Пример #1
    private void _bAddNet_Click(object button, EventArgs e)
        using var d = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog { InitialDirectory = AFolders.ThisApp, Filter = "Dll|*.dll|All files|*.*", Multiselect = true };
        if (d.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK)

        var a = d.FileNames;

        foreach (var v in a)
            if (MetaReferences.IsDotnetAssembly(v))
            ADialog.ShowError("Not a .NET assembly.", v, owner: this);

        //remove path and ext if need
        var thisApp = AFolders.ThisAppBS;

        if (a[0].Starts(thisApp, true))
            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                a[i] = a[i].Substring(thisApp.Length);

        _Added(button, _meta.r);
Пример #2
	//protected override void OnGotFocus(EventArgs e) { _c.Focus(); }

	/// <summary>
	/// Loads existing or new workspace.
	/// If fails, shows a task dialog with several choices - retry, load another, create new, cancel. If then fails, ends process.
	/// Sets Model and Text properties of the main form. Updates recent files.
	/// By default runs startup script.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="wsDir">
	/// Workspace's directory. The directory should contain file "files.xml" and subdirectory "files".
	/// If null, loads the last used workspace (its path is in settings).
	/// If the setting does not exist, uses AFolders.ThisAppDocuments + @"Main".
	/// If the file does not exist, copies from AFolders.ThisApp + @"Default\Workspace".
	/// </param>
	public FilesModel ZLoadWorkspace(string wsDir = null)
		wsDir ??= Program.Settings.workspace;
		if(wsDir.NE()) wsDir = AFolders.ThisAppDocuments + "Main";
		var xmlFile = wsDir + @"\files.xml";
		var oldModel = _model;
		FilesModel m = null;
		_isNewWorkspace = false;
		try {
			//SHOULDDO: if editor runs as admin, the workspace directory should be write-protected from non-admin processes.

			if(_isNewWorkspace = !AFile.ExistsAsFile(xmlFile)) {
				AFile.Copy(AFolders.ThisAppBS + @"Default\Workspace", wsDir);

			_model?.UnloadingWorkspace(); //saves all, closes documents, sets current file = null

			m = new FilesModel(_c, xmlFile);
			_c.Model = m;
		catch(Exception ex) {
			m = null;
			//AOutput.Write($"Failed to load '{wsDir}'. {ex.Message}");
			switch(ADialog.ShowError("Failed to load workspace", wsDir,
				"1 Retry|2 Load another|3 Create new|0 Cancel",
				owner: this, expandedText: ex.ToString())) {
			case 1: goto g1;
			case 2: m = ZLoadAnotherWorkspace(); break;
			case 3: m = ZLoadNewWorkspace(); break;
			if(m != null) return m;
			if(_model != null) return _model;

		Program.Model = _model = m;

		//CONSIDER: unexpand path
		if(wsDir != Program.Settings.workspace) {
			if(Program.Settings.workspace != null) {
				var ar = Program.Settings.recentWS ?? Array.Empty<string>();
				int i = Array.IndexOf(ar, wsDir); if(i >= 0) ar = ar.RemoveAt(i);
				Program.Settings.recentWS = ar.InsertAt(0, Program.Settings.workspace);
			Program.Settings.workspace = wsDir;

		if(Program.Loaded >= EProgramState.LoadedWorkspace) {

		return _model;
Пример #3
	/// <summary>
	/// Shows "Open" dialog to select an existing workspace.
	/// On OK loads the selected workspace and returns FilesModel. On Cancel return null.
	/// </summary>
	public FilesModel ZLoadAnotherWorkspace()
		var d = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Open workspace", Filter = "files.xml|files.xml" };
		if(d.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK) return null;
		var filesXml = d.FileName;
		if(!APath.GetFileName(filesXml).Eqi("files.xml")) {
			ADialog.ShowError("Must be files.xml");
			return null;
		return ZLoadWorkspace(APath.GetDirectoryPath(filesXml));
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Used only by the Save class.
 /// </summary>
 bool _SaveWorkspaceNow()
     try {
     catch (Exception ex) {        //XElement.Save exceptions are undocumented
         ADialog.ShowError("Failed to save", WorkspaceFile, expandedText: ex.Message);
Пример #5
    private void _ButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var ok   = true;
        var path = textPath.Text;

        if (!APath.IsFullPath(path))
            ok = false;
        else if (AFile.ExistsAsAny(path))
            ADialog.ShowError("Already exists", path, owner: this);
            ok = false;
        this.DialogResult = ok ? DialogResult.OK : DialogResult.None;
Пример #6
    async void _ConvertTypeLibrary(object tlDef, object button)
        string comDll = null;

        switch (tlDef)
        case string path:
            comDll = path;

        case _RegTypelib r:
            //can be several locales
            var aloc  = new List <string>();           //registry keys like "0" or "409"
            var aloc2 = new List <string>();           //locale names for display in the list dialog
            using (var verKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey($@"TypeLib\{r.guid}\{r.version}")) {
                foreach (var s1 in verKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                    int lcid = s1.ToInt(0, out int iEnd, STIFlags.IsHexWithout0x);
                    if (iEnd != s1.Length)
                        continue;                                       //"FLAGS" etc; must be hex number without 0x
                    var s2 = "Neutral";
                    if (lcid > 0)
                        try { s2 = new CultureInfo(lcid).DisplayName; } catch { s2 = s1; }
            string locale;
            if (aloc.Count == 1)
                locale = aloc[0];
                int i = ADialog.ShowList(aloc2, "Locale", owner: this);
                if (i == 0)
                locale = aloc[i - 1];
            comDll = r.GetPath(locale);
            if (comDll == null || !AFile.ExistsAsFile(comDll))
                ADialog.ShowError(comDll == null ? "Failed to get file path." : "File does not exist.", owner: this);

        await Task.Run(() => {
            this.Enabled = false;
            AOutput.Write($"Converting COM type library to .NET assembly.");
            try {
                if (_convertedDir == null)
                    _convertedDir = AFolders.Workspace + @".interop\";
                List <string> converted  = new List <string>();
                Action <string> callback = s => {
                    if (s.Starts("Converted: "))
                        s.RegexMatch(@"""(.+?)"".$", 1, out s);
                int rr = AExec.RunConsole(callback, AFolders.ThisAppBS + "Au.Net45.exe", $"/typelib \"{_convertedDir}|{comDll}\"", encoding: Encoding.UTF8);
                if (rr == 0)
                    foreach (var v in converted)
                        if (!_meta.com.Contains(v))
                    AOutput.Write(@"<>Converted and saved in <link>%AFolders.Workspace%\.interop<>.");
                    _Added(button, _meta.com);
            catch (Exception ex) { ADialog.ShowError("Failed to convert type library", ex.ToStringWithoutStack(), owner: this); }
            this.Enabled = true;
Пример #7
            /// <summary>
            /// Starts or stops capturing.
            /// Does nothing if already in that state.
            /// </summary>
            public void StartStop(bool start)
                if (start == Capturing)
                var wForm = (AWnd)_form;

                if (start)
                    //let other forms stop capturing
                    wForm.Prop.Set(c_propName, 1);
                    AWnd.Find(null, "WindowsForms*", also: o => {
                        if (o != wForm && o.Prop[c_propName] == 1)

                    if (!Api.RegisterHotKey(wForm, 1, 0, KKey.F3))
                        ADialog.ShowError("Failed to register hotkey F3", owner: _form);
                    Capturing = true;

                    //set timer that shows AO rect
                    if (_timer == null)
                        _osr   = TUtil.CreateOsdRect();
                        _timer = new ATimer(t => {
                            //Don't capture too frequently.
                            //	Eg if the callback is very slow. Or if multiple timer messages are received without time interval (possible in some conditions).
                            long t1 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds, t2 = t1 - _prevTime; _prevTime = t1; if (t2 < 100)

                            //show rect of UI object from mouse
                            AWnd w = AWnd.FromMouse(WXYFlags.NeedWindow);
                            RECT?r = default;
                            if (!(w.Is0 || w == wForm || w.OwnerWindow == wForm))
                                r = _cbGetRect();
                            if (r.HasValue)
                                var rr = r.GetValueOrDefault();
                                rr.Inflate(2, 2);                                 //2 pixels inside, 2 outside
                                _osr.Rect = rr;
                                _osr.Visible = false;
                    Capturing = false;
                    Api.UnregisterHotKey(wForm, 1);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens XML file and creates toolbars/menus/submenus from XML tags.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlFile">XML file containing menus/toolbars without user customizations.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlFileCustom">XML file containing user customizations. It will be created or updated when saving customizations.</param>
        /// <param name="tsRenderer"></param>
        public void BuildAll(string xmlFile, string xmlFileCustom, ToolStripRenderer tsRenderer = null)
            Debug.Assert(_xStrips == null); if (_xStrips != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            _xmlFileDefault = xmlFile;
            _xmlFileCustom  = xmlFileCustom;
            try { _xStrips = AExtXml.LoadElem(xmlFile); }
            catch (Exception ex) { ADialog.ShowError("Failed to load file", ex.ToString()); throw; }
            XElement xCustom = null;

            if (AFile.ExistsAsFile(_xmlFileCustom))
                try { xCustom = AExtXml.LoadElem(_xmlFileCustom); }
                catch (Exception e) { AOutput.Write("Failed to load file", _xmlFileCustom, e.Message); }

            Size imageScalingSize = Au.Util.ADpi.SmallIconSize_;             //if high DPI, auto scale images

            //create top-level toolstrips (menu bar and toolbars), and call _AddChildItems to add items and create drop-down menus and submenus
            _inBuildAll = true;
            bool isMenu = true;

            foreach (var xe in _xStrips.Elements().ToArray())              //info: ToArray() because _MergeCustom replaces XML elements of custom toolbars
                string name = xe.Name.LocalName;
                var    x    = xe;
                if (xCustom != null)
                    _MergeCustom(xCustom, ref x, name, isMenu);

                ToolStrip t;
                if (isMenu)
                    t = MenuBar = new Util.AMenuStrip();
                    var cts = new Util.AToolStrip();
                    Toolbars.Add(name, cts);
                    t = cts;
                    switch (name)
                    case "Custom1": _tsCustom1 = cts; break;

                    case "Custom2": _tsCustom2 = cts; break;


                t.Tag  = x;
                t.Text = t.Name = name;
                //t.AllowItemReorder = true; //don't use, it's has bugs etc, we know better how to do it
                if (tsRenderer != null)
                    t.Renderer = tsRenderer;
                if (isMenu)
                    t.Padding = new Padding();                     //remove menu bar paddings
                if (imageScalingSize.Height != 16)
                    t.ImageScalingSize = imageScalingSize;                                               //info: all submenus will inherit it from menubar
                _AddChildItems(x, t, isMenu);

                isMenu = false;
            _inBuildAll = false;
Пример #9
        //Loads and parses XML. Creates the _aX lists, _firstSplit and the tree structure.
        void _LoadXmlAndCreateLayout(string xmlFileDefault, string xmlFileCustomized)
            //We have 1 or 2 XML files containing panel/toolbar layout.
            //xmlFileDefault contains default XML. It eg can be in AFolders.ThisApp.
            //xmlFileCustomized contains previously saved XML (user-modified layout).
            //At first try to load xmlFileCustomized. If it does not exist or is invalid, load xmlFileDefault; or get missing data from xmlFileDefault, if possible.
            //Also loads xmlFileDefault when xmlFileCustomized XML does not match panels of new app version and cannot resolve it (eg some panels removed).
            bool   usesDefaultXML = false;
            string xmlFile = xmlFileCustomized, xmlVersion = null, outInfo = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    if (!AFile.ExistsAsFile(xmlFile))
                    usesDefaultXML = true;
                    xmlFile        = xmlFileDefault;

                bool fileLoaded = false;
                try {
                    var x = AExtXml.LoadElem(xmlFile);
                    fileLoaded = true;
                    if (!usesDefaultXML)
                        xmlVersion = x.Attr("version");
                    x = x.Element("split");

                    //THIS DOES THE MAIN JOB
                    _firstSplit = new _Split(this, null, x);

                    if (_aPanel.Count < _initControls.Count)                      //more panels added in this app version
                        if (usesDefaultXML)
                            throw new Exception("debug1");


                    //speed: xml.Load takes 170 microseconds.
                    //tested: XML can be added to Application Settings, but var xml=Properties.Settings.Default.PanelsXML takes 61 MILLIseconds.
                catch (Exception e) {
                    var sErr = $"Failed to load file '{xmlFile}'.\r\n\t{e.ToStringWithoutStack()}";
                    if (usesDefaultXML)
                        _xmlFile = null;
                        ADialog.ShowError("Cannot load panel/toolbar layout.", $"{sErr}\r\n\r\nReinstall the application.");
                        //probably in this version there are less panels, most likely when downgraded. Or the file is corrupt.
                        if (fileLoaded && xmlVersion != _asmVersion)
                            outInfo = "Info: this application version resets the panel/toolbar layout, sorry.";
                            AWarning.Write(sErr, -1);
                    _aSplit.Clear(); _aTab.Clear(); _aPanel.Clear();

            //if(usesDefaultXML || xmlVersion == _asmVersion) return;
            if (outInfo != null)
Пример #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes command line of this program.
    /// Returns true if this instance must exit: 1. If finds previous program instance; then sends the command line to it if need. 2. If incorrect command line.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool OnProgramStarted(string[] a)
        string s           = null;
        int    cmd         = 0;
        bool   activateWnd = true;

        if (a.Length > 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                if (a[i].Starts('-'))
                    a[i] = a[i].ReplaceAt(0, 1, "/");
                if (a[i].Starts('/'))
                    a[i] = a[i].Lower();

            s = a[0];
            if (s.Starts('/'))
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                    s = a[i];
                    switch (s)
                    case "/test":
                        if (++i < a.Length)
                            TestArg = a[i];

                    case "/v":
                        StartVisible = true;

                        ADialog.ShowError("Unknown command line parameter", s);
                    //rejected: /h start hidden. Not useful.
            else                 //one or more files
                if (a.Length == 1 && FilesModel.IsWorkspaceDirectory(s))
                    switch (cmd = ADialog.Show("Workspace", s, "1 Open|2 Import|0 Cancel", footerText: FilesModel.GetSecurityInfo("v|")))
                    case 1: WorkspaceDirectory = s; break;

                    case 2: _importWorkspace = s; break;
                    cmd          = 3;
                    _importFiles = a;

        //single instance
        s_mutex = new Mutex(true, "Au.Mutex.1", out bool createdNew);
        if (createdNew)

        var w = AWnd.FindFast(null, "Au.Editor.Msg", true);

        if (!w.Is0)
            if (activateWnd)
                AWnd wMain = (AWnd)w.Send(Api.WM_USER);
                if (!wMain.Is0)
                    try { wMain.Activate(); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { ADebug.Print(ex); }

            switch (cmd)
            case 3:             //import files
                s = string.Join("\0", a);
            if (cmd != 0)
                AWnd.More.CopyDataStruct.SendString(w, cmd, s);