         * Called on page initialisation, populates fields with the current data from the logged in user
        private void FillFields()
            Models.Clinician loggedInClinician = ClinicianController.Instance.LoggedInClinician;
            NameInput.Text = loggedInClinician.name;

            AddressInput.Text = loggedInClinician.workAddress;
            RegionInput.Text  = loggedInClinician.region;
         * Called when the Save button is pressed, reads + validates input fields and pushes changes to the API
        private async void SaveClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Models.Clinician loggedInClinician = ClinicianController.Instance.LoggedInClinician;

            string name = InputValidation.Trim(NameInput.Text);

            string givenAddress = InputValidation.Trim(AddressInput.Text);
            string givenRegion  = InputValidation.Trim(RegionInput.Text);

            // Birth names
            if (!InputValidation.IsValidTextInput(name, false, false))
                await DisplayAlert("", "Please enter a valid name", "OK");


            // Address
            if (!InputValidation.IsValidTextInput(givenAddress, true, true))
                await DisplayAlert("", "Please enter a valid address", "OK");


            // Set user attributes to the new fields
            loggedInClinician.name = name;

            loggedInClinician.workAddress = givenAddress;
            loggedInClinician.region      = givenRegion;

            ClinicianAPI   clinicianAPI     = new ClinicianAPI();
            HttpStatusCode clinicianUpdated = await clinicianAPI.UpdateClinician();

            switch (clinicianUpdated)
            case HttpStatusCode.Created:
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Clinician details successfully updated",


            case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest:
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Clinician details update failed (400)",


            case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Server unavailable, check connection",


            case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Unauthorised to modify profile",


            case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Server error, please try again (500)",
