Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Highlight the searched text in the results when using regular expressions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit Object containing results</param>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   04/21/2006	Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   05/11/2006	FIX: Include context lines if present and prevent system beep
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   07/07/2006	FIX: 1512029, highlight whole word and case sensitive matches
        /// [Curtis_Beard] 	   09/28/2006	FIX: use grep object for settings instead of gui items, remove searchText parameter
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   05/18/2006	FIX: 1723815, use correct whole word matching regex
        /// </history>
        private void HighlightTextRegEx(HitObject hit)
            string _textToSearch = string.Empty;
             string _tempString = string.Empty;
             int _index = 0;
             int _lastPos = 0;
             int _counter = 0;
             Regex _regEx = new Regex(__Grep.SearchText);
             MatchCollection _col;
             Match _item;

             // Loop through hits and highlight search for text
             for (_index = 0; _index < hit.LineCount; _index++)
            // Retrieve hit text
            _textToSearch = hit.RetrieveLine(_index);

            // Set default font
            txtHits.SelectionFont = new Font("Courier New", 9.75F, FontStyle.Regular);

            // find all reg ex matches in line
            if (__Grep.UseCaseSensitivity && __Grep.UseWholeWordMatching)
               _regEx = new Regex("\\b" + __Grep.SearchText + "\\b");
               _col = _regEx.Matches(_textToSearch);
            else if (__Grep.UseCaseSensitivity)
               _regEx = new Regex(__Grep.SearchText);
               _col = _regEx.Matches(_textToSearch);
            else if (__Grep.UseWholeWordMatching)
               _regEx = new Regex("\\b" + __Grep.SearchText + "\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
               _col = _regEx.Matches(_textToSearch);
               _regEx = new Regex(__Grep.SearchText, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
               _col = _regEx.Matches(_textToSearch);

            // loop through the matches
            _lastPos = 0;
            for (_counter = 0; _counter < _col.Count; _counter++)
               _item = _col[_counter];

               // set the start text
               txtHits.SelectionColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsForeColor);
               // txtHits.SelectionBackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsBackColor);

               // check for empty string to prevent assigning nothing to selection text preventing
               //  a system beep
               _tempString = _textToSearch.Substring(_lastPos, _item.Index - _lastPos);
               if (!_tempString.Equals(string.Empty))
                  txtHits.SelectedText = _tempString;

               // set the hit text
               txtHits.SelectionColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.HighlightForeColor);
               // txtHits.SelectionBackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.HighlightBackColor);
               txtHits.SelectedText = _textToSearch.Substring(_item.Index, _item.Length);

               // set the end text
               txtHits.SelectionColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsForeColor);
               // txtHits.SelectionBackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsBackColor);
               if (_counter + 1 >= _col.Count)
                  //  no more hits so just set the rest
                  txtHits.SelectedText = _textToSearch.Substring(_item.Index + _item.Length);
                  _lastPos = _item.Index + _item.Length;
                  // another hit so just set inbetween
                  txtHits.SelectedText = _textToSearch.Substring(_item.Index + _item.Length, _col[_counter + 1].Index - (_item.Index + _item.Length));
                  _lastPos = _col[_counter + 1].Index;

            if (_col.Count == 0)
               //  no match, just a context line
               txtHits.SelectionColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsForeColor);
               // txtHits.SelectionBackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsBackColor);
               txtHits.SelectedText = _textToSearch;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if the given line is already recognized as a hit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">line to check</param>
        /// <param name="hit">HitObject containing all previous hits</param>
        /// <returns>True if found, False otherwise</returns>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      07/28/2006  Created
        /// </history>
        private bool HitExists(string line, HitObject hit)
            for (int i = 0; i < hit.LineCount; i++)
            if (hit.RetrieveLine(i).IndexOf(line) > -1)
               return true;

             return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Highlight the searched text in the results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit Object containing results</param>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   01/27/2005	Created
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   04/12/2005	FIX: 1180741, Don't capitalize hit line
        /// [Curtis_Beard]	   11/18/2005	ADD: custom highlight colors
        /// [Curtis_Beard] 	   12/06/2005	CHG: call WholeWordOnly from Grep class
        /// [Curtis_Beard] 	   04/21/2006	CHG: highlight regular expression searches
        /// [Curtis_Beard] 	   09/28/2006	FIX: use grep object for settings instead of gui items
        /// </history>
        private void HighlightText(HitObject hit)
            string _textToSearch = string.Empty;
             string _searchText = __Grep.SearchText;
             int _index = 0;
             string _tempLine = string.Empty;

             string _begin = string.Empty;
             string _text = string.Empty;
             string _end = string.Empty;
             int _pos = 0;
             bool _highlight = false;

             // Clear the contents
             txtHits.Text = string.Empty;
             txtHits.ForeColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsForeColor);
             txtHits.BackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsBackColor);

             if (__Grep.UseRegularExpressions)
            // Loop through hits and highlight search for text
            for (_index = 0; _index < hit.LineCount; _index++)
               // Retrieve hit text
               _textToSearch = hit.RetrieveLine(_index);

               // Set default font
               txtHits.SelectionFont = new Font("Courier New", 9.75F, FontStyle.Regular);

               _tempLine = _textToSearch;

               // attempt to locate the text in the line
               if (__Grep.UseCaseSensitivity)
                  _pos = _tempLine.IndexOf(_searchText);
                  _pos = _tempLine.ToLower().IndexOf(_searchText.ToLower());

               if (_pos > -1)
                     _highlight = false;

                     // retrieve parts of text
                     _begin = _tempLine.Substring(0, _pos);
                     _text = _tempLine.Substring(_pos, _searchText.Length);
                     _end = _tempLine.Substring(_pos + _searchText.Length);

                     // set default color for starting text
                     txtHits.SelectionColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsForeColor);
                     // txtHits.SelectionBackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsBackColor);
                     txtHits.SelectedText = _begin;

                     // do a check to see if begin and end are valid for wholeword searches
                     if (__Grep.UseWholeWordMatching)
                        _highlight = Grep.WholeWordOnly(_begin, _end);
                        _highlight = true;

                     // set highlight color for searched text
                     if (_highlight)
                        txtHits.SelectionColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.HighlightForeColor);
                        // txtHits.SelectionBackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.HighlightBackColor);
                     txtHits.SelectedText = _text;

                     // Check remaining string for other hits in same line
                     if (__Grep.UseCaseSensitivity)
                        _pos = _end.IndexOf(_searchText);
                        _pos = _end.ToLower().IndexOf(_searchText.ToLower());

                     // set default color for end, if no more hits in line
                     _tempLine = _end;
                     if (_pos < 0)
                        txtHits.SelectionColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsForeColor);
                        // txtHits.SelectionBackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsBackColor);
                        txtHits.SelectedText = _end;

                  }while (_pos > -1);
                  // set default color, no search text found
                  txtHits.SelectionColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsForeColor);
                  // txtHits.SelectionBackColor = Common.ConvertStringToColor(FileSearch.Core.GeneralSettings.ResultsBackColor);
                  txtHits.SelectedText = _textToSearch;