Exemplo n.º 1
 public Dimse(int pcid, String tsUID, Command cmd, Stream ins)
     this.m_pcid = pcid;
     this.cmd = cmd;
     this.ds = null;
     this.src = null;
     this.m_ins = ins;
     this.tsUID = tsUID;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Dimse(int pcid, Command cmd, Dataset ds, DataSourceI src)
     this.m_pcid = pcid;
     this.cmd = cmd;
     this.ds = ds;
     this.src = src;
     this.m_ins = null;
     this.tsUID = null;
     this.cmd.PutUS(Tags.DataSetType, ds == null && src == null?Command.NO_DATASET:0);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public DOSELoad(string _filePath)
     if (_filePath != "")
         DICOMLoad dl = new DICOMLoad();
         this.ds = dl.Load(_filePath);
         this.success = true;
         this.success = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Dataset Load(FileInfo file)
            Stream ins = null;
            DcmParser parser = null;
            Dataset ds = null;

                    ins = new BufferedStream(new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
                    parser = new DcmParser(ins);
                    FileFormat format = parser.DetectFileFormat();
                    if (format != null)
                        ds = new Dataset();
                        parser.DcmHandler = ds.DcmHandler;
                        parser.ParseDcmFile(format, Tags.PixelData);


                        return ds;
                catch (Exception e)
                if (ins != null)
                    catch (IOException)

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Send C-GET
        /// </summary>
        public Dataset[] CGet(string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID, string sopInstanceUID)
            if ((studyInstanceUID == null)
            &&	(seriesInstanceUID == null)
            &&	(sopInstanceUID == null))
                return null;

            int pcid = PCID_START;
            PCID_START += 2;

            Dataset[] ret = null;

                string sopClassUID = UIDs.StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGET;

                m_assocRQ.AddPresContext(aFact.NewPresContext(pcid, sopClassUID, new String[]{ m_tsUID }));
                ActiveAssociation active = OpenAssoc();
                if (active != null)
                    Dataset ds = new Dataset();

                    FileMetaInfo fmi = new FileMetaInfo();
                    fmi.PutOB(Tags.FileMetaInformationVersion, new byte[] {0, 1});
                    fmi.PutUI(Tags.MediaStorageSOPClassUID, sopClassUID);
                    fmi.PutUI(Tags.TransferSyntaxUID, m_tsUID);
                    fmi.PutSH(Tags.ImplementationVersionName, "dicomcs-SCU");


                    if (studyInstanceUID != null)
                        ds.PutUI(Tags.StudyInstanceUID, studyInstanceUID);

                    if (seriesInstanceUID != null)
                        ds.PutUI(Tags.SeriesInstanceUID, seriesInstanceUID);

                    if (sopInstanceUID != null)
                        ds.PutUI(Tags.SOPInstanceUID, sopInstanceUID);

                    PresContext pc = null;
                    Association assoc = active.Association;

                    if ((ds.GetFileMetaInfo() != null)
                    &&	(ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID != null))
                        String tsuid = ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID;
                        if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, tsuid)) == null)
                            log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                            return null;
                    else if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRBigEndian)) == null)
                        log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                        return null;

                    Dimse rq = aFact.NewDimse(pcid, oFact.NewCommand().InitCGetRQ(assoc.NextMsgID(), sopClassUID, 0), ds);

                    FutureRSP rsp = active.Invoke(rq);

                    if (rsp.IsReady())
                        ArrayList al = rsp.ListPending();

                        if (al.Count > 0)
                            ret = new Dataset[al.Count];

                            for (int i=0;i < ret.Length;i++)
                                ret[i] = ((Dimse)al[i]).Dataset;
                            ret = new Dataset[1];
                            ret[0] = rsp.Get().Dataset;


            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Send C-FIND for series
        /// </summary>
        public Dataset[] CFindSeries(string studyInstanceUID, string[] modalities)
            int pcid = PCID_START;
            PCID_START += 2;

            Dataset[] ret = null;

                string sopClassUID = UIDs.StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND;

                m_assocRQ.AddPresContext(aFact.NewPresContext(pcid, sopClassUID, new String[]{ m_tsUID }));
                ActiveAssociation active = OpenAssoc();
                if (active != null)
                    Dataset ds = new Dataset();

                    FileMetaInfo fmi = new FileMetaInfo();
                    fmi.PutOB(Tags.FileMetaInformationVersion, new byte[] {0, 1});
                    fmi.PutUI(Tags.MediaStorageSOPClassUID, sopClassUID);
                    fmi.PutUI(Tags.TransferSyntaxUID, m_tsUID);
                    fmi.PutSH(Tags.ImplementationVersionName, "dicomcs-SCU");


                    ds.PutCS(Tags.QueryRetrieveLevel, "SERIES");
                    ds.PutUI(Tags.StudyInstanceUID, studyInstanceUID);

                    PresContext pc = null;
                    Association assoc = active.Association;

                    if ((ds.GetFileMetaInfo() != null)
                    &&	(ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID != null))
                        String tsuid = ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID;
                        if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, tsuid)) == null)
                            log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                            return null;
                    else if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRBigEndian)) == null)
                        log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                        return null;

                    Dimse rq = aFact.NewDimse(pcid, oFact.NewCommand().InitCFindRQ(assoc.NextMsgID(), sopClassUID, 0), ds);

                    FutureRSP rsp = active.Invoke(rq);

                    if (rsp.IsReady())
                        ArrayList al = rsp.ListPending();

                        if ((al != null)
                        &&	(al.Count > 0)
                        &&	(modalities != null)
                        &&	(modalities.Length > 0))
                            for (int i=0;i < al.Count;i++)
                                    string mod = ((Dimse) al[i]).Dataset.GetString(Tags.Modality);
                                    int j=0;

                                    for (;j < modalities.Length;j++)
                                        if (string.Compare(modalities[j], mod) == 0)

                                    if (j == modalities.Length)

                        if (al.Count > 0)
                            int len = al.Count;

                            ret = new Dataset[len];

                            for (int i=0;i < len;i++)
                                ret[i] = (Dataset) ((Dimse) al[i]).Dataset;

            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Send C-FIND for study
        /// </summary>
        public Dataset[] CFindStudy(string patid, string[] modalities)
            int pcid = PCID_START;
            PCID_START += 2;

            Dataset[] ret = null;

                string sopClassUID = UIDs.StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND;

                m_assocRQ.AddPresContext(aFact.NewPresContext(pcid, sopClassUID, new String[]{ m_tsUID }));
                ActiveAssociation active = OpenAssoc();
                if (active != null)
                    Dataset ds = new Dataset();

                    FileMetaInfo fmi = new FileMetaInfo();
                    fmi.PutOB(Tags.FileMetaInformationVersion, new byte[] {0, 1});
                    fmi.PutUI(Tags.MediaStorageSOPClassUID, sopClassUID);
                    fmi.PutUI(Tags.TransferSyntaxUID, m_tsUID);
                    fmi.PutSH(Tags.ImplementationVersionName, "dicomcs-SCU");


                    ds.PutCS(Tags.QueryRetrieveLevel, "STUDY");
                    ds.PutCS(Tags.ModalitiesInStudy, modalities);
                    ds.PutLO(Tags.PatientID, patid);

                    PresContext pc = null;
                    Association assoc = active.Association;

                    if ((ds.GetFileMetaInfo() != null)
                    &&	(ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID != null))
                        String tsuid = ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID;
                        if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, tsuid)) == null)
                            log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                            return null;
                    else if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRBigEndian)) == null)
                        log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                        return null;

                    Dimse rq = aFact.NewDimse(pcid, oFact.NewCommand().InitCFindRQ(assoc.NextMsgID(), sopClassUID, 0), ds);

                    FutureRSP rsp = active.Invoke(rq);

                    if (rsp.IsReady())
                        ArrayList al = rsp.ListPending();

                        if (al.Count > 0)
                            int len = al.Count;

                            ret = new Dataset[len];

                            for (int i=0;i < len;i++)
                                ret[i] = (Dataset) ((Dimse) al[i]).Dataset;

            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of DatasetView 
 /// </summary>
 public FilterDataset(Dataset backend)
     this.backend = (BaseDataset) backend;
Exemplo n.º 9
        //glowna funkcja
        private void mainOperations(Dataset _ds)
            double[,] maxDose = new double[1, 2]; //maksymalna dawka i numer wiazki dla tej dawki
            maxDose[0, 0] = 0;
            maxDose[0, 1] = 0;
            double tmpDose = 0; //tymczasowa zmienna przechowujaca ostatnia dawke
            double[] nominalBeamEnergy;

            #region wiązki
            Dataset dsFractionGroupSequence = _ds.GetItem(Tags.FractionGroupSeq, 0);

            this.numberOfBeams = Convert.ToInt16(dsFractionGroupSequence.GetString(Tags.NumberOfBeams, 0));

            this.beamDoses = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.TPR = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.MU = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.beamMetersets = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            nominalBeamEnergy = new double[this.numberOfBeams];

            DcmElement dcmeReferencedBeamSequence = dsFractionGroupSequence.Get(Tags.RefBeamSeq);

            string message = "Liczba wiązek: " + numberOfBeams.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            Dataset dsReferencedBeams = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeams; i++)
                dsReferencedBeams = dcmeReferencedBeamSequence.GetItem(i);
                message += "Wiązka " + (i + 1) + " = " + dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamDose, 0) + Environment.NewLine;
                tmpDose = Convert.ToDouble(dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamDose, 0).Replace('.', ','));

                //wpisanie dawek do tablicy
                this.beamDoses[i] = tmpDose;

                //wpisanie MU do tablicy
                this.beamMetersets[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamMeterset, 0).Replace('.', ','));

                message += "Zapisane MU = " + this.beamMetersets[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; //wyświetlenie

                //maksymalna dawka
                if (tmpDose > maxDose[0, 0])
                    maxDose[0, 0] = tmpDose;
                    maxDose[0, 1] = i; //numer wiazki

            message += "Maksymalna dawka: " + Math.Round(maxDose[0, 0], 3).ToString() + ", wiązka nr " + maxDose[0, 1].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            #region listki i nominalna energia wiązek

            DcmElement dcmeBeamSequence = _ds.Get(Tags.BeamSeq);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfBeams; i++)
                Dataset dsBeamParams = dcmeBeamSequence.GetItem(i);

                DcmElement dcmeBeamLimitingDeviceSequence = dsBeamParams.Get(Tags.BeamLimitingDeviceSeq);

                Dataset dsLeafs = dcmeBeamLimitingDeviceSequence.GetItem(1); //bez zmian

                //Dataset dsLeafPositionBoundaries = dsLeafs.GetItem(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries, 0);

                message += Environment.NewLine + "Listki" + Environment.NewLine;

                //string[] test = dsLeafs.GetStrings(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries);

                message += "Parametry " + i + ": " + dsLeafs.GetString(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries);

                //nominal beam energy
                DcmElement dcmeControlPointSequence = dsBeamParams.Get(Tags.ControlPointSeq);

                Dataset dsnominalBeamEnergy = dcmeControlPointSequence.GetItem(0);

                nominalBeamEnergy[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsnominalBeamEnergy.GetString(Tags.NominalBeamEnergy).Replace('.', ','));

                //message += "nominalBeamEnergy:  " + nominalBeamEnergy.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;


            #region obliczanie TPR
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeams; i++)
                this.TPR[i] = this.beamDoses[i] / nominalBeamEnergy[i];
            //message += "TPR:  " + this.TPR.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            logTextbox.Text = message;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private FutureRSP SendDataset(ActiveAssociation active, DcmParser parser, Dataset ds)
            String sopInstUID = ds.GetString(Tags.SOPInstanceUID);
            if (sopInstUID == null)
                log.Error( "SOP instance UID is null" );
                return null;
            String sopClassUID = ds.GetString(Tags.SOPClassUID);
            if (sopClassUID == null)
                log.Error( "SOP class UID is null" );
                return null;
            PresContext pc = null;
            Association assoc = active.Association;

            if (parser != null)
                if (parser.DcmDecodeParam.encapsulated)
                    String tsuid = ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID;
                    if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, tsuid)) == null)
                        log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                        return null;
                else if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRBigEndian)) == null)
                    log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                    return null;

                return active.Invoke(aFact.NewDimse(pc.pcid(), oFact.NewCommand().InitCStoreRQ(assoc.NextMsgID(), sopClassUID, sopInstUID, 0), new FileDataSource(parser, ds, new byte[2048])));
                if ((ds.GetFileMetaInfo() != null)
                &&	(ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID != null))
                    String tsuid = ds.GetFileMetaInfo().TransferSyntaxUID;
                    if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, tsuid)) == null)
                        log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                        return null;
                else if ((pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ImplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRLittleEndian)) == null && (pc = assoc.GetAcceptedPresContext(sopClassUID, UIDs.ExplicitVRBigEndian)) == null)
                    log.Error( "SOP class UID not supported" );
                    return null;

                return active.Invoke(aFact.NewDimse(pc.pcid(), oFact.NewCommand().InitCStoreRQ(assoc.NextMsgID(), sopClassUID, sopInstUID, 0), ds));

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 11
        //glowna funkcja
        private void mainOperations(Dataset _ds)
            double[,] maxDose = new double[1, 2]; //maksymalna dawka i numer wiazki dla tej dawki
            maxDose[0, 0] = 0;
            maxDose[0, 1] = 0;
            double tmpDose = 0; //tymczasowa zmienna przechowujaca ostatnia dawke
            double[] nominalBeamEnergy;
            string[] tmpLeafPostionBoundaries;

            #region wiązki
            Dataset dsFractionGroupSequence = _ds.GetItem(Tags.FractionGroupSeq, 0);

            this.numberOfBeams = Convert.ToInt16(dsFractionGroupSequence.GetString(Tags.NumberOfBeams, 0));

            this.beamDoses = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.TPR = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.MU = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.beamMetersets = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            nominalBeamEnergy = new double[this.numberOfBeams];

            DcmElement dcmeReferencedBeamSequence = dsFractionGroupSequence.Get(Tags.RefBeamSeq);

            string message = "Liczba wiązek: " + numberOfBeams.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            Dataset dsReferencedBeams = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeams; i++)
                dsReferencedBeams = dcmeReferencedBeamSequence.GetItem(i);
                message += "Wiązka " + (i + 1) + " = " + dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamDose, 0) + Environment.NewLine;
                tmpDose = Convert.ToDouble(dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamDose, 0).Replace('.', ','));

                //wpisanie dawek do tablicy
                this.beamDoses[i] = tmpDose;

                //wpisanie MU do tablicy
                this.beamMetersets[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamMeterset, 0).Replace('.', ','));

                message += "Zapisane MU = " + this.beamMetersets[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; //wyświetlenie

                //maksymalna dawka
                if (tmpDose > maxDose[0, 0])
                    maxDose[0, 0] = tmpDose;
                    maxDose[0, 1] = i; //numer wiazki

            message += "Maksymalna dawka: " + Math.Round(maxDose[0, 0], 3).ToString() + ", wiązka nr " + maxDose[0, 1].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            #region listki i nominalna energia wiązek

            DcmElement dcmeBeamSequence = _ds.Get(Tags.BeamSeq);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfBeams; i++)
                Dataset dsBeamParams = dcmeBeamSequence.GetItem(i);

                DcmElement dcmeBeamLimitingDeviceSequence = dsBeamParams.Get(Tags.BeamLimitingDeviceSeq);

                Dataset dsLeafs = dcmeBeamLimitingDeviceSequence.GetItem(1);

                message += Environment.NewLine + "Listki" + Environment.NewLine;

                //string[] test = dsLeafs.GetStrings(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries);

                tmpLeafPostionBoundaries = dsLeafs.GetString(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries).Split('\\'); //wczytanie wsp x listkow

                message += "Parametry " + i + ": " + dsLeafs.GetString(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries);

                //jesli nie istnieje tablica tworzymy ja lub (jesli istnieje) zmieniamy jej rozmiar, gdy jest za maly/duzy dla nowego pliku
                if (this.leafPositionBoundaries == null || (this.leafPositionBoundaries.Length / tmpLeafPostionBoundaries.Length) != this.numberOfBeams || (this.leafPositionBoundaries.Length / this.numberOfBeams) < tmpLeafPostionBoundaries.Length)
                    this.leafPositionBoundaries = new double[this.numberOfBeams, tmpLeafPostionBoundaries.Length];

                for (int j = 0; j < tmpLeafPostionBoundaries.Length; j++)
                    this.leafPositionBoundaries[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(tmpLeafPostionBoundaries[j].Replace('.', ','));

                DcmElement dcmeControlPointSequence = dsBeamParams.Get(Tags.ControlPointSeq);

                Dataset dsControlPointSequence = dcmeControlPointSequence.GetItem(0);

                #region nominal beam energy
                nominalBeamEnergy[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsControlPointSequence.GetString(Tags.NominalBeamEnergy).Replace('.', ','));

                message += Environment.NewLine + "nominalBeamEnergy:  " + nominalBeamEnergy[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                #region leaf jaw positions
                DcmElement dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence = dsControlPointSequence.Get(Tags.BeamLimitingDevicePositionSeq);

                //wsp x
                Dataset dsLeafJawPositionsX = dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence.GetItem(1);

                message += Environment.NewLine + "LeafJawPositions(X):  " + dsLeafJawPositionsX.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions) + Environment.NewLine;

                //wsp y
                Dataset dsLeafJawPositionsY = dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence.GetItem(0);

                message += Environment.NewLine + "LeafJawPositions(Y):  " + dsLeafJawPositionsY.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions) + Environment.NewLine;


            #region obliczanie TPR
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeams; i++)
                this.TPR[i] = this.beamDoses[i] / nominalBeamEnergy[i];
            //message += "TPR:  " + this.TPR.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            logTextbox.Text = message;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Load( FileInfo file )
            Stream ins = null;
            DcmParser parser = null;
            Dataset ds = null;

                    ins = new BufferedStream(new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
                    parser = new DcmParser(ins);
                    FileFormat format = parser.DetectFileFormat();
                    if (format != null)
                        ds = new Dataset();
                        parser.DcmHandler = ds.DcmHandler;
                        parser.ParseDcmFile(format, Tags.PixelData);

                        Console.WriteLine( "success!" );
                        Console.WriteLine( "failed!" );
                catch( Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine( e.StackTrace );
                if (ins != null)
                    catch (IOException)
Exemplo n.º 13
 internal Selection(Dataset backend, Dataset filter)
     : base(backend)
     this.filterDs = filter;
Exemplo n.º 14
 private String ToFileID(Dataset ds, uint tag)
         String s = ds.GetString(tag);
         if (s == null || s.Length == 0)
             return "__NULL__";
         char[] ins = s.ToUpper().ToCharArray();
         char[] outs = new char[System.Math.Min(8, ins.Length)];
         for (int i = 0; i < outs.Length; ++i)
             outs[i] = ins[i] >= '0' && ins[i] <= '9' || ins[i] >= 'A' && ins[i] <= 'Z'?ins[i]:'_';
         return new String(outs);
     catch (DcmValueException e)
         return "__ERR__";
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of ElementImpl 
 /// </summary>
 public FilterSQElement(SQElement sqElem, Dataset filter)
     : base(sqElem.tag())
     this.sqElem = sqElem;
     this.filter = filter;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private FileInfo toFile(Dataset ds)
            String studyInstUID = null;
                studyInstUID = ds.GetString(Tags.StudyInstanceUID);
                if (studyInstUID == null)
                    throw new DcmServiceException(MISSING_UID, "Missing Study Instance UID");
                if (ds.vm(Tags.SeriesInstanceUID) <= 0)
                    throw new DcmServiceException(MISSING_UID, "Missing Series Instance UID");
                String instUID = ds.GetString(Tags.SOPInstanceUID);
                if (instUID == null)
                    throw new DcmServiceException(MISSING_UID, "Missing SOP Instance UID");
                String classUID = ds.GetString(Tags.SOPClassUID);
                if (classUID == null)
                    throw new DcmServiceException(MISSING_UID, "Missing SOP Class UID");
                if (!instUID.Equals(ds.GetFileMetaInfo().MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID))
                    throw new DcmServiceException(MISMATCH_UID, "SOP Instance UID in Dataset differs from Affected SOP Instance UID");
                if (!classUID.Equals(ds.GetFileMetaInfo().MediaStorageSOPClassUID))
                    throw new DcmServiceException(MISMATCH_UID, "SOP Class UID in Dataset differs from Affected SOP Class UID");
            catch (DcmValueException e)
                throw new DcmServiceException(CANNOT_UNDERSTAND, e);

            String pn = ToFileID(ds, Tags.PatientName) + "____";
            FileInfo dir = archiveDir;
            for (int i = 0; i < dirSplitLevel; ++i)
                dir = new FileInfo(dir.FullName + "\\" + pn.Substring(0, (i + 1) - (0)));
            dir = new FileInfo(dir.FullName + "\\" + studyInstUID);
            dir = new FileInfo(dir.FullName + "\\" + ToFileID(ds, Tags.SeriesNumber));
            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(dir.FullName + "\\" + ToFileID(ds, Tags.InstanceNumber) + ".dcm");
            return file;
Exemplo n.º 17
 private void storeToFile(DcmParser parser, Dataset ds, FileInfo file, DcmEncodeParam encParam)
     Stream outs = openOutputStream(file);
         ds.WriteFile(outs, encParam);
         if (parser.ReadTag == Tags.PixelData)
             ds.WriteHeader(outs, encParam, parser.ReadTag, parser.ReadVR, parser.ReadLength);
             copy(parser.InputStream, outs);
         catch (IOException ignore)
Exemplo n.º 18
 public virtual void AddItem(Dataset item)
     throw new NotSupportedException(this.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Send C-STORE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds"></param>
        public bool CStore( Dataset ds )
            int pcid = PCID_START;
            PCID_START += 2;

                // Prepare association
                String classUID = ds.GetString( Tags.SOPClassUID);
                String tsUID = ds.GetString(Tags.TransferSyntaxUID);

                if( (tsUID == null || tsUID.Equals( "" )) && (ds.GetFileMetaInfo() != null) )
                    tsUID = ds.GetFileMetaInfo().GetString(Tags.TransferSyntaxUID);

                if( tsUID == null || tsUID.Equals( "" ) )
                    tsUID = UIDs.ImplicitVRLittleEndian;

                    new String[]{ tsUID } ));
                ActiveAssociation active = OpenAssoc();
                if (active != null)
                    bool bResponse = false;

                    FutureRSP frsp = SendDataset(active, null, ds);
                    if (frsp != null)

                        bResponse = true;


                    return bResponse;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public virtual Dimse NewDimse(int pcid, Command cmd, Dataset ds)
     return new Dimse(pcid, cmd, ds, null);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a WADO-GET
        /// </summary>
        public Dataset WADOGet(string url, string studyInstanceUID, string seriesInstanceUID, string sopInstanceUID)
            if ((studyInstanceUID != null)
            &&	(seriesInstanceUID == null)
            ||	(sopInstanceUID == null))
                if (seriesInstanceUID == null)
                    Dataset[] ds = CFindSeries(studyInstanceUID, null);
                    if ((ds != null)
                    &&  (ds.Length == 1))
                        seriesInstanceUID = ds[0].GetString(Tags.SeriesInstanceUID);

                if (seriesInstanceUID != null)
                    Dataset[] ds = CFindInstance(seriesInstanceUID);
                    if ((ds != null)
                    &&  (ds.Length == 1))
                        sopInstanceUID = ds[0].GetString(Tags.SOPInstanceUID);

            if ((url == null)
            ||	(studyInstanceUID == null)
            ||	(seriesInstanceUID == null)
            ||	(sopInstanceUID == null)
            ||	(url.IndexOf('?') >= 0))
                return null;

            Dataset ret = null;
            System.Net.WebResponse response = null;

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(url);


                System.Net.WebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(sb.ToString());

                response = request.GetResponse();

                if (string.Compare(response.ContentType, "application/dicom") == 0)
                    DcmParser parser = new DcmParser(response.GetResponseStream());

                    FileFormat format = parser.DetectFileFormat();
                    if (format != null)
                        ret = new Dataset();
                        parser.DcmHandler = ret.DcmHandler;
                        parser.ParseDcmFile(format, Tags.PixelData);
                if (response != null)

            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public Dataset(Dataset parent)
     this.parent = parent;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public FileDataSource(DcmParser parser, Dataset ds, byte[] buffer)
     this.parser = parser;
     this.ds = ds;
     this.buffer = buffer;
Exemplo n.º 24
 internal Segment(Dataset backend, uint fromTag, uint toTag)
     : base(backend)
     this.fromTag = fromTag & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
     this.toTag = toTag & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
     if (this.fromTag > this.toTag)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("fromTag:" + Tags.toString(fromTag) + " greater toTag:" + Tags.toString(toTag));
Exemplo n.º 25
        //glowna funkcja
        private void mainOperations(Dataset _ds)
            double[,] maxDose = new double[1, 2]; //maksymalna dawka i numer wiazki dla tej dawki
            maxDose[0, 0] = 0;
            maxDose[0, 1] = 0;
            double tmpDose = 0; //tymczasowa zmienna przechowujaca ostatnia dawke
            string[] tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws;

            Dataset dsFractionGroupSequence = _ds.GetItem(Tags.FractionGroupSeq, 0);

            if (dsFractionGroupSequence != null)
                    #region wiązki
                    this.numberOfBeams = Convert.ToInt16(dsFractionGroupSequence.GetString(Tags.NumberOfBeams, 0));

                    this.numberOfFractions = Convert.ToInt16(dsFractionGroupSequence.GetString(Tags.NumberOfFractionsPlanned, 0));

                    this.beamDoses = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
                    this.TPR = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
                    this.MU = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
                    this.SSD = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
                    this.SSDDepth = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
                    this.radDepth = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
                    this.beamMetersets = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
                    this.nominalBeamEnergy = new double[this.numberOfBeams];

                    DcmElement dcmeReferencedBeamSequence = dsFractionGroupSequence.Get(Tags.RefBeamSeq);

                    string message = "Liczba wiązek: " + numberOfBeams.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                    message += "Frakcje: " + this.numberOfFractions + Environment.NewLine;

                    Dataset dsReferencedBeams = null;

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeams; i++)
                        dsReferencedBeams = dcmeReferencedBeamSequence.GetItem(i);
                        tmpDose = Convert.ToDouble(dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamDose, 0).Replace('.', ',')) * 100; //zamiana dawki na cGy
                        message += "Wiązka " + (i + 1) + " = " + Math.Round(tmpDose, 2).ToString() + " cGy" + Environment.NewLine;

                        //wpisanie dawek do tablicy
                        this.beamDoses[i] = tmpDose;

                        //wpisanie MU do tablicy
                        this.beamMetersets[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamMeterset, 0).Replace('.', ','));

                        message += "Zapisane MU = " + Math.Round(this.beamMetersets[i], 2).ToString() + Environment.NewLine; //wyświetlenie

                        //maksymalna dawka
                        if (tmpDose > maxDose[0, 0])
                            maxDose[0, 0] = tmpDose;
                            maxDose[0, 1] = i; //numer wiazki

                    message += "Maksymalna dawka: " + Math.Round(maxDose[0, 0], 3).ToString() + ", wiązka nr " + maxDose[0, 1].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                    #region listki, nominalna energia wiązek i SSD

                    DcmElement dcmeBeamSequence = _ds.Get(Tags.BeamSeq);

                    for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfBeams; i++)
                        Dataset dsBeamParams = dcmeBeamSequence.GetItem(i);

                        DcmElement dcmeBeamLimitingDeviceSequence = dsBeamParams.Get(Tags.BeamLimitingDeviceSeq);

                        Dataset dsLeafs = dcmeBeamLimitingDeviceSequence.GetItem(1);

                        message += Environment.NewLine + "Listki" + Environment.NewLine;

                        //string[] test = dsLeafs.GetStrings(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries);

                        tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws = dsLeafs.GetString(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries).Split('\\'); //wczytanie wsp x listkow

                        message += "Parametry " + i + ": " + dsLeafs.GetString(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries);

                        //jesli nie istnieje tablica tworzymy ja lub (jesli istnieje) zmieniamy jej rozmiar, gdy jest za maly/duzy dla nowego pliku
                        //GetUpperBound(poziom) - indeks ostatniego el na danym poziomie tablicy
                        if (this.leafPositionBoundaries == null || (this.leafPositionBoundaries.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) != this.numberOfBeams || (this.leafPositionBoundaries.GetUpperBound(1) + 1) != tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length)
                            this.leafPositionBoundaries = new double[this.numberOfBeams, tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length];

                        for (int j = 0; j < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length; j++)
                            this.leafPositionBoundaries[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws[j].Replace('.', ','));

                        DcmElement dcmeControlPointSequence = dsBeamParams.Get(Tags.ControlPointSeq);

                        Dataset dsControlPointSequence = dcmeControlPointSequence.GetItem(0);

                        #region nominal beam energy
                        nominalBeamEnergy[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsControlPointSequence.GetString(Tags.NominalBeamEnergy).Replace('.', ','));

                        message += Environment.NewLine + "nominalBeamEnergy:  " + nominalBeamEnergy[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                        #region leaf jaw positions
                        DcmElement dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence = dsControlPointSequence.Get(Tags.BeamLimitingDevicePositionSeq);

                        //wsp x
                        Dataset dsLeafJawPositionsX = dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence.GetItem(1);

                        message += Environment.NewLine + "LeafJawPositions(X):  " + dsLeafJawPositionsX.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions) + Environment.NewLine;

                        #region zapisanie do tablicy
                        tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws = dsLeafJawPositionsX.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions).Split('\\'); //tymczasowa tablica

                        //jesli nie istnieje tablica tworzymy ja lub (jesli istnieje) zmieniamy jej rozmiar, gdy jest za maly/duzy dla nowego pliku
                        if (this.leafJawPositionsX == null || (this.leafJawPositionsX.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) != this.numberOfBeams || (this.leafJawPositionsX.GetUpperBound(1) + 1) != tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length)
                            this.leafJawPositionsX = new double[this.numberOfBeams, tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length];

                        for (int j = 0; j < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length; j++)
                            this.leafJawPositionsX[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws[j].Replace('.', ','));

                        //wsp y
                        Dataset dsLeafJawPositionsY = dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence.GetItem(0);

                        message += Environment.NewLine + "LeafJawPositions(Y):  " + dsLeafJawPositionsY.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions) + Environment.NewLine;

                        #region zapisanie do tablicy
                        tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws = dsLeafJawPositionsY.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions).Split('\\'); //tymczasowa tablica

                        //jesli nie istnieje tablica tworzymy ja lub (jesli istnieje) zmieniamy jej rozmiar, gdy jest za maly/duzy dla nowego pliku
                        if (this.leafJawPositionsY == null || (this.leafJawPositionsY.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) != this.numberOfBeams || (this.leafJawPositionsY.GetUpperBound(1) + 1) != tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length)
                            this.leafJawPositionsY = new double[this.numberOfBeams, tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length];

                        for (int j = 0; j < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length; j++)
                            this.leafJawPositionsY[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws[j].Replace('.', ','));


                        #region SSD i glebokosc izocentrum

                        Dataset dsSourceAxisDistance = dcmeBeamSequence.GetItem(i);

                        SSD[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsControlPointSequence.GetString(Tags.SourceToSurfaceDistance).Replace('.', ',')) / 10;
                        SSDDepth[i] = (Convert.ToDouble(dsSourceAxisDistance.GetString(Tags.SourceAxisDistance).Replace('.', ',')) / 10) - SSD[i];

                        message += Environment.NewLine + "SSD(cm):  " + SSD[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                        message += "Głębokość izocentrum(cm): " + SSDDepth[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;



                    this.properRTPlanLoaded = true;

                    logTextbox.Text = message;
                catch (NullReferenceException) //wyłapywanie braku którychś danych
                    MessageBox.Show("Ten plik nie zawiera wszystkich potrzebnych do obliczeń danych!" + Environment.NewLine + "Spróbuj załadować prawidłowy plik!", "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    this.properRTPlanLoaded = false;

                #region wczytywanie parametrow z plikow DOSE
                bool[] doseLoaded = new bool[this.numberOfBeams];

                if (MessageBox.Show("Czy chcesz załadować pliki RT Dose?", "Ładowanie RT Dose", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    #region automatyczne wczytywanie plikow DOSE

                    string RTPlanPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileNameTextbox.Text);

                    IEnumerable<string> RTPlanDirDoseFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(RTPlanPath, "RD*.dcm");

                    int j = 0;

                    foreach (string doseFileName in RTPlanDirDoseFiles)
                        DOSELoad doseload = this.doseFileLoad(doseFileName);

                        List<List<string>> doseData = doseload.beamData();

                        if (doseload.success)
                            if (doseData[1].Count > 0) //sprawdzenie, czy potrzebne dane sa w pliku
                                this.SSD[doseload.beamNumber - 1] = Convert.ToDouble(doseData[1][3].Replace('.', ',')) / 10;
                                this.SSDDepth[doseload.beamNumber - 1] = Convert.ToDouble(doseData[1][4].Replace('.', ',')) / 10;
                                this.radDepth[doseload.beamNumber - 1] = Convert.ToDouble(doseData[1][5].Replace('.', ',')) / 10;

                                doseLoaded[j] = true;
                                j--; //zmniejszenie licznika aby zaladowac wlasciwy plik dla kazdej wiazki
                            doseLoaded[j] = false;


                    if (j > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Załadowano " + j.ToString() + " plików RT Dose", "Pliki RT Dose", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        MessageBox.Show("Nie znaleziono w katalogu RT Planu plików RT Dose", "Pliki RT Dose", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                    MessageBox.Show("W związku z niewybraniem plików RT Dose niektóre wyniki mogą być nieprecyzyjne!", "Ostrzeżenie", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);


                #region automatyczne ladowanie tabeli wydajnosci i pdg dla danego aparatu

                bool properLoadWyd = false;
                bool properLoadPDG = false;

                if (nominalBeamEnergy[0].ToString() == "6")
                    properLoadWyd = this.loadTables(ref this.tlWyd, defaultTablePath6 + "wyd.dat");
                    properLoadPDG = this.loadTables(ref this.tlPDG, defaultTablePath6 + "pdg.dat");
                else if (nominalBeamEnergy[0].ToString() == "15")
                    properLoadWyd = this.loadTables(ref this.tlWyd, defaultTablePath15 + "wyd.dat");
                    properLoadPDG = this.loadTables(ref this.tlPDG, defaultTablePath15 + "pdg.dat");

                if (properLoadWyd && properLoadPDG)
                    MessageBox.Show("Pomyślnie załadowano pliki tabel wydajności i pdg!", "Sukces", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                else if (properLoadWyd)
                    MessageBox.Show("Pomyślnie załadowano plik tabeli wydajności!", "Sukces", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MessageBox.Show("Błąd ładowania pliku tabeli pdg!", "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                else if (properLoadPDG)
                    MessageBox.Show("Pomyślnie załadowano plik tabeli pdg!", "Sukces", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    MessageBox.Show("Błąd ładowania pliku tabeli wydajności!", "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    MessageBox.Show("Błąd ładowania plików tabel wydajności i pdg!", "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            else //w przypadku, gdy nie jest to RT Plan
                MessageBox.Show("Ten plik nie zawiera potrzebnych danych!" + Environment.NewLine + "Najprawdopodobniej nie jest to RTPlan - spróbuj załadować prawidłowy plik!", "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of ElementImpl 
 /// </summary>
 public SQElement(uint tag, Dataset parent)
     : base(tag)
     this.parent = parent;
Exemplo n.º 27
        //glowna funkcja
        private void mainOperations(Dataset _ds)
            double[,] maxDose = new double[1, 2]; //maksymalna dawka i numer wiazki dla tej dawki
            maxDose[0, 0] = 0;
            maxDose[0, 1] = 0;
            double tmpDose = 0; //tymczasowa zmienna przechowujaca ostatnia dawke
            string[] tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws;

            #region wiązki

            Dataset dsFractionGroupSequence = _ds.GetItem(Tags.FractionGroupSeq, 0);

            this.numberOfBeams = Convert.ToInt16(dsFractionGroupSequence.GetString(Tags.NumberOfBeams, 0));

            this.beamDoses = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.TPR = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.MU = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.SSD = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.SSDDepth = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.beamMetersets = new double[this.numberOfBeams];
            this.nominalBeamEnergy = new double[this.numberOfBeams];

            DcmElement dcmeReferencedBeamSequence = dsFractionGroupSequence.Get(Tags.RefBeamSeq);

            string message = "Liczba wiązek: " + numberOfBeams.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            Dataset dsReferencedBeams = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeams; i++)
                dsReferencedBeams = dcmeReferencedBeamSequence.GetItem(i);
                tmpDose = Convert.ToDouble(dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamDose, 0).Replace('.', ',')) * 100; //aut zamiana dawki na cGy
                message += "Wiązka " + (i + 1) + " = " + Math.Round(tmpDose, 2).ToString() + " cGy" + Environment.NewLine;

                //wpisanie dawek do tablicy
                this.beamDoses[i] = tmpDose;

                //wpisanie MU do tablicy
                this.beamMetersets[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsReferencedBeams.GetString(Tags.BeamMeterset, 0).Replace('.', ','));

                message += "Zapisane MU = " + Math.Round(this.beamMetersets[i], 2).ToString() + Environment.NewLine; //wyświetlenie

                //maksymalna dawka
                if (tmpDose > maxDose[0, 0])
                    maxDose[0, 0] = tmpDose;
                    maxDose[0, 1] = i; //numer wiazki

            message += "Maksymalna dawka: " + Math.Round(maxDose[0, 0], 3).ToString() + ", wiązka nr " + maxDose[0, 1].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

            #region listki, nominalna energia wiązek i SSD

            DcmElement dcmeBeamSequence = _ds.Get(Tags.BeamSeq);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfBeams; i++)
                Dataset dsBeamParams = dcmeBeamSequence.GetItem(i);

                DcmElement dcmeBeamLimitingDeviceSequence = dsBeamParams.Get(Tags.BeamLimitingDeviceSeq);

                Dataset dsLeafs = dcmeBeamLimitingDeviceSequence.GetItem(1);

                message += Environment.NewLine + "Listki" + Environment.NewLine;

                //string[] test = dsLeafs.GetStrings(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries);

                tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws = dsLeafs.GetString(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries).Split('\\'); //wczytanie wsp x listkow

                message += "Parametry " + i + ": " + dsLeafs.GetString(Tags.LeafPositionBoundaries);

                //jesli nie istnieje tablica tworzymy ja lub (jesli istnieje) zmieniamy jej rozmiar, gdy jest za maly/duzy dla nowego pliku
                if (this.leafPositionBoundaries == null || (this.leafPositionBoundaries.Length / tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length) != this.numberOfBeams || (this.leafPositionBoundaries.Length / this.numberOfBeams) < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length)
                    this.leafPositionBoundaries = new double[this.numberOfBeams, tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length];

                for (int j = 0; j < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length; j++)
                    this.leafPositionBoundaries[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws[j].Replace('.', ','));

                DcmElement dcmeControlPointSequence = dsBeamParams.Get(Tags.ControlPointSeq);

                Dataset dsControlPointSequence = dcmeControlPointSequence.GetItem(0);

                #region nominal beam energy
                nominalBeamEnergy[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsControlPointSequence.GetString(Tags.NominalBeamEnergy).Replace('.', ','));

                message += Environment.NewLine + "nominalBeamEnergy:  " + nominalBeamEnergy[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                #region leaf jaw positions
                DcmElement dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence = dsControlPointSequence.Get(Tags.BeamLimitingDevicePositionSeq);

                //wsp x
                Dataset dsLeafJawPositionsX = dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence.GetItem(1);

                message += Environment.NewLine + "LeafJawPositions(X):  " + dsLeafJawPositionsX.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions) + Environment.NewLine;

                #region zapisanie do tablicy
                tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws = dsLeafJawPositionsX.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions).Split('\\'); //tymczasowa tablica

                //jesli nie istnieje tablica tworzymy ja lub (jesli istnieje) zmieniamy jej rozmiar, gdy jest za maly/duzy dla nowego pliku
                if (this.leafJawPositionsX == null || (this.leafJawPositionsX.Length / tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length) != this.numberOfBeams || (this.leafJawPositionsX.Length / this.numberOfBeams) < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length)
                    this.leafJawPositionsX = new double[this.numberOfBeams, tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length];

                for (int j = 0; j < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length; j++)
                    this.leafJawPositionsX[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws[j].Replace('.', ','));

                //wsp y
                Dataset dsLeafJawPositionsY = dcmeBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence.GetItem(0);

                message += Environment.NewLine + "LeafJawPositions(Y):  " + dsLeafJawPositionsY.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions) + Environment.NewLine;

                #region zapisanie do tablicy
                tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws = dsLeafJawPositionsY.GetString(Tags.LeafJawPositions).Split('\\'); //tymczasowa tablica

                //jesli nie istnieje tablica tworzymy ja lub (jesli istnieje) zmieniamy jej rozmiar, gdy jest za maly/duzy dla nowego pliku
                if (this.leafJawPositionsY == null || (this.leafJawPositionsY.Length / tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length) != this.numberOfBeams || (this.leafJawPositionsY.Length / this.numberOfBeams) < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length)
                    this.leafJawPositionsY = new double[this.numberOfBeams, tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length];

                for (int j = 0; j < tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws.Length; j++)
                    this.leafJawPositionsY[i, j] = Convert.ToDouble(tmpLeafPostionBoundariesOrJaws[j].Replace('.', ','));


                #region SSD i glebokosc izocentrum

                Dataset dsSourceAxisDistance = dcmeBeamSequence.GetItem(i);

                SSD[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dsControlPointSequence.GetString(Tags.SourceToSurfaceDistance).Replace('.', ',')) / 10;
                SSDDepth[i] = (Convert.ToDouble(dsSourceAxisDistance.GetString(Tags.SourceAxisDistance).Replace('.', ',')) / 10) - SSD[i];

                message += Environment.NewLine + "SSD(cm):  " + SSD[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                message += "Głębokość izocentrum(cm): " + SSDDepth[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;



            #region automatyczne ladowanie tabeli wydajnosci i pdg dla danego aparatu

            bool properLoadWyd = false;
            bool properLoadPDG = false;

            if (nominalBeamEnergy[0].ToString() == "6")
                properLoadWyd = this.loadTables(ref this.tlWyd, defaultTablePath6 + "wyd.dat");
                properLoadPDG = this.loadTables(ref this.tlPDG, defaultTablePath6 + "pdg.dat");
            else if (nominalBeamEnergy[0].ToString() == "15")
                properLoadWyd = this.loadTables(ref this.tlWyd, defaultTablePath15 + "wyd.dat");
                properLoadPDG = this.loadTables(ref this.tlPDG, defaultTablePath15 + "pdg.dat");

            if (properLoadWyd && properLoadPDG)
                MessageBox.Show("Pomyślnie załadowano pliki tabel wydajności i pdg!", "Sukces", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            else if (properLoadWyd)
                MessageBox.Show("Pomyślnie załadowano plik tabeli wydajności!", "Sukces", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MessageBox.Show("Błąd ładowania pliku tabeli pdg!", "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            else if (properLoadPDG)
                MessageBox.Show("Pomyślnie załadowano plik tabeli pdg!", "Sukces", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MessageBox.Show("Błąd ładowania pliku tabeli wydajności!", "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                MessageBox.Show("Błąd ładowania plików tabel wydajności i pdg!", "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            logTextbox.Text = message;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public override void AddItem(Dataset item)
Exemplo n.º 29
 public virtual FileMetaInfo NewFileMetaInfo(Dataset ds, System.String transferSyntaxUID)
         return new FileMetaInfo().Init(ds.GetString(Tags.SOPClassUID, null), ds.GetString(Tags.SOPInstanceUID, null), transferSyntaxUID, Implementation.ClassUID, Implementation.VersionName);
     catch (DcmValueException ex)
         throw new System.ArgumentException(ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public override Dataset AddNewItem()
     Dataset item = new Dataset(parent);
     return item;