Exemplo n.º 1
        public Chunk(World par1World, int par2, int par3)
            storageArrays          = new ExtendedBlockStorage[16];
            blockBiomeArray        = new byte[256];
            PrecipitationHeightMap = new int[256];
            UpdateSkylightColumns  = new bool[256];
            isGapLightingUpdated   = false;
            ChunkTileEntityMap     = new Dictionary <ChunkPosition, TileEntity>();
            IsTerrainPopulated     = false;
            IsModified             = false;
            HasEntities            = false;
            LastSaveTime           = 0L;
            Field_50120_o          = false;
            queuedLightChecks      = 4096;
            Field_35846_u          = false;
            EntityLists            = new List <Entity> [16];
            WorldObj  = par1World;
            XPosition = par2;
            ZPosition = par3;
            HeightMap = new int[256];

            for (int i = 0; i < EntityLists.Length; i++)
                EntityLists[i] = new List <Entity>();

            JavaHelper.FillArray(PrecipitationHeightMap, -999);
                JavaHelper.FillArray(blockBiomeArray, (byte)-1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns biomes to use for the blocks and loads the other data like temperature and humidity onto the
        /// WorldChunkManager Args: oldBiomeList, x, z, width, depth
        /// </summary>
        public override BiomeGenBase[] LoadBlockGeneratorData(BiomeGenBase[] par1ArrayOfBiomeGenBase, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5)
            if (par1ArrayOfBiomeGenBase == null || par1ArrayOfBiomeGenBase.Length < par4 * par5)
                par1ArrayOfBiomeGenBase = new BiomeGenBase[par4 * par5];

            JavaHelper.FillArray(par1ArrayOfBiomeGenBase, 0, par4 * par5, BiomeGenerator);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of rainfall values for the specified blocks. Args: listToReuse, x, z, width, length.
        /// </summary>
        public override float[] GetRainfall(float[] par1ArrayOfFloat, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5)
            if (par1ArrayOfFloat == null || par1ArrayOfFloat.Length < par4 * par5)
                par1ArrayOfFloat = new float[par4 * par5];

            JavaHelper.FillArray(par1ArrayOfFloat, 0, par4 * par5, Rainfall);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of temperatures to use for the specified blocks.  Args: listToReuse, x, y, width, length
        /// </summary>
        public override float[] GetTemperatures(float[] par1ArrayOfFloat, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5)
            if (par1ArrayOfFloat == null || par1ArrayOfFloat.Length < par4 * par5)
                par1ArrayOfFloat = new float[par4 * par5];

            JavaHelper.FillArray(par1ArrayOfFloat, 0, par4 * par5, HellTemperature);
        public virtual void Render(IsoImageBuffer par1IsoImageBuffer)
            World world = par1IsoImageBuffer.Level;

            if (world == null)
                par1IsoImageBuffer.NoContent = true;
                par1IsoImageBuffer.Rendered  = true;

            int   i     = par1IsoImageBuffer.x * 16;
            int   j     = par1IsoImageBuffer.y * 16;
            int   k     = i + 16;
            int   l     = j + 16;
            Chunk chunk = world.GetChunkFromChunkCoords(par1IsoImageBuffer.x, par1IsoImageBuffer.y);

            if (chunk.IsEmpty())
                par1IsoImageBuffer.NoContent = true;
                par1IsoImageBuffer.Rendered  = true;

            par1IsoImageBuffer.NoContent = false;
            JavaHelper.FillArray(ZBuf, 0);
            JavaHelper.FillArray(WaterBuf, 0);
            JavaHelper.FillArray(YBuf, 544);

            for (int i1 = l - 1; i1 >= j; i1--)
                for (int j1 = k - 1; j1 >= i; j1--)
                    int  k1   = j1 - i;
                    int  l1   = i1 - j;
                    int  i2   = k1 + l1;
                    bool flag = true;

                    for (int j2 = 0; j2 < 128; j2++)
                        int k2 = ((l1 - k1 - j2) + 544) - 16;

                        if (k2 >= YBuf[i2] && k2 >= YBuf[i2 + 1])

                        Block block = Block.BlocksList[world.GetBlockId(j1, j2, i1)];

                        if (block == null)
                            flag = false;

                        if (block.BlockMaterial == Material.Water)
                            int l2 = world.GetBlockId(j1, j2 + 1, i1);

                            if (l2 != 0 && Block.BlocksList[l2].BlockMaterial == Material.Water)

                            float f1 = ((float)j2 / 127F) * 0.6F + 0.4F;
                            float f2 = world.GetLightBrightness(j1, j2 + 1, i1) * f1;

                            if (k2 < 0 || k2 >= 544)

                            int i4 = i2 + k2 * 32;

                            if (i2 >= 0 && i2 <= 32 && WaterBuf[i4] <= j2)
                                WaterBuf[i4] = j2;
                                WaterBr[i4]  = (int)(f2 * 127F);

                            if (i2 >= -1 && i2 <= 31 && WaterBuf[i4 + 1] <= j2)
                                WaterBuf[i4 + 1] = j2;
                                WaterBr[i4 + 1]  = (int)(f2 * 127F);

                            flag = false;

                        if (flag)
                            if (k2 < YBuf[i2])
                                YBuf[i2] = k2;

                            if (k2 < YBuf[i2 + 1])
                                YBuf[i2 + 1] = k2;

                        float f = ((float)j2 / 127F) * 0.6F + 0.4F;

                        if (k2 >= 0 && k2 < 544)
                            int   i3 = i2 + k2 * 32;
                            int   k3 = Textures[block.BlockID * 3 + 0];
                            float f3 = (world.GetLightBrightness(j1, j2 + 1, i1) * 0.8F + 0.2F) * f;
                            int   j4 = k3;

                            if (i2 >= 0)
                                float f5 = f3;

                                if (ZBuf[i3] <= j2)
                                    ZBuf[i3]   = j2;
                                    Pixels[i3] = 0xff00000 | (int)(TexCols[j4 * 3 + 0] * f5) << 16 | (int)(TexCols[j4 * 3 + 1] * f5) << 8 | (int)(TexCols[j4 * 3 + 2] * f5);

                            if (i2 < 31)
                                float f6 = f3 * 0.9F;

                                if (ZBuf[i3 + 1] <= j2)
                                    ZBuf[i3 + 1]   = j2;
                                    Pixels[i3 + 1] = 0xff00000 | (int)(TexCols[j4 * 3 + 0] * f6) << 16 | (int)(TexCols[j4 * 3 + 1] * f6) << 8 | (int)(TexCols[j4 * 3 + 2] * f6);

                        if (k2 < -1 || k2 >= 543)

                        int   j3 = i2 + (k2 + 1) * 32;
                        int   l3 = Textures[block.BlockID * 3 + 1];
                        float f4 = world.GetLightBrightness(j1 - 1, j2, i1) * 0.8F + 0.2F;
                        int   k4 = Textures[block.BlockID * 3 + 2];
                        float f7 = world.GetLightBrightness(j1, j2, i1 + 1) * 0.8F + 0.2F;

                        if (i2 >= 0)
                            float f8 = f4 * f * 0.6F;

                            if (ZBuf[j3] <= j2 - 1)
                                ZBuf[j3]   = j2 - 1;
                                Pixels[j3] = 0xff00000 | (int)(TexCols[l3 * 3 + 0] * f8) << 16 | (int)(TexCols[l3 * 3 + 1] * f8) << 8 | (int)(TexCols[l3 * 3 + 2] * f8);

                        if (i2 >= 31)

                        float f9 = f7 * 0.9F * f * 0.4F;

                        if (ZBuf[j3 + 1] <= j2 - 1)
                            ZBuf[j3 + 1]   = j2 - 1;
                            Pixels[j3 + 1] = 0xff00000 | (int)(TexCols[k4 * 3 + 0] * f9) << 16 | (int)(TexCols[k4 * 3 + 1] * f9) << 8 | (int)(TexCols[k4 * 3 + 2] * f9);


            if (par1IsoImageBuffer.Image == null)
                par1IsoImageBuffer.Image = new Bitmap(32, 544);

            //par1IsoImageBuffer.Image.setRGB(0, 0, 32, 544, Pixels, 0, 32);
            par1IsoImageBuffer.Rendered = true;