Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the report to a temp file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The path to the saved temp file.</returns>
        private static string GetReportTempPath(ToolMacroInfo toolMacroInfo)
            SrmDocument doc        = toolMacroInfo.Doc;
            string      reportName = toolMacroInfo.ReportName;
            string      toolTitle  = toolMacroInfo.ToolTitle;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportName))
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Resources.ToolMacros_GetReportTempPath_The_selected_tool_0_requires_a_selected_report_Please_select_a_report_for_this_tool_,

            var tempFilePath = GetReportTempPath(reportName, toolTitle);

                using (var saver = new FileSaver(tempFilePath))
                    if (!saver.CanSave())
                        throw new IOException();
                    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(saver.SafeName))
                        ToolDescriptionHelpers.GetReport(doc, reportName, toolTitle, toolMacroInfo.ProgressMonitor, writer);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new IOException(Resources.ToolMacros_GetReportTempPath_Error_exporting_the_report__tool_execution_canceled_);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void PostToLinkBackground(string url, SrmDocument doc, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, IWebHelpers webHelpers)
            StringWriter report = new StringWriter();

            ToolDescriptionHelpers.GetReport(doc, ReportTitle, Title, progressMonitor, report);
            webHelpers.PostToLink(url, report.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void PostToLinkBackground(string url, SrmDocument doc, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, IWebHelpers webHelpers)
            string report = ToolDescriptionHelpers.GetReport(doc, ReportTitle, Title, progressMonitor);

            if (report != null)
                webHelpers.PostToLink(url, report);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes any old folders in the ToolDir that dont have tools associated with them
        /// For the case where we have used a dll and couldn't delete it in some past instance of Skyline.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CheckToolDirConsistency()
            var referencedPaths = Settings.Default.ToolList.Where(t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.ToolDirPath))
                                  .Select(t => t.ToolDirPath).ToArray();
            string toolsDir = ToolDescriptionHelpers.GetToolsDirectory();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolsDir) || !Directory.Exists(toolsDir))
            foreach (var folder in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(toolsDir))
                if (!referencedPaths.Contains(folder))
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Function for unpacking zipped External tools.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathToZip">Path to the zipped file that contains the tool and all its assicaited files.</param>
        /// <param name="unpackSupport"> Interface that implements required functions that are dependent on context.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static UnzipToolReturnAccumulator UnpackZipTool(string pathToZip, IUnpackZipToolSupport unpackSupport)
            if (!Directory.Exists(pathToZip) && !File.Exists(pathToZip))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(pathToZip);

            //Removes any old folders that dont have Tools associated with them

            var    retval = new UnzipToolReturnAccumulator();
            string name   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathToZip);

            if (name == null)
                throw new ToolExecutionException(Resources.ConfigureToolsDlg_unpackZipTool_Invalid_file_selected__No_tools_added_);
            // This helps with zipfiles that have spaces in the titles.
            // Consider: We may want to add quotes around usages of the $(ToolDir) macro incase the Tool directory has spaces in one of its directory names.
            name = name.Replace(' ', '_');

            string outerToolsFolderPath = ToolDescriptionHelpers.GetToolsDirectory();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outerToolsFolderPath))
                throw new ToolExecutionException(Resources.ConfigureToolsDlg_unpackZipTool_Error_unpacking_zipped_tools);
            string tempFolderPath = Path.Combine(outerToolsFolderPath, @"Temp");

            var toolDir = new DirectoryInfo(tempFolderPath);

            if (!toolDir.Exists)

            // This naming conflict shouldn't happen. The temp file should be empty.
            // Consider: Try to delete the existing directory in the temp directory.
            string tempToolPath = Path.Combine(tempFolderPath, name);

            if (Directory.Exists(tempToolPath))
                tempToolPath = DirectoryEx.GetUniqueName(tempToolPath);

            using (new TemporaryDirectory(tempToolPath))
                if (Directory.Exists(pathToZip))
                    DirectoryCopy(pathToZip, tempToolPath);
                    using (var zipFile = new ZipFile(pathToZip))
                            zipFile.ExtractAll(tempToolPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);
                        catch (Exception)
                            throw new ToolExecutionException(Resources.ConfigureToolsDlg_unpackZipTool_There_is_a_naming_conflict_in_unpacking_the_zip__Tool_importing_canceled_);

                var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(tempToolPath);
                if (!dirInfo.Exists)
                    // Case where they try to load tools from an empty zipfile then the folder is never created.

                var toolInfDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(tempToolPath, TOOL_INF));
                if (!toolInfDir.Exists)
                    throw new ToolExecutionException(TextUtil.LineSeparate(
                                                         string.Format(Resources.ToolInstaller_UnpackZipTool_Error__It_does_not_contain_the_required__0__directory_, TOOL_INF)));

                // Handle info.properties
                var toolInfo = GetToolInfo(toolInfDir, retval);

                if (!HandleAnnotations(unpackSupport.ShouldOverwriteAnnotations, toolInfDir))


                var toolsToBeOverwritten = GetToolsToBeOverwritten(toolInfo.PackageIdentifier);

                List <ReportOrViewSpec> newReports;
                var existingReports = FindReportConflicts(toolInfDir, tempToolPath, out newReports);

                bool?overwrite = IsOverwrite(unpackSupport.ShouldOverwrite, toolsToBeOverwritten, existingReports, toolInfo);
                if (!overwrite.HasValue)
                    // User canceled installation.
                string DirectoryToRemove = null;
                if (overwrite.Value)
                    // Delete the tools and their containing folder
                    if (toolsToBeOverwritten.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var tool in toolsToBeOverwritten)
                        // The tools are all guarenteed to be from the same directory by GetToolsToBeOverwritten
                        // and all toolDescriptions in a directory come from the same installation
                        DirectoryToRemove = toolsToBeOverwritten.First().ToolDirPath;

                    // Overwrite all existing reports.
                    foreach (ReportOrViewSpec item in existingReports)
                        ReportSharing.SaveReport(PersistedViews.ExternalToolsGroup, item);

                // Add all new reports.
                foreach (ReportOrViewSpec item in newReports)
                    ReportSharing.SaveReport(PersistedViews.ExternalToolsGroup, item);
                var reportRenameMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                if (overwrite == false) // Dont overwrite so rename reports.
                    // Deal with renaming reports!
                    foreach (ReportOrViewSpec item in existingReports)
                        string oldname = item.GetKey();
                        string newname = GetUniqueReportName(oldname);
                        reportRenameMapping.Add(oldname, newname);
                        ReportSharing.SaveReportAs(PersistedViews.ExternalToolsGroup, item, newname);

                foreach (FileInfo file in toolInfDir.GetFiles(@"*.properties"))
                    // We will replace the tool Directory value (null below) later when we know the import is sucessful.
                    AddToolFromProperties(file, retval, toolInfo, null, tempToolPath, reportRenameMapping);

                // Check if we need to install a program
                if (retval.Installations.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var ppc in retval.Installations.Keys)
                        string pathToPackageInstallScript = null;
                        if (ppc.ProgramName.Equals(@"R") && retval.Installations[ppc].Count != 0)
                            pathToPackageInstallScript = Path.Combine(tempToolPath, TOOL_INF, INSTALL_R_PACKAGES);
                            if (!File.Exists(pathToPackageInstallScript))
                                throw new ToolExecutionException(TextUtil.LineSeparate(string.Format(Resources.ToolInstaller_UnpackZipTool_Error__There_is_a_file_missing_the__0__zip, name),
                                                                                       string.Format(Resources.ToolInstaller_UnpackZipTool_Tool_Uses_R_and_specifies_Packages_without_an__0__file_in_the_tool_inf_directory_, INSTALL_R_PACKAGES)));

                        string path = unpackSupport.InstallProgram(ppc, retval.Installations[ppc], pathToPackageInstallScript);
                        if (path == null)
                            // Cancel installation
                        else if (path != string.Empty)
                            if (Settings.Default.ToolFilePaths.ContainsKey(ppc))
                            Settings.Default.ToolFilePaths.Add(ppc, path);
                // We don't decide the final toolDirPath until we make it to here.
                // This will require some fixing of the tooldir and path to dll in each of the tools in retval.validtoolsfound
                // It also enables us to not delete the tools from the tool list unless we have a sucessful installation.

                // Decide the permToolPath.
                if (DirectoryToRemove != null)

                // Final Directory Location.
                string permToolPath = DirectoryEx.GetUniqueName(Path.Combine(outerToolsFolderPath, name));

                foreach (var tool in retval.ValidToolsFound)
                    tool.ToolDirPath = permToolPath;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tool.ArgsCollectorDllPath))
                        tool.ArgsCollectorDllPath = Path.Combine(permToolPath, tool.ArgsCollectorDllPath);

                if (retval.ValidToolsFound.Count != 0)
                    Helpers.TryTwice(() => Directory.Move(tempToolPath, permToolPath));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        ///  Method used to encapsulate the running of a executable for threading.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"> Contains the document to base reports off of, as well as to serve as the parent for args collector forms. </param>
        /// <param name="toolMacroProvider"> Interface for determining what to replace macros with. </param>
        /// <param name="textWriter"> A textWriter to write to if outputting to the immediate window. </param>
        /// <param name="progressMonitor"> Progress monitor. </param>
        /// <param name="parent">If there is an Args Collector form, it will be showed on this control. Can be null. </param>
        private void RunExecutableBackground(SrmDocument document, IToolMacroProvider toolMacroProvider, TextWriter textWriter, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, Control parent)
            // Need to know if $(InputReportTempPath) is an argument to determine if a report should be piped to stdin or not.
            bool   containsInputReportTempPath = Arguments.Contains(ToolMacros.INPUT_REPORT_TEMP_PATH);
            string command = GetCommand(document, toolMacroProvider, progressMonitor);

            if (command == null) // Has already thrown the error.
            string args    = GetArguments(document, toolMacroProvider, progressMonitor);
            string initDir = GetInitialDirectory(document, toolMacroProvider, progressMonitor); // If either of these fails an Exception is thrown.

            if (args != null && initDir != null)
                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(command, args)
                    WorkingDirectory = initDir
                if (OutputToImmediateWindow)
                    startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                    startInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                    startInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                    startInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                    startInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                    startInfo.StandardErrorEncoding  = Encoding.UTF8;

                // if it has a selected report title and its doesn't have a InputReportTempPath macro then the report needs to be piped to stdin.
                string reportCsv = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReportTitle) && !containsInputReportTempPath) // Then pipe to stdin.
                    reportCsv = ToolDescriptionHelpers.GetReport(document, ReportTitle, Title, progressMonitor);
                    startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;

                //Consider: Maybe throw an error if one is not null but the other is?
                //If there is an IToolArgsCollector run it!
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgsCollectorDllPath) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgsCollectorClassName))
                    string pathReportCsv = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReportTitle) && containsInputReportTempPath
                        ? ToolMacros.GetReportTempPath(ReportTitle, Title)
                        : null;

                    if (!CallArgsCollector(parent, args, reportCsv, pathReportCsv, startInfo))

                Process p = new Process {
                    StartInfo = startInfo
                if (OutputToImmediateWindow)
                    p.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                    TextBoxStreamWriterHelper boxStreamWriterHelper = textWriter as TextBoxStreamWriterHelper;
                    if (boxStreamWriterHelper == null)
                        p.OutputDataReceived += (sender, dataReceivedEventArgs) => textWriter.WriteLine(p.Id +
                                                                                                        ">" + dataReceivedEventArgs.Data); // Not L10N
                        p.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, dataReceivedEventArgs) => textWriter.WriteLine(p.Id +
                                                                                                       ">" + dataReceivedEventArgs.Data);  // Not L10N
                        p.OutputDataReceived += (sender, dataReceivedEventArgs) => boxStreamWriterHelper.WriteLineWithIdentifier(p.Id, dataReceivedEventArgs.Data);
                        p.ErrorDataReceived  += (sender, dataReceivedEventArgs) => boxStreamWriterHelper.WriteLineWithIdentifier(p.Id, dataReceivedEventArgs.Data);
                        p.Exited += (sender, processExitedEventArgs) => boxStreamWriterHelper.HandleProcessExit(p.Id);
//                else
//                {
//                    startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
//                    startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
//                    startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
//                    startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
//                    p.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
//                    p.OutputDataReceived +=
//                        (sender, dataReceivedEventArgs) => Console.WriteLine(dataReceivedEventArgs.Data);
//                    p.ErrorDataReceived +=
//                        (sender, dataReceivedEventArgs) => Console.WriteLine(dataReceivedEventArgs.Data);
//                }
                    p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                    if (OutputToImmediateWindow)

                    // write the reportCsv string to stdin.
                    // need to only check one of these conditions.
                    if (startInfo.RedirectStandardInput && (reportCsv != null))
                        StreamWriter streamWriter = p.StandardInput;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex is Win32Exception)
                        throw new ToolExecutionException(
                        throw new ToolExecutionException(

                // CONSIDER: We don't delete the temp path here, because the file may be open
                //           in a long running application like Excel.
//                if (ReportTempPath_toDelete != null)
//                {
//                    FileEx.SafeDelete(ReportTempPath_toDelete, true);
//                    ReportTempPath_toDelete = null;
//                }