managed by jserv). /// </summary> /// <param name="uid"></param> /// <paramref name="pswdPlain">password in plain</param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="onlogin"></param> /// <param name="err"></param> /// <throws>SQLException the request makes server generate wrong SQL.</throws> /// <throws>SemanticException Request can not parsed correctly</throws> /// <throws>GeneralSecurityException other error</throws> /// <throws>Exception, most likely the network failed</throws> /// <return>null if failed, a SessionClient instance if login succeed.</return> public static async Task <SessionClient> Login(string uid, string pswdPlain, string device, OnLogin onlogin, OnError err = null) { byte[] iv = AESHelper.getRandom(); string iv64 = AESHelper.Encode64(iv); if (uid == null || pswdPlain == null) { throw new SemanticException("user id and password can not be null."); } // string tk64 = AESHelper.Encrypt("-----------" + uid, pswdPlain, iv); string tk64 = AESHelper.Encrypt(uid, pswdPlain, iv); // formatLogin: {a: "login", logid: logId, pswd: tokenB64, iv: ivB64}; // AnsonMsg<? extends AnsonBody> reqv11 = new AnsonMsg<AnQueryReq>(Port.session);; AnsonMsg reqv11 = AnSessionReq.formatLogin(uid, tk64, iv64, device); string url = ServUrl(new Port(Port.session)); HttpServClient httpClient = new HttpServClient(); SessionClient[] inst = new SessionClient[1]; AnsonMsg msg = await httpClient.Post(url, reqv11).ConfigureAwait(false); MsgCode code = msg.code; if (code != null && MsgCode.ok == code.code) { // create a logged in client inst[0] = new SessionClient(((AnSessionResp)msg.Body()[0]).ssInf); if (onlogin != null) { // onlogin.ok(new SessionClient(((AnSessionResp)msg.Body()[0]).ssInf)); onlogin.ok(inst[0]); } if (AnClient.console) { Console.WriteLine(msg.ToString()); } } else if (err != null) { err.err(new MsgCode(code.code), ((AnsonResp)msg.Body(0)).Msg()); } else { throw new SemanticException( "loging failed\ncode: {0}\nerror: {1}", code, ((AnsonResp)msg.Body()[0]).Msg()); } return(inst[0]); }
/**Create request for inserting new photo. * <p>FIXME: introducing stream field of Anson?</p> * @param collId * @param fullpath * @return request * @throws IOException */ public AlbumReq createPhoto(string collId, string fullpath) { // File p = Paths.get(fullpath); byte[] f = File.ReadAllBytes(fullpath); string b64 = AESHelper.Encode64(f); = new Photo(); = collId; = fullpath; = b64; = Path.GetFileName(fullpath); this.a = A.insertPhoto; return(this); }
static void UploadTransaction(CancellationTokenSource waker, AnsonClient client, string p) { // string p = Path.get(filename); byte[] f = File.ReadAllBytes(p); string b64 = AESHelper.Encode64(f); AnsonMsg jmsg = client.Update(null, "a_users"); AnUpdateReq upd = (AnUpdateReq)jmsg.Body(0); upd.Nv("nationId", "CN") .WhereEq("userId", "admin") // .post(((UpdateReq) new UpdateReq(null, "a_attach") .Post(AnUpdateReq.formatDelReq(null, null, "a_attaches") .WhereEq("busiTbl", "a_users") .WhereEq("busiId", "admin") .Post((AnInsertReq.formatInsertReq(null, null, "a_attaches") .Cols("attName", "busiId", "busiTbl", "uri") .Nv("attName", "-Anclient.cs Test") // The parent pk can't be resulved, we must provide the value. // See .Nv("busiId", "admin") .Nv("busiTbl", "a_users") .Nv("uri", b64)))); jmsg.Header(client.Header()); client.Console(jmsg); client.Commit(jmsg, (code, data) => { if (MsgCode.ok == code.code) { Utils.Logi(code.ToString()); } else { Utils.Warn(data.ToString()); } }, onErr: (c, err) => { Assert.Fail(string.Format(@"code: {0}, error: {1}", c, err.Msg())); }, waker); }
public IList <DocsResp> syncVideos(IList <IFileDescriptor> videos, SessionInf user, OnProcess proc, ErrorCtx onErr = null) { ErrorCtx errHandler = onErr == null ? errCtx : onErr; DocsResp resp = null; try { AnsonHeader header = client.Header().act(new string[] { "album.c#", "synch", "c/photo", "multi synch" }); IList <DocsResp> reslts = new List <DocsResp>(videos.Count); for (int px = 0; px < videos.Count; px++) { IFileDescriptor p = videos[px]; DocsReq req = new DocsReq() .blockStart(p, user); AnsonMsg q = client.UserReq(uri, new AlbumPort(AlbumPort.album), req) .Header(header); resp = (DocsResp)client.Commit(q, errHandler); // stringchainId = resp.chainId(); string pth = p.fullpath(); if (pth != resp.Fullpath()) { Utils.Warn("resp not reply with exactly the same path: %s", resp.Fullpath()); } int totalBlocks = (int)((new FileInfo(pth).Length + 1) / blocksize); if (proc != null) { proc.proc(px, totalBlocks, resp); } int seq = 0; FileStream ifs = File.Create(p.fullpath()); try { string b64 = AESHelper.Encode64(ifs, blocksize); while (b64 != null) { req = new DocsReq().blockUp(seq, resp, b64, user); seq++; q = client.UserReq(uri, new AlbumPort(AlbumPort.album), req) .Header(header); resp = (DocsResp)client.Commit(q, errHandler); if (proc != null) { proc.proc(px, totalBlocks, resp); } b64 = AESHelper.Encode64(ifs, blocksize); } req = new DocsReq().blockEnd(resp, user); q = client.UserReq(uri, new AlbumPort(AlbumPort.album), req) .Header(header); resp = (DocsResp)client.Commit(q, errHandler); if (proc != null) { proc.proc(px, totalBlocks, resp); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Warn(ex.Message); req = new DocsReq().blockAbort(resp, user); req.A(DocsReq.A.blockAbort); q = client.UserReq(uri, new AlbumPort(AlbumPort.album), req) .Header(header); resp = (DocsResp)client.Commit(q, errHandler); if (proc != null) { proc.proc(px, totalBlocks, resp); } throw ex; } finally { ifs.Close(); } reslts.Add(resp); } return(reslts); } catch (Exception e) { errHandler.onError(new MsgCode(MsgCode.exIo), e.GetType().Name + " " + e.Message); } return(null); }