Exemplo n.º 1
        /*Returns the time of the next Sunrise*/
        public Time getNextSunriseTime()
            Time result = null;

            if (dayTime)
                result = getSunriseTime(currentDate.DateWithDays(1));
                if (currentTime.CompareTo(new Time(23, 59, 59)) > 0)
                    Time sunrise = getSunriseTime();
                    result = sunrise;
                    result = getSunriseTime(currentDate.DateWithDays(1));

Exemplo n.º 2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            Time midday = clock.GetMiddayTime();

            currentTime = clock.getCurrentTime();
            if (previousTime.CompareTo(midday) < 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(midday) >= 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("MOONPHASES: midday reached");
                if (daysSincePhaseChange > phaseLengths[phaseIndex])
            previousTime = currentTime.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            Time previousTime = currentTime.Clone();
            int  dayChange    = 0;

            seconds += UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime / timeChangeRate;
            int s = (int)seconds;

            seconds  -= s;
            dayChange = currentTime.add(s);

            //updating date
            if (dayChange > 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CENTRALCLOCK: Midnight reached: " + currentTime + "\n" +
                              "Increase: " + dayChange + "\t New date: " + currentDate);
                    Debug.Log("CENTRALCLOCK: End of season = " + currentSeason.GetEndDate() + "\n" +
                              "Equal to today?: " + currentDate.CompareTo(currentSeason.GetEndDate()));

                //Updating season
                if (currentDate.CompareTo(currentSeason.GetEndDate()) == 0)
                    currentSeason = currentSeason.next_season;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CENTRALCLOCK: Season updated, new Season: " + currentSeason.name);
            if (previousTime.CompareTo(midday) < 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(midday) >= 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CENTRALCLOCK: Miday reached: " + currentTime);

            //TODO: eventos de aviso amanecer/atardecer
            Time todaySunrise = getSunriseTime();
            Time todaySunset  = getSunsetTime();

            if (!dayTime && currentTime.CompareTo(todaySunrise) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(todaySunset) < 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CENTRALCLOCK: It's Sunrise time: \n " +
                              "Sunrise time: " + todaySunrise.ToString() + "\t Current time: " + currentTime.ToString());
                dayTime = true;
                if (dayTime && currentTime.CompareTo(todaySunset) >= 0)
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CENTRALCLOCK: It's sunset time \n " +
                                  "Sunset time: " + todaySunset.ToString() + "\t Current time: " + currentTime.ToString());
                    dayTime = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //Parameter checkup and initialization
        void Awake()
            //TODO: comprobar que no hay mas de 1 solo objecto con tag "Clock"

            //initializing SunriseAndSunsetCollection
            sunriseTimes = new Dictionary <Date, Time>();
            sunsetTimes  = new Dictionary <Date, Time>();
            //time change rate
            timeChangeRate = (Day_length_in_minutes / 24.0) / 60.0;

            //Month checkup
            GameObject[] m = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Month");
            monthList = new Month[m.Length];
            int   daySum = 0;
            Month auxiliar;

            for (int i = 0; i < m.Length; i++)
                auxiliar = m[i].GetComponent <Month>();
                monthList[auxiliar.Month_number - 1] = auxiliar;
                daySum += auxiliar.Length;
                // Debug.Log("Month " + auxiliar.name + " set to position " + (auxiliar.Month_number - 1));
            if (daySum != Days_in_Year)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: The specified number of days in a year and the sum of the lengths of all months do not match \n " +
                               "   Days in a year       = " + Days_in_Year + "Sum of month lengths = " + daySum);

            ////No null values in day names
            //for (int i = 0; i < Day_names.Length; i++)
            //    if (Day_names[i] == "")
            //        Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: All day names must be declared");

            //initial date
            string[] split = Initial_date.Split('/');
            if (split.Length != 3)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Initial date must follow the format: dd/mm/yyyy");
            int day       = int.Parse(split[0]);
            int month_num = int.Parse(split[1]);
            int year      = int.Parse(split[2]);

            if (year < 0)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Negative year numbers are not allowed");
            if (year < 2)
                Debug.LogWarning("CENTRALCLOCK: It is recomended to introduce a year number greater than 2 for the initial date");

            Month month = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < monthList.Length; i++)
                if (monthList[i].Month_number == month_num)
                    month = monthList[i];
            if (month == null)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Initial date's month could not be found");

            currentDate = new Date(day, month, year);

            //initial time
            split = Initial_time.Split(':');
            if (split.Length != 3)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Initial time must follow the format: hh:mm:ss");
            int hours   = int.Parse(split[0]);
            int minutes = int.Parse(split[1]);
            int seconds = int.Parse(split[2]);

            currentTime = new Time(hours, minutes, seconds);

            //Summer Solstice
            split = summer_solstice_date.Split('/');
            if (split.Length != 3)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Summer solstice's date must follow the format: dd/mm/yyyy");
            day       = int.Parse(split[0]);
            month_num = int.Parse(split[1]);
            month     = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < monthList.Length; i++)
                if (monthList[i].Month_number == month_num)
                    month = monthList[i];
            if (month == null)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: summer solstice's month could not be found");
            summerSolstice = new Date(day, month, -1);
            if (summer_solstice_hours_light <= 0)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Summer solstice cannot have negative or 0 hous of light");
            if (summer_solstice_hours_light >= 24)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Summer solstice cannot have 24 or more hours of light");
            Time summerSolstice_Sunrise = midday.TimeWithSeconds(midday, -(int)((summer_solstice_hours_light * 3600) / 2));
            Time summerSolstice_Sunset  = midday.TimeWithSeconds(midday, (int)((summer_solstice_hours_light * 3600) / 2));

            sunriseTimes.Add(summerSolstice, summerSolstice_Sunrise);
            sunsetTimes.Add(summerSolstice, summerSolstice_Sunset);

            //Winter solstice
            split = winter_solstice_date.Split('/');
            if (split.Length != 3)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Winter solstice's date must follow the format: dd/mm/yyyy");
            day       = int.Parse(split[0]);
            month_num = int.Parse(split[1]);
            month     = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < monthList.Length; i++)
                if (monthList[i].Month_number == month_num)
                    month = monthList[i];
            if (month == null)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Winter solstice's month could not be found");
            winterSolstice = new Date(day, month, -1);
            if (winter_solstice_hours_light <= 0)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Winter solstice cannot have negative or 0 hous of light");
            if (winter_solstice_hours_light >= 24)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Winter solstice cannot have 24 or more hours of light");
            Time winterSolstice_Sunrise = midday.TimeWithSeconds(midday, -(int)((winter_solstice_hours_light * 3600) / 2));
            Time winterSolstice_Sunset  = midday.TimeWithSeconds(midday, (int)((winter_solstice_hours_light * 3600) / 2));

            sunriseTimes.Add(winterSolstice, winterSolstice_Sunrise);
            sunsetTimes.Add(winterSolstice, winterSolstice_Sunset);

            //Spring equinox
            split = spring_equinox_date.Split('/');
            if (split.Length != 3)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Spring equinox date must follow the format: dd/mm/yyyy");
            day       = int.Parse(split[0]);
            month_num = int.Parse(split[1]);
            month     = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < monthList.Length; i++)
                if (monthList[i].Month_number == month_num)
                    month = monthList[i];
            if (month == null)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Spring equinox month could not be found");
            springEquinox = new Date(day, month, -1);
            if (spring_equinox_hours_light <= 0)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Spring equinox cannot have negative or 0 hous of light");
            if (spring_equinox_hours_light >= 24)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Spring equinox cannot have 24 or more hours of light");
            Time springEquinox_Sunrise = midday.TimeWithSeconds(midday, -(int)((spring_equinox_hours_light * 3600) / 2));
            Time springEquinox_Sunset  = midday.TimeWithSeconds(midday, (int)((spring_equinox_hours_light * 3600) / 2));

            sunriseTimes.Add(springEquinox, springEquinox_Sunrise);
            sunsetTimes.Add(springEquinox, springEquinox_Sunset);

            //Autumn equinox
            split = autumn_equinox_date.Split('/');
            if (split.Length != 3)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: autumn equinox date must follow the format: dd/mm/yyyy");
            day       = int.Parse(split[0]);
            month_num = int.Parse(split[1]);
            month     = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < monthList.Length; i++)
                if (monthList[i].Month_number == month_num)
                    month = monthList[i];
            if (month == null)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: Spring equinox month could not be found");
            autumnEquinox = new Date(day, month, -1);
            if (autumn_equinox_hours_light <= 0)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: autumn equinox cannot have negative or 0 hous of light");
            if (autumn_equinox_hours_light >= 24)
                Debug.LogError("CENTRALCLOCK: autumn equinox cannot have 24 or more hours of light");
            Time autumnEquinox_Sunrise = midday.TimeWithSeconds(midday, -(int)((spring_equinox_hours_light * 3600) / 2));
            Time autumnEquinox_Sunset  = midday.TimeWithSeconds(midday, (int)((spring_equinox_hours_light * 3600) / 2));

            sunriseTimes.Add(autumnEquinox, autumnEquinox_Sunrise);
            sunsetTimes.Add(autumnEquinox, autumnEquinox_Sunset);

            int    daysbetween      = 0;
            double LengthDifference = 0;

            //Winter to Spring time change rate:
            daysbetween        = winterSolstice.DaysBetween(springEquinox);
            LengthDifference   = spring_equinox_hours_light - winter_solstice_hours_light;
            winterToSpringRate = ((LengthDifference / 2.0) / daysbetween) * 3600;
            //spring to summer time change rate:
            daysbetween        = springEquinox.DaysBetween(summerSolstice);
            LengthDifference   = summer_solstice_hours_light - spring_equinox_hours_light;
            springToSummerRate = ((LengthDifference / 2.0) / daysbetween) * 3600;
            //summer to autumn time change rate:
            daysbetween        = summerSolstice.DaysBetween(autumnEquinox);
            LengthDifference   = autumn_equinox_hours_light - summer_solstice_hours_light;
            summerToAutumnRate = ((LengthDifference / 2.0) / daysbetween) * 3600;
            //autumn to winter time change rate:
            daysbetween        = autumnEquinox.DaysBetween(winterSolstice);
            LengthDifference   = winter_solstice_hours_light - autumn_equinox_hours_light;
            autumnToWinterRate = ((LengthDifference / 2.0) / daysbetween) * 3600;

            if (currentTime.CompareTo(getSunriseTime()) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(getSunsetTime()) < 0)
                dayTime = true;
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            currentTime = clock.getCurrentTime();
            //recordar que tanto el sol como la luna se tienen que dejar en el editor en la posicion de medianoche

            Time startDaySunrise = clock.getSunriseTime();
            Time startDaySunset  = clock.getSunsetTime();

            Time start = previousTime;
            Time end   = clock.getCurrentTime();

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("INITIALIZING SUN/MOON POSITION-----------------------");
                Debug.Log("dayTime: " + daytime + "\n" +
                          "start: " + start.ToString() + "\t end: " + end.ToString());

            //the first speed will always be the night speed becouse we are forcing the user to set the environment as midnight
            //TODO: change sun moon rotation so that the initial position is at midday not midnight

            //night speed:
            Date yesterday       = clock.getCurrentDate().DateWithDays(-1);
            Time yesterdaySunset = clock.getSunsetTime(yesterday);

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("  CALCULATING INITIAL SPEED -------------------------");
                Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": yesterday: " + yesterday);
                Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": Yesterda's sunset: " + yesterdaySunset.ToString() + "\n" +
                          "today sunrise: " + startDaySunrise);
                Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": Time between them: " + yesterdaySunset.SecondsBetween(startDaySunrise));
            int PhaseTotalTime = yesterdaySunset.SecondsBetween(startDaySunrise);

            rotationSpeed = 180.0f / PhaseTotalTime; //speed in degrees per second
            int   timePased;
            float rotationAngle;

            if (end.CompareTo(startDaySunrise) >= 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": end time is past sunrise, therefore the total movement will be seccioned. \n" +
                              "the firs secction is from start: " + start.ToString() + "  to sunrise: " + startDaySunrise.ToString());
                Time provisionalEnd = startDaySunrise.Clone();
                timePased     = start.SecondsBetween(provisionalEnd);
                rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": soconds passed from start to end: " + timePased + "\n"
                              + " the speed used is: " + rotationSpeed + "degrees per second");
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": new rotation angle generated: " + rotationAngle);
                transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
                start = startDaySunrise.Clone();

                daytime = true;
                //dayTime speed calculations

                PhaseTotalTime = startDaySunrise.SecondsBetween(startDaySunset);
                rotationSpeed  = 180.0f / PhaseTotalTime;

                if (end.CompareTo(startDaySunset) >= 0)
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": end time is past sunset, therefore the remaining movement will be secctioned. \n" +
                                  "The firs section is from start: " + start.ToString() + "  to sunset: " + startDaySunset.ToString());
                    provisionalEnd = startDaySunset.Clone();
                    timePased      = start.SecondsBetween(provisionalEnd);
                    rotationAngle  = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": soconds passed since sunrise: " + timePased + "\n" +
                                  "new rotation angle generated: " + rotationAngle);
                    transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
                    start = startDaySunset.Clone();

                    daytime = false;

                    PhaseTotalTime = startDaySunset.SecondsBetween(clock.getNextSunriseTime());
                    rotationSpeed  = 180.0f / PhaseTotalTime;
                    timePased      = start.SecondsBetween(end);
                    rotationAngle  = rotationSpeed * timePased;

                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": soconds passed since sunset: " + timePased + "\n" +
                                  "new rotation angle generated: " + rotationAngle);
                    transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
                    timePased     = start.SecondsBetween(end);
                    rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": soconds passed since sunrise: " + timePased + "\n" +
                                  "new rotation angle generated: " + rotationAngle);
                    transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);

                    daytime = true;
                timePased     = start.SecondsBetween(end);
                rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": soconds passed since midnight: " + timePased + "\n" +
                              "new rotation angle generated: " + rotationAngle);
                transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);

                daytime = false;

            previousTime = currentTime.Clone();
        void Update()
            currentTime = clock.getCurrentTime();
            Time sunset  = clock.getSunsetTime();
            Time sunrise = clock.getSunriseTime();
            Time midday  = clock.GetMiddayTime();

            //check if sunset has been reached
            if (daytime && currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) >= 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("REACHED SUNSET -------------------------");
                daytime = false;
                int   timePased     = previousTime.SecondsBetween(sunset);
                float rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": applying rotation to get to sunset position: " + rotationAngle);

                transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
                previousTime = sunset.Clone();

                //new rotation speed:
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": --Calculating new rotation speed: -------------- ");
                Time start = sunset.Clone();
                Time end   = clock.getNextSunriseTime();
                int  secondsBetweenPhases = start.SecondsBetween(end);
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": start: " + start.ToString() + "\t end: " + end.ToString() + "\n" +
                              "Seconds between them: " + secondsBetweenPhases);
                rotationSpeed = 180.0f / secondsBetweenPhases;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": new rotationspeed: " + rotationSpeed);
                //esta parte esta aqui solo para depurar y no llenar la pantalla de mensajes en cada update, pero a la larga hay que quitarlo
                if (previousTime != currentTime)
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": Completar la rotacion desde atardecer a currentTime");
                    timePased     = previousTime.SecondsBetween(currentTime);
                    rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                    transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
            //check if sunrise has been reached
            if (!daytime && currentTime.CompareTo(sunrise) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) < 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": REACHED SUNRISE --------------------------");
                daytime = true;
                int   timePased     = previousTime.SecondsBetween(sunrise);
                float rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": applying rotation to get to sunrise position: " + rotationAngle);
                transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
                previousTime = sunrise.Clone();

                //new rotation speed:
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": --Calculating new rotation speed: -------------- ");
                Time start = sunrise.Clone();
                Time end   = clock.getNextSunsetTime();
                int  secondsBetweenPhases = start.SecondsBetween(end);
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": start: " + start.ToString() + "\t end: " + end.ToString() + "\n" +
                              "Seconds between them: " + secondsBetweenPhases);
                rotationSpeed = 180.0f / secondsBetweenPhases;
                timePased     = sunrise.SecondsBetween(currentTime);
                rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": new rotationspeed: " + rotationSpeed);

            if (previousTime != currentTime)
                int   timePased     = previousTime.SecondsBetween(currentTime);
                float rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);

            previousTime = currentTime.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 7
        void Update()
            currentTime = clock.getCurrentTime();
            Time  sunset      = clock.getSunsetTime();
            Time  sunrise     = clock.getSunriseTime();
            Time  fadeOutEnd  = sunrise.TimeWithSeconds(sunrise, (int)(minutesToFade * 60));
            Time  fadeInStart = sunset.TimeWithSeconds(sunset, -(int)(minutesToFade * 60));
            bool  completed;
            float increase = 0;
            float decrease = 0;

            switch (phase)
            case FADING_IN:
                increase = previousTime.SecondsBetween(currentTime) * opacityChangePerSecond;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: phase is FADING_IN, currentTime is: " + currentTime.ToString() + "\n" +
                              "\t fadeInStart: " + fadeInStart.ToString() + "\t sunset: " + sunset.ToString());
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: current opacity: " + rend.material.color.a + "\n" +
                              "previous time: " + previousTime.ToString() + "\t increase: " + increase);
                completed = changeOpacity(increase);
                if (completed)
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("STARFADE: After the increase, it is determined that the transition has been completed \n" +
                                  "\t opacity: " + rend.material.color.a);
                    //TODO: por paranoia, comprobar que currentTime = sunset  o mayor. si es menor la he liado con los calculos
                    if (currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) < 0)
                        Debug.LogError("Eva eres tonta y tus matematicas necesitan repaso, La fase FADING_IN ha acabado antes de lo que deberia");
                    phase = SHINING;

            case FADING_OUT:
                decrease = -(previousTime.SecondsBetween(currentTime) * opacityChangePerSecond);
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: phase is FADING_OUT, currentTime is: " + currentTime.ToString() + "\n" +
                              "sunrise: " + sunrise.ToString() + "\t fadeOutEnd: " + fadeOutEnd.ToString());
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: current opacity: " + rend.material.color.a + "\n" +
                              "previous time: " + previousTime.ToString() + "\t increase: " + decrease);
                completed = changeOpacity(decrease);
                if (completed)
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("STARFADE: After the decrease, it is determined that the transition has been completed \n" +
                                  "\t opacity: " + rend.material.color.a);
                    if (currentTime.CompareTo(fadeOutEnd) < 0)
                        Debug.LogError("Eva eres tonta y tus matematicas necesitan repaso, La fase FADING_OUT ha acabado antes de lo que deberia");
                    phase = FADED;

            case FADED:
                if (currentTime.CompareTo(fadeInStart) >= 0)
                    phase    = FADING_IN;
                    increase = fadeInStart.SecondsBetween(currentTime) * opacityChangePerSecond;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("STARFADE: while in phase FADED, fadeInStart has been reached \n" +
                                  "\t currentTime: " + currentTime.ToString() + "\t fadeInStart: " + fadeInStart);
                        Debug.Log("STARFADE: increase calculated: " + increase);

            case SHINING:

                if (currentTime.CompareTo(sunrise) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(fadeOutEnd) < 0)
                    phase = FADING_OUT;

                    decrease = 0;
                    int secondsPased = sunrise.SecondsBetween(currentTime);
                    decrease = -secondsPased * opacityChangePerSecond;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("STARFADE: while in phase SHINING, sunrise has been reached \n" +
                                  "\t currentTime: " + currentTime.ToString() + "\t sunrise: " + sunrise);
                        Debug.Log("STARFADE: seconds pased: " + secondsPased + " compare: " + sunrise.CompareTo(currentTime) + "\n" +
                                  "opacity change per second: " + opacityChangePerSecond);
                        Debug.Log("STARFADE: increase calculated: " + increase);

            previousTime = currentTime.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 8
        void Start()
            currentTime = clock.getCurrentTime();
            Time sunrise     = clock.getSunriseTime();
            Time sunset      = clock.getSunsetTime();
            Time fadeOutEnd  = sunrise.TimeWithSeconds(sunrise, (int)(minutesToFade * 60));
            Time fadeInStart = sunset.TimeWithSeconds(sunset, -(int)(minutesToFade * 60));

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("STARFADE: CALCULATING INITIAL STATE ---------------------");
                Debug.Log("STARFADE: currentTime: " + currentTime.ToString() + "\n" +
                          "\t Sunrise: " + sunrise + "\t sunset: " + sunset);
                Debug.Log("STARFADE: Transition length (in minutes): " + minutesToFade + "\n" +
                          "\t Fade out start: " + fadeInStart + "\t Fade in end: " + fadeOutEnd);

            if (currentTime.CompareTo(sunrise) < 0)
                phase = SHINING;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: Current time fount out to be bewteen midnight and sunrise\n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " SHINING, \t opacity set to 1");
            else if (currentTime.CompareTo(sunrise) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(fadeOutEnd) < 0)
                phase = FADING_OUT;
                float decrease = -currentTime.SecondsBetween(sunrise.TimeWithSeconds(sunrise, -(int)(minutesToFade * 60))) * opacityChangePerSecond;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: Current time fount out to be bewteen sunrise and fadeOutEnd\n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " FADING_OUT, \t opacity set to :" + (1 - decrease));
                setOpacity(1 - decrease);
            else if (currentTime.CompareTo(fadeOutEnd) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(fadeInStart) < 0)
                phase = FADED;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: Current time fount out to be bewteen fadeOutEnd and fadeInStart \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " FADED, \t opacity set to :" + (0));
            else if (currentTime.CompareTo(fadeInStart) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) < 0)
                phase = FADING_IN;
                float increase = currentTime.SecondsBetween(sunset) * opacityChangePerSecond;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: Current time fount out to be bewteen fadeInStart and sunset \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " FADING_IN, \t opacity set to :" + (0 + increase));
                setOpacity(0 + increase);
                phase = SHINING;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("STARFADE: Current time fount out to be past sunset and before midnight \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " SHINING, \t opacity set to 1");

            previousTime = currentTime.Clone();
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            currentTime = clock.getCurrentTime();
            Time  sunrise          = clock.getSunriseTime();
            Time  sunset           = clock.getSunsetTime();
            Time  dayToDuskEnd     = sunset.TimeWithSeconds(sunrise, (int)(endMinutesAfterDawnDusk * 60));
            Time  dayToDuskStart   = sunset.TimeWithSeconds(sunset, -(int)(startMinutesBeforeDawnDusk * 60));
            Time  nightToDawnEnd   = sunrise.TimeWithSeconds(sunrise, (int)(startMinutesBeforeDawnDusk * 60));
            Time  nightToDawnStart = sunrise.TimeWithSeconds(sunset, -(int)(endMinutesAfterDawnDusk * 60));
            bool  completed;
            float increase = 0;
            float decrease = 0;

            switch (phase)
            case DAY:
                if (currentTime.CompareTo(dayToDuskStart) >= 0)
                    phase = DAY_TO_DUSK;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Phase changed from DAY to DAY_TO_DUSK");

            case NIGHT:
                if (currentTime.CompareTo(nightToDawnStart) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(dayToDuskStart) < 0)
                    phase = NIGHT_TO_DAWN;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Phase changed from NIGHT to NIGHT_TO_DAWN");

            case DAY_TO_DUSK:
                if (currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) >= 0)
                    phase = DUSK_TO_NIGHT;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Phase changed from DAY_TO_DUSK to DUSK_TO_NIGHT");
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: phase is DAY_TO_DUSK, updating color...");

            case DUSK_TO_NIGHT:
                if (currentTime.CompareTo(dayToDuskEnd) >= 0)
                    phase = NIGHT;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Phase changed from DUSK_TO_NIGHT to NIGHT");
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: phase is DUSK_TO_NIGHT, updating color...");

            case NIGHT_TO_DAWN:
                if (currentTime.CompareTo(sunrise) >= 0)
                    phase = DAWN_TO_DAY;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Phase changed from NIGHT_TO_DAWN to DAWN_TO_DAY");
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: phase is NIGHT_TO_DAWN, updating color...");

            case DAWN_TO_DAY:
                if (currentTime.CompareTo(nightToDawnEnd) >= 0)
                    phase = DAY;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Phase changed from DAWN_TO_DAY to DAY");
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: phase is DAWN_TO_DAY, updating color...");

            previousTime = currentTime.Clone();
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            currentTime = clock.getCurrentTime();
            Time sunrise          = clock.getSunriseTime();
            Time sunset           = clock.getSunsetTime();
            Time dayToDuskEnd     = sunset.TimeWithSeconds(sunrise, (int)(endMinutesAfterDawnDusk * 60));
            Time dayToDuskStart   = sunset.TimeWithSeconds(sunset, -(int)(startMinutesBeforeDawnDusk * 60));
            Time nightToDawnEnd   = sunrise.TimeWithSeconds(sunrise, (int)(startMinutesBeforeDawnDusk * 60));
            Time nightToDawnStart = sunrise.TimeWithSeconds(sunset, -(int)(endMinutesAfterDawnDusk * 60));

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: CALCULATING INITIAL STATE ---------------------");
                Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: currentTime: " + currentTime.ToString() + "\n" +
                          "\t Sunrise: " + sunrise + "\t sunset: " + sunset);
                Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: dayToDuskStart: " + dayToDuskStart.ToString() + "\t dayToDuskEnd: " + dayToDuskEnd + "\n" +
                          "\t nightToDawnStart: " + nightToDawnStart + "\t nightToDawnEnd: " + nightToDawnEnd);

            if (currentTime.CompareTo(nightToDawnStart) < 0)
                phase = NIGHT;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Current time fount out to be bewteen midnight and the start of sunrise color change\n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " NIGHT, color set to night");
            else if (currentTime.CompareTo(nightToDawnStart) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(sunrise) < 0)
                phase = NIGHT_TO_DAWN;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Current time fount out to be bewteen start and end of night to dawn \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " NIGHT_TO_DAWN");
            else if (currentTime.CompareTo(sunrise) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(nightToDawnEnd) < 0)
                phase = DAWN_TO_DAY;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Current time fount out to be bewteen start and end of night to dawn \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " NIGHT_TO_DAWN");
            else if (currentTime.CompareTo(nightToDawnEnd) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(dayToDuskStart) < 0)
                phase = DAY;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Current time fount out to be bewteen fadeOutEnd and fadeInStart \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " DAY");
            else if (currentTime.CompareTo(dayToDuskStart) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) < 0)
                phase = DAY_TO_DUSK;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Current time fount out to be bewteen fadeInStart and sunset \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " DAY_TO_DUSK");
            else if (currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(dayToDuskEnd) < 0)
                phase = DUSK_TO_NIGHT;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Current time fount out to be bewteen fadeInStart and sunset \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " DAY_TO_DUSK");
                phase = NIGHT;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("CLOUDCOLOR: Current time fount out to be past sunset and before midnight \n" +
                              "Phase set to " + phase + " SHINING, \t opacity set to 1");

            previousTime = currentTime.Clone();