Пример #1
            public void LocalMemberChain()
                ПрочиеДоходыИРасходы value = null;
                var exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => value =
                                                                              Source <ПрочиеДоходыИРасходы>()
                                                                              .Single(x => LocalWrapFunc(x.Наименование).s == "."));

                Assert.That(value, Is.Null);
                const string expectedMessage = "can't apply 'Where' operator for " +
                                               "expression [(LocalWrapFunc([x].Наименование).s == \".\")]." +
                                               "Expression must be a chain of member accesses.";

                Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.EqualTo(expectedMessage));
Пример #2
            public void GracefullCrashForInvalidOrderByExpression()
                ПрочиеДоходыИРасходы value = null;
                var exception = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => value = Source <ПрочиеДоходыИРасходы>()
                                                                                        .OrderByDescending(x => LocalFunc(x.Наименование))

                Assert.That(value, Is.Null);
                const string expectedMessage = "can't apply [OrderByDescending] operator by " +
                                               "expression [LocalFunc([x].Наименование)]." +
                                               "Expression must be a chain of member accesses.";

                Assert.That(exception.Message, Is.EqualTo(expectedMessage));