private SuperQNodeResponse get_msg(Socket socket)
            // first byte will always be a marker to verify begining of Request
            byte[] data = recv(socket, 1);

            if (data.Count() != 1 || data[0] != 42)
                throw new Exception("Marker byte not read. Bad message.");

            // next 4 bytes must always be message body length
            data = recv(socket, 4);

            if (data.Count() != 4)
                throw new Exception("Msg length not read. Bad message.");

            // convert length
            int messageLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0);

            // now read the rest of the message
            data = recv(socket, messageLength);

            // decode character data
            string msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

            // build response object from string
            SuperQNodeResponse response = new SuperQNodeResponse();


        public static bool superq_exists(string name, string host)
            // build request object from string
            SuperQNodeRequest request = new SuperQNodeRequest();

            request.cmd  = "superq_exists";
            request.args = name;

            SuperQNetworkClientMgr mgr      = new SuperQNetworkClientMgr();
            SuperQNodeResponse     response = mgr.send_msg(host, request.ToString());

        public static superq superq_query(superq sq, string query)
            // build request object from string
            SuperQNodeRequest request = new SuperQNodeRequest();

            request.cmd  = "superq_query";
            request.args = sq.publicName;
            request.body = query;

            SuperQNetworkClientMgr mgr      = new SuperQNetworkClientMgr();
            SuperQNodeResponse     response = mgr.send_msg(, request.ToString());

            if (bool.Parse(response.result) == false)
                throw new Exception("Not sure what to raise here yet.");

            return(new superq(response.body, "", "", "", false, true));
        public static superq superq_read(string name, string host)
            // build request object from string
            SuperQNodeRequest request = new SuperQNodeRequest();

            request.cmd  = "superq_read";
            request.args = name;

            SuperQNetworkClientMgr mgr      = new SuperQNetworkClientMgr();
            SuperQNodeResponse     response = mgr.send_msg(host, request.ToString());

            if (bool.Parse(response.result) == false)
                throw new Exception(name + " does not exist.");

            // deserialize response body into a detached superq and return
            return(new superq(response.body, "", "", "", false, true));
        private SuperQNodeResponse send_msg(string host, string msg)
            // SSL support is not currently implemented
            bool ssl = false;

            int port = DEFAULT_TCP_PORT;

            // 'local' is shorthand for localhost:DEFAULT_PORT
            if (host == "local")
                host = "localhost";
                if (host.StartsWith("ssl:"))
                    string[] elems = host.Split(':');

                    ssl  = true;
                    host = elems[1];
                    port = Int32.Parse(elems[2]);
                        string[] elems = host.Split(':');

                        host = elems[0];
                        port = Int32.Parse(elems[1]);
                        port = DEFAULT_TCP_PORT;

            // allocate buffer
            byte[] buf = new byte[5 + msg.Count()];

            // set header byte
            buf[0] = 0x2A; // 42

            // add message length
            BitConverter.GetBytes(msg.Count()).CopyTo(buf, 1);

            // add message
            Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg).CopyTo(buf, 5);

            // open socket
            TcpClient client = new TcpClient(host, port);
            Socket    socket = client.Client;

            // send message
            send(socket, buf);

            // get response
            SuperQNodeResponse response = get_msg(socket);

            // close socket
