Exemplo n.º 1
                1. Add the required classes to make the following code compile.
                HINT: Use a Dictionary in the AddressBook class to store Contacts. The key should be the contact's email address.

                2. Run the program and observe the exception.

                3. Add try/catch blocks in the appropriate locations to prevent the program from crashing
                    Print meaningful error messages in the catch blocks.

            static void Main (string[] args) {
                // Create a few contacts
                Contact bob = new Contact () {
                    FirstName = "Bob", LastName = "Smith",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Address = "100 Some Ln, Testville, TN 11111"
                Contact sue = new Contact () {
                    FirstName = "Sue", LastName = "Jones",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Address = "322 Hard Way, Testville, TN 11111"
                Contact juan = new Contact () {
                    FirstName = "Juan", LastName = "Lopez",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Address = "888 Easy St, Testville, TN 11111"

                // Create an AddressBook and add some contacts to it
                AddressBook addressBook = new AddressBook ();
                addressBook.AddContact (bob);
                addressBook.AddContact (sue);
                addressBook.AddContact (juan);

                // Try to addd a contact a second time
                addressBook.AddContact (sue);

                // Create a list of emails that match our Contacts
                List<string> emails = new List<string> () {

                // Insert an email that does NOT match a Contact
                emails.Insert (1, "*****@*****.**");

                //  Search the AddressBook by email and print the information about each Contact
                foreach (string email in emails) {
                    Contact contact = addressBook.GetByEmail (email);
                    Console.WriteLine ("----------------------------");
                    Console.WriteLine ($"Name: {contact.FirstName} {contact.LastName}");
                    Console.WriteLine ($"Email: {contact.Email}");
                    Console.WriteLine ($"Address: {contact.Address}");
Exemplo n.º 2
         *  1. Add the required classes to make the following code compile.
         *  HINT: Use a Dictionary in the AddressBook class to store Contacts. The key should be the contact's email address.
         *  2. Run the program and observe the exception.
         *  3. Add try/catch blocks in the appropriate locations to prevent the program from crashing
         *      Print meaningful error messages in the catch blocks.

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a few contacts
            Contact bob = new Contact()
                FirstName = "Bob",
                LastName  = "Smith",
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                Address   = "100 Some Ln, Testville, TN 11111"
            Contact sue = new Contact()
                FirstName = "Sue",
                LastName  = "Jones",
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                Address   = "322 Hard Way, Testville, TN 11111"
            Contact juan = new Contact()
                FirstName = "Juan",
                LastName  = "Lopez",
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                Address   = "888 Easy St, Testville, TN 11111"

            // List<Dictionary<string, Contact>> addressBook = new List<Dictionary<string, Contact>>();

            // Create an AddressBook and add some contacts to it
            AddressBook addressBook = new AddressBook();


                // Try to add a contact a second time
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("That contact is already in the AddressBook");

            // Create a list of emails that match our Contacts
            // This is for my reference as not Console.Writing it
            List <string> emails = new List <string>()

            // Insert an email (that does NOT match a Contact) into position [1]
            // in list - ie ... after Sue So her infor should show up on first loop
            // I DON'T put the try before this line because it has no
            // problem inserting this email in the list and so skips over the catch
            // The exception shows up when I TRY to print out the contact info for not.in email
            emails.Insert(1, "*****@*****.**");

                //  Search the AddressBook by email and print the information about each Contact
                foreach (string email in emails)
                    Contact contact = addressBook.GetByEmail(email);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Name: {contact.FullName}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Email: {contact.Email}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Address: {contact.Address}");
            catch (Exception) {
                Console.WriteLine("There is no contact infor for that email");