Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void DrawCore(int instanceID, Rect selectionRect)
            // skips early if item is not registered or not valid
            if (!sceneGameObjects.ContainsKey(instanceID))

            currentGO = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as GameObject;
            if (currentGO == null)

            currentItem = sceneGameObjects[instanceID];

            /* Initialzie draw variables */
                bool alphaSorted = HierarchyWindowAdapter.IsUsingAlphaSort();
                if (ALPHA_SORTED != alphaSorted)
                    ALPHA_SORTED = alphaSorted;

                    // This is bad since we retrieve data twice when the user
                    // changes their hierarchy sorting type.
                    // Yet this may be okay since the user doesn't change
                    // the sorting type that often.

                ROW_HEIGHT     = GUI.skin.label.lineHeight + 1; // default is 16 pixels
                MAX_TAG_LEN    = HierarchyUtil.MaxLabelLength(tags.ToArray(), (data.tag.GetEnabled() && data.tag.enabledText));
                MAX_LAYER_LEN  = HierarchyUtil.MaxLabelLength(layers.ToArray(), (data.layer.GetEnabled() && data.layer.enabledText));
                MAX_INSTID_LEN = HierarchyUtil.MaxIntLength(instanceIDs.ToArray(), data.instanceID.GetEnabled());

                RIGHT_BOUNDARY = 0.0f;  // reset
                if (EXISTS_PREFAB_ICON)
                    RIGHT_BOUNDARY += ROW_HEIGHT;

            //-- Full
            DrawAlternatingBG(instanceID, selectionRect);
            DrawTree(instanceID, selectionRect);
            DrawSeparators(instanceID, selectionRect);
            //-- Left
            DrawIcons(instanceID, selectionRect);
            DrawLog(instanceID, selectionRect);
            //-- Right
            DrawComponents(instanceID, selectionRect);
            DrawTag(instanceID, selectionRect);
            DrawLayer(instanceID, selectionRect);
            DrawInstanceID(instanceID, selectionRect);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void DrawIcons(int instanceID, Rect selectionRect)
            if (!data.icons.GetEnabled())

            bool defaultIcon = false;

            // Draws the gameobject icon, if present
            var content = EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent(currentGO, null);
            var image   = content.image;

            bool validImage = (image && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.name));

            if (validImage)
                defaultIcon = (image.name == "d_GameObject Icon");

                HierarchyWindowAdapter.ApplyIconByInstanceId(instanceID, content.image);
                HierarchyWindowAdapter.ApplyIconByInstanceId(instanceID, HierarchyUtil.BrokenIcon());

            if (defaultIcon && data.icons.guess)
                foreach (var comp in currentItem.components)
                    if (comp == null)

                    var t        = comp.GetType();
                    var typeName = t.ToString();

                        var lst = typeName.Split('.');
                        typeName = lst[lst.Length - 1];

                    if (HierarchyUtil.ContainString(typeName, currentItem.goName))
                        var compImage = HierarchyUtil.TypeTexture(comp, t);
                        HierarchyWindowAdapter.ApplyIconByInstanceId(instanceID, compImage);
                        currentItem.guessedComponent = comp;