Exemplo n.º 1
        public Rhythm splinter(double min_dur,
                               int max_div)
            Rhythm splintered = new Rhythm(work, duration);

            foreach (Rhythm_Element re in path)
                int    div  = 1;
                double prob = Math.Exp(0.18 * (2.0 - re.duration / min_dur));
                if (re.duration > 2 * min_dur &&
                    rand.NextDouble() > prob)
                    // divide the note into a random number of parts, but not too many
                    int mdiv = (int)(re.duration / min_dur);
                    if (mdiv > max_div)
                        mdiv = max_div;
                    div = 2 + rand.Next(mdiv - 1);

                double time  = re.offset;
                double pulse = re.duration / (double)div;
                int    denom = div * re.denom;
                for (int i = 0; i < div; i++)
                    Rhythm_Element ne = new Rhythm_Element(time, pulse, re.numer, denom);
                    ne.silent = re.silent;
                    time = time + pulse;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Rhythm stick(double sprob)
            Rhythm stuck = new Rhythm(work, duration);

            Rhythm_Element last = null;

            foreach (Rhythm_Element re in path)
                if (last == null || last.denom != re.denom || rand.NextDouble() > sprob)
                    if (last != null)

                    last = new Rhythm_Element(re.offset, re.duration, re.numer, re.denom);

                    last.silent = re.silent;
                    last.numer    += re.numer;
                    last.duration += re.duration;
                    last.silent   &= re.silent;
            if (last != null)

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void singleton()
            Rhythm_Element ne = new Rhythm_Element(0.0, duration, 1, 1);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public Rhythm(Work w, Random r, double d, double min_dur, int max_div, double mphase, double dphase, int vi, double tdur)
            work     = w;
            rand     = r;
            duration = d;

            work.trace.Write(string.Format("[{0}; {1}]", min_dur, max_div));

            path = new List <Rhythm_Element>();
            Rhythm_Element e = new Rhythm_Element(0.0, d, 1, 1);

            divide(e, min_dur, max_div, d, mphase, dphase, vi, tdur);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Rhythm silence(double min_dur, double mphase, double vphase, int vi, double tdur)
            Rhythm silenced = new Rhythm(work, duration);

            foreach (Rhythm_Element re in path)
                Rhythm_Element ne = new Rhythm_Element(re.offset, re.duration, re.numer, re.denom);

                double zerop = tdur
                               * (2.0
                                  + Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (0.5 * mphase + re.offset / duration))
                                  * Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (vphase + ((double)vi) / 4.0)));
                double restp = Math.Exp(-(re.duration - min_dur) / zerop);
                if (rand.NextDouble() < restp)
                    ne.silent = !re.silent;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void walk_part(double start, double pduration, int snumer, int sdenom, bool osilent, double min_dur)
            const int prange = 4;

            int[]    powers  = new int[prange];
            double[] factors = new double[prange];
            int[]    numers  = new int[prange];
            int[]    denoms  = new int[prange];
            double[] probs   = new double[prange];

            for (int i = 0; i < prange; i++)
                powers[i] = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5 ? 0 : 1;

            numers[0] = 2;
            numers[1] = 3;
            numers[2] = 4;
            numers[3] = 5;
            denoms[0] = 3;
            denoms[1] = 4;
            denoms[2] = 5;
            denoms[3] = 6;

            double max_factor = 1.0;

            for (int fi = 0; fi < prange; fi++)
                factors[fi] = ((double)(numers[fi])) / (double)(denoms[fi]);
                max_factor *= factors[fi];

            int div = (int)Math.Sqrt(pduration * max_factor / min_dur);

            probs[0] = 0.07;
            probs[1] = 0.07;
            probs[2] = 0.07;
            probs[3] = 0.07;
            //    probs[3] = 0.13;
            //    probs[4] = 0.1;

            double t    = start;
            double te   = start + pduration;
            bool   done = false;

            //Rhythm_Element remainder = new Rhythm_Element(start, pduration, snumer, sdenom);

            while (!done)
                for (int f = 0; f < prange; f++)
                    if (rand.NextDouble() < probs[f])
                        powers[f] = 1 - powers[f];

                double delta = pduration / (double)div;

                int numer = snumer;
                int denom = sdenom * div;
                for (int f = 0; f < prange; f++)
                    double m      = factors[f];
                    int    top    = numers[f];
                    int    bottom = denoms[f];
                    int    p      = powers[f];
                    if (p < 0)
                        p = -p;
                        m = 1.0 / m;
                        int swap = top;
                        top    = bottom;
                        bottom = swap;

                    for (int j = 0; j < p; j++)
                        delta *= m;
                        numer *= top;
                        denom *= bottom;

                if (t + delta + 0.001 > te)
                    done = true;
                    //      path.Add(remainder);
                    //      remainder.silent = true;
                    Rhythm_Element re = new Rhythm_Element(t, delta, numer, denom);
                    if (osilent)
                        if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.5) // some rests, too!
                            re.silent = true;
                        if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.11) // some rests, too!
                            re.silent = true;
                    t += delta;

                    //    int rdenom = denom * remainder.denom;
                    //    int rnumer = remainder.numer * denom - numer * remainder.denom;
                    //    if (rnumer <= 0)
                    //    {
                    //        done = true;
                    //   }
                    //   else
                    //   {
                    //       while (rdenom > 10000)
                    //       {
                    //       rnumer = (rnumer-1) / 5;
                    //         rdenom = rdenom / 5;
                    //   }

                    //     remainder = new Rhythm_Element(t, te - t, rnumer, rdenom);
                    // }
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void divide(Rhythm_Element e,
                           double min_dur,
                           int max_div,
                           double d,
                           double mphase,
                           double vphase,
                           int vi,
                           double tdur)

            // if the note is too short to split, just play it straight
            // or if the note is longer, roll the dice and maybe play it straight
            // (1.0 - 2.0 * min_dur) / (11.0 * e.duration + 1.0 - 24.0 * min_dur)

            double local_min = min_dur;

            if (e.duration < 2 * local_min || rand.NextDouble() < Math.Exp(0.18 * (2.0 - e.duration / local_min)))
                double zerop = tdur
                               * (2.0
                                  + Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (0.5 * mphase + e.offset / duration))
                                  * Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * (vphase + ((double)vi) / 4.0)));
                double restp = Math.Exp(-(e.duration - min_dur) / zerop);
                if (rand.NextDouble() < restp)
                    work.trace.Write(string.Format("R{0}/{1}", e.numer, e.denom));

                e.duration *= 0.92;
                work.trace.Write(string.Format("{0}/{1}", e.numer, e.denom));

            // divide the note into a random number of parts, but not too many
            int mdiv = (int)(e.duration / min_dur);

            if (mdiv > max_div)
                mdiv = max_div;
            int div = 2 + rand.Next(mdiv - 1);

            double time  = e.offset;
            double pulse = e.duration / (double)div;
            int    denom = div * e.denom;

            int parts = 2 + rand.Next(div - 1);

            Rhythm_Element[] part = new Rhythm_Element[parts];
            for (int i = 0; i < parts; i++)
                Rhythm_Element ne = new Rhythm_Element(time, pulse, e.numer, denom);
                part[i] = ne;

            for (int i = 0; i < div - parts; i++)
                int pick = rand.Next(parts);
                part[pick].duration += pulse;
                part[pick].numer    += e.numer;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts; i++)
                part[i].offset = time;
                time          += part[i].duration;

            bool first = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts; i++)
                if (!first)
                    work.trace.Write(" ");
                first = false;

                divide(part[i], min_dur, max_div, d, mphase, vphase, vi, tdur);