Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static IntPtr CreateSubType(IntPtr py_name, IntPtr py_base_type, IntPtr py_dict)
            // Utility to create a subtype of a managed type with the ability for the
            // a python subtype able to override the managed implementation
            string name = Runtime.GetManagedString(py_name);

            // the derived class can have class attributes __assembly__ and __module__ which
            // control the name of the assembly and module the new type is created in.
            object assembly     = null;
            object namespaceStr = null;

            var disposeList = new List <PyObject>();

            try {
                var assemblyKey = new PyObject(Converter.ToPython("__assembly__", typeof(string)));
                if (0 != Runtime.PyMapping_HasKey(py_dict, assemblyKey.Handle))
                    var pyAssembly = new PyObject(Runtime.PyDict_GetItem(py_dict, assemblyKey.Handle));
                    if (!Converter.ToManagedValue(pyAssembly.Handle, typeof(string), out assembly, false))
                        throw new InvalidCastException("Couldn't convert __assembly__ value to string");

                var namespaceKey = new PyObject(Converter.ToPythonImplicit("__namespace__"));
                if (0 != Runtime.PyMapping_HasKey(py_dict, namespaceKey.Handle))
                    var pyNamespace = new PyObject(Runtime.PyDict_GetItem(py_dict, namespaceKey.Handle));
                    if (!Converter.ToManagedValue(pyNamespace.Handle, typeof(string), out namespaceStr, false))
                        throw new InvalidCastException("Couldn't convert __namespace__ value to string");
            finally {
                foreach (PyObject o in disposeList)

            // create the new managed type subclassing the base managed type
            var baseClass = ManagedType.GetManagedObject(py_base_type) as ClassBase;

            if (null == baseClass)
                return(Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid base class, expected CLR class type"));

            try {
                Type subType = ClassDerivedObject.CreateDerivedType(name,

                // create the new ManagedType and python type
                ClassBase subClass = ClassManager.GetClass(subType);
                IntPtr    py_type  = GetTypeHandle(subClass, subType);

                // by default the class dict will have all the C# methods in it, but as this is a
                // derived class we want the python overrides in there instead if they exist.
                IntPtr cls_dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(py_type, TypeOffset.tp_dict);
                Runtime.PyDict_Update(cls_dict, py_dict);

            catch (Exception e) {
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void InitClassBase(Type type, ClassBase impl)
            // First, we introspect the managed type and build some class
            // information, including generating the member descriptors
            // that we'll be putting in the Python class __dict__.

            ClassInfo info = GetClassInfo(type);

            impl.indexer = info.indexer;

            // Now we allocate the Python type object to reflect the given
            // managed type, filling the Python type slots with thunks that
            // point to the managed methods providing the implementation.

            IntPtr tp = TypeManager.GetTypeHandle(impl, type);

            impl.tpHandle = tp;

            // Finally, initialize the class __dict__ and return the object.
            IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(tp, TypeOffset.tp_dict);

            IDictionaryEnumerator iter = info.members.GetEnumerator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                var item = (ManagedType)iter.Value;
                var name = (string)iter.Key;
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, item.pyHandle);

            // If class has constructors, generate an __doc__ attribute.
            IntPtr doc    = IntPtr.Zero;
            Type   marker = typeof(DocStringAttribute);
            var    attrs  = (Attribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes(marker, false);

            if (attrs.Length == 0)
                doc = IntPtr.Zero;
                var    attr   = (DocStringAttribute)attrs[0];
                string docStr = attr.DocString;
                doc = Runtime.PyString_FromString(docStr);
                Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", doc);

            var co = impl as ClassObject;

            // If this is a ClassObject AND it has constructors, generate a __doc__ attribute.
            // required that the ClassObject.ctors be changed to internal
            if (co != null)
                if (co.ctors.Length > 0)
                    // Implement Overloads on the class object
                    if (!CLRModule._SuppressOverloads)
                        var ctors = new ConstructorBinding(type, tp, co.binder);
                        // ExtensionType types are untracked, so don't Incref() them.
                        // TODO: deprecate __overloads__ soon...
                        Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__overloads__", ctors.pyHandle);
                        Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "Overloads", ctors.pyHandle);

                    // don't generate the docstring if one was already set from a DocStringAttribute.
                    if (!CLRModule._SuppressDocs && doc == IntPtr.Zero)
                        doc = co.GetDocString();
                        Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", doc);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static IntPtr CreateType(ManagedType impl, Type clrType)
            // Cleanup the type name to get rid of funny nested type names.
            string name = "CLR." + clrType.FullName;
            int    i    = name.LastIndexOf('+');

            if (i > -1)
                name = name.Substring(i + 1);
            i = name.LastIndexOf('.');
            if (i > -1)
                name = name.Substring(i + 1);

            IntPtr base_         = IntPtr.Zero;
            int    ob_size       = ObjectOffset.Size(Runtime.PyTypeType);
            int    tp_dictoffset = ObjectOffset.DictOffset(Runtime.PyTypeType);

            // XXX Hack, use a different base class for System.Exception
            // Python 2.5+ allows new style class exceptions but they *must*
            // subclass BaseException (or better Exception).
            if (typeof(Exception).IsAssignableFrom(clrType))
                ob_size       = ObjectOffset.Size(Exceptions.Exception);
                tp_dictoffset = ObjectOffset.DictOffset(Exceptions.Exception);

            if (clrType == typeof(Exception))
                base_ = Exceptions.Exception;
            else if (clrType.BaseType != null)
                ClassBase bc = ClassManager.GetClass(clrType.BaseType);
                base_ = bc.pyHandle;

            IntPtr type = AllocateTypeObject(name);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.ob_type, Runtime.PyCLRMetaType);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_basicsize, (IntPtr)ob_size);
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_itemsize, IntPtr.Zero);
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_dictoffset, (IntPtr)tp_dictoffset);

            InitializeSlots(type, impl.GetType());

            if (base_ != IntPtr.Zero)
                Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_base, base_);

            int flags = TypeFlags.Default;

            flags |= TypeFlags.Managed;
            flags |= TypeFlags.HeapType;
            flags |= TypeFlags.BaseType;
            flags |= TypeFlags.HaveGC;
            Util.WriteCLong(type, TypeOffset.tp_flags, flags);

            // Leverage followup initialization from the Python runtime. Note
            // that the type of the new type must PyType_Type at the time we
            // call this, else PyType_Ready will skip some slot initialization.


            IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_dict);
            string mn   = clrType.Namespace ?? "";
            IntPtr mod  = Runtime.PyString_FromString(mn);

            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__module__", mod);

            // Hide the gchandle of the implementation in a magic type slot.
            GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc(impl);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.magic(), (IntPtr)gc);

            // Set the handle attributes on the implementing instance.
            impl.tpHandle = Runtime.PyCLRMetaType;
            impl.gcHandle = gc;
            impl.pyHandle = type;


Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static CLRObject GetInstance(object ob)
            ClassBase cc = ClassManager.GetClass(ob.GetType());

            return(GetInstance(ob, cc.tpHandle));