public Usuarios() { this.ArvoreUsuarios = new ABB(); InitializeComponent(); LeituraUsuarios(); }
public HandBehaviours(ActorBehavioursBase <ACType, ABB> abb, PropHandler ph) { propHandler = ph; = (ABB)abb; =; muscleGroup = ph.attachedMuscleGroup; handMuscle = muscleGroup.muscles[muscleGroup.muscles.Length - 1]; }
/// <summary> /// Call this method when a signal change occurs /// </summary> /// <param name="signal">Signal Object</param> /// <param name="newValue">Value of the signal change, Can be a bool or double</param> /// <param name="timeStamp">Timestamp of the signal change of type Ticks</param> public void LogValueChange(ABB.Robotics.Paint.RobView.Database.SignalLog.Signal signal, object newValue, long timeStamp) { //Ser ut som Signalene bytter metadata underveis, workaround // var findsignal = _signalsList.First(x => x.Name == signal.Name); Signal findsignal; if (TriggeredUnitTest != null) { findsignal = signal; } else { findsignal = _signalsList.First(x => x.Name == signal.Name); } // var findsignal = signal; if (newValue == null || !IsUsingSignal(findsignal)) { return; } SignalValueTimestamp signalHandler; try { var value = Convert.ToDouble(newValue); signalHandler = new SignalValueTimestamp(findsignal, value, timeStamp); foreach (Trigger trigger in _triggerList) { //var triggerd = trigger.CheckTrigger(signal, newValue); if (trigger.IsUsingSignal(findsignal)) { if (trigger.CheckTrigger(signalHandler)) { FireTriggered(trigger.Name); } } } } catch (FormatException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); //ABB.Robotics.Paint.RobView.PluginAPI.Logger.Internal.LogException(ex); } catch (InvalidCastException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); //ABB.Robotics.Paint.RobView.PluginAPI.Logger.Internal.LogException(ex); } }
public void InsertarAVL(AVL root, string nick, string pass, string correo) { nodoAVL nuevo = new nodoAVL(nick, pass, correo); ABB nuevoABB = new ABB(); nuevo.sigABB = nuevoABB; if (root.raiz == null) { root.raiz = nuevo; } else { root.raiz = InsertarAVLR(root.raiz, nuevo); } }
public void TestConcreteRel() { ABA a = new ABA(); a.MyString = "a"; pm.MakePersistent(a); ABB b = new ABB(); b.MyString = "b"; pm.MakePersistent(b); pm.Save(); b.AddA(a); pm.Save(); pm.UnloadCache(); b = (ABB)pm.FindObject(b.NDOObjectId); Assert.AreEqual(1, b.MyA.Count, "Count wrong"); }
public void TestAbstractRel() { AbstractRelLeft left = new AbstractRelLeft(); left.MyString = "Left"; pm.MakePersistent(left); ABB b = new ABB(); b.MyString = "b"; pm.MakePersistent(b); pm.Save(); left.AddABBase(b); pm.Save(); pm.UnloadCache(); left = (AbstractRelLeft)pm.FindObject(left.NDOObjectId); Assert.AreEqual(1, left.TheBases.Count, "Count wrong"); }
void Awake() { instance = this; items = new Queue(); //items.InitializeQueue(); itemsCount = 0; QUEUE_LIMIT = positions.Count; for (int i = 0; i < QUEUE_LIMIT; i++) { queuePositions.Add(positions[i].position); } virusTypes = new ABB(); virusTypes.InicializarArbol(); foreach (GameObject virusGo in prefabs) { virusTypes.AgregarElem(ref virusTypes.raiz, virusGo.GetComponent <Virus>()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ABB arbol = new ABB(); //se lee el archivo StreamReader leer = new StreamReader(@"../../../ArchivosBase/MOCK_DATA.csv", true); string line = leer.ReadLine(); line = leer.ReadLine(); string[] separadas = new string[6]; while (line != null) { //se vuelve a leer la línea para no tomar en cuenta los encabezados //se separan los campos del medicamento separadas = line.Split(','); arbol.insertarNodo(separadas); line = leer.ReadLine(); arbol.mostrarinOrden(); Console.WriteLine("\n"); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public DataTable GetInvoiceList(ABB.Data.Search.InvoiceForReturnSearchData data) { string where = ""; if (data.CODEFROM.Trim() != "") where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "UPPER(V.CODE) >= '" + data.CODEFROM.Trim().ToUpper() + "' "; if (data.CODETO.Trim() != "") where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "UPPER(V.CODE) <= '" + data.CODETO.Trim().ToUpper() + "' "; if (data.CUSTOMERCODE.Trim() != "") where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "UPPER(V.CUSTOMERCODE) >= '" + data.CUSTOMERCODE.Trim().ToUpper() + "' "; if (data.DATEFROM.Year != 1) where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "V.REQDATE >= " + OracleDB.QRDate(data.DATEFROM) + " "; if (data.DATETO.Year != 1) where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "V.REQDATE <= " + OracleDB.QRDate(data.DATETO) + " "; if (data.PRODUCT != 0) where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "PRODUCT = '" + data.PRODUCT.ToString() + "' "; string sql = sql_select + (where == "" ? "" : "WHERE ") + where; sql += "ORDER BY V.CODE "; return OracleDB.ExecListCmd(sql); }
void Controller_EventLog_MessageWritten(object sender, ABB.Robotics.Controllers.EventLogDomain.MessageWrittenEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message.ToString()); }
public override bool IsUsingSignal(ABB.Robotics.Paint.RobView.Database.SignalLog.Signal signal) { return true; }
public DataTable GetStockOutList(ABB.Data.Search.StockOutProductSearchData data, double currentStockIn) { DataTable dt = SearchObj.GetStockOutList(data, currentStockIn); int i = 1; foreach (DataRow dRow in dt.Rows) { dRow["ORDERNO"] = i; i += 1; } return dt; }
public VerificarStatus(ABB ArvoreUsuarios) { this.ArvoreUsuarios = ArvoreUsuarios; InitializeComponent(); }
public MySrcMLCSharpParser(ABB.SrcML.SrcMLGenerator generator) { this.Generator = generator; }
public BodyBehaviours(ActorBehavioursBase <ACType, ABB> abb) { = (ABB)abb; =; }
public DataTable GetStockOutList(ABB.Data.Search.StockOutProductSearchData data, double currentStockIn) { string where = "V.STOCKOUT NOT IN (SELECT REFLOID FROM STOCKIN WHERE STATUS <> '" + Constz.Requisition.Status.Void.Code + "' " + "AND REFTABLE = 'STOCKOUT' AND LOID <> " + currentStockIn.ToString() + " AND DOCTYPE = " + Constz.DocType.RecShop.LOID.ToString() + ") "; if (data.REQUISITIONCODEFROM.Trim() != "") where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "UPPER(V.REQUISITIONCODE) >= '" + data.REQUISITIONCODEFROM.Trim().ToUpper() + "' "; if (data.REQUISITIONCODETO.Trim() != "") where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "UPPER(V.REQUISITIONCODE) <= '" + data.REQUISITIONCODETO.Trim().ToUpper() + "' "; if (data.RESERVEDATEFROM.Year != 1) where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "TO_CHAR(V.RESERVEDATE, 'YYYYMMDD') >= TO_CHAR(" + OracleDB.QRDate(data.RESERVEDATEFROM) + ", 'YYYYMMDD') "; if (data.RESERVEDATETO.Year != 1) where += (where == "" ? "" : "AND ") + "TO_CHAR(V.RESERVEDATE, 'YYYYMMDD') <= TO_CHAR(" + OracleDB.QRDate(data.RESERVEDATETO) + ", 'YYYYMMDD') "; string sql = "SELECT distinct 0 ORDERNO, V.STOCKOUT, V.REQUISITIONCODE, V.RESERVEDATE "; sql += "FROM " + V_PRODUCTSTOCKINSHOP + " V "; sql += (where == "" ? "" : "WHERE ") + where; sql += "ORDER BY V.REQUISITIONCODE "; return OracleDB.ExecListCmd(sql); }
public DataTable GetInvoiceList(ABB.Data.Search.InvoiceForReturnSearchData data) { DataTable dt = SearchObj.GetInvoiceList(data); int i = 1; foreach (DataRow dRow in dt.Rows) { dRow["ORDERNO"] = i; i += 1; } return dt; }
/// <summary> /// Adds line info to the given XObject. /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlObject">the XObject</param> /// <param name="lineInfo">a LineInfo object. This object is added as an annotation to <paramref name="xmlObject"/></param> public static void SetLineInfo(this XObject xmlObject, ABB.SrcML.LineInfo lineInfo) { if(null == xmlObject) throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlObject"); xmlObject.AddAnnotation(lineInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Menu para arboles que no contienen datos enteros /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Arbol el cual se va manipular</param> /// <param name="nombre">nombre del arbol para mostrar al usuario</param> static public void MenuMostrar_C1(NodoArbol node, string nombre) { bool rep = false; do { Console.Clear(); Console.Title = $"Arbol {nombre}"; Console.WriteLine("1.- Mostrar Datos del Arbol"); Console.WriteLine("2.- Recorrido PreOrden"); Console.WriteLine("3.- Recorrido InOrden"); Console.WriteLine("4.- Recorrido PostOrden"); Console.WriteLine("5.- Salir del menu actual"); Console.WriteLine("6.- Salir del programa"); try { switch (int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())) { case 1: ABB.Transversa(node); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); rep = true; break; case 2: Recorridos.PreOrden(node); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); rep = true; break; case 3: Recorridos.InOrden(node); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); rep = true; break; case 4: Recorridos.PostOrden(node); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); rep = true; break; case 5: rep = false; break; case 6: Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Elija una opcion valida"); rep = true; break; } } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Ingrese un valor numerico"); rep = true; } } while (rep); }
public RelatorioDeEmprestimo(ABB ArvoreUsuarios) { this.ArvoreUsuarios = ArvoreUsuarios; InitializeComponent(); }
/// <summary> /// Menu en caso de todos los datos del arbol sean enteros /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Arbol el cual se va manipular</param> /// <param name="nombre">nombre del arbol para mostrar al usuario</param> static public void MenuMostrar_C2(ref NodoArbol node, string nombre) { bool rep = false; do { Console.Clear(); Console.Title = $"Arbol {nombre}"; Console.WriteLine("1.- Mostrar Datos del Arbol"); Console.WriteLine("2.- Insertar nodo"); Console.WriteLine("3.- Eliminar nodo"); Console.WriteLine("4.- Buscar nodo en el arbol"); Console.WriteLine("5.- Buscar padre"); Console.WriteLine("6.- Recorrido PreOrden"); Console.WriteLine("7.- Recorrido InOrden"); Console.WriteLine("8.- Recorrido PostOrden"); Console.WriteLine("9.- Salir del Menu Actual"); Console.WriteLine("10.- Salir del Programa"); try { switch (int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())) { case 1: Console.Clear(); ABB.Transversa(node); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); rep = true; break; case 2: var valor = MenuInsercionInt(); node = ABB.Insertar(valor, node); rep = true; break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Que valor desea eliminar?"); ABB.BorrarNodo(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()), node); rep = true; break; case 4: Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Valor a buscar: \t"); int valor2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (Recorridos.Resultado_Buscar(node, valor2)) { NodoArbol nodoBuscado = Recorridos.Buscar(node, valor2); string mensaje = $"El elemento {nodoBuscado.Valor} si existe; "; if (nodoBuscado.Izq != null) { mensaje += $"su hijo izquierdo es {nodoBuscado.Izq.Valor}"; } else { mensaje += "su hijo izquierdo es null"; } if (nodoBuscado.Der != null) { mensaje += $", su hijo derecho es {nodoBuscado.Der.Valor}"; } else { mensaje += $", su hijo derecho es null"; } Console.WriteLine(mensaje); } else { Console.WriteLine("El elemento no existe"); } Console.ReadKey(); rep = true; break; case 5: Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Valor a evaluar: \t"); int valor3 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (Recorridos.Resultado_Buscar(node, valor3)) { NodoArbol result = ABB.BuscarPadre(valor3, node); if (result == null) { Console.WriteLine($"El valor {valor3} es la raiz"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"El padre de {valor3} es {result.Valor}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("El elemento no existe"); } Console.ReadKey(); rep = true; break; case 6: Recorridos.PreOrden(node); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); rep = true; break; case 7: Recorridos.InOrden(node); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); rep = true; break; case 8: Recorridos.PostOrden(node); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); rep = true; break; case 9: rep = false; break; case 10: Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Ingrese una opcion valida"); rep = true; break; } } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Ingrese un valor numerico"); } } while (rep); }