Exemplo n.º 1
 public static edict_t EDICT_FROM_AREA(common.link_t l)
     for (int i = 0; i < server.sv.edicts.Length; i++)
         var edict = server.sv.edicts[i];
         if (l == edict.area && i + 1 < server.sv.edicts.Length)
             return edict;
     return null;
     //return common.STRUCT_FROM_LINK(l/*, edict_t,area*/);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static int Loop_SendUnreliableMessage(qsocket_t sock, common.sizebuf_t data)
            Uint8Array buffer;
            int     ofs;
	        int     bufferLength;

	        if (sock.driverdata == null)
		        return -1;

	        bufferLength = ((qsocket_t)sock.driverdata).receiveMessageLength;

	        if ((bufferLength + data.cursize + sizeof(byte) + sizeof(short)) > NET_MAXMESSAGE)
		        return 0;

	        buffer = ((qsocket_t)sock.driverdata).receiveMessage;
            ofs = bufferLength;

	        // message type
	        buffer[ofs++] = 2;

	        // length
	        buffer[ofs++] = (byte)(data.cursize & 0xff);
	        buffer[ofs++] = (byte)(data.cursize >> 8);

	        // align

	        // message
            Buffer.BlockCopy(data.data, 0, buffer, ofs, data.cursize);
            ((qsocket_t)sock.driverdata).receiveMessageLength = IntAlign(bufferLength + data.cursize + 4);
	        return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
        static int Loop_SendMessage(qsocket_t sock, common.sizebuf_t data)
            Uint8Array buffer;
            int     ofs;
	        int     bufferLength;

	        if (sock.driverdata == null)
		        return -1;

	        bufferLength = ((qsocket_t)sock.driverdata).receiveMessageLength;

	        if ((bufferLength + data.cursize + 4) > NET_MAXMESSAGE)
		        sys_linux.Sys_Error("Loop_SendMessage: overflow\n");

	        buffer = ((qsocket_t)sock.driverdata).receiveMessage;
            ofs = bufferLength;

	        // message type
	        buffer[ofs++] = 1;

	        // length
	        buffer[ofs++] = (byte)(data.cursize & 0xff);
	        buffer[ofs++] = (byte)(data.cursize >> 8);

	        // align

	        // message
            Buffer.BlockCopy(data.data, 0, buffer, ofs, data.cursize);
	        ((qsocket_t)sock.driverdata).receiveMessageLength = IntAlign(bufferLength + data.cursize + 4);

	        sock.canSend = false;
	        return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static int NET_SendUnreliableMessage(qsocket_t sock, common.sizebuf_t data)
            int		r;

            if (sock == null)
                return -1;

            if (sock.disconnected)
                console.Con_Printf("NET_SendMessage: disconnected socket\n");
                return -1;

            r = net_drivers[sock.driver].delegate_SendUnreliableMessage(sock, data);
            if (r == 1 && sock.driver != 0)

            return r;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static int NET_SendToAll(common.sizebuf_t data, int blocktime)
            double		start;
            int			i;
            int			count = 0;
            bool[]	    state1 = new bool[quakedef.MAX_SCOREBOARD];
            bool[]      state2 = new bool[quakedef.MAX_SCOREBOARD];

            for (i=0 ; i<server.svs.maxclients ; i++)
                host.host_client = server.svs.clients[i];
                if (host.host_client.netconnection == null)
                if (host.host_client.active)
                    if (host.host_client.netconnection.driver == 0)
                        NET_SendMessage(host.host_client.netconnection, data);
                        state1[i] = true;
                        state2[i] = true;
                    state1[i] = false;
                    state2[i] = false;
                    state1[i] = true;
                    state2[i] = true;

            start = sys_linux.Sys_FloatTime();
            while (count != 0)
                count = 0;
                for (i=0 ; i<server.svs.maxclients ; i++)
                    host.host_client = server.svs.clients[i];
                    if (! state1[i])
                        if (NET_CanSendMessage (host.host_client.netconnection))
                            state1[i] = true;
                            NET_SendMessage(host.host_client.netconnection, data);

                    if (! state2[i])
                        if (NET_CanSendMessage(host.host_client.netconnection))
                            state2[i] = true;
                if ((sys_linux.Sys_FloatTime() - start) > blocktime)
            return count;
Exemplo n.º 6

        static void SV_WriteEntitiesToClient(prog.edict_t	clent, common.sizebuf_t msg)
            int		        e, i;
            int		        bits;
            double[]        org = new double[3];
            double	        miss;
            prog.edict_t	ent;

            // send over all entities (excpet the client) that touch the pvs
            for (e=1 ; e<sv.num_edicts ; e++)
                ent = sv.edicts[e];

            // ignore if not touching a PV leaf
                if (ent != clent)	// clent is ALLWAYS sent
            // ignore ents without visible models
                    if (ent.v.modelindex == 0 || prog.pr_string(ent.v.model) == null)

                if (msg.maxsize - msg.cursize < 16)
                    console.Con_Printf ("packet overflow\n");

                // send an update
                bits = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    miss = ent.v.origin[i] - ent.baseline.origin[i];
                    if (miss < -0.1 || miss > 0.1)
                        bits |= net.U_ORIGIN1 << i;

                if (ent.v.angles[0] != ent.baseline.angles[0])
                    bits |= net.U_ANGLE1;

                if (ent.v.angles[1] != ent.baseline.angles[1])
                    bits |= net.U_ANGLE2;

                if (ent.v.angles[2] != ent.baseline.angles[2])
                    bits |= net.U_ANGLE3;

                if (ent.v.movetype == MOVETYPE_STEP)
                    bits |= net.U_NOLERP;	// don't mess up the step animation

                if (ent.baseline.colormap != ent.v.colormap)
                    bits |= net.U_COLORMAP;

                if (ent.baseline.skin != ent.v.skin)
                    bits |= net.U_SKIN;

                if (ent.baseline.frame != ent.v.frame)
                    bits |= net.U_FRAME;

                if (ent.baseline.effects != ent.v.effects)
                    bits |= net.U_EFFECTS;

                if (ent.baseline.modelindex != ent.v.modelindex)
                    bits |= net.U_MODEL;

                if (e >= 256)
                    bits |= net.U_LONGENTITY;

                if (bits >= 256)
                    bits |= net.U_MOREBITS;

                // write the message
                common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, bits | net.U_SIGNAL);

                if ((bits & net.U_MOREBITS) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, bits >> 8);
                if ((bits & net.U_LONGENTITY) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteShort(msg, e);
                    common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, e);

                if ((bits & net.U_MODEL) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.modelindex);
                if ((bits & net.U_FRAME) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.frame);
                if ((bits & net.U_COLORMAP) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.colormap);
                if ((bits & net.U_SKIN) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.skin);
                if ((bits & net.U_EFFECTS) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.effects);
                if ((bits & net.U_ORIGIN1) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteCoord(msg, ent.v.origin[0]);
                if ((bits & net.U_ANGLE1) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteAngle(msg, ent.v.angles[0]);
                if ((bits & net.U_ORIGIN2) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteCoord(msg, ent.v.origin[1]);
                if ((bits & net.U_ANGLE2) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteAngle(msg, ent.v.angles[1]);
                if ((bits & net.U_ORIGIN3) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteCoord(msg, ent.v.origin[2]);
                if ((bits & net.U_ANGLE3) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteAngle(msg, ent.v.angles[2]);
Exemplo n.º 7

        public static void SV_WriteClientdataToMessage(prog.edict_t ent, common.sizebuf_t msg)
            int		        bits;
            int		        i;
            prog.edict_t	other;
            int		        items;

            // send a damage message
            if (ent.v.dmg_take != 0 || ent.v.dmg_save != 0)
                other = prog.PROG_TO_EDICT(ent.v.dmg_inflictor);
                common.MSG_WriteByte (msg, net.svc_damage);
                common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.dmg_save);
                common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.dmg_take);
                for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
                    common.MSG_WriteCoord(msg, other.v.origin[i] + 0.5 * (other.v.mins[i] + other.v.maxs[i]));

                ent.v.dmg_take = 0;
                ent.v.dmg_save = 0;

            // send the current viewpos offset from the view entity
            SV_SetIdealPitch ();		// how much to look up / down ideally

            // a fixangle might get lost in a dropped packet.  Oh well.
            if ( ent.v.fixangle != 0)
                common.MSG_WriteByte (msg, net.svc_setangle);
                for (i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
                    common.MSG_WriteAngle(msg, ent.v.angles[i]);
                ent.v.fixangle = 0;

            bits = 0;

            if (ent.v.view_ofs[2] != net.DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT)
                bits |= net.SU_VIEWHEIGHT;

            if (ent.v.idealpitch != 0)
                bits |= net.SU_IDEALPITCH;

            // stuff the sigil bits into the high bits of items for sbar, or else
            // mix in items2
            //val = GetEdictFieldValue(ent, "items2");

            /*if (val)
                items = (int)ent->v.items | ((int)val->_float << 23);
                items = (int)ent.v.items | ((int)prog.pr_global_struct[0].serverflags << 28);

            bits |= net.SU_ITEMS;

            if (((int)ent.v.flags & FL_ONGROUND) != 0)
                bits |= net.SU_ONGROUND;

            if ( ent.v.waterlevel >= 2)
                bits |= net.SU_INWATER;

            for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
                if (ent.v.punchangle[i] != 0)
                    bits |= (net.SU_PUNCH1<<i);
                if (ent.v.velocity[i] != 0)
                    bits |= (net.SU_VELOCITY1<<i);

            if (ent.v.weaponframe != 0)
                bits |= net.SU_WEAPONFRAME;

            if (ent.v.armorvalue != 0)
                bits |= net.SU_ARMOR;

            //	if (ent.v.weapon != 0)
                bits |= net.SU_WEAPON;

            // send the data

            common.MSG_WriteByte (msg, net.svc_clientdata);
            common.MSG_WriteShort(msg, bits);

            if ((bits & net.SU_VIEWHEIGHT) != 0)
                common.MSG_WriteChar(msg, (int)ent.v.view_ofs[2]);

            if ((bits & net.SU_IDEALPITCH) != 0)
                common.MSG_WriteChar(msg, (int)ent.v.idealpitch);

            for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
                if ((bits & (net.SU_PUNCH1 << i)) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteChar(msg, (int)ent.v.punchangle[i]);
                if ((bits & (net.SU_VELOCITY1 << i)) != 0)
                    common.MSG_WriteChar(msg, (int)ent.v.velocity[i] / 16);

            // [always sent]	if (bits & SU_ITEMS)
            common.MSG_WriteLong(msg, items);

            if ((bits & net.SU_WEAPONFRAME) != 0)
                common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.weaponframe);
            if ((bits & net.SU_ARMOR) != 0)
                common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.armorvalue);
            if ((bits & net.SU_WEAPON) != 0)
                common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, SV_ModelIndex(prog.pr_string(ent.v.weaponmodel)));

            common.MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)ent.v.health);
            common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.currentammo);
            common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.ammo_shells);
            common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.ammo_nails);
            common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.ammo_rockets);
            common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.ammo_cells);

            if (common.standard_quake)
                common.MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)ent.v.weapon);
                    if ((((int)ent.v.weapon) & (1<<i) ) != 0)
                        common.MSG_WriteByte (msg, i);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static prog.edict_t STRUCT_FROM_LINK(common.link_t l)
    Debug.WriteLine("STRUCT_FROM_LINK !!");
     throw new NotImplementedException("STRUCT_FROM_LINK !!");