Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimizes an already-existing propnet by removing useless leaves. These are components that have no 
        /// outputs, but have no special meaning in GDL that requires them to stay.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pn"></param>
        public static void LopUselessLeaves(PropNet pn)
            //Approach: Collect useful propositions based on a backwards
            //search from goal/legal/terminal (passing through transitions)
            var usefulComponents = new HashSet<IComponent>();
            //TODO: Also try with queue?
            var toAdd = new Stack<IComponent>();
            usefulComponents.Add(pn.InitProposition); //Can't remove it...
            IEnumerable<IProposition> goalProps = pn.GoalPropositions.Values.SelectMany(goalProp => goalProp);
            foreach (IProposition prop in goalProps)

            IEnumerable<IProposition> legalProps = pn.LegalPropositions.Values.SelectMany(legalProp => legalProp);
            foreach (IProposition prop in legalProps)

            while (toAdd.Any())
                IComponent curComp = toAdd.Pop();
                if (usefulComponents.Contains(curComp))
                    //We've already added it
                foreach (IComponent input in curComp.Inputs)

            //Remove the components not marked as useful
            var allComponents = new List<IComponent>(pn.Components);
            foreach (IComponent c in allComponents)
                if (!usefulComponents.Contains(c))
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Initialize(List<Expression> description)
            _propNet = OptimizingPropNetFactory.Create(description, new BackComponentFactory());
            _roles = _propNet.Roles;

            //TODO: You need to ensure that propositions in your propnet are set to the correct initial state
            // i.e init nodes set to true and propogated through. constant nodes set to there correct true/false value
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Potentially optimizes an already-existing propnet by removing propositions with no special meaning. The inputs and outputs 
        /// of those propositions are connected to one another. This is unlikely to improve performance unless values of every single 
        /// component are stored (outside the propnet).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pn"></param>
        public static void RemoveAnonymousPropositions(PropNet pn)
            var toSplice = new List<IProposition>();
            var toReplaceWithFalse = new List<IProposition>();
            foreach (IProposition p in pn.Propositions)
                //If it's important, continue to the next proposition
                if (p.Inputs.Count == 1 && p.GetSingleInput() is ITransition)
                    //It's a base proposition
                Fact sentence = p.Name;

                Fact relation = sentence;
                int name = relation.RelationName;
                var parser = GameContainer.Parser;
                if (name == parser.TokLegal || name == parser.TokGoal || name == parser.TokDoes || name == parser.TokInit ||
                    name == parser.TokTerminal
                    || sentence.RelationName == GameContainer.SymbolTable["INIT"])

                if (p.Inputs.Count < 1)
                    //Needs to be handled separately...
                    //because this is an always-false true proposition
                    //and it might have and gates as outputs
                if (p.Inputs.Count != 1)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Might have falsely declared {0} to be unimportant?", p.Name));
                //Not important
                //System.out.println("Removing " + p);

            foreach (IProposition p in toSplice)
                //Get the inputs and outputs...
                HashSet<IComponent> inputs = p.Inputs;
                HashSet<IComponent> outputs = p.Outputs;
                //Remove the proposition...
                //And splice the inputs and outputs back together
                if (inputs.Count > 1)
                    throw new Exception("Programmer made a bad assumption here... might lead to trouble?");
                foreach (IComponent input in inputs)
                    foreach (IComponent output in outputs)
            foreach (IProposition p in toReplaceWithFalse)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Should be replacing {0} with false, but should do that in the OPNF, really; better equipped to do that there", p));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes from the propnet all components that are discovered through type
        /// inference to only ever be true or false, replacing them with their values
        /// appropriately. This method may remove base and input propositions that are
        /// shown to be always false (or, in the case of base propositions, those that
        /// are always true).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pn"></param>
        /// <param name="basesTrueByInit">The set of base propositions that are true on the first turn of the game.</param>
        public void RemoveUnreachableBasesAndInputs(PropNet pn, HashSet<IProposition> basesTrueByInit)
            //If this doesn't contain a component, that's the equivalent of Type.NEITHER
            var reachability = new Dictionary<IComponent, Type>();
            //Keep track of the number of true inputs to AND gates and false inputs to
            //OR gates.
            var numTrueInputs = new Bag<IComponent>();
            var numFalseInputs = new Bag<IComponent>();
            var toAdd = new Stack<Tuple<IComponent, TypeCode>>();

            //It's easier here if we get just the one-way version of the map
            var legalsToInputs = new Dictionary<IProposition, IProposition>();
            foreach (IProposition legalProp in pn.LegalPropositions.Values.SelectMany(v => v))
                IProposition inputProp = pn.LegalInputMap[legalProp];
                if (inputProp != null)
                    legalsToInputs[legalProp] = inputProp;

            //All constants have their values
            foreach (IComponent c in pn.Components) //ConcurrencyUtils.checkForInterruption();
                if (c is IConstant)
                    toAdd.Push(c.Value ? Tuple.Create(c, TypeCode.True) : Tuple.Create(c, TypeCode.False));

            //Every input can be false (we assume that no player will have just one move allowed all game)
            foreach (IProposition p in pn.InputPropositions.Values)
                toAdd.Push(Tuple.Create((IComponent)p, TypeCode.False));

            //Every base with "init" can be true, every base without "init" can be false
            foreach (IProposition baseProp in pn.BasePropositions.Values)
                    ? Tuple.Create((IComponent)baseProp, TypeCode.True)
                    : Tuple.Create((IComponent)baseProp, TypeCode.False));

            //Keep INIT, for those who use it
            IProposition initProposition = pn.InitProposition;
            toAdd.Push(Tuple.Create((IComponent)initProposition, TypeCode.Both));

            while (toAdd.Any())
                Tuple<IComponent, TypeCode> curEntry = toAdd.Pop();
                IComponent curComp = curEntry.Item1;
                var newInputType = new Type(curEntry.Item2);
                Type oldType = reachability[curComp] ?? new Type(TypeCode.Neither);

                //We want to send only the new addition to our children,
                //for consistency in our parent-true and parent-false
                //Make sure we don't double-apply a type.

                var typeToAdd = new Type(TypeCode.Neither); // Any new values that we discover we can have this iteration.
                if (curComp is IProposition)
                    typeToAdd = newInputType;
                else if (curComp is ITransition)
                    typeToAdd = newInputType;
                else if (curComp is IConstant)
                    typeToAdd = newInputType;
                else if (curComp is INot)
                    typeToAdd = new Type(newInputType.Opposite());
                else if (curComp is IAnd)
                    if (newInputType.HasTrue)
                        if (numTrueInputs.Count(n => n == curComp) == curComp.Inputs.Count)
                            typeToAdd = new Type(TypeCode.True);
                    if (newInputType.HasFalse)
                        typeToAdd = new Type(typeToAdd.With(TypeCode.False));
                else if (curComp is IOr)
                    if (newInputType.HasFalse)
                        if (numFalseInputs.Count(n => n == curComp) == curComp.Inputs.Count)
                            typeToAdd = new Type(TypeCode.False);
                    if (newInputType.HasTrue)
                        typeToAdd = new Type(typeToAdd.With(TypeCode.True));
                    throw new Exception("Unhandled component type " + curComp.GetType());

                if (oldType.Includes(typeToAdd)) //We don't know anything new about curComp

                reachability[curComp] = new Type(typeToAdd.With(oldType));
                typeToAdd = new Type(typeToAdd.Minus(oldType));
                if (typeToAdd == TypeCode.Neither)
                    throw new Exception("Something's messed up here");

                //Add all our children to the stack
                foreach (IComponent output in curComp.Outputs)
                    toAdd.Push(Tuple.Create(output, (TypeCode)typeToAdd));

                if (legalsToInputs.ContainsKey((IProposition)curComp))
                    IProposition inputProp = legalsToInputs[(IProposition)curComp];
                    if (inputProp == null)
                        throw new Exception("IllegalState");

                    toAdd.Push(Tuple.Create((IComponent)inputProp, (TypeCode)typeToAdd));

            IConstant trueConst = _componentFactory.CreateConstant(true);
            IConstant falseConst = _componentFactory.CreateConstant(false);
            //Make them the input of all false/true components
            foreach (var entry in reachability)
                TypeCode type = entry.Value;
                if (type == TypeCode.True || type == TypeCode.False)
                    IComponent c = entry.Key;
                    if (c is IConstant) //Don't bother trying to remove this

                    //Disconnect from inputs
                    foreach (IComponent input in c.Inputs)

                    if (type == TypeCode.True ^ (c is INot))

            OptimizingPropNetFactory.OptimizeAwayTrueAndFalse(pn, trueConst, falseConst);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimizes an already-existing propnet by removing propositions of the form (init ?x). Does NOT remove the proposition "INIT".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pn"></param>
        public static void RemoveInits(PropNet pn)
            var toRemove = (from p in pn.Propositions
                            let relation = p.Name
                            where relation.RelationName == GameContainer.Parser.TokInit
                            select p).ToList();

            foreach (IProposition p in toRemove)