Exemplo n.º 1
 public override void handle_msg_all(wxMsg msg)
     if (msg.Type == 4 && msg.ContentType == 0)
         string uid = get_user_id("文件传输助手");
         send_msg_by_uid("test,do not reply", uid);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void handle_msg_all(wxMsg msg)
            //    msg_id  ->  消息id
            //    msg_type_id  ->  消息类型id
            //    user  ->  发送消息的账号id
            //    content  ->  消息内容
            //:param msg: 收到的消息

            //send_msg_by_uid("test,do not reply");
Exemplo n.º 3
 public override void handle_msg_all(wxMsg msg)
     if (!robot_switch && msg.Type != 1)
     if (msg.Type == 1 && msg.ContentType == 0)
     if (msg.Type == 4 && msg.ContentType == 0)
         send_msg_by_uid(tuling_auto_reply(msg.From, msg), msg.From);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public string tuling_auto_reply(string uid, wxMsg msg)
     if (tuling_key != "")
         string  url     = "http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api";
         string  user_id = uid.Replace("@", "").Substring(0, 30);
         string  data    = "key=" + tuling_key + "&info=" + msg.Content + "&userid=" + user_id;
         string  r       = Http.WebPost(url, data);
         JObject result  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(r) as JObject;
         string  rr      = "";
         if (result["code"].ToString() == "100000")
             rr = result["text"].ToString().Replace("<br>", "  ");
             rr = rr.Replace("\xa0", " ");
         else if (result["code"].ToString() == "200000")
             rr = result["url"].ToString();
         else if (result["code"].ToString() == "302000")
             foreach (JObject k in result["list"])
                 rr = rr + "【" + k["source"].ToString() + "】 " +
                      k["article"].ToString() + "\t" + k["detailurl"] + "\n";
             rr = result["text"].ToString().Replace("<br>", "  ");
             rr = rr.Replace("\xa0", " ");
         return(rr + "  @Auto Reply by Turing Robot@");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void auto_switch(wxMsg msg)
            string[] stop_cmd  = { "退下", "走开", "关闭", "关掉", "休息", "滚开" };
            string[] start_cmd = { "出来", "启动", "工作" };
            string   msg_data  = msg.Content;

            if (robot_switch)
                if (stop_cmd.Contains(msg_data))
                    robot_switch = false;
                    send_msg_by_uid("robot off", msg.From);
                if (start_cmd.Contains(msg_data))
                    robot_switch = true;
                    send_msg_by_uid("robot on", msg.From);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 解析收到的消息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        ///  content_type_id:
        ///    0 -> Text
        ///    1 -> Location
        ///    3 -> Image
        ///    4 -> Voice
        ///    5 -> Recommend
        ///    6 -> Animation
        ///    7 -> Share
        ///    8 -> Video
        ///    9 -> VideoCall
        ///    10 -> Redraw
        ///    11 -> Empty
        ///    99 -> Unknown
        ///:param msg_type_id: 消息类型id
        ///:param msg: 消息结构体
        ///:return: 解析的消息
        public wxMsg extract_msg_content(wxMsg msg)
            int mtype = msg.ContentType;
            //string content = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(msg['Content']);
            string content = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(msg.Content);

            string msg_id = msg.MsgID;

            //msg_content = {}
            if (msg.Type == 0)
                msg.ContentType = 11;
            else if (msg.Type == 2)     //File Helper
                msg.ContentType = 0;
            else if (msg.Type == 3)   // 群聊
                int    sp  = content.IndexOf("<br/>");
                string uid = content.Substring(0, sp);
                content = content.Substring(sp);
                content = content.Replace("<br/>", "");
                //uid = uid.Remove(uid.Length-1, 1);
                //name = self.get_contact_prefer_name(self.get_contact_name(uid))
                //if not name:
                //    name = self.get_group_member_prefer_name(self.get_group_member_name(msg['FromUserName'], uid))
                //if not name:
                //    name = 'unknown'
                //msg_content['user'] = {'id': uid, 'name': name}

            else//# Self, Contact, Special, Public, Unknown

            //msg_prefix = (msg_content['user']['name'] + ':') if 'user' in msg_content else ''

            if (mtype == 1)
                if (content.IndexOf("http://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/redirectforward?args=") != -1)
                    //string r =Http.WebGet(content);
                    //r.encoding = 'gbk'
                    //data = r.text
                    //pos = self.search_content('title', data, 'xml')
                    //msg_content['type'] = 1
                    //msg_content['data'] = pos
                    //msg_content['detail'] = data
                    //if self.DEBUG:
                    //    print '    %s[Location] %s ' % (msg_prefix, pos)
                    msg.ContentType = 0;
                    //if msg_type_id == 3 or (msg_type_id == 1 and msg['ToUserName'][:2] == '@@'):  # Group text message
                    //    msg_infos = self.proc_at_info(content)
                    //    str_msg_all = msg_infos[0]
                    //    str_msg = msg_infos[1]
                    //    detail = msg_infos[2]
                    //    msg_content['data'] = str_msg_all
                    //    msg_content['detail'] = detail
                    //    msg_content['desc'] = str_msg
                    //    msg_content['data'] = content
                    //if self.DEBUG:
                    //    try:
                    //        print '    %s[Text] %s' % (msg_prefix, msg_content['data'])
                    //    except UnicodeEncodeError:
                    //        print '    %s[Text] (illegal text).' % msg_prefix
            //elif mtype == 3:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 3
            //    msg_content['data'] = self.get_msg_img_url(msg_id)
            //    msg_content['img'] = self.session.get(msg_content['data']).content.encode('hex')
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        image = self.get_msg_img(msg_id)
            //        print '    %s[Image] %s' % (msg_prefix, image)
            //elif mtype == 34:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 4
            //    msg_content['data'] = self.get_voice_url(msg_id)
            //    msg_content['voice'] = self.session.get(msg_content['data']).content.encode('hex')
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        voice = self.get_voice(msg_id)
            //        print '    %s[Voice] %s' % (msg_prefix, voice)
            //elif mtype == 37:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 37
            //    msg_content['data'] = msg['RecommendInfo']
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    %s[useradd] %s' % (msg_prefix,msg['RecommendInfo']['NickName'])
            //elif mtype == 42:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 5
            //    info = msg['RecommendInfo']
            //    msg_content['data'] = {'nickname': info['NickName'],
            //                           'alias': info['Alias'],
            //                           'province': info['Province'],
            //                           'city': info['City'],
            //                           'gender': ['unknown', 'male', 'female'][info['Sex']]}
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    %s[Recommend]' % msg_prefix
            //        print '    -----------------------------'
            //        print '    | NickName: %s' % info['NickName']
            //        print '    | Alias: %s' % info['Alias']
            //        print '    | Local: %s %s' % (info['Province'], info['City'])
            //        print '    | Gender: %s' % ['unknown', 'male', 'female'][info['Sex']]
            //        print '    -----------------------------'
            //elif mtype == 47:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 6
            //    msg_content['data'] = self.search_content('cdnurl', content)
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    %s[Animation] %s' % (msg_prefix, msg_content['data'])
            //elif mtype == 49:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 7
            //    if msg['AppMsgType'] == 3:
            //        app_msg_type = 'music'
            //    elif msg['AppMsgType'] == 5:
            //        app_msg_type = 'link'
            //    elif msg['AppMsgType'] == 7:
            //        app_msg_type = 'weibo'
            //    else:
            //        app_msg_type = 'unknown'
            //    msg_content['data'] = {'type': app_msg_type,
            //                           'title': msg['FileName'],
            //                           'desc': self.search_content('des', content, 'xml'),
            //                           'url': msg['Url'],
            //                           'from': self.search_content('appname', content, 'xml'),
            //                           'content': msg.get('Content')  # 有的公众号会发一次性3 4条链接一个大图,如果只url那只能获取第一条,content里面有所有的链接
            //                           }
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    %s[Share] %s' % (msg_prefix, app_msg_type)
            //        print '    --------------------------'
            //        print '    | title: %s' % msg['FileName']
            //        print '    | desc: %s' % self.search_content('des', content, 'xml')
            //        print '    | link: %s' % msg['Url']
            //        print '    | from: %s' % self.search_content('appname', content, 'xml')
            //        print '    | content: %s' % (msg.get('content')[:20] if msg.get('content') else "unknown")
            //        print '    --------------------------'

            //elif mtype == 62:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 8
            //    msg_content['data'] = content
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    %s[Video] Please check on mobiles' % msg_prefix
            //elif mtype == 53:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 9
            //    msg_content['data'] = content
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    %s[Video Call]' % msg_prefix
            //elif mtype == 10002:
            //    msg_content['type'] = 10
            //    msg_content['data'] = content
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    %s[Redraw]' % msg_prefix
            //elif mtype == 10000:  # unknown, maybe red packet, or group invite
            //    msg_content['type'] = 12
            //    msg_content['data'] = msg['Content']
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    [Unknown]'
            //    msg_content['type'] = 99
            //    msg_content['data'] = content
            //    if self.DEBUG:
            //        print '    %s[Unknown]' % msg_prefix
            //return msg_content
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void handle_msg(JObject r)
            //    0 -> Init
            //    1 -> Self
            //    2 -> FileHelper
            //    3 -> Group
            //    4 -> Contact
            //    5 -> Public
            //    6 -> Special
            //    99 -> Unknown
            //:param r: 原始微信消息
            foreach (JObject m in r["AddMsgList"])
                string from         = m["FromUserName"].ToString(); //发信人ID
                string to           = m["ToUserName"].ToString();   //收信人ID
                string content      = m["Content"].ToString();
                string content_type = m["MsgType"].ToString();
                string MsgID        = m["MsgId"].ToString();

                wxMsg msg = new wxMsg();

                msg.From = from;
                //msg.Content = content_type == "1" ? content : "请在其他设备上查看消息";  //只接受文本消息
                msg.Content     = content;
                msg.Readed      = false;
                msg.Time        = DateTime.Now;
                msg.To          = to;
                msg.ContentType = int.Parse(content_type);
                msg.MsgID       = MsgID;

                if (from == _me.UserName)    // Self
                    msg.Type = 1;
                else if (to == "filehelper")    // File Helper
                    msg.Type = 2;
                else if (from.IndexOf("@@") != -1)  //群聊
                    msg.Type = 3;
                else if (is_contact(from))   // Contact
                    msg.Type = 4;
                else if (is_public(from))   // Public
                    msg.Type = 5;
                else if (is_special(from))  //special
                    msg.Type = 6;
                    msg.Type = 99;

                if (msg.ContentType == 51)   //屏蔽一些系统数据
                //foreach (Object u in contact_list)
                //    wxUser user = u as wxUser;
                //    if (user != null)
                //    {
                //        if (user.UserName == msg.From && msg.To == _me.UserName)  //接收别人消息
                //        {

                //            //user.ReceiveMsg(msg);
                //            //break;
                //        }
                //        else if (user.UserName == msg.To && msg.From == _me.UserName)  //同步自己在其他设备上发送的消息
                //        {

                //            //SendMsg(msg, true);
                //            //break;
                //        }
                //    }
                msg = extract_msg_content(msg);