Exemplo n.º 1
        public StaticEncounterEditor6()
            specieslist[0] = "---";
            Array.Resize(ref specieslist, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID + 1);
            if (!File.Exists(FieldPath))
                WinFormsUtil.Error("CRO does not exist! Closing.", FieldPath);

            specieslist[0] = "---";
            itemlist[0]    = "(None)"; // blank == -1

            foreach (string s in specieslist)
            foreach (string s in itemlist)
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, tabPage2.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public EggMoveEditor6(byte[][] infiles)
            files = infiles;
            string[] specieslist = Main.Config.getText(TextName.SpeciesNames);
            specieslist[0] = movelist[0] = "";

            string[] sortedspecies = (string[])specieslist.Clone();
            Array.Resize(ref sortedspecies, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID); Array.Sort(sortedspecies);

            var newlist = new List <WinFormsUtil.cbItem>();

            for (int i = 1; i < Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID; i++) // add all species
                newlist.Add(new WinFormsUtil.cbItem {
                    Text = sortedspecies[i], Value = Array.IndexOf(specieslist, sortedspecies[i])

            CB_Species.DisplayMember = "Text";
            CB_Species.ValueMember   = "Value";
            CB_Species.DataSource    = newlist;
            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, groupBox1.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public SMTE(byte[][] trc, byte[][] trd, byte[][] trp)
            trclass      = trc;
            trdata       = trd;
            trpoke       = trp;
            TrainerNames = new TextData(trName);

            mnuView.Click   += ClickView;
            mnuSet.Click    += ClickSet;
            mnuDelete.Click += ClickDelete;
            Trainers         = new trdata7[trdata.Length];
            foreach (var pb in pba)
                pb.Click += ClickSlot;

            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0;
            CB_Moves.SelectedIndex     = 0;
            CHK_ReplaceLegend.Visible  = Main.Config.USUM; // Team Rainbow Rocket only in USUM
            MegaDictionary             = GiftEditor6.GetMegaDictionary(Main.Config);

            TrainerClasses    = Main.Config.USUM ? Legal.SpecialClasses_USUM : Legal.SpecialClasses_SM;
            ImportantTrainers = Main.Config.USUM ? Legal.ImportantTrainers_USUM : Legal.ImportantTrainers_SM;
            FinalEvo          = Main.Config.USUM ? Legal.FinalEvolutions_USUM : Legal.FinalEvolutions_SM;
            ReplaceLegend     = Legal.Legendary_Mythical_USUM;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, Tab_Rand.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public GiftEditor6()
            specieslist[0] = "---";
            Array.Resize(ref specieslist, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID + 1);
            if (!File.Exists(FieldPath))
                WinFormsUtil.Error("CRO does not exist! Closing.", FieldPath);
            Dictionary <int, int[]> megaDictionary = GetMegaDictionary(Main.Config);

            MegaDictionary = megaDictionary;

            specieslist[0] = "---";
            itemlist[0]    = "(None)"; // blank == -1

            foreach (string s in specieslist)
            foreach (string s in itemlist)
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, tabPage2.Controls);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public PersonalEditor6(byte[][] infiles)
            helditem_boxes = new[] { CB_HeldItem1, CB_HeldItem2, CB_HeldItem3 };
            ability_boxes  = new[] { CB_Ability1, CB_Ability2, CB_Ability3 };
            typing_boxes   = new[] { CB_Type1, CB_Type2 };
            eggGroup_boxes = new[] { CB_EggGroup1, CB_EggGroup2 };
            byte_boxes     = new[] { TB_BaseHP, TB_BaseATK, TB_BaseDEF, TB_BaseSPA, TB_BaseSPD, TB_BaseSPE, TB_Gender, TB_HatchCycles, TB_Friendship, TB_CatchRate };
            ev_boxes       = new[] { TB_HPEVs, TB_ATKEVs, TB_DEFEVs, TB_SPEEVs, TB_SPAEVs, TB_SPDEVs };
            rstat_boxes    = new[] { CHK_rHP, CHK_rATK, CHK_rDEF, CHK_rSPA, CHK_rSPD, CHK_rSPE };
            files          = infiles;

            abilities    = Main.Config.GetText(TextName.AbilityNames);
            moves        = Main.Config.GetText(TextName.MoveNames);
            items        = Main.Config.GetText(TextName.ItemNames);
            species      = Main.Config.GetText(TextName.SpeciesNames);
            types        = Main.Config.GetText(TextName.Types);
            species[0]   = "---";
            abilities[0] = items[0] = moves[0] = "";
            string[][] AltForms = Main.Config.Personal.GetFormList(species, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID);
            species = Main.Config.Personal.GetPersonalEntryList(AltForms, species, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID, out baseForms, out formVal);
            TMHMEditor6.GetTMHMList(out TMs, out HMs);

            Setup(); //Turn string resources into arrays
            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 1;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, TP_Randomizer.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public SMWE(lzGARCFile ed, lzGARCFile zd, lzGARCFile wd)

            PB_DayIcon.Image      = Properties.Resources.sun;
            PB_NightIcon.Image    = Properties.Resources.moon;
            PB_DayIcon.SizeMode   = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
            PB_NightIcon.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;

            font = L_Location.Font;

            speciesList[0] = "(None)";
            var locationList = Main.Config.getText(TextName.metlist_000000);

            locationList = GetGoodLocationList(locationList);

            nup_spec  = LoadFormeNUD();
            cb_spec   = LoadSpeciesComboBoxes();
            rate_spec = LoadRateNUD();

            encdata = ed;
            var areas = Area7.GetArray(ed, zd, wd, locationList);

            Areas = areas.OrderBy(a => a.Zones[0].Name).ToArray();

            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, GB_Tweak.Controls);

            // ExportEncounters("um", "uu");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public SMTE(byte[][] trc, byte[][] trd, byte[][] trp)
            trclass      = trc;
            trdata       = trd;
            trpoke       = trp;
            TrainerNames = new TextData(trName);

            mnuView.Click   += ClickView;
            mnuSet.Click    += ClickSet;
            mnuDelete.Click += ClickDelete;
            Trainers         = new trdata7[trdata.Length];
            foreach (var pb in pba)
                pb.Click += ClickSlot;

            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0;
            CB_Moves.SelectedIndex     = 0;
            MegaDictionary             = GiftEditor6.GetMegaDictionary(Main.Config);

            if (CHK_RandomClass.Checked)
                SpecialClasses = CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked
                    ? Main.Config.USUM
                        ? Legal.SpecialClasses_USUM
                        : Legal.SpecialClasses_SM
                    : new int[] {};

            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, Tab_Rand.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public LevelUpEditor6(byte[][] infiles)
            files = infiles;
            string[]   species     = Main.Config.GetText(TextName.SpeciesNames);
            string[][] AltForms    = Main.Config.Personal.GetFormList(species, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID);
            string[]   specieslist = Main.Config.Personal.GetPersonalEntryList(AltForms, species, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID, out _, out _);
            specieslist[0] = movelist[0] = "";

            string[] sortedspecies = (string[])specieslist.Clone();
            Array.Resize(ref sortedspecies, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID); Array.Sort(sortedspecies);

            var newlist = new List <ComboItem>();

            for (int i = 1; i < Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID; i++) // add all species
                newlist.Add(new ComboItem {
                    Text = sortedspecies[i], Value = Array.IndexOf(specieslist, sortedspecies[i])
            for (int i = Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID; i < specieslist.Length; i++) // add all forms
                newlist.Add(new ComboItem {
                    Text = specieslist[i], Value = i

            CB_Species.DisplayMember = "Text";
            CB_Species.ValueMember   = "Value";
            CB_Species.DataSource    = newlist;
            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, groupBox1.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public MoveEditor6(byte[][] infiles)
            files       = infiles;
            movelist[0] = "";

            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, groupBox1.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public MoveEditor6(byte[][] infiles)
            files       = infiles;
            movelist[0] = "";
            sortedmoves = (string[])movelist.Clone();

            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, groupBox1.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public TrainerRand()
     CB_Moves.SelectedIndex = 1;
     trClassnorep           = new List <string>();
     foreach (string tclass in trClass.Where(tclass => !trClassnorep.Contains(tclass) && !tclass.StartsWith("[~")))
     RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, Controls);
        public EggMoveEditor7(byte[][] infiles)
            files = infiles;
            string[]   species     = Main.Config.getText(TextName.SpeciesNames);
            string[][] AltForms    = Main.Config.Personal.getFormList(species, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID);
            string[]   specieslist = Main.Config.Personal.getPersonalEntryList(AltForms, species, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID, out baseForms, out formVal);
            specieslist[0] = movelist[0] = "";

            entries = infiles.Select(z => new EggMoves7(z)).ToArray();
            string[] names = new string[entries.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < species.Length; i++) // add all species & forms
                names[i] = species[i];
                int formoff = entries[i].FormTableIndex;
                int count   = Main.Config.Personal[i].FormeCount;
                for (int j = 1; j < count; j++)
                    if (names[formoff + j - 1] == null)
                        names[formoff + j - 1] = $"{species[i]} [{AltForms[i][j].Replace(species[i] + " ", "")}]";

            var newlist = names.Select((z, i) => new WinFormsUtil.cbItem {
                Text = (names[i] ?? "Extra") + $" ({i})", Value = i

            newlist = newlist.GroupBy(z => z.Text.StartsWith("Extra"))
                      .Select(z => z.OrderBy(item => item.Text))
                      .SelectMany(z => z).ToList();
            NUD_FormTable.Maximum = files.Length;

            CB_Species.DisplayMember = "Text";
            CB_Species.ValueMember   = "Value";
            CB_Species.DataSource    = newlist;

            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, groupBox1.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public SMWE(lzGARCFile ed, lzGARCFile zd, lzGARCFile wd)

            PB_DayIcon.Image      = Properties.Resources.sun;
            PB_NightIcon.Image    = Properties.Resources.moon;
            PB_DayIcon.SizeMode   = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
            PB_NightIcon.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;

            font = L_Location.Font;

            speciesList[0] = "(None)";
            var locationList = Main.Config.getText(TextName.metlist_000000);

            locationList = GetGoodLocationList(locationList);

            nup_spec  = LoadFormeNUD();
            cb_spec   = LoadSpeciesComboBoxes();
            rate_spec = LoadRateNUD();

            encdata = ed;
            var areas = Area7.GetArray(ed, zd, wd, locationList);

            Areas = areas.OrderBy(a => a.Zones[0].Name).ToArray();

            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, GB_Tweak.Controls);

            var weather = string.Format("If weather is active, create a random number.{0}If 0, use slot 0.{0}If <= 10, use slot 1.{0}Else, pick an SOS table and a slot.", Environment.NewLine);

            new ToolTip().SetToolTip(L_AddSOS, weather);
            var sos   = new[] { L_SOS1, L_SOS2, L_SOS3, L_SOS4, L_SOS5, L_SOS6, L_SOS7 };
            var rates = new[] { 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 67 };

            for (int i = 0; i < sos.Length; i++)
                new ToolTip().SetToolTip(sos[i], $"Table Selection Rate: {rates[i]}%");

            // ExportEncounters("um", "uu");
Exemplo n.º 14
        public PersonalEditor7(byte[][] infiles)
            helditem_boxes = new[] { CB_HeldItem1, CB_HeldItem2, CB_HeldItem3 };
            ability_boxes  = new[] { CB_Ability1, CB_Ability2, CB_Ability3 };
            typing_boxes   = new[] { CB_Type1, CB_Type2 };
            eggGroup_boxes = new[] { CB_EggGroup1, CB_EggGroup2 };
            byte_boxes     = new[] { TB_BaseHP, TB_BaseATK, TB_BaseDEF, TB_BaseSPA, TB_BaseSPD, TB_BaseSPE, TB_Gender, TB_HatchCycles, TB_Friendship, TB_CatchRate, TB_CallRate };
            ev_boxes       = new[] { TB_HPEVs, TB_ATKEVs, TB_DEFEVs, TB_SPEEVs, TB_SPAEVs, TB_SPDEVs };
            rstat_boxes    = new[] { CHK_rHP, CHK_rATK, CHK_rDEF, CHK_rSPA, CHK_rSPD, CHK_rSPE };
            files          = infiles;

            species[0]   = "---";
            abilities[0] = items[0] = moves[0] = "";
            var altForms = Main.Config.Personal.getFormList(species, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID);

            entryNames = Main.Config.Personal.getPersonalEntryList(altForms, species, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID, out baseForms, out formVal);

            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 1;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, TP_Randomizer.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public StarterEditor6()
            specieslist[0] = "---";
            Array.Resize(ref specieslist, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID + 1);

            if (!File.Exists(CROPath))
                WinFormsUtil.Error("CRO does not exist! Closing.", CROPath);
            if (!File.Exists(FieldPath))
                WinFormsUtil.Error("CRO does not exist! Closing.", FieldPath);

            // 2 sets of Starters for X/Y
            // 4 sets of Starters for OR/AS
            Choices = new[]
                new[] { CB_G1_0, CB_G1_1, CB_G1_2 },
                new[] { CB_G2_0, CB_G2_1, CB_G2_2 },
                new[] { CB_G3_0, CB_G3_1, CB_G3_2 },
                new[] { CB_G4_0, CB_G4_1, CB_G4_2 },
            Previews = new[]
                new[] { PB_G1_0, PB_G1_1, PB_G1_2 },
                new[] { PB_G2_0, PB_G2_1, PB_G2_2 },
                new[] { PB_G3_0, PB_G3_1, PB_G3_2 },
                new[] { PB_G4_0, PB_G4_1, PB_G4_2 },
            Labels = new[] { L_Set1, L_Set2, L_Set3, L_Set4 };

            Width = Main.Config.ORAS ? Width : Width / 2 + 2;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, groupBox1.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public TMHMEditor6()
     if (Main.ExeFSPath == null)
         WinFormsUtil.Alert("No exeFS code to load."); Close();
     string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Main.ExeFSPath);
     if (!File.Exists(files[0]) || !Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(files[0]).Contains("code"))
         WinFormsUtil.Alert("No .code.bin detected."); Close();
     data = File.ReadAllBytes(files[0]);
     if (data.Length % 0x200 != 0)
         WinFormsUtil.Alert(".code.bin not decompressed. Aborting."); Close();
     offset      = Util.IndexOfBytes(data, Signature, 0x400000, 0) + 8;
     codebin     = files[0];
     movelist[0] = "";
     RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, groupBox1.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public EvolutionEditor7(byte[][] infiles)
            files = infiles;

            specieslist[0] = movelist[0] = itemlist[0] = "";
            Array.Resize(ref specieslist, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID + 1);
            string[][] AltForms = Main.Config.Personal.getFormList(specieslist, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID);
            specieslist = Main.Config.Personal.getPersonalEntryList(AltForms, specieslist, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID, out baseForms, out formVal);

            string[] evolutionMethods =
                "Level Up with Friendship",
                "Level Up at Morning with Friendship",
                "Level Up at Night with Friendship",
                "Level Up",
                "Trade with Held Item",
                $"Trade for opposite {specieslist[588]}/{specieslist[616]}", // Shelmet&Karrablast
                "Used Item",
                "Level Up (Attack > Defense)",
                "Level Up (Attack = Defense)",
                "Level Up (Attack < Defense)",
                "Level Up (Random < 5)",
                "Level Up (Random > 5)",
                $"Level Up ({specieslist[291]})", // Ninjask
                $"Level Up ({specieslist[292]})", // Shedinja
                "Level Up (Beauty)",
                "Used Item (Male)",               // Kirlia->Gallade
                "Used Item (Female)",             // Snorunt->Froslass
                "Level Up with Held Item (Day)",
                "Level Up with Held Item (Night)",
                "Level Up with Move",
                "Level Up with Party",
                "Level Up Male",
                "Level Up Female",
                "Level Up at Electric",
                "Level Up at Forest",
                "Level Up at Cold",
                "Level Up with 3DS Upside Down",
                "Level Up with 50 Affection + MoveType",
                $"{typelist[16]} Type in Party",
                "Overworld Rain",
                "Level Up (@) at Morning",
                "Level Up (@) at Night",
                "Level Up Female (SetForm 1)",
                "Level Up Any Time on Version",
                "Level Up Daytime on Version",
                "Level Up Nighttime on Version",
                "Level Up Summit",

            var evos = new List <string>(evolutionMethods);

            if (Main.Config.USUM)
                evos.AddRange(new[] {
                    "Level Up (@) Dusk",   // 40
                    "Level Up (Wormhole)", // 41
                    "Used Item (Wormhole)" // 42

            mb  = new[] { CB_M1, CB_M2, CB_M3, CB_M4, CB_M5, CB_M6, CB_M7, CB_M8 };
            pb  = new[] { CB_P1, CB_P2, CB_P3, CB_P4, CB_P5, CB_P6, CB_P7, CB_P8 };
            rb  = new[] { CB_I1, CB_I2, CB_I3, CB_I4, CB_I5, CB_I6, CB_I7, CB_I8 };
            fb  = new[] { NUD_F1, NUD_F2, NUD_F3, NUD_F4, NUD_F5, NUD_F6, NUD_F7, NUD_F8 };
            lb  = new[] { NUD_L1, NUD_L2, NUD_L3, NUD_L4, NUD_L5, NUD_L6, NUD_L7, NUD_L8 };
            pic = new[] { PB_1, PB_2, PB_3, PB_4, PB_5, PB_6, PB_7, PB_8 };

            maxEvoMethod = evos.Count;
            foreach (ComboBox cb in mb)
            foreach (ComboBox cb in rb)
                cb.Items.AddRange(specieslist.Take(Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID + 1).ToArray());

            foreach (string s in specieslist)

            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 1;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, GB_Randomizer.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public EvolutionEditor6(byte[][] infiles)
            files = infiles;

            specieslist[0] = movelist[0] = itemlist[0] = "";
            Array.Resize(ref specieslist, Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID + 1);

            string[] evolutionMethods =
                "Level Up with Friendship",
                "Level Up at Morning with Friendship",
                "Level Up at Night with Friendship",
                "Level Up",
                "Trade with Held Item",
                $"Trade for opposite {specieslist[588]}/{specieslist[616]}", // Shelmet&Karrablast
                "Used Item",
                "Level Up (Attack > Defense)",
                "Level Up (Attack = Defense)",
                "Level Up (Attack < Defense)",
                "Level Up (Random < 5)",
                "Level Up (Random > 5)",
                $"Level Up ({specieslist[291]})", // Ninjask
                $"Level Up ({specieslist[292]})", // Shedinja
                "Level Up (Beauty)",
                "Used Item (Male)",               // Kirlia->Gallade
                "Used Item (Female)",             // Snorunt->Froslass
                "Level Up with Held Item (Day)",
                "Level Up with Held Item (Night)",
                "Level Up with Move",
                "Level Up with Party",
                "Level Up Male",
                "Level Up Female",
                "Level Up at Electric",
                "Level Up at Forest",
                "Level Up at Cold",
                "Level Up with 3DS Upside Down",
                "Level Up with 50 Affection + MoveType",
                $"{typelist[16]} Type in Party",
                "Overworld Rain",
                "Level Up (@) at Morning",
                "Level Up (@) at Night",
                "Level Up Female (SetForm 1)",

            mb  = new[] { CB_M1, CB_M2, CB_M3, CB_M4, CB_M5, CB_M6, CB_M7, CB_M8 };
            pb  = new[] { CB_P1, CB_P2, CB_P3, CB_P4, CB_P5, CB_P6, CB_P7, CB_P8 };
            rb  = new[] { CB_I1, CB_I2, CB_I3, CB_I4, CB_I5, CB_I6, CB_I7, CB_I8 };
            pic = new[] { PB_1, PB_2, PB_3, PB_4, PB_5, PB_6, PB_7, PB_8 };

            foreach (ComboBox cb in mb)
                foreach (string s in evolutionMethods)
            foreach (ComboBox cb in rb)
                foreach (string s in specieslist)

            sortedspecies = (string[])specieslist.Clone();

            foreach (string s in sortedspecies)

            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, GB_Randomizer.Controls);
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static int[] UnevolvedLegend = { 772, 789, 803 };                                              // Type: Null, Cosmog, Poipole gifts

        public StaticEncounterEditor7(byte[][] infiles)
            files = infiles;

            // File 0: Gifts
                byte[] data = files[0];
                Gifts = new EncounterGift7[data.Length / EncounterGift7.SIZE];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += EncounterGift7.SIZE)
                    byte[] entry = new byte[EncounterGift7.SIZE];
                    Array.Copy(data, i, entry, 0, entry.Length);
                    Gifts[i / EncounterGift7.SIZE] = new EncounterGift7(entry);
            oldStarters = Gifts.Take(3).Select(gift => gift.Species).ToArray();

            // File 1: Encounters
                byte[] data = files[1];
                Encounters = new EncounterStatic7[data.Length / EncounterStatic7.SIZE];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += EncounterStatic7.SIZE)
                    byte[] entry = new byte[EncounterStatic7.SIZE];
                    Array.Copy(data, i, entry, 0, entry.Length);
                    Encounters[i / EncounterStatic7.SIZE] = new EncounterStatic7(entry);

            // File 4: Trades
                byte[] data = files[4];
                Trades = new EncounterTrade7[data.Length / EncounterTrade7.SIZE];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += EncounterTrade7.SIZE)
                    byte[] entry = new byte[EncounterTrade7.SIZE];
                    Array.Copy(data, i, entry, 0, entry.Length);
                    Trades[i / EncounterTrade7.SIZE] = new EncounterTrade7(entry);

            movelist[0] = itemlist[0] = specieslist[0] = "(None)";
            foreach (var s in specieslist)
            foreach (var s in ability)
            foreach (var s in itemlist)
            foreach (var s in movelist)
            foreach (string s in aura)


            LB_Gift.SelectedIndex      = 0;
            LB_Encounter.SelectedIndex = 0;
            LB_Trade.SelectedIndex     = 0;
            FinalEvo      = Main.Config.USUM ? Legal.FinalEvolutions_USUM : Legal.FinalEvolutions_SM;
            ReplaceLegend = Main.Config.USUM ? Legal.Legendary_Mythical_USUM : Legal.Legendary_Mythical_SM;
            BasicStarter  = Legal.BasicStarters_7;

            // Select last tab (Randomization) by default in case info already randomized.
            TC_Tabs.SelectedIndex = TC_Tabs.TabCount - 1;

            RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, Tab_Randomizer.Controls);
            // ExportEncounters();
Exemplo n.º 20
 public XYWE()
     spec = new[]
         CB_Grass1, CB_Grass2, CB_Grass3, CB_Grass4, CB_Grass5, CB_Grass6, CB_Grass7, CB_Grass8, CB_Grass9, CB_Grass10, CB_Grass11, CB_Grass12,
         CB_Yellow1, CB_Yellow2, CB_Yellow3, CB_Yellow4, CB_Yellow5, CB_Yellow6, CB_Yellow7, CB_Yellow8, CB_Yellow9, CB_Yellow10, CB_Yellow11, CB_Yellow12,
         CB_Purple1, CB_Purple2, CB_Purple3, CB_Purple4, CB_Purple5, CB_Purple6, CB_Purple7, CB_Purple8, CB_Purple9, CB_Purple10, CB_Purple11, CB_Purple12,
         CB_Red1, CB_Red2, CB_Red3, CB_Red4, CB_Red5, CB_Red6, CB_Red7, CB_Red8, CB_Red9, CB_Red10, CB_Red11, CB_Red12,
         CB_RT1, CB_RT2, CB_RT3, CB_RT4, CB_RT5, CB_RT6, CB_RT7, CB_RT8, CB_RT9, CB_RT10, CB_RT11, CB_RT12,
         CB_Surf1, CB_Surf2, CB_Surf3, CB_Surf4, CB_Surf5,
         CB_RockSmash1, CB_RockSmash2, CB_RockSmash3, CB_RockSmash4, CB_RockSmash5,
         CB_Old1, CB_Old2, CB_Old3,
         CB_Good1, CB_Good2, CB_Good3,
         CB_Super1, CB_Super2, CB_Super3,
         CB_HordeA1, CB_HordeA2, CB_HordeA3, CB_HordeA4, CB_HordeA5,
         CB_HordeB1, CB_HordeB2, CB_HordeB3, CB_HordeB4, CB_HordeB5,
         CB_HordeC1, CB_HordeC2, CB_HordeC3, CB_HordeC4, CB_HordeC5,
     min = new[]
         NUP_GrassMin1, NUP_GrassMin2, NUP_GrassMin3, NUP_GrassMin4, NUP_GrassMin5, NUP_GrassMin6, NUP_GrassMin7, NUP_GrassMin8, NUP_GrassMin9, NUP_GrassMin10, NUP_GrassMin11, NUP_GrassMin12,
         NUP_YellowMin1, NUP_YellowMin2, NUP_YellowMin3, NUP_YellowMin4, NUP_YellowMin5, NUP_YellowMin6, NUP_YellowMin7, NUP_YellowMin8, NUP_YellowMin9, NUP_YellowMin10, NUP_YellowMin11, NUP_YellowMin12,
         NUP_PurpleMin1, NUP_PurpleMin2, NUP_PurpleMin3, NUP_PurpleMin4, NUP_PurpleMin5, NUP_PurpleMin6, NUP_PurpleMin7, NUP_PurpleMin8, NUP_PurpleMin9, NUP_PurpleMin10, NUP_PurpleMin11, NUP_PurpleMin12,
         NUP_RedMin1, NUP_RedMin2, NUP_RedMin3, NUP_RedMin4, NUP_RedMin5, NUP_RedMin6, NUP_RedMin7, NUP_RedMin8, NUP_RedMin9, NUP_RedMin10, NUP_RedMin11, NUP_RedMin12,
         NUP_RTMin1, NUP_RTMin2, NUP_RTMin3, NUP_RTMin4, NUP_RTMin5, NUP_RTMin6, NUP_RTMin7, NUP_RTMin8, NUP_RTMin9, NUP_RTMin10, NUP_RTMin11, NUP_RTMin12,
         NUP_SurfMin1, NUP_SurfMin2, NUP_SurfMin3, NUP_SurfMin4, NUP_SurfMin5,
         NUP_RockSmashMin1, NUP_RockSmashMin2, NUP_RockSmashMin3, NUP_RockSmashMin4, NUP_RockSmashMin5,
         NUP_OldMin1, NUP_OldMin2, NUP_OldMin3,
         NUP_GoodMin1, NUP_GoodMin2, NUP_GoodMin3,
         NUP_SuperMin1, NUP_SuperMin2, NUP_SuperMin3,
         NUP_HordeAMin1, NUP_HordeAMin2, NUP_HordeAMin3, NUP_HordeAMin4, NUP_HordeAMin5,
         NUP_HordeBMin1, NUP_HordeBMin2, NUP_HordeBMin3, NUP_HordeBMin4, NUP_HordeBMin5,
         NUP_HordeCMin1, NUP_HordeCMin2, NUP_HordeCMin3, NUP_HordeCMin4, NUP_HordeCMin5,
     max = new[]
         NUP_GrassMax1, NUP_GrassMax2, NUP_GrassMax3, NUP_GrassMax4, NUP_GrassMax5, NUP_GrassMax6, NUP_GrassMax7, NUP_GrassMax8, NUP_GrassMax9, NUP_GrassMax10, NUP_GrassMax11, NUP_GrassMax12,
         NUP_YellowMax1, NUP_YellowMax2, NUP_YellowMax3, NUP_YellowMax4, NUP_YellowMax5, NUP_YellowMax6, NUP_YellowMax7, NUP_YellowMax8, NUP_YellowMax9, NUP_YellowMax10, NUP_YellowMax11, NUP_YellowMax12,
         NUP_PurpleMax1, NUP_PurpleMax2, NUP_PurpleMax3, NUP_PurpleMax4, NUP_PurpleMax5, NUP_PurpleMax6, NUP_PurpleMax7, NUP_PurpleMax8, NUP_PurpleMax9, NUP_PurpleMax10, NUP_PurpleMax11, NUP_PurpleMax12,
         NUP_RedMax1, NUP_RedMax2, NUP_RedMax3, NUP_RedMax4, NUP_RedMax5, NUP_RedMax6, NUP_RedMax7, NUP_RedMax8, NUP_RedMax9, NUP_RedMax10, NUP_RedMax11, NUP_RedMax12,
         NUP_RTMax1, NUP_RTMax2, NUP_RTMax3, NUP_RTMax4, NUP_RTMax5, NUP_RTMax6, NUP_RTMax7, NUP_RTMax8, NUP_RTMax9, NUP_RTMax10, NUP_RTMax11, NUP_RTMax12,
         NUP_SurfMax1, NUP_SurfMax2, NUP_SurfMax3, NUP_SurfMax4, NUP_SurfMax5,
         NUP_RockSmashMax1, NUP_RockSmashMax2, NUP_RockSmashMax3, NUP_RockSmashMax4, NUP_RockSmashMax5,
         NUP_OldMax1, NUP_OldMax2, NUP_OldMax3,
         NUP_GoodMax1, NUP_GoodMax2, NUP_GoodMax3,
         NUP_SuperMax1, NUP_SuperMax2, NUP_SuperMax3,
         NUP_HordeAMax1, NUP_HordeAMax2, NUP_HordeAMax3, NUP_HordeAMax4, NUP_HordeAMax5,
         NUP_HordeBMax1, NUP_HordeBMax2, NUP_HordeBMax3, NUP_HordeBMax4, NUP_HordeBMax5,
         NUP_HordeCMax1, NUP_HordeCMax2, NUP_HordeCMax3, NUP_HordeCMax4, NUP_HordeCMax5,
     form = new[]
         NUP_GrassForme1, NUP_GrassForme2, NUP_GrassForme3, NUP_GrassForme4, NUP_GrassForme5, NUP_GrassForme6, NUP_GrassForme7, NUP_GrassForme8, NUP_GrassForme9, NUP_GrassForme10, NUP_GrassForme11, NUP_GrassForme12,
         NUP_YellowForme1, NUP_YellowForme2, NUP_YellowForme3, NUP_YellowForme4, NUP_YellowForme5, NUP_YellowForme6, NUP_YellowForme7, NUP_YellowForme8, NUP_YellowForme9, NUP_YellowForme10, NUP_YellowForme11, NUP_YellowForme12,
         NUP_PurpleForme1, NUP_PurpleForme2, NUP_PurpleForme3, NUP_PurpleForme4, NUP_PurpleForme5, NUP_PurpleForme6, NUP_PurpleForme7, NUP_PurpleForme8, NUP_PurpleForme9, NUP_PurpleForme10, NUP_PurpleForme11, NUP_PurpleForme12,
         NUP_RedForme1, NUP_RedForme2, NUP_RedForme3, NUP_RedForme4, NUP_RedForme5, NUP_RedForme6, NUP_RedForme7, NUP_RedForme8, NUP_RedForme9, NUP_RedForme10, NUP_RedForme11, NUP_RedForme12,
         NUP_RTForme1, NUP_RTForme2, NUP_RTForme3, NUP_RTForme4, NUP_RTForme5, NUP_RTForme6, NUP_RTForme7, NUP_RTForme8, NUP_RTForme9, NUP_RTForme10, NUP_RTForme11, NUP_RTForme12,
         NUP_SurfForme1, NUP_SurfForme2, NUP_SurfForme3, NUP_SurfForme4, NUP_SurfForme5,
         NUP_RockSmashForme1, NUP_RockSmashForme2, NUP_RockSmashForme3, NUP_RockSmashForme4, NUP_RockSmashForme5,
         NUP_OldForme1, NUP_OldForme2, NUP_OldForme3,
         NUP_GoodForme1, NUP_GoodForme2, NUP_GoodForme3,
         NUP_SuperForme1, NUP_SuperForme2, NUP_SuperForme3,
         NUP_HordeAForme1, NUP_HordeAForme2, NUP_HordeAForme3, NUP_HordeAForme4, NUP_HordeAForme5,
         NUP_HordeBForme1, NUP_HordeBForme2, NUP_HordeBForme3, NUP_HordeBForme4, NUP_HordeBForme5,
         NUP_HordeCForme1, NUP_HordeCForme2, NUP_HordeCForme3, NUP_HordeCForme4, NUP_HordeCForme5,
     formlist = new[] { "Unown-A - 0",
                        "Unown-B - 1",
                        "Unown-C - 2",
                        "Unown-D - 3",
                        "Unown-E - 4",
                        "Unown-F - 5",
                        "Unown-G - 6",
                        "Unown-H - 7",
                        "Unown-I - 8",
                        "Unown-J - 9",
                        "Unown-K - 10",
                        "Unown-L - 11",
                        "Unown-M - 12",
                        "Unown-N - 13",
                        "Unown-O - 14",
                        "Unown-P - 15",
                        "Unown-Q - 16",
                        "Unown-R - 17",
                        "Unown-S - 18",
                        "Unown-T - 19",
                        "Unown-U - 20",
                        "Unown-V - 21",
                        "Unown-W - 22",
                        "Unown-X - 23",
                        "Unown-Y - 24",
                        "Unown-Z - 25",
                        "Unown-! - 26",
                        "Unown-? - 27",
                        "Castform-Normal - 0",
                        "Castform-Sunny - 1",
                        "Castform-Rainy - 2",
                        "Castform-Snowy - 3",
                        "Deoxys-Normal - 0",
                        "Deoxys-Attack - 1",
                        "Deoxys-Defense - 2",
                        "Deoxys-Speed - 3",
                        "Burmy-Plant Cloak - 0",
                        "Burmy-Sandy Cloak - 1",
                        "Burmy-Trash Cloak - 2",
                        "Wormadam-Plant Cloak - 0",
                        "Wormadam-Sandy Cloak - 1",
                        "Wormadam-Trash Cloak - 2",
                        "Cherrim-Overcast - 0",
                        "Cherrim-Sunshine - 1",
                        "Shellos-West Sea - 0",
                        "Shellos-East Sea - 1",
                        "Gastrodon-West Sea - 0",
                        "Gastrodon-East Sea - 1",
                        "Rotom-Normal - 0",
                        "Rotom-Heat - 1",
                        "Rotom-Wash - 2",
                        "Rotom-Frost - 3",
                        "Rotom-Fan - 4",
                        "Rotom-Mow - 5",
                        "Giratina-Altered - 0",
                        "Giratina-Origin - 1",
                        "Shaymin-Land - 0",
                        "Shaymin-Sky - 1",
                        "Arceus-Normal - 0",
                        "Arceus-Fighting - 1",
                        "Arceus-Flying - 2",
                        "Arceus-Poison - 3",
                        "Arceus-Ground - 4",
                        "Arceus-Rock - 5",
                        "Arceus-Bug - 6",
                        "Arceus-Ghost - 7",
                        "Arceus-Steel - 8",
                        "Arceus-Fire - 9",
                        "Arceus-Water - 10",
                        "Arceus-Grass - 11",
                        "Arceus-Electric - 12",
                        "Arceus-Psychic - 13",
                        "Arceus-Ice - 14",
                        "Arceus-Dragon - 15",
                        "Arceus-Dark - 16",
                        "Arceus-Fairy - 17",
                        "Basculin-Red-Striped - 0",
                        "Basculin-Blue-Striped - 1",
                        "Darmanitan-Standard Mode - 0",
                        "Darmanitan-Zen Mode - 1",
                        "Deerling-Spring - 0",
                        "Deerling-Summer - 1",
                        "Deerling-Autumn - 2",
                        "Deerling-Winter - 3",
                        "Sawsbuck-Spring - 0",
                        "Sawsbuck-Summer - 1",
                        "Sawsbuck-Autumn - 2",
                        "Sawsbuck-Winter - 3",
                        "Tornadus-Incarnate - 0",
                        "Tornadus-Therian - 1",
                        "Thundurus-Incarnate - 0",
                        "Thundurus-Therian - 1",
                        "Landorus-Incarnate - 0",
                        "Landorus-Therian - 1",
                        "Kyurem-Normal - 0",
                        "Kyurem-White - 1",
                        "Kyurem-Black - 2",
                        "Keldeo-Ordinary - 0",
                        "Keldeo-Resolute - 1",
                        "Meloetta-Aria - 0",
                        "Meloetta-Pirouette - 1",
                        "Genesect-Normal - 0",
                        "Genesect-Water - 1",
                        "Genesect-Electric - 2",
                        "Genesect-Fire - 3",
                        "Genesect-Ice - 4",
                        "Flabebe-Red - 0",
                        "Flabebe-Yellow - 1",
                        "Flabebe-Orange - 2",
                        "Flabebe-Blue - 3",
                        "Flabebe-White - 4",
                        "Floette-Red - 0",
                        "Floette-Yellow - 1",
                        "Floette-Orange - 2",
                        "Floette-Blue - 3",
                        "Floette-White - 4",
                        "Floette-Eternal - 5",
                        "Florges-Red - 0",
                        "Florges-Yellow - 1",
                        "Florges-Orange - 2",
                        "Florges-Blue - 3",
                        "Florges-White - 4",
                        "Furfrou-Natural - 0",
                        "Furfrou-Heart - 1",
                        "Furfrou-Star - 2",
                        "Furfrou-Diamond - 3",
                        "Furfrou-Deputante - 4",
                        "Furfrou-Matron - 5",
                        "Furfrou-Dandy - 6",
                        "Furfrou-La Reine- 7",
                        "Furfrou-Kabuki - 8",
                        "Furfrou-Pharaoh - 9",
                        "Aegislash-Shield - 0",
                        "Aegislash-Blade - 0",
                        "Vivillon-Icy Snow - 0",
                        "Vivillon-Polar - 1",
                        "Vivillon-Tundra - 2",
                        "Vivillon-Continental  - 3",
                        "Vivillon-Garden - 4",
                        "Vivillon-Elegant - 5",
                        "Vivillon-Meadow - 6",
                        "Vivillon-Modern  - 7",
                        "Vivillon-Marine - 8",
                        "Vivillon-Archipelago - 9",
                        "Vivillon-High-Plains - 10",
                        "Vivillon-Sandstorm - 11",
                        "Vivillon-River - 12",
                        "Vivillon-Monsoon - 13",
                        "Vivillon-Savannah  - 14",
                        "Vivillon-Sun - 15",
                        "Vivillon-Ocean - 16",
                        "Vivillon-Jungle - 17",
                        "Vivillon-Fancy - 18",
                        "Vivillon-Poké Ball - 19",
                        "Pumpkaboo-Small - 0",
                        "Pumpkaboo-Average - 1",
                        "Pumpkaboo-Large - 2",
                        "Pumpkaboo-Super - 3",
                        "Gourgeist-Small - 0",
                        "Gourgeist-Average - 1",
                        "Gourgeist-Large - 2",
                        "Gourgeist-Super - 3",
                        "Megas-Normal - 0",
                        "Megas-Mega (X) - 1",
                        "Megas-Mega (Y) - 2", };
     RandSettings.GetFormSettings(this, GB_Tweak.Controls);