Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main()
            // To start a thread using a static thread procedure, use the
            // class name and method name when you create the ThreadStart
            // delegate. Beginning in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework,
            // it is not necessary to create a delegate explicityly.
            // Specify the name of the method in the Thread constructor,
            // and the compiler selects the correct delegate. For example:
            // Thread newThread = new Thread(Work.DoWork);
            ThreadStart threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(Work.DoWork);
            Thread newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);

            // To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
            // procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
            // you create the ThreadStart delegate. Beginning in version
            // 2.0 of the .NET Framework, the explicit delegate is not
            // required.
            Work w = new Work();
            w.Data = 42;
            threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(w.DoMoreWork);
            newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);

            MyProcess myProcess = new MyProcess();