Primary class for running classification models. It is designed to abstract the separation of training and test sets as well as select best result across all classes.
Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates and returns a new Tuple of objects: IClassifier, Score and object state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generator">Generator to use for the model.</param>
        /// <param name="truthExamples">True examples.</param>
        /// <param name="falseExamples">False examples.</param>
        /// <param name="truthLabel">Truth label object.</param>
        /// <param name="trainingPct">Training percentage.</param>
        /// <param name="state">Object state</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Tuple <IClassifier, Score, object> GenerateModel(IGenerator generator, object[] truthExamples, object[] falseExamples,
                                                                        object truthLabel, double trainingPct, object state = null)
            Descriptor descriptor = generator.Descriptor;

            object[] examples = truthExamples.Union(falseExamples).Shuffle().ToArray(); // changed from .Shuffle()

            int total = examples.Count();

            int trainingCount = (int)System.Math.Floor((double)total * trainingPct);

            //// 100 - trainingPercentage for testing
            int[] testingSlice  = Learner.GetTestPoints(total - trainingCount, total).ToArray();
            int[] trainingSlice = Learner.GetTrainingPoints(testingSlice, total).ToArray();

            var training = generator.Descriptor.Convert(examples.Slice(trainingSlice).ToArray(), true).ToExamples();

            // convert label to 1's and 0's
            Vector y = MultiClassLearner.ChangeClassLabels(examples.ToArray(), descriptor, truthLabel);

            IModel model = generator.Generate(training.X, y.Slice(trainingSlice));

            Score score = new Score();

            if (testingSlice.Count() > 0)
                object[] testExamples = examples.Slice(testingSlice).ToArray();
                var      testing      = generator.Descriptor.Convert(testExamples, true).ToExamples();

                Vector y_pred = new Vector(testExamples.Length);

                // make sure labels are 1 / 0 based
                Vector y_test = MultiClassLearner.ChangeClassLabels(testExamples.ToArray(), descriptor, truthLabel);

                for (int i = 0; i < testExamples.Length; i++)
                    double result = model.Predict(testing.X[i, VectorType.Row]);

                    y_pred[i] = result;

                score = Score.ScorePredictions(y_pred, y_test);
            return(new Tuple <IClassifier, Score, object>((IClassifier)model, score, state));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a multi-class classification model using a specialist classifier for each class label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generator">The generator to use for each individual classifier.</param>
        /// <param name="examples">Training examples of any number of classes</param>
        /// <param name="trainingPercentage">Percentage of training examples to use, i.e. 70% = 0.7</param>
        /// <param name="mixingPercentage">Percentage to mix positive and negative exmaples, i.e. 50% will add an additional 50% of
        ///   <paramref name="trainingPercentage"/> of negative examples into each classifier when training.</param>
        /// <param name="isMultiClass">Determines whether each class is mutually inclusive.
        ///   <para>For example: If True, each class takes on a number of classes and does not necessarily belong to one specific class.</para>
        ///   <para>The ouput would then be a number of predicted classes for a single prediction.  E.g. A song would be True as it may belong to classes: vocals, rock as well as bass.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ClassificationModel Learn(IGenerator generator, IEnumerable <object> examples, double trainingPercentage, double mixingPercentage = 0.5, bool isMultiClass = true)
            Descriptor descriptor = generator.Descriptor;

            trainingPercentage = (trainingPercentage > 1.0 ? trainingPercentage / 100 : trainingPercentage);
            mixingPercentage   = (mixingPercentage > 1.0 ? mixingPercentage / 100 : mixingPercentage);

            var classGroups = examples.Select(s => new
                Label = generator.Descriptor.GetValue(s, descriptor.Label),
                Item  = s
                              .GroupBy(g => g.Label)
                              .ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Select(s => s.Item).ToArray());

            int classes = classGroups.Count();

            Dictionary <object, IClassifier> models = null;

            Score finalScore = new Score();

            if (classes > 2)
                models = new Dictionary <object, IClassifier>(classes);

                Task <Tuple <IClassifier, Score, object> >[] learningTasks = new Task <Tuple <IClassifier, Score, object> > [classes];

                for (int y = 0; y < classes; y++)
                    models.Add(classGroups.ElementAt(y).Key, null);

                    int      mix           = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(((classGroups.ElementAt(y).Value.Count() * trainingPercentage) * mixingPercentage) / classes);
                    object   label         = classGroups.ElementAt(y).Key;
                    object[] truthExamples = classGroups.ElementAt(y).Value;
                    object[] falseExamples = classGroups.Where(w => w.Key != classGroups.Keys.ElementAt(y))
                                             .SelectMany(s => s.Value.Take(mix).ToArray())

                    learningTasks[y] = Task.Factory.StartNew(
                        () => MultiClassLearner.GenerateModel(generator, truthExamples, falseExamples, label, trainingPercentage, label)


                Score[] scores = new Score[learningTasks.Count()];

                for (int c = 0; c < learningTasks.Count(); c++)
                    models[learningTasks[c].Result.Item3] = learningTasks[c].Result.Item1;
                    scores[c] = learningTasks[c].Result.Item2;

                finalScore = Score.CombineScores(scores);
                // fallback to single classifier for two class classification

                var dataset   = descriptor.Convert(examples, true).ToExamples();
                var positives = examples.Slice(dataset.Y.Indices(f => f == 1d)).ToArray();
                var negatives = examples.Slice(dataset.Y.Indices(w => w != 1d)).ToArray();

                var label = generator.Descriptor.GetValue(positives.First(), descriptor.Label);

                var model = MultiClassLearner.GenerateModel(generator, positives, negatives, label, trainingPercentage, label);
                finalScore = model.Item2;

                models = new Dictionary <object, IClassifier>()
                    { label, model.Item1 }

            ClassificationModel classificationModel = new ClassificationModel()
                Generator    = generator,
                Classifiers  = models,
                IsMultiClass = isMultiClass,
                Score        = finalScore
