Exemplo n.º 1
        //convert salesareas to salesareapriority
        private List <SalesAreaPriority> GetSalesAreaPriorities(RunV2 runOld, List <SalesArea> allsalesareaDocuments)
            List <SalesAreaPriority> SalesAreaPriorities = new List <SalesAreaPriority>();

            //??? if (runOld.SalesAreas != null && runOld.SalesAreas.Count == 0)   //CHECK that salesarea is not null AND salesareas.count is 0 empty so set to allsalesareas defaulting to priority 3
            if (runOld.SalesAreas.Count == 0 || runOld.SalesAreas == null)   //salesareas is empty so set to allsalesareas defaulting to priority 3
                foreach (var salesarea in allsalesareaDocuments)
                    SalesAreaPriority salesAreaPriority = new SalesAreaPriority();
                    salesAreaPriority.SalesArea = salesarea.Name;
                    salesAreaPriority.Priority  = SalesAreaPriorityType.Priority3;
                foreach (var salesareaCustomId in runOld.SalesAreas)
                    SalesAreaPriority salesAreaPriority = new SalesAreaPriority();
                    salesAreaPriority.SalesArea = allsalesareaDocuments.First(s => s.CustomId.Equals(salesareaCustomId.Id)).Name;
                    salesAreaPriority.Priority  = SalesAreaPriorityType.Priority3;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts runs to new format:
        /// salesareas converted to salesareaspriorities - defaulting to Priority3, if run salesareas field is empty then will be all sales areas Priority3
        /// Start\EndDateTime converted to Start\EndDate and Start\EndTime
        /// Process steps DateRange will be taken from run DateRange
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runOld"></param>
        /// <param name="runs"></param>
        private void ConvertRun(RunV2 runOld, List <Run> runs, List <SalesArea> allsalesareaDocuments)
            if (runOld.StartDateTime != null && runOld.EndDateTime != null)
                DateRange runOldDateRange = new DateRange {
                    Start = runOld.StartDateTime.Date, End = runOld.EndDateTime.Date
                Run run = new Run()
                    Id                     = runOld.Id,
                    CustomId               = runOld.CustomId,
                    Description            = runOld.Description,
                    CreatedDateTime        = runOld.CreatedDateTime,
                    StartDate              = runOld.StartDateTime.Date,
                    EndDate                = runOld.EndDateTime.Date,
                    StartTime              = runOld.StartDateTime.TimeOfDay,
                    EndTime                = runOld.EndDateTime.TimeOfDay,
                    LastModifiedDateTime   = runOld.LastModifiedDateTime,
                    ExecuteStartedDateTime = runOld.ExecuteStartedDateTime,
                    IsLocked               = runOld.IsLocked,
                    InventoryLock          = runOld.InventoryLock,
                    Real                   = runOld.Real,

                    Smooth          = runOld.Smooth,
                    SmoothDateRange = runOldDateRange,

                    ISR          = runOld.ISR,
                    ISRDateRange = runOldDateRange,

                    Optimisation          = runOld.Optimisation,
                    OptimisationDateRange = runOldDateRange,

                    RightSizer          = runOld.RightSizer,
                    RightSizerDateRange = runOldDateRange,

                    SpreadProgramming           = runOld.SpreadProgramming,
                    SkipLockedBreaks            = runOld.SkipLockedBreaks,
                    IgnorePremiumCategoryBreaks = runOld.SkipLockedBreaks,
                    ExcludeBankHolidays         = runOld.SkipLockedBreaks,
                    ExcludeSchoolHolidays       = runOld.SkipLockedBreaks,
                    IgnoreZeroPercentageSplit   = runOld.IgnoreZeroPercentageSplit,
                    BookTargetArea = runOld.BookTargetArea,
                    Objectives     = runOld.Objectives,
                    Author         = runOld.Author,

                    Campaigns = runOld.Campaigns,
                    Scenarios = runOld.Scenarios,

                    SalesAreaPriorities = GetSalesAreaPriorities(runOld, allsalesareaDocuments)

                                          //RunStatus = runOld.RunStatus, //RunStatus property cannot be assigned, it is read only
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts Run documents from old format to new format where scenarios & passes are stored in separate document
        /// </summary>
        public void Apply()
            //string targetTenantConnectionStringForTesting = "Url =;Database=ImagineDevChris";
            foreach (string tenantConnectionString in _tenantConnectionStrings)
                using (IDocumentStore documentStore = DocumentStoreFactory.CreateStore(tenantConnectionString))
                    using (IDocumentSession session = documentStore.OpenSession())
                        // get all the sales areas for use in converting run document
                        var salesAreaRepository = new RavenSalesAreaRepository(session);
                        var allsalesareas       = salesAreaRepository.GetAll().ToList();

                        // Get all Run documents
                        var runDocuments = session.Advanced.DocumentStore.DatabaseCommands.Query("Raven/DocumentsByEntityName",
                                                                                                 new IndexQuery
                            Query    = "Tag:[[Runs]]",
                            PageSize = 1024

                        List <Run> runs = new List <Run>();

                        foreach (var runDocument in runDocuments.Results)
                            string runJson = runDocument.ToString();
                            RunV2  runOld  = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RunV2>(runJson);

                            // Set RunID
                            var metadata = runDocument["@metadata"];
                            var idToken  = metadata.SelectToken("@id");
                            if (idToken.ToString().Contains('/'))   // Should look like this: "@id": "runs/63afc561-f754-49b5-92ba-e984960466d5"
                                runOld.Id = new Guid(idToken.ToObject <string>().Split('/')[1]);
                            else                                    // Or like this: "@id": "63afc561-f754-49b5-92ba-e984960466d5" (if imported into raven from a csv file)
                                runOld.Id = new Guid(idToken.ToObject <string>());
                            // Back up Run document using run id as file name
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_rollBackFolder))
                                string runFile = Path.Combine(_rollBackFolder, string.Format("Run.{0}.json", runOld.Id));
                                if (File.Exists(runFile))
                                File.WriteAllText(runFile, runJson);

                            // Convert run
                            ConvertRun(runOld, runs, allsalesareas);

                        using (IDocumentStore targetDocumentStore = DocumentStoreFactory.CreateStore(tenantConnectionString))
                            using (IDocumentSession session1 = targetDocumentStore.OpenSession())
                                runs.ForEach(run => session1.Store(run));