Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void FlyMove(Player p, short[] oldPos, byte[] oldRot, short[] newPos, byte[] newRot)
            if (p.flyBlocks == null) { p.flyBlocks = new List<Block>(); }
            if (Math.Abs((newPos[0] >> 5) - p.lastFlyPos[0]) >= 1 || Math.Abs((newPos[2] >> 5) - p.lastFlyPos[2]) >= 1 || Math.Abs(p.lastFlyPos[1] - ((newPos[1] >> 5) - 2)) >= 1)
                int oy = (p.lastFlyPos[1] < p.world.height ? p.lastFlyPos[1] : p.world.height - 1);
                int ny = ((newPos[1] >> 5) - 2 < p.world.height ? (newPos[1] >> 5) - 2 : p.world.height - 1);

                List<Block> newPlatform = new List<Block>();

                for (int x = ((newPos[0] >> 5) - 3); x < ((newPos[0] >> 5) + 3); x++)
                    for (int z = ((newPos[2] >> 5) - 3); z < ((newPos[2] >> 5) + 3); z++)
                        newPlatform.Add(new Block((short)x, (short)ny, (short)z, Blocks.glass));

                List<Block> pNewBlocks = new List<Block>(p.flyBlocks);

                foreach (Block b in p.flyBlocks)
                    if (!newPlatform.Contains(b))
                        p.SendBlock(b.x, b.y, b.z, p.world.GetTile(b.x, b.y, b.z));

                foreach (Block b in newPlatform)
                    if (!pNewBlocks.Contains(b))
                        p.SendBlock(b.x, b.y, b.z, Blocks.glass);

                p.flyBlocks = pNewBlocks;

                /*for (int x = p.lastFlyPos[0] - 3; x < p.lastFlyPos[0] + 3; x++)
                    for (int z = p.lastFlyPos[2] - 3; z < p.lastFlyPos[2] + 3; z++)
                        p.SendBlock((short)x, (short)oy, (short)z, p.world.GetTile(x, oy, z));
                p.lastFlyPos = new int[] { newPos[0] >> 5, (newPos[1] >> 5) - 2, newPos[2] >> 5 };
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void BlockRemoved(Player p, int x, int y, int z, byte type)
     p.SendBlock((short)x, (short)y, (short)z, p.world.GetTile(x, y, z));
     p.world.messageBlocks.Remove(p.world.CoordsToIndex((short)x, (short)y, (short)z));
     p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Message block deleted");
     p.OnBlockchange -= new Player.BlockHandler(BlockRemoved);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void Fly(Player p, string message)
     if (!p.flying)
         p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Fly mode is now &aenabled");
         p.flying = true;
         p.OnMovement += new Player.PositionChangeHandler(FlyMove);
         p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Fly mode is now &cdisabled");
         p.flying = false;
         p.OnMovement -= new Player.PositionChangeHandler(FlyMove);
         foreach(Block b in p.flyBlocks)
             p.SendBlock(b.x, b.y, b.z, p.world.GetTile(b.x, b.y, b.z));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void OnSecond(Player p, int x, int y, int z, byte type)
            p.SendBlock((short)x, (short)y, (short)z, p.world.GetTile(x, y, z));
            p.cParams.cuboidLock = true;
            int x1 = p.cParams.x1, y1 = p.cParams.y1, z1 = p.cParams.z1;
            int xMin = Math.Min(x1, x);
            int yMin = Math.Min(y1, y);
            int zMin = Math.Min(z1, z);

            int xMax = Math.Max(x1, x);
            int yMax = Math.Max(y1, y);
            int zMax = Math.Max(z1, z);

            if (((xMax + 1 - xMin) * (yMax + 1 - yMin) * (zMax + 1 - zMin)) > 100000 && p.rank < Rank.RankLevel("operator"))
                p.SendMessage(0xFF, "You can't copy something that large!");

            p.copyClipboard = new Block[(xMax + 1 - xMin) * (yMax + 1 - yMin) * (zMax + 1 - zMin)];
            for (int nx = xMin; nx <= xMax; nx++)
                for (int ny = yMin; ny <= yMax; ny++)
                    for (int nz = zMin; nz <= zMax; nz++)
                        p.copyClipboard[((ny - yMin) * (zMax + 1 - zMin) + (nz - zMin)) * (xMax + 1 - xMin) + (nx - xMin)] = new Block((short)(nx - xMin), (short)(ny - yMin), (short)(nz - zMin), p.world.GetTile(nx, ny, nz));

            p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Copied &c" + ((xMax + 1 - xMin) * (yMax + 1 - yMin) * (zMax + 1 - zMin)) + "&e blocks");
            p.OnBlockchange -= new Player.BlockHandler(OnSecond);
            p.cParams.cuboidLock = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void OnPasteChat(Player p, string msg)
     if (msg.Trim().ToLower().Equals("finalize"))
         p.cParams.cuboidLock = true;
         foreach (Block b in p.copyClipboard)
             p.world.SetTile(b.x + p.cParams.x1, b.y + p.cParams.y1, b.z + p.cParams.z1, b.type);
             if (b.type == Blocks.air) Program.server.accounts[p.username.ToLower()].blocksDestroyed++;
             else Program.server.accounts[p.username.ToLower()].blocksCreated++;
         p.cParams.cuboidLock = false;
         p.OnChat -= new Player.ChatHandler(OnPasteChat);
         p.OnBlockchange -= new Player.BlockHandler(OnPasteBlockchange);
         p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Pasted.");
     else if (msg.Trim().ToLower().Equals("cancel"))
         if (p.cParams.x1 != -1 && p.cParams.y1 != -1 && p.cParams.z1 != -1)
             foreach (Block b in p.copyClipboard)
                 p.SendBlock((short)(b.x + p.cParams.x1), (short)(b.y + p.cParams.y1), (short)(b.z + p.cParams.z1), p.world.GetTile(b.x + p.cParams.x1, b.y + p.cParams.y1, b.z + p.cParams.z1));
         p.OnChat -= new Player.ChatHandler(OnPasteChat);
         p.OnBlockchange -= new Player.BlockHandler(OnPasteBlockchange);
         p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Canceled.");
     else if (msg.Trim().ToLower().Equals("rotate"))
         Rotate90(p, "");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void OnPasteBlockchange(Player p, int x, int y, int z, byte type)
            if (p.cParams.x1 != -1 && p.cParams.y1 != -1 && p.cParams.z1 != -1)
                foreach (Block b in p.copyClipboard)
                    p.SendBlock((short)(b.x + p.cParams.x1), (short)(b.y + p.cParams.y1), (short)(b.z + p.cParams.z1), p.world.GetTile(b.x + p.cParams.x1, b.y + p.cParams.y1, b.z + p.cParams.z1));
                p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Type \"finalize\" to finish the paste, \"cancel\" to cancel it, or \"rotate\" to rotate it.");
                p.OnChat += new Player.ChatHandler(OnPasteChat);

            p.cParams.x1 = x;
            p.cParams.y1 = y;
            p.cParams.z1 = z;

            foreach (Block b in p.copyClipboard)
                byte bType = Blocks.glass;
                if (b.type == Blocks.air) bType = Blocks.air;
                if (b.type == Blocks.water || b.type == Blocks.waterstill) bType = Blocks.waterstill;
                if (b.type == Blocks.lava || b.type == Blocks.lavastill) bType = Blocks.lavastill;
                p.SendBlock((short)(b.x + x), (short)(b.y + y), (short)(b.z + z), bType);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static void OnFirst(Player p, int x, int y, int z, byte type)
     p.SendBlock((short)x, (short)y, (short)z, p.world.GetTile(x, y, z));
     p.cParams.x1 = x;
     p.cParams.y1 = y;
     p.cParams.z1 = z;
     p.OnBlockchange -= new Player.BlockHandler(OnFirst);
     p.OnBlockchange += new Player.BlockHandler(OnSecond);
     p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Change the block at the second corner");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void OnSecondCorner(Player p, int x2, int y2, int z2, byte type)
            p.OnBlockchange -= new Player.BlockHandler(OnSecondCorner);
            p.cuboiding = false;
            p.SendBlock((short)x2, (short)y2, (short)z2, p.world.GetTile(x2, y2, z2));
            int x1 = p.cParams.x1, y1 = p.cParams.y1, z1 = p.cParams.z1;
            p.cParams.cuboidLock = true;

            int xMin = Math.Min(x1, x2);
            int yMin = Math.Min(y1, y2);
            int zMin = Math.Min(z1, z2);

            int xMax = Math.Max(x1, x2);
            int yMax = Math.Max(y1, y2);
            int zMax = Math.Max(z1, z2);

            int size = (xMax + 1 - xMin) * (yMax + 1 - yMin) * (zMax + 1 - zMin);
            if (size > 20000 && p.rank <= Rank.RankLevel("operator"))
                p.SendMessage(0xFF, "You can't make a cuboid that large!");
                p.cParams.cuboidLock = false;
            p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Cuboiding &c" + size + "&e blocks");

            System.Threading.Thread cuboidThread = new System.Threading.Thread((System.Threading.ThreadStart)delegate
                    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                    World cWorld = p.world;
                    Account user = Program.server.accounts[p.username.ToLower()];
                    for (int nx = xMin; nx <= xMax; nx++)
                        for (int ny = yMin; ny <= yMax; ny++)
                            for (int nz = zMin; nz <= zMax; nz++)
                                if (!p.cParams.replace && !p.cParams.replacenot)
                                    if (cWorld.GetTile(nx, ny, nz) != p.cParams.type)
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, ny, nz, p.cParams.type);
                                else if (p.cParams.replace)
                                    if (cWorld.GetTile(nx, ny, nz) == p.cParams.replaceType)
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, ny, nz, p.cParams.type);
                                else if (p.cParams.replacenot)
                                    if (cWorld.GetTile(nx, ny, nz) != p.cParams.replaceType)
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, ny, nz, p.cParams.type);

                    double time = ((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - start)).TotalSeconds;
                    p.SendMessage(0x00, "&c" + size + "&e blocks in &c" + (int)(time * 10.0) / 10.0 + "&e seconds");
                    p.SendMessage(0xFF, "(&c" + (int)((size / time)*10.0) / 10.0 + "&e blocks/sec)");
                    p.cParams.cuboidLock = false;
            DrawThreadManager.cuboid_threads.Add(p, cuboidThread);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static void NoBuildMode(Player p, int x, int y, int z, byte type)
     p.SendBlock((short)x, (short)y, (short)z, p.world.GetTile(x, y, z));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void DrawCircle(Player p, int x, int y, int z, byte type)
            /*int xo = p.sArgs.vertices[0], yo = p.sArgs.vertices[1], zo = p.sArgs.vertices[2];

            int dx = x - xo, dz = z - zo;
            short radius = (short)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz);

            int dy = y - yo, y_low = Math.Min(y, yo);
            float m_y = (float)dy / (4 * radius * (radius + 1) + 1);
            float ny = (float)y_low;

            float ang = (float)Math.Atan((double)dz / dx);

            bool outer_loop = false;
            if (dx > dz) outer_loop = true;*/
            short radius = p.sArgs.radius;
            Thread drawThread = new Thread((ThreadStart)delegate
                    World dWorld = p.world;
                    Account user = Program.server.accounts[p.username.ToLower()];
                    /*for (int nx = xo - radius; nx < xo + radius + 1; nx++)
                        for (int nz = zo - radius; nz < zo + radius + 1; nz++)
                            if (dWorld.GetTile(nx, (int)ny, nz) != type)
                                if ((Math.Pow((xo - nx), 2) + Math.Pow((zo - nz), 2)) <= radius * radius)
                                    if ((Math.Pow((xo - nx), 2) + Math.Pow((zo - nz), 2)) <= (radius - 1) * (radius - 1) && !p.sArgs.solid)
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, (int)ny, nz, Blocks.air);
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, (int)ny, nz, type);
                            if (Math.Abs(Math.Atan((double)(nz - zo) / (double)(nx - xo)) - ang) < 2) ny += m_y;
                    for (int nx = x - radius; nx < x + radius + 1; nx++)
                        for (int nz = z - radius; nz < z + radius + 1; nz++)
                            if (dWorld.GetTile(nx, y, nz) != type)
                                if ((Math.Pow((x - nx), 2) + Math.Pow((z - nz), 2)) <= radius * radius)
                                    if ((Math.Pow((x - nx), 2) + Math.Pow((z - nz), 2)) <= (radius - 1) * (radius - 1) && !p.sArgs.solid)
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, y, nz, Blocks.air);
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, y, nz, type);
                    if (!p.sArgs.solid) p.SendBlock((short)x, (short)y, (short)z, Blocks.air);
                    p.sArgs.shapeLock = false;
                    p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Drawing Complete.");
            DrawThreadManager.shape_threads.Add(p, drawThread);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void LinePointOneHandler(Player p, int x, int y, int z, byte type)
            byte t = type;
            if (p.sArgs.type == 0xFF) p.sArgs.type = t;

            p.sArgs.vertices = new int[3] { x, y, z };

            p.SendBlock((short)x, (short)y, (short)z, p.world.GetTile(x, y, z));
            p.OnBlockchange -= new Player.BlockHandler(LinePointOneHandler);
            p.OnBlockchange += new Player.BlockHandler(LinePointTwoHandler);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void DrawSphere(Player p, int x, int y, int z, byte type)
            short radius = p.sArgs.radius;
            Thread drawThread = new Thread((ThreadStart)delegate
                World dWorld = p.world;
                Account user = Program.server.accounts[p.username.ToLower()];
                for (int nx = x - radius; nx < x + radius + 1; nx++)
                    for (int nz = z - radius; nz < z + radius + 1; nz++)
                        for (int ny = y - radius; ny < y + radius + 1; ny++)
                            if (dWorld.GetTile(nx, ny, nz) != type)
                                if ((Math.Pow((x - nx), 2) + Math.Pow((z - nz), 2) + Math.Pow((y - ny), 2)) <= Math.Pow(radius, 2))
                                    if ((Math.Pow((x - nx), 2) + Math.Pow((z - nz), 2) + Math.Pow((y - ny), 2)) <= Math.Pow((radius - 1), 2) && !p.sArgs.solid)
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, ny, nz, Blocks.air);
                                        p.AuthenticateAndSetBlock(nx, ny, nz, type);

                if (!p.sArgs.solid) p.SendBlock((short)x, (short)y, (short)z, Blocks.air);
                p.sArgs.shapeLock = false;
                p.SendMessage(0xFF, "Drawing Complete.");
            DrawThreadManager.shape_threads.Add(p, drawThread);