static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Setup ADF LocalEnvironment
            ADFLocalEnvironment env = new ADFLocalEnvironment(
                @"..\..\..\MyADFProject\MyADFProject.dfproj",    // Path to the ADF Project file (absolute or relative)
                "MyConfig"                                       // Name of the Config file to use

            #region Sample: ARM Export
            // To Export to an ARM-Template:
                @"..\..\..\MyARMTemplate\MyARMTemplate.deployproj",     // Path to the ARM Deployment Project file (absolute or relative)
                "North Europe",                                         // (optional) Region for the deployment, default is the Region of the ResourceGroup
                false,                                                  // (optional) can be used to avoid overwriting the Parameters file
                true                                                    // (optional) deploy all Pipelines as with IsPaused=true

            // This is the script that needs to be added to "Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1" once right before "New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment"
            string postDeploymentScript = env.GetARMPostDeploymentScript();

            #region Sample: Debug Custom Activity locally
            // To Execute and Debug a Custom Activity:
                "DataDownloaderSamplePipeline",     // Name of the Pipeline
                "DownloadData",                     // Name of the Activity
                new DateTime(2017, 1, 1),           // SliceStart
                new DateTime(2017, 1, 3),           // SliceEnd
                new ADFConsoleLogger()              // (optional) ActivityLogger
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Setup ADF LocalEnvironment
            ADFLocalEnvironment env;

            env = new ADFLocalEnvironment(@"..\..\..\MyADFProject\MyADFProject.dfproj");          // Path to the ADF Project file (absolute or relative)

             * // if you want to apply a Config-File, please use this code:
             * env = new ADFLocalEnvironment(
             *  @"..\..\..\MyADFProject\MyADFProject.dfproj",           // Path to the ADF Project file (absolute or relative)
             *  "MyConfig",                                              // (Optional) Name of the ADF-Config file to use
             *  ".\Dependencies_Test"                                   // (Optional) custom path for References which should be used during debugging. Default is the ADF Dependencies-folder
             *  );

            #region Sample: Debug Custom Activity locally
            // To Execute and Debug a Custom Activity:
                "DataDownloaderSamplePipeline",     // Name of the Pipeline
                "DownloadData",                     // Name of the Activity
                new DateTime(2017, 1, 1),           // SliceStart
                new DateTime(2017, 1, 3),           // SliceEnd
                new ADFConsoleLogger()              // (optional) ActivityLogger

            #region Sample: ARM Export
            // To Export to an ARM-Template:
                @"..\..\..\MyARMTemplate\MyARMTemplate.deployproj",     // Path to the ARM Deployment Project file (absolute or relative)
                "North Europe",                                         // (optional) Region for the deployment, default is the Region of the ResourceGroup
                false,                                                  // (optional) can be used to avoid overwriting the Parameters file which is created during the first export
                true                                                    // (optional) deploy all Pipelines as with IsPaused=true

            // This is the script that needs to be added to "Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1" once right before "New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment"
            string postDeploymentScript = env.GetARMPostDeploymentScript();