/* goodB2G1() - use badsource and goodsink by setting the static variable to false instead of true */
        private void GoodB2G1(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse resp)
            int data = 0;

            data = int.MinValue; /* initialize data in case id is not in query string */
            /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Parse id param out of the URL querystring (without using getParam) */
                if (req.QueryString["id"] != null)
                        data = int.Parse(req.QueryString["id"]);
                    catch (FormatException exceptNumberFormat)
                        IO.Logger.Log(NLog.LogLevel.Warn, exceptNumberFormat, "Number format exception reading id from query string");
            goodB2G1PublicStatic = false;
            CWE369_Divide_by_Zero__int_QueryString_Web_modulo_22b.GoodB2G1Sink(data, req, resp);