public SpawnTurretSystem(AABox spawnArea, int count, IRandomProvider random, EntityContext context)
     : base(batchSize: 100)
     this.spawnArea = spawnArea;
     this.count     = count;
     this.random    = random;
     this.context   = context;
 public SpawnSpaceshipSystem(AABox spawnArea, int targetCount, IRandomProvider random, EntityContext context)
     : base(batchSize: 100)
     this.spawnArea   = spawnArea;
     this.targetCount = targetCount;
     this.random      = random;
     this.context     = context;
Пример #3
        public static bool AABoxIntersection(AABox box1, AABox box2)
            Vector3 distance = box2.myOrigin - box1.myOrigin;

            return(Math.Abs(distance.X) <= (box1.mySize.X + box2.mySize.X) &&
                   Math.Abs(distance.Y) <= (box1.mySize.Y + box2.mySize.Y) &&
                   Math.Abs(distance.Z) <= (box1.mySize.Z + box2.mySize.Z));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates bounds of the visible content for this component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">Bounds in world space represented as an axis aligned bounding box.</param>
        /// <param name="sphere">Bounds in world space represented as a sphere.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the bounds have non-zero volume, false otherwise.</returns>
        protected internal virtual bool CalculateBounds(out AABox box, out Sphere sphere)
            Vector3 pos = SceneObject.Position;

            box    = new AABox(pos, pos);
            sphere = new Sphere(pos, 0.0f);

Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Focuses the camera on the currently selected object(s).
 /// </summary>
 public void FrameSelected()
     SceneObject[] selectedObjects = Selection.SceneObjects;
     if (selectedObjects.Length > 0)
         AABox box = EditorUtility.CalculateBounds(Selection.SceneObjects);
Пример #6
        public static bool AABoxMovingSphereIntersection(AABox box, Sphere s, Vector3 vel, out float t, out Vector3 hit)
            //get bounding box of original box expanded by radius
            AABox expanded = box;

            expanded.myMin.X -= s.myRadius; expanded.myMin.Y -= s.myRadius; expanded.myMin.Z -= s.myRadius;
            expanded.myMax.X += s.myRadius; expanded.myMax.Y += s.myRadius; expanded.myMax.Z += s.myRadius;

            //intersect ray of sphere center along vel against expanded box
            t = 0.0f;
            if (rayAABBIntersection(s.myCenter, vel, expanded, out t, out hit) == false || t > vel.Length)

            int u = 0;
            int v = 0;

            if (hit.X < box.myMin.X)
                u |= 1;
            if (hit.X > box.myMax.X)
                v |= 1;
            if (hit.Y < box.myMin.Y)
                u |= 2;
            if (hit.Y > box.myMax.Y)
                v |= 2;
            if (hit.Z < box.myMin.Z)
                u |= 4;
            if (hit.Z > box.myMax.Z)
                v |= 4;

            int m = u + v;

            if (m == 7)

            if ((m & (m - 1)) == 0)

Пример #7
        public CollisionSystemGrid(int nx, int ny, int nz, float dx, float dy, float dz)
            this.nx = nx;
            this.ny = ny;
   = nz;
            this.dx = dx;
            this.dy = dy;
   = dz;

            sizeX    = nx * dx;
            sizeY    = ny * dy;
            sizeZ    = nz * dz;
            minDelta = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Min(dx, dy), dz);

            var numEntries = nx * ny * nz * 2;

            gridEntries = new List <GridEntry>(numEntries);
            gridBoxes   = new List <AABox>(numEntries);

            tempGridLists = new List <GridEntry>(numEntries);

            freeGrids = new Stack <GridEntry>(numEntries);
            for (var i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i)
                var entry = new GridEntry();
                entry.GridIndex = -2;

            for (var i = 0; i < nx * ny * nz; ++i)
                var gridEntry = freeGrids.Pop();
                gridEntry.GridIndex = i;

            overflowEntries           = freeGrids.Pop();
            overflowEntries.GridIndex = -1;

            for (var iX = 0; iX < nx; ++iX)
                for (var iY = 0; iY < ny; ++iY)
                    for (var iZ = 0; iZ < nz; ++iZ)
                        var box = new AABox();
                        box.AddPoint(new Vector3(iX * dx, iY * dy, iZ + dz));
                        box.AddPoint(new Vector3(iX * dx + dx, iY * dy + dy, iZ * dz + dz));

                        var index = CalcIndex(iX, iY, iZ);
                        gridBoxes[index] = box;
Пример #8
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected internal override bool CalculateBounds(out AABox box, out Sphere sphere)
            sphere = Bounds;

            Vector3 extents = new Vector3(sphere.Radius, sphere.Radius, sphere.Radius);

            box = new AABox(sphere.Center - extents, sphere.Center + extents);

Пример #9
        private static void DrawGizmo(Animation animation)
            SceneObject so = animation.SceneObject;

            Gizmos.Color     = Color.Green;
            Gizmos.Transform = Matrix4.TRS(so.Position, so.Rotation, Vector3.One);

            AABox   bounds     = animation.Bounds;
            Vector3 scaledSize = bounds.Size * so.Scale;

            Gizmos.DrawWireCube(bounds.Center, scaledSize * 0.5f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates if a segment overlaps an AABox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seg"></param>
        /// <param name="AABox"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool SegmentAABoxOverlap(Segment seg, AABox AABox)
            Vector3 p0 = seg.Origin;
            Vector3 p1 = seg.GetEnd();

            float[] faceOffsets = new float[2];

            // The AABox faces are aligned with the world directions. Loop
            // over the 3 directions and do the two tests.
            for (int iDir = 0; iDir < 3; iDir++)
                int jDir = (iDir + 1) % 3;
                int kDir = (iDir + 2) % 3;

                // one plane goes through the origin, one is offset
                faceOffsets[0] = JiggleUnsafe.Get(AABox.MinPos, iDir);
                faceOffsets[1] = JiggleUnsafe.Get(AABox.MaxPos, iDir);

                for (int iFace = 0; iFace < 2; iFace++)
                    // distance of each point from to the face plane
                    float dist0 = JiggleUnsafe.Get(ref p0, iDir) - faceOffsets[iFace];
                    float dist1 = JiggleUnsafe.Get(ref p1, iDir) - faceOffsets[iFace];
                    float frac = -1.0f;

                    if (dist0 * dist1 < -JiggleMath.Epsilon)
                        frac = -dist0 / (dist1 - dist0);
                    else if (System.Math.Abs(dist0) < JiggleMath.Epsilon)
                        frac = 0.0f;
                    else if (System.Math.Abs(dist1) < JiggleMath.Epsilon)
                        frac = 1.0f;

                    if (frac >= 0.0f)
                        //Assert(frac <= 1.0f);
                        Vector3 pt = seg.GetPoint(frac);

                        // check the point is within the face rectangle
                        if ((JiggleUnsafe.Get(ref pt, jDir) > JiggleUnsafe.Get(AABox.MinPos, jDir) - JiggleMath.Epsilon) &&
                            (JiggleUnsafe.Get(ref pt, jDir) < JiggleUnsafe.Get(AABox.MaxPos, jDir) + JiggleMath.Epsilon) &&
                            (JiggleUnsafe.Get(ref pt, kDir) > JiggleUnsafe.Get(AABox.MinPos, kDir) - JiggleMath.Epsilon) &&
                            (JiggleUnsafe.Get(ref pt, kDir) < JiggleUnsafe.Get(AABox.MaxPos, kDir) + JiggleMath.Epsilon))
                            return true;
            return false;
Пример #11
        public static bool pointInAABox(AABox box, Vector3 point)
            if (point.X >= box.myMin.X &&
                point.Y >= box.myMin.Y &&
                point.Z >= box.myMin.Z &&
                point.X < box.myMax.X &&
                point.Y < box.myMax.Y &&
                point.Z < box.myMax.Z)

Пример #12
        public static bool AABBContainsSphere(Vector3 sphereCenter, float radius, AABox box)
            if (sphereCenter.X - radius >= box.myMin.X &&
                sphereCenter.Y - radius >= box.myMin.Y &&
                sphereCenter.Z - radius >= box.myMin.Z &&
                sphereCenter.X + radius < box.myMax.X &&
                sphereCenter.Y + radius < box.myMax.Y &&
                sphereCenter.Z + radius < box.myMax.Z)

        public override bool Run(FeatureContext context)
            const float len  = 100.0f;
            const int   nDim = 50;

            float[] pointBuffer = new float[nDim * nDim * nDim * 3];
            float[] colorBuffer = new float[nDim * nDim * nDim * 3];
            int     idx         = -1;

            for (int ii = 0; ii < nDim; ++ii)
                for (int jj = 0; jj < nDim; ++jj)
                    for (int kk = 0; kk < nDim; ++kk)
                        pointBuffer[idx * 3]     = ii * len;
                        pointBuffer[idx * 3 + 1] = jj * len;
                        pointBuffer[idx * 3 + 2] = kk * len;

                        colorBuffer[idx * 3]     = ((float)ii) / ((float)nDim);
                        colorBuffer[idx * 3 + 1] = ((float)jj) / ((float)nDim);
                        colorBuffer[idx * 3 + 2] = ((float)kk) / ((float)nDim);

            PointStyle pointStyle = new PointStyle();


            PointCloudNode pcn = new PointCloudNode();

            AABox   bbox = pcn.GetBBox();
            Vector3 pt   = bbox.MinPt;


Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves and orients a camera so that the provided bounds end covering the camera's viewport.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds to frame in camera's view.</param>
        /// <param name="padding">Amount of padding to leave on the borders of the viewport, in percent [0, 1].</param>
        private void FrameBounds(AABox bounds, float padding = 0.0f)
            // TODO - Use AABox bounds directly instead of a sphere to be more accurate
            float worldWidth  = bounds.Size.Length;
            float worldHeight = worldWidth;

            if (worldWidth == 0.0f)
                worldWidth = 1.0f;

            if (worldHeight == 0.0f)
                worldHeight = 1.0f;

            float boundsAspect = worldWidth / worldHeight;
            float paddingScale = MathEx.Clamp01(padding) + 1.0f;
            float frustumWidth;

            // If camera has wider aspect than bounds then height will be the limiting dimension
            if (camera.AspectRatio > boundsAspect)
                frustumWidth = worldHeight * camera.AspectRatio * paddingScale;
            else // Otherwise width
                frustumWidth = worldWidth * paddingScale;

            float distance = CalcDistanceForFrustumWidth(frustumWidth);

            Vector3 forward = bounds.Center - SceneObject.Position;


            CameraState state = new CameraState();

            state.Position     = bounds.Center - forward * distance;
            state.Rotation     = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, Vector3.YAxis);
            state.Ortographic  = camera.ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Orthographic;
            state.FrustumWidth = frustumWidth;

Пример #15
        /// <inheritoc/>
        protected internal override void Initialize(int layoutIndex)
            GUILayoutX boundsLayout = new GUILayoutX();

            centerField = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Center"), 50);
            sizeField   = new GUIVector3Field(new LocEdString("Size"), 50);

            layout.AddElement(layoutIndex, boundsLayout);

            boundsLayout.AddElement(new GUILabel(new LocEdString(title), GUIOption.FixedWidth(100)));

            GUILayoutY boundsContent = boundsLayout.AddLayoutY();


            centerField.OnValueChanged += x =>
                AABox   bounds = property.GetValue <AABox>();
                Vector3 min    = x - bounds.Size * 0.5f;
                Vector3 max    = x + bounds.Size * 0.5f;

                property.SetValue(new AABox(min, max));
                state |= InspectableState.ModifyInProgress;
            centerField.OnConfirm     += x => OnFieldValueConfirm();
            centerField.OnFocusLost   += OnFieldValueConfirm;
            centerField.OnFocusGained += RecordStateForUndoRequested;

            sizeField.OnValueChanged += x =>
                AABox   bounds = property.GetValue <AABox>();
                Vector3 min    = bounds.Center - x * 0.5f;
                Vector3 max    = bounds.Center + x * 0.5f;

                property.SetValue(new AABox(min, max));
                state |= InspectableState.ModifyInProgress;
            sizeField.OnConfirm     += x => OnFieldValueConfirm();
            sizeField.OnFocusLost   += OnFieldValueConfirm;
            sizeField.OnFocusGained += RecordStateForUndoRequested;
Пример #16
    /*      Don't Work    */
    /*      (enough)	  */
    // Triangle / Bounding Box (AABB) Intersection Test
    public bool IsIntersecting(AABox box, Triangle triangle)
        float triangleMin, triangleMax;
        float boxMin, boxMax;

        // Test the box normals
        Vector3[] boxNormals = { Vector3.right, Vector3.up, Vector3.forward };
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            Project(triangle.vertices, boxNormals[i], out triangleMin, out triangleMax);
            if (triangleMax < box.StartCoords(i) || triangleMin > box.EndCoords(i))
        // Test the triangle normal
        float triangleOffset = Vector3.Dot(triangle.normal, triangle.a);

        Project(box.vertices, triangle.normal, out boxMin, out boxMax);
        if (boxMax < triangleOffset || boxMin > triangleOffset)

        // Test the nine edge cross-products
        Vector3[] triangleEdges = { triangle.b - triangle.a, triangle.b - triangle.c, triangle.b - triangle.c };
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                // The box normals are the same as it's edge tangents
                Vector3 axis = Vector3.Cross(triangleEdges[i], boxNormals[j]);
                Project(box.vertices, axis, out boxMin, out boxMax);
                Project(triangle.vertices, axis, out triangleMin, out triangleMax);
                if (boxMax < triangleMin || boxMin > triangleMax)
                    return(false);        // No intersection possible

        // No separating axis found.
Пример #17
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override InspectableState Refresh(int layoutIndex)
            if ((centerField != null && !centerField.HasInputFocus) &&
                (sizeField != null && !sizeField.HasInputFocus))
                AABox box = property.GetValue <AABox>();
                centerField.Value = box.Center;
                sizeField.Value   = box.Size;

            InspectableState oldState = state;

            if (state.HasFlag(InspectableState.Modified))
                state = InspectableState.NotModified;

Пример #18
        public Solid(TopoShape solid)
            BoundingBox = solid.GetBBox();

            var faces = GlobalInstance.TopoExplor.ExplorFaces(solid);
            TopoShapeProperty prop           = new TopoShapeProperty();
            List <FaceInfo>   dictFaceByArea = new List <FaceInfo>();

            for (int ii = 0; ii < faces.Size(); ++ii)
                var face = faces.GetAt(ii);
                double area = prop.SurfaceArea();

                var faceInfo = new FaceInfo(face, ii, area);

                Faces.Add(ii, faceInfo);
            dictFaceByArea.Sort((a, b) =>
                return((int)((b.Area - a.Area) * 1000));

            var baseFace = dictFaceByArea[0];

            foreach (var item in baseFace.Edges)
                EdgeGroup eg = new EdgeGroup(item.Value);

            for (int ii = 2; ii < dictFaceByArea.Count; ++ii)
                var faceInfo = dictFaceByArea[ii];
                if (AddLongFace(faceInfo))

Пример #19
        public static bool rayAABBIntersection(Vector3 point, Vector3 dir, AABox box, out float tmin, out Vector3 hit)
            tmin = 0.0f;
            float tmax = float.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(dir[i]) < float.Epsilon)
                    if (point[i] < box.myMin[i] || point[i] > box.myMax[i])
                        hit = Vector3.Zero;
                    float ood = 1.0f / dir[i];
                    float t1  = (box.myMin[i] - point[i]) * ood;
                    float t2  = (box.myMax[i] - point[i]) * ood;

                    if (t1 > t2)
                        float temp = t2;
                        t2 = t1;
                        t1 = temp;

                    tmin = Math.Max(tmin, t1);
                    tmax = Math.Min(tmax, t2);

                    if (tmin > tmax)
                        hit = Vector3.Zero;

            hit = point + dir * tmin;
Пример #20
        public static Vector3 closestPointOn(AABox xBox, Vector3 Point)
            Vector3 q = Vector3.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                float v = Point[i];
                if (v < xBox.myMin[i])
                    v = xBox.myMin[i];
                if (v > xBox.myMax[i])
                    v = xBox.myMax[i];
                q[i] = v;

Пример #21
        public Window CreateMainMenu()
            Texture2D buttonSheet = ScreenManager.Content.Load <Texture2D>(".//Old Content//UI//Buttons.png");
            AABox     buttonBox   = new AABox(new Rectangle(0, 0, 87, 23));

            FlatColorElement spacer1 = new FlatColorElement(new Color(255, 255, 255, 0), "Spacer 1");
            ButtonElement    newGame = new ButtonElement(new Button(new AABox(buttonBox), buttonSheet,
                                                                    new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(406, 0, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 0, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 23, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 0, 87, 23) },
                                                                    new Coordinate(0, 0)), new Coordinate(87, 23), "New Game", SideTack.Center);

            newGame.Clicked += onClickNewGame;
            ButtonElement intro = new ButtonElement(new Button(new AABox(buttonBox), buttonSheet,
                                                               new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(406, 46, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 46, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 69, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 46, 87, 23) },
                                                               new Coordinate(0, 0)), new Coordinate(87, 23), "Introduction", SideTack.Center);

            intro.Clicked += onClickIntroduction;
            ButtonElement loadGame = new ButtonElement(new Button(new AABox(buttonBox), buttonSheet,
                                                                  new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(406, 92, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 92, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 115, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 92, 87, 23) },
                                                                  new Coordinate(0, 0)), new Coordinate(87, 23), "Load Game", SideTack.Center);

            loadGame.Clicked += onClickLoadGame;
            ButtonElement prefs = new ButtonElement(new Button(new AABox(buttonBox), buttonSheet,
                                                               new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(406, 138, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 138, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 161, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 138, 87, 23) },
                                                               new Coordinate(0, 0)), new Coordinate(87, 23), "Preferences", SideTack.Center);

            prefs.Clicked += onClickPreferences;
            ButtonElement exit = new ButtonElement(new Button(new AABox(buttonBox), buttonSheet,
                                                              new Rectangle[] { new Rectangle(406, 184, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 184, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 207, 87, 23), new Rectangle(406, 184, 87, 23) },
                                                              new Coordinate(0, 0)), new Coordinate(87, 23), "Exit", SideTack.Center);

            exit.Clicked += onClickExit;
            TextElement version   = new TextElement("Version 0.01", "MSSansSerif", TempGlobals.BorderColors[1], "Version", ResizeKind.FillRatio);
            TextElement copyright = new TextElement("Copyright let's say Sierra, sure", "MSSansSerif", TempGlobals.BorderColors[1], "Copyright", ResizeKind.FillRatio);
            TextElement arr       = new TextElement("Please Don't Sue", "MSSansSerif", TempGlobals.BorderColors[1], "ARR", ResizeKind.FillRatio);

            SpaceFillList mainCont       = new SpaceFillList(new float[] { 0.2f, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f }, new Element[] { spacer1, newGame, intro, loadGame, prefs, exit, version, copyright, arr }, false, "TopCont");
            Rectangle     dimensions     = new Rectangle((ScreenManager.StaticGame.Window.ClientBounds.Width - 293) / 2, (ScreenManager.StaticGame.Window.ClientBounds.Height - 244) / 2, 293, 244);
            Window        mainMenuWindow = new Window(windows, ScreenManager.Content, dimensions, TempGlobals.BorderColors, mainCont, "Program Control", false);

Пример #22
        public override bool Run(FeatureContext context)
            OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();

            dlg.Filter = "STL (*.stl)|*.stl|IGES (*.igs;*.iges)|*.igs;*.iges|STEP (*.stp;*.step)|*.stp;*.step|BREP (*.brep)|*.brep|All Files(*.*)|*.*";

            if (DialogResult.OK != dlg.ShowDialog())

            context.RenderView.RenderTimer.Enabled = false;
            TopoShape shape = GlobalInstance.BrepTools.LoadFile(new AnyCAD.Platform.Path(dlg.FileName));

            context.RenderView.RenderTimer.Enabled = true;
            if (shape != null)
                //context.ShowGeometry(shape, new ElementId(100));
                //GlobalInstance.BrepTools.SaveFile(shape, new Path(dlg.FileName + ".brep"));

                AABox     bbox     = shape.GetBBox();
                Vector3   size     = bbox.Size();
                Vector3   start    = new Vector3(bbox.MinPt.X - 10, bbox.MinPt.Y + size.Y * 0.5f, bbox.MinPt.Z - 10);
                TopoShape boxShape = GlobalInstance.BrepTools.MakeBox(start, Vector3.UNIT_Z, new Vector3(size.X + 20, size.Y * 0.25f, size.Z + 20));

                shape = GlobalInstance.BrepTools.BooleanCut(shape, boxShape);

                var groups = GlobalInstance.TopoExplor.ExplorSubShapes(shape);
                for (int ii = 0, len = groups.Size(); ii < len; ++ii)
                    shape = groups.GetAt(ii);
                    var node = context.ShowGeometry(shape, new ElementId(100));
                    var fs   = new FaceStyle();
                    fs.SetColor(ii * 100, 0, ii + 200);
Пример #23
        public static bool AABoxSweepIntersection(AABox box1, Vector3 b1Vel, AABox box2, Vector3 b2Vel, out float t)
            Vector3 v  = b2Vel - b1Vel; //relative velocity of box 2 to box 1
            Vector3 u0 = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 u1 = Vector3.One;

            if (AABoxIntersection(box1, box2) == true)
                u0 = u1 = Vector3.Zero;
                t  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (box1.myMax[i] < box2.myMin[i] && v[i] < 0)
                    u0[i] = (box1.myMax[i] - box2.myMin[i]) / v[i];
                else if (box2.myMax[i] < box1.myMin[i] && v[i] > 0)
                    u0[i] = (box1.myMin[i] - box2.myMax[i]) / v[i];

                if (box2.myMax[i] > box1.myMin[i] && v[i] < 0)
                    u1[i] = (box1.myMin[i] - box2.myMax[i]) / v[i];
                else if (box1.myMax[i] > box2.myMin[i] && v[i] > 0)
                    u1[i] = (box1.myMax[i] - box2.myMin[i]) / v[i];

            float t0 = Math.Max(u0.X, Math.Max(u0.Y, u0.Z));
            float t1 = Math.Min(u1.X, Math.Min(u1.Y, u1.Z));

            t = t0;
            return(t0 <= t1);
Пример #24
        public static bool AABoxSphereIntersection(AABox box1, Vector3 spherePos, float sphereRadius)
            float s = 0;
            float d = 0;
            float sphereRadiusSquared = sphereRadius * sphereRadius;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (spherePos[i] < box1.myMin[i])
                    s  = spherePos[i] = box1.myMin[i];
                    d += s * s;
                else if (spherePos[i] > box1.myMax[i])
                    s  = spherePos[i] - box1.myMax[i];
                    d += s * s;

            return(d <= sphereRadiusSquared);
Пример #25
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected internal override InspectableState Refresh(bool force = false)
            LightProbeVolume lpv = InspectedObject as LightProbeVolume;

            if (lpv == null)

            InspectableState oldState = modifyState;

            if (modifyState.HasFlag(InspectableState.Modified))
                modifyState = InspectableState.NotModified;

            AABox   gridVolume = lpv.GridVolume;
            Vector3 size       = gridVolume.Maximum - gridVolume.Minimum;
            Vector3 position   = gridVolume.Minimum + size * 0.5f;

            if (!positionField.HasInputFocus || force)
                positionField.Value = position;

            if (!sizeField.HasInputFocus || force)
                sizeField.Value = size;

            if (!densityField.HasInputFocus || force)
                Vector3I cellCount = lpv.CellCount;
                densityField.Value = new Vector3(cellCount.x, cellCount.y, cellCount.z);

Пример #26
        public static bool AABoxSphereIntersection(AABox box, Vector3 sphereCenter, float radius, out Vector3 hitNormal, out float hitDepth)
            if (AABBContainsSphere(sphereCenter, radius, box))
                // Do special code.
                // here, for now don't do a collision, until the center is
                // outside the box
                hitDepth  = 0.0f;
                hitNormal = Vector3.Zero;

            // get closest point on box from sphere center
            Vector3 closest = Distance.closestPointOn(box, sphereCenter);

            // find the separation
            Vector3 diff = sphereCenter - closest;

            // check if points are far enough
            float dist = diff.Length;

            if (dist > radius)
                hitDepth  = 0.0f;
                hitNormal = Vector3.Zero;

            // collision depth
            hitDepth = radius - dist;

            // normal of collision (going towards the sphere center)
            hitNormal = diff / dist;

Пример #27
        private static void DrawGizmo(Animation animation)
            SceneObject so = animation.SceneObject;

            Gizmos.Color     = Color.Green;
            Gizmos.Transform = Matrix4.Identity;

            Matrix4 parentTfrm;

            if (so.Parent != null)
                parentTfrm = so.Parent.WorldTransform;
                parentTfrm = Matrix4.Identity;

            AABox bounds = animation.Bounds;


            Gizmos.DrawWireCube(bounds.Center, bounds.Size * 0.5f);
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new bounds.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box">Axis aligned box representation of the bounds.</param>
 /// <param name="sphere">Sphere representation of the bounds.</param>
 public Bounds(AABox box, Sphere sphere)
     Box = box;
     Sphere = sphere;
        public void CopyPasteContextWithBlock()
            var initContextDesc = VFXLibrary.GetContexts().Where(t => == "Initialize").First();

            var newContext = m_ViewController.AddVFXContext(new Vector2(100, 100), initContextDesc);


            Assert.AreEqual(m_ViewController.allChildren.Where(t => t is VFXContextController).Count(), 1);

            var contextController = m_ViewController.allChildren.OfType <VFXContextController>().First();

            Assert.AreEqual(contextController.model, newContext);

            var flipBookBlockDesc = VFXLibrary.GetBlocks().First(t => == "Set Tex Index ");

            contextController.AddBlock(0, flipBookBlockDesc.CreateInstance());


            VFXViewWindow window = EditorWindow.GetWindow <VFXViewWindow>();

            VFXView view = window.graphView;

            view.controller = m_ViewController;

            foreach (var element in view.Query().OfType <GraphElement>().ToList().OfType <ISelectable>())

            VFXSlot boundsSlot = newContext.GetInputSlot(0);

            AABox originalBounds = new AABox()
                center =, size = * 10

            boundsSlot.value = originalBounds;

            VFXBlock flipBookBlock = m_ViewController.contexts.First().blockControllers.First().model;
            VFXSlot  minValueSlot  = flipBookBlock.GetInputSlot(0);

            float originalMinValue = 123.456f;

            minValueSlot.value = originalMinValue;


            boundsSlot.value = new AABox()
                center =, size =
            minValueSlot.value = 789f;

            var elements = view.Query().OfType <GraphElement>().ToList();

            var contexts    = elements.OfType <VFXContextUI>().ToArray();
            var copyContext = elements.OfType <VFXContextUI>().Select(t => t.controller).First(t => t.model != newContext).model;

            var copyBoundsSlot = copyContext.GetInputSlot(0);
            var copyMinSlot    = copyContext[0].GetInputSlot(0);

            Assert.AreEqual((AABox)copyBoundsSlot.value, originalBounds);
            Assert.AreEqual((float)copyMinSlot.value, originalMinValue);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(copyContext.position, newContext.position);


            elements = view.Query().OfType <GraphElement>().ToList();
            contexts = elements.OfType <VFXContextUI>().ToArray();

            var copy2Context = contexts.First(t => t.controller.model != newContext && t.controller.model != copyContext).controller.model;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(copy2Context.position, newContext.position);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(copy2Context.position, copyContext.position);
Пример #30
        public List <SerializableEntityTable> ComputeEntityTables(Dictionary <string, int> stringLookup)
            // Create the new Entity tables
            var tableList = new List <SerializableEntityTable>();

            // Create the geometry table
                var tb = GetTableBuilderOrCreate(TableNames.Geometry);
                // We have to force evaluation because as an enumerable the bounding box could be evaluated 6 times more
                tb.AddField(Geometries.Select(g => AABox.Create(g.Vertices)).ToArray(), "Box");
                tb.AddField(Geometries.Select(g => g.Vertices.Count), "VertexCount");
                tb.AddField(Geometries.Select(g => g.Indices.Count / 3), "FaceCount");

            // TODO: add bounding box information to the nodes

            foreach (var tb in Tables.Values)
                var table = new SerializableEntityTable
                    // Set the table name
                    Name = tb.Name,

                    // Convert the columns to named buffers
                    IndexColumns = tb.IndexColumns
                                   .Select(kv => kv.Value.ToNamedBuffer(kv.Key))
                    NumericColumns = tb.NumericColumns
                                     .Select(kv => kv.Value.ToNamedBuffer(kv.Key))
                    StringColumns = tb.StringColumns
                                    .Select(kv => kv.Value
                                            .Select(s => stringLookup[s ?? string.Empty])

                // Assure that all columns are the same length
                var nRows = -1;
                foreach (var c in table.IndexColumns)
                    var n = c.NumElements();
                    if (nRows < 0)
                        nRows = n;
                    else if (nRows != n)
                        throw new Exception($"Invalid number of rows {n} expected {nRows}");
                foreach (var c in table.NumericColumns)
                    var n = c.NumElements();
                    if (nRows < 0)
                        nRows = n;
                    else if (nRows != n)
                        throw new Exception($"Invalid number of rows {n} expected {nRows}");
                foreach (var c in table.StringColumns)
                    var n = c.NumElements();
                    if (nRows < 0)
                        nRows = n;
                    else if (nRows != n)
                        throw new Exception($"Invalid number of rows {n} expected {nRows}");

                // Properties
                table.Properties = tb.Properties.Select(p => new SerializableProperty
                    EntityIndex = p.EntityId,
                    Name        = stringLookup[p.Name],
                    Value       = stringLookup[p.Value]


Пример #31
        private void OnEditorUpdate()

            if (HasFocus)
                if (!Input.IsPointerButtonHeld(PointerButton.Right))
                    if (VirtualInput.IsButtonDown(EditorApplication.DuplicateKey))
                    else if (VirtualInput.IsButtonDown(EditorApplication.DeleteKey))
                    else if (VirtualInput.IsButtonDown(viewToolKey))
                        EditorApplication.ActiveSceneTool = SceneViewTool.View;
                    else if (VirtualInput.IsButtonDown(moveToolKey))
                        EditorApplication.ActiveSceneTool = SceneViewTool.Move;
                    else if (VirtualInput.IsButtonDown(rotateToolKey))
                        EditorApplication.ActiveSceneTool = SceneViewTool.Rotate;
                    else if (VirtualInput.IsButtonDown(scaleToolKey))
                        EditorApplication.ActiveSceneTool = SceneViewTool.Scale;

            // Refresh GUI buttons if needed (in case someones changes the values from script)
            if (editorSettingsHash != EditorSettings.Hash)
                editorSettingsHash = EditorSettings.Hash;

            // Update scene view handles and selection

            bool handleActive = sceneHandles.IsActive() || sceneAxesGUI.IsActive();

            Vector2I scenePos;
            bool     inBounds = ScreenToScenePos(Input.PointerPosition, out scenePos);

            bool clearSelection = false;

            if (AllowViewportInput)
                if (Input.IsPointerButtonUp(PointerButton.Left))
                    clearSelection = true;
                else if (Input.IsPointerButtonDown(PointerButton.Left))
                    mouseDownPosition = scenePos;
                clearSelection = true;
                inBounds       = false;

            bool dragResult = false;

            if (clearSelection)
                dragResult = EndDragSelection();
                if (sceneHandles.IsActive())

                if (sceneAxesGUI.IsActive())

            bool draggedOver = DragDrop.DragInProgress || DragDrop.DropInProgress;

            draggedOver &= IsPointerHovering && inBounds && DragDrop.Type == DragDropType.Resource;

            if (draggedOver)
                if (DragDrop.DropInProgress)
                    dragActive = false;
                    if (draggedSO != null)
                        Selection.SceneObject = draggedSO;

                    draggedSO = null;
                    if (!dragActive)
                        dragActive = true;

                        ResourceDragDropData dragData = (ResourceDragDropData)DragDrop.Data;

                        string[] draggedPaths = dragData.Paths;

                        for (int i = 0; i < draggedPaths.Length; i++)
                            ResourceMeta meta = ProjectLibrary.GetMeta(draggedPaths[i]);
                            if (meta != null)
                                if (meta.ResType == ResourceType.Mesh)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(draggedPaths[i]))
                                        string meshName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(draggedPaths[i]);
                                        draggedSO = UndoRedo.CreateSO(meshName, "Created a new Renderable \"" + meshName + "\"");
                                        Mesh mesh = ProjectLibrary.Load <Mesh>(draggedPaths[i]);

                                        Renderable renderable = draggedSO.AddComponent <Renderable>();
                                        renderable.Mesh = mesh;
                                        if (mesh != null)
                                            draggedSOOffset = mesh.Bounds.Box.Center;
                                            draggedSOOffset = Vector3.Zero;

                                else if (meta.ResType == ResourceType.Prefab)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(draggedPaths[i]))
                                        Prefab prefab = ProjectLibrary.Load <Prefab>(draggedPaths[i]);
                                        draggedSO = UndoRedo.Instantiate(prefab, "Instantiating " + prefab.Name);

                                        if (draggedSO != null)
                                            AABox draggedObjBounds = EditorUtility.CalculateBounds(draggedSO);
                                            draggedSOOffset = draggedObjBounds.Center;
                                            draggedSOOffset = Vector3.Zero;


                    if (draggedSO != null)
                        if (Input.IsButtonHeld(ButtonCode.Space))
                            SnapData snapData;
                            sceneSelection.Snap(scenePos, out snapData, new SceneObject[] { draggedSO });

                            Quaternion q = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.YAxis, snapData.normal);
                            draggedSO.Position = snapData.position;
                            draggedSO.Rotation = q;
                            Ray worldRay = camera.ScreenPointToRay(scenePos);
                            draggedSO.Position = worldRay * DefaultPlacementDepth - draggedSOOffset;

                if (dragActive)
                    dragActive = false;

                    if (draggedSO != null)
                        draggedSO = null;

            if ((HasContentFocus || IsPointerHovering) && AllowViewportInput)

                if (inBounds && HasContentFocus)
                    if (Input.IsPointerButtonDown(PointerButton.Left))
                        Rect2I sceneAxesGUIBounds = new Rect2I(Width - HandleAxesGUISize - HandleAxesGUIPaddingX,
                                                               HandleAxesGUIPaddingY, HandleAxesGUISize, HandleAxesGUISize);

                        if (sceneAxesGUIBounds.Contains(scenePos))
                    else if (Input.IsPointerButtonHeld(PointerButton.Left) && !handleActive && !dragActive &&
                             draggedSO == null && scenePos != mouseDownPosition)
                        if (isDraggingSelection)
                    else if (Input.IsPointerButtonUp(PointerButton.Left))
                        if (!handleActive && !dragActive && !dragResult)
                            bool ctrlHeld = Input.IsButtonHeld(ButtonCode.LeftControl) ||

                            sceneSelection.PickObject(scenePos, ctrlHeld, new SceneObject[] { draggedSO });

            if (AllowViewportInput)
                sceneHandles.UpdateInput(scenePos, Input.PointerDelta);


            // Must be done after handle input is processed, in order to reflect most recent transform


            if (VirtualInput.IsButtonDown(frameKey))
Пример #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new bounds.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box">Axis aligned box representation of the bounds.</param>
 /// <param name="sphere">Sphere representation of the bounds.</param>
 public Bounds(AABox box, Sphere sphere)
     Box    = box;
     Sphere = sphere;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new CollisionSystem which uses a grid to speed up collision detection.
        /// Use this system for larger scenes with many objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nx">Number of GridEntries in X Direction.</param>
        /// <param name="ny">Number of GridEntries in Y Direction.</param>
        /// <param name="nz">Number of GridEntries in Z Direction.</param>
        /// <param name="dx">Size of a single GridEntry in X Direction.</param>
        /// <param name="dy">Size of a single GridEntry in Y Direction.</param>
        /// <param name="dz">Size of a single GridEntry in Z Direction.</param>
        public CollisionSystemGrid(int nx, int ny, int nz, float dx, float dy, float dz)
            this.nx = nx; this.ny = ny; = nz;
            this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; = dz;

            this.sizeX = nx * dx;
            this.sizeY = ny * dy;
            this.sizeZ = nz * dz;
            this.minDelta = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Min(dx, dy), dz);

            int numEntries = nx * ny * nz * 2; // we allocate twice as many as need for collision skins
            gridEntries = new List<GridEntry>(numEntries);
            gridBoxes = new List<AABox>(numEntries);

            tempGridLists = new List<GridEntry>(numEntries);

            freeGrids = new Stack<GridEntry>(numEntries);
            for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i)
                GridEntry entry = new GridEntry();
                entry.GridIndex = -2;

            for (int i = 0; i < (nx * ny * nz); ++i)
                GridEntry gridEntry = freeGrids.Pop();
                gridEntry.GridIndex = i;

            overflowEntries = freeGrids.Pop();
            overflowEntries.GridIndex = -1;

            for (int iX = 0; iX < nx; ++iX)
                for (int iY = 0; iY < ny; ++iY)
                    for (int iZ = 0; iZ < nz; ++iZ)
                        AABox box = new AABox();
                        box.AddPoint(new Vector3(iX * dx, iY * dy, iZ + dz));
                        box.AddPoint(new Vector3(iX * dx + dx, iY * dy + dy, iZ * dz + dz));

                        int index = CalcIndex(iX, iY, iZ);
                        gridBoxes[index] = box;
 public void Clear( bool NOTUSED )
     positions = null;
     triBoxes = null;
     tris = null;
     nodes = null;
     boundingBox = null;
            /// <summary>
            /// constructor clears everything
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="aabb"></param>
            public Cell(AABox aabb)
                mAABox = aabb;
                mTriangleIndices = new List<int>();
                mChildCellIndices = new int[NumChildren];

        public void BuildOctree( int _maxTrisPerCellNOTUSED, float _minCellSizeNOTUSED)
            // create tri and tri bounding box arrays
            triBoxes = new BoundingBox[tris.Length];

            // create an infinite size root box
            rootNodeBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity),
                                           new Vector3(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity));

            for (int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i++)
                triBoxes[i].Minimum = Vector3.Minimize(positions[tris[i].I0], Vector3.Minimize(positions[tris[i].I1], positions[tris[i].I2]));
                triBoxes[i].Maximum = Vector3.Maximize(positions[tris[i].I0], Vector3.Maximize(positions[tris[i].I1], positions[tris[i].I2]));

                // get size of the root box
                rootNodeBox.Minimum = Vector3.Minimize(rootNodeBox.Minimum, triBoxes[i].Minimum);
                rootNodeBox.Maximum = Vector3.Maximize(rootNodeBox.Maximum, triBoxes[i].Maximum);

            boundingBox = new AABox(rootNodeBox.Minimum, rootNodeBox.Maximum);

            List<BuildNode> buildNodes = new List<BuildNode>();
            buildNodes.Add(new BuildNode());
            buildNodes[0].box = rootNodeBox;

            BoundingBox[] children = new BoundingBox[8];
            for (int triNum = 0; triNum < tris.Length; triNum++)
                int nodeIndex = 0;
                BoundingBox box = rootNodeBox;

                while (SlimDX.BoundingBox.Contains(box, triBoxes[triNum]) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                    int childCon = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                        children[i] = CreateAABox(box, (EChild)i);
                        if (SlimDX.BoundingBox.Contains(children[i], triBoxes[triNum]) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                            // this box contains the tri, it can be the only one that does,
                            // so we can stop our child search now and recurse into it
                            childCon = i;

                    // no child contains this tri completely, so it belong in this node
                    if (childCon == -1)
                        // do we already have this child
                        int childIndex = -1;
                        for (int index = 0; index < buildNodes[nodeIndex].nodeIndices.Count; ++index)
                            if (buildNodes[buildNodes[nodeIndex].nodeIndices[index]].childType == childCon)
                                childIndex = index;
                        if (childIndex == -1)
                            // nope create child
                            BuildNode parentNode = buildNodes[nodeIndex];
                            BuildNode newNode = new BuildNode();
                            newNode.childType = childCon;
                   = children[childCon];

                            nodeIndex = buildNodes.Count - 1;
                            box = children[childCon];
                            nodeIndex = buildNodes[nodeIndex].nodeIndices[childIndex];
                            box = children[childCon];

            Debug.Assert(buildNodes.Count < 0xFFFF);

            // now convert to the tighter Node from BuildNodes
            nodes = new Node[buildNodes.Count];
            nodeStack = new UInt16[buildNodes.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                nodes[i].nodeIndices = new UInt16[buildNodes[i].nodeIndices.Count];
                for (int index = 0; index < nodes[i].nodeIndices.Length; ++index)
                    nodes[i].nodeIndices[index] = (UInt16)buildNodes[i].nodeIndices[index];

                nodes[i].triIndices = new int[buildNodes[i].triIndices.Count];
                nodes[i].box = buildNodes[i].box;
            buildNodes = null;
 public override void GetBoundingBox(out AABox box)
     box = octree.BoundingBox.Clone() as AABox;
     box.Transform = Transform;
Пример #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests weather two oriented boxes overlap.
        /// Mainly does simple SAT test (3+3 normal axes + 3x3 edge cross products)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_A">First box</param>
        /// <param name="_B">Second box</param>
        /// <param name="_mB2A">Transformation from B to A</param>
        /// <param name="_overlapTolerance">Tolerance of this test. (essentialy both boxes are deflated with this value)</param>
        /// <seealso cref="BoxOverlapTest"/>
        /// <returns>true if there is an overlap</returns>
        private static bool BoxOverlapTest(AABox _A, AABox _B, Matrix _mB2A, double _overlapTolerance)
            double t, t2;
            var tolerance = new Vector3((float) _overlapTolerance, (float) _overlapTolerance, (float) _overlapTolerance);
            Vector3 cB = _B.Center;
            Vector3 eB = 0.5f*(_B.Size - tolerance);
            Vector3 cA = _A.Center;
            Vector3 eA = 0.5f*(_A.Size - tolerance);
            Matrix mAR = Absolute(_mB2A);

            // Class I : A's basis vectors
            //Tx = (_mB2A.M33 * (cB.x - cA.x) + _mB2A.M34 * (cB.y - cA.y) + _mB2A.M24 * (cB.z -cA.z)) + _mB2A.M14;
            double Tx = (_mB2A.M33*cB.X + _mB2A.M34*cB.Y + _mB2A.M24*cB.Z) + _mB2A.M14 - cA.X;
            //t = r_a + r_b;
            t = eA.X + eB.X*mAR.M33 + eB.Y*mAR.M34 + eB.Z*mAR.M24;
            if (Greater(Tx, t)) return false;

            double Ty = (_mB2A.M21*cB.X + _mB2A.M33*cB.Y + _mB2A.M34*cB.Z) + _mB2A.M24 - cA.Y;
            t = eA.Y + eB.X*mAR.M21 + eB.Y*mAR.M33 + eB.Z*mAR.M34;
            if (Greater(Ty, t)) return false;

            double Tz = (_mB2A.M31*cB.X + _mB2A.M32*cB.Y + _mB2A.M33*cB.Z) + _mB2A.M34 - cA.Z;
            t = eA.Z + eB.X*mAR.M31 + eB.Y*mAR.M32 + eB.Z*mAR.M33;
            if (Greater(Tz, t)) return false;

            // Class II : B's basis vectors
            t = Tx*_mB2A.M33 + Ty*_mB2A.M21 + Tz*_mB2A.M31;
            t2 = eA.X*mAR.M33 + eA.Y*mAR.M21 + eA.Z*mAR.M31 + eB.X;
            if (Greater(t, t2)) return false;

            t = Tx*_mB2A.M34 + Ty*_mB2A.M33 + Tz*_mB2A.M32;
            t2 = eA.X*mAR.M34 + eA.Y*mAR.M33 + eA.Z*mAR.M32 + eB.Y;
            if (Greater(t, t2)) return false;

            t = Tx*_mB2A.M24 + Ty*_mB2A.M34 + Tz*_mB2A.M33;
            t2 = eA.X*mAR.M24 + eA.Y*mAR.M34 + eA.Z*mAR.M33 + eB.Z;
            if (Greater(t, t2)) return false;

            // Class III : 9 cross products
                t = Tz*_mB2A.M21 - Ty*_mB2A.M31;
                t2 = eA.Y*mAR.M31 + eA.Z*mAR.M21 + eB.Y*mAR.M24 + eB.Z*mAR.M34;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A0 x B0
                t = Tz*_mB2A.M33 - Ty*_mB2A.M32;
                t2 = eA.Y*mAR.M32 + eA.Z*mAR.M33 + eB.X*mAR.M24 + eB.Z*mAR.M33;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A0 x B1
                t = Tz*_mB2A.M34 - Ty*_mB2A.M33;
                t2 = eA.Y*mAR.M33 + eA.Z*mAR.M34 + eB.X*mAR.M34 + eB.Y*mAR.M33;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A0 x B2
                t = Tx*_mB2A.M31 - Tz*_mB2A.M33;
                t2 = eA.X*mAR.M31 + eA.Z*mAR.M33 + eB.Y*mAR.M34 + eB.Z*mAR.M33;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A1 x B0
                t = Tx*_mB2A.M32 - Tz*_mB2A.M34;
                t2 = eA.X*mAR.M32 + eA.Z*mAR.M34 + eB.X*mAR.M34 + eB.Z*mAR.M21;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A1 x B1
                t = Tx*_mB2A.M33 - Tz*_mB2A.M24;
                t2 = eA.X*mAR.M33 + eA.Z*mAR.M24 + eB.X*mAR.M33 + eB.Y*mAR.M21;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A1 x B2
                t = Ty*_mB2A.M33 - Tx*_mB2A.M21;
                t2 = eA.X*mAR.M21 + eA.Y*mAR.M33 + eB.Y*mAR.M33 + eB.Z*mAR.M32;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A2 x B0
                t = Ty*_mB2A.M34 - Tx*_mB2A.M33;
                t2 = eA.X*mAR.M33 + eA.Y*mAR.M34 + eB.X*mAR.M33 + eB.Z*mAR.M31;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A2 x B1
                t = Ty*_mB2A.M24 - Tx*_mB2A.M34;
                t2 = eA.X*mAR.M34 + eA.Y*mAR.M24 + eB.X*mAR.M32 + eB.Y*mAR.M31;
                if (Greater(t, t2)) return false; // L = A2 x B2
            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a bounding box that covers this primitive. Default returns a huge box, so
 /// implement this in the derived class for efficiency
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual void GetBoundingBox(out AABox box)
     box = AABox.HugeBox;
Пример #40
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected internal override bool CalculateBounds(out AABox box, out Sphere sphere)
            sphere = Bounds;

            Vector3 extents = new Vector3(sphere.Radius, sphere.Radius, sphere.Radius);
            box = new AABox(sphere.Center - extents, sphere.Center + extents);

            return true;