Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void PopulateOneAssemblyMapping(Assembly assembly)
            // A bit slow, but only executes this once during the life of the program:
            IEnumerable <Type> allStructureTypes = assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Structure)) || t == typeof(Structure));

            // The nomenclature mapping data is contained in KOSNomenclatureAttributes that are attached to the classes:
            foreach (Type t in allStructureTypes)
                object[] attribs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(KOSNomenclatureAttribute), false);
                foreach (object obj in attribs)
                    KOSNomenclatureAttribute attrib = obj as KOSNomenclatureAttribute;
                    if (attrib == null)
                        continue; // hypothetically impossible since GetCustomAttributes explicitly asked for only attributes of this type.
                        if (attrib.CSharpToKOS)
                            cSharpToKosMap.Add(t, attrib.KOSName);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        // There can be a many-to-one map (given two different C# types, they both return the same KOS type), but
                        // not a one-to-many map (given one C# type, it has two kOS types it tries to return).
                        string msg = "kOS developer error: name clash in KOSNomenclature: two mappings from C# class " + t.FullName + " found.";
                        Debug.AddNagMessage(Debug.NagType.NAGFOREVER, msg);

                        if (attrib.KOSToCSharp)
                            kosToCSharpMap.Add(attrib.KOSName, t);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        // There can be a many-to-one map (given two different kos types, they both return the same C# type), but
                        // not a one-to-many map (given one kos type, it has two C# types it tries to return).
                        string msg = "kOS developer error: name clash in KOSNomenclature: two mappings from KOS name " + attrib.KOSName + " found.";
                        Debug.AddNagMessage(Debug.NagType.NAGFOREVER, msg);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the nomenclature dictionaries based on the given type, which inherits
        /// from Structure.  This method is automatically called by the AssemblyWalkAttribute
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">A type inheriting from Structure</param>
        public static void PopulateType(Type t)
            object[] attribs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(KOSNomenclatureAttribute), false);
            foreach (object obj in attribs)
                KOSNomenclatureAttribute attrib = obj as KOSNomenclatureAttribute;
                if (attrib == null)
                    continue; // hypothetically impossible since GetCustomAttributes explicitly asked for only attributes of this type.
                    if (attrib.CSharpToKOS)
                        cSharpToKosMap.Add(t, attrib.KOSName);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // There can be a many-to-one map (given two different C# types, they both return the same KOS type), but
                    // not a one-to-many map (given one C# type, it has two kOS types it tries to return).
                    string msg = "kOS developer error: name clash in KOSNomenclature: two mappings from C# class " + t.FullName + " found.";
                    Debug.AddNagMessage(Debug.NagType.NAGFOREVER, msg);

                    if (attrib.KOSToCSharp)
                        kosToCSharpMap.Add(attrib.KOSName, t);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // There can be a many-to-one map (given two different kos types, they both return the same C# type), but
                    // not a one-to-many map (given one kos type, it has two C# types it tries to return).
                    string msg = "kOS developer error: name clash in KOSNomenclature: two mappings from KOS name " + attrib.KOSName + " found.";
                    Debug.AddNagMessage(Debug.NagType.NAGFOREVER, msg);