//aux function of timer decreasing fatigue of workers
 private void auxBreak(Worker peon, TextBox text)
     int rand = randomize(1, 3);
     int surplus = 0;
     if (text.IsEnabled == false)
         if (peon.fatigue < 100)
             peon.fatigue = peon.fatigue + rand;
     if (peon.fatigue > 100) // peons cannot have fatigue more than 100
         surplus = peon.fatigue;
         surplus = surplus - 100;
         peon.fatigue = peon.fatigue - surplus;
 //aux function of timer increasing fatigue of workers
 private void auxFatigue(Worker someone, TextBox text, int dec)
     if (text.IsEnabled == true)
         someone.fatigue = Convert.ToInt32(text.Text);
         someone.fatigue = someone.fatigue - dec;
         text.Text = Convert.ToString(someone.fatigue);
 //aux function to check if worker is faint
 private void isFaint(Worker someone)
     if(someone.fatigue <= 0)
         btLogout.IsEnabled = false;
         btLogin.IsEnabled = true;
         MessageBox.Show("" + someone + " fainted. You have been logged out!");