Exemplo n.º 1
 public static string[,] getCatDbAry(string argGenre, int argLng, int argFid)
     int num = argLng;
     int num2 = argFid;
     string str = argGenre;
     db db = new db();
     string[,] strArray = null;
     string str2 = cls.getString(jt.itake("global.config.sys->category-ndatabase", "cfg"));
     string argFpre = cls.getString(jt.itake("global.config.sys->category-nfpre", "cfg"));
     string argString = cls.cfnames(argFpre, "id");
     string str5 = string.Concat(new object[] {
         "select * from ", str2, " where ", cls.cfnames(argFpre, "hidden"), "=0 and ", cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lng"), "=", num, " and ", cls.cfnames(argFpre, "genre"), "='", str, "' and ", cls.cfnames(argFpre, "fid"), "=", num2,
         " order by ", cls.cfnames(argFpre, "order"), " asc"
     object[] objArray = db.getDataAry(str5);
     if (objArray != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < objArray.Length; i++)
             object[,] argAry = (object[,]) objArray[i];
             int num4 = (int) db.getValue(argAry, argString);
             string[,] strArray2 = new string[,] { { cls.toString(db.getValue(argAry, argString)), cls.toString(db.getValue(argAry, cls.cfnames(argFpre, "topic"))), cls.toString(db.getValue(argAry, cls.cfnames(argFpre, "fid"))) } };
             strArray = cls.mergeAry(cls.mergeAry(strArray, strArray2), getCatDbAry(str, num, num4));
     return strArray;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public bool checkUsername(string argUserid, string argUsername, string argPassword)
     bool flag = false;
     int num = cls.getNum(argUserid, -1);
     string str = cls.getSafeString(argUsername);
     string str2 = cls.getSafeString(argPassword);
     if (num != -1)
         db db = new db();
         string str3 = cls.getString(jt.itake("global." + this.ngenre + ":config.ndatabase", "cfg"));
         string argFpre = cls.getString(jt.itake("global." + this.ngenre + ":config.nfpre", "cfg"));
         string str5 = cls.cfnames(argFpre, "id");
         string argString = string.Concat(new object[] { "select * from ", str3, " where ", str5, "=", num, " and ", cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lock"), "=0" });
         object[] objArray = db.getDataAry(argString);
         if (objArray == null)
             return flag;
         object[,] argAry = (object[,]) objArray[0];
         string str7 = (string) db.getValue(argAry, cls.cfnames(argFpre, "username"));
         string str8 = (string) db.getValue(argAry, cls.cfnames(argFpre, "password"));
         if ((str7 == str) && (str8 == str2))
             flag = true;
     return flag;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public bool ckLogin(string argUsername, string argPassword)
     bool flag = true;
     if (cls.isEmpty(this.username) || cls.isEmpty(this.popedom))
         db db = new db();
         string argObject = "";
         string str2 = cls.getSafeString(argUsername);
         string str3 = cls.getSafeString(argPassword);
         string str4 = cls.getString(jt.itake("global.config.admin-ndatabase", "cfg"));
         string argFpre = cls.getString(jt.itake("global.config.admin-nfpre", "cfg"));
         string argString = "select * from " + str4 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "username") + "='" + str2 + "' and " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "password") + "='" + str3 + "' and " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lock") + "=0";
         object[] objArray = db.getDataAry(argString);
         if (objArray != null)
             object[,] argAry = (object[,]) objArray[0];
             int argValue = (int) db.getValue(argAry, cls.cfnames(argFpre, "id"));
             string str7 = (string) db.getValue(argAry, cls.cfnames(argFpre, "username"));
             string str8 = (string) db.getValue(argAry, cls.cfnames(argFpre, "password"));
             string str9 = (string) db.getValue(argAry, cls.cfnames(argFpre, "popedom"));
             session.set("admin-id", argValue);
             session.set("admin-username", str7);
             session.set("admin-popedom", str9);
             cookies.set("admin-username", str7);
             cookies.set("admin-password", str8);
             this.id = argValue;
             this.username = str7;
             this.popedom = str9;
             argObject = "update " + str4 + " set " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lasttime") + "='" + cls.getDate() + "'," + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lastip") + "='" + request.ClientIP() + "' where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "username") + "='" + str2 + "'";
             flag = false;
         if (!cls.isEmpty(argObject))
     return flag;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static string itransferMultiGenre(string argStrings)
            int num6;
            string argTemplate = "";
            string argString = argStrings;
            string argXInfostr = cls.getParameter(argString, "tpl");
            string argObject = cls.getParameter(argString, "tplid");
            string str8 = cls.getParameter(argString, "tplstr");
            string str9 = cls.getParameter(argString, "type");
            string str10 = cls.getParameter(argString, "genre");
            string str11 = cls.getParameter(argString, "field");
            string str12 = cls.getParameter(argString, "osql");
            string str13 = cls.getParameter(argString, "osqlorder");
            string str14 = cls.getParameter(argString, "ocmode");
            string str15 = cls.getParameter(argString, "rowfilter");
            string str16 = cls.getParameter(argString, "baseurl");
            string str17 = cls.getParameter(argString, "vars");
            int num = cls.getNum(cls.getParameter(argString, "topx"), -1);
            int num2 = cls.getNum(cls.getParameter(argString, "lng"), -1);
            int num3 = cls.getNum(config.dbtype, 0);
            if (num2 == -1)
                num2 = cls.getNum(config.nlng, -1);
            if (num <= 0)
                return argTemplate;
            string ngenre = config.ngenre;
            if (cls.isEmpty(str10))
                return argTemplate;
            string str19 = "";
            string str20 = "";
            str19 = str19 + "select * from (";
            foreach (string str21 in str10.Split(new char[] { '&' }))
                string str22 = cls.getString(jt.itake("global." + str21 + ":config.ndatabase", "cfg"));
                string argFpre = cls.getString(jt.itake("global." + str21 + ":config.nfpre", "cfg"));
                if (!cls.isEmpty(str22))
                    string str29;
                    str19 = str19 + "select " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "id") + " as un_id,";
                    foreach (string str24 in str11.Split(new char[] { '&' }))
                        str29 = str19;
                        str19 = str29 + cls.cfnames(argFpre, str24) + " as un_" + str24 + ",";
                    str29 = str19;
                    str19 = str29 + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "time") + " as un_time, '" + str21 + "' as un_genre from " + str22;
                    switch (str9)
                        case "new":
                            str19 = str19 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "hidden") + "=0";
                            str20 = " order by un_time desc";

                        case "-new":
                            str19 = str19 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "hidden") + "=0";
                            str20 = " order by un_time desc";

                        case "@new":
                            str19 = str19 + " where 1=1";
                            str20 = " order by un_time desc";

                        case "commendatory":
                            str29 = str19;
                            str19 = str29 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "hidden") + "=0 and " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "commendatory") + "=1";
                            str20 = " order by un_time desc";

                        case "-commendatory":
                            str29 = str19;
                            str19 = str29 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "hidden") + "=0 and " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "commendatory") + "=1";
                            str20 = " order by un_time desc";

                        case "@commendatory":
                            str19 = str19 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "commendatory") + "=1";
                            str20 = " order by un_time desc";

                            str19 = str19 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "hidden") + "=0";
                            str20 = " order by un_time desc";
                    if ((num2 != -1) && (num2 != -100))
                        object obj2 = str19;
                        str19 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, " and ", cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lng"), "=", num2 });
                    str19 = str19 + " union all ";
            if (str19.IndexOf(" union all ") != -1)
                str19 = cls.getLRStr(str19, " union all ", "leftr");
            str19 = str19 + ") t1 where 1=1";
            if (!cls.isEmpty(str12))
                str19 = str19 + str12;
            if (!cls.isEmpty(str13))
                str20 = str13;
            str19 = str19 + str20;
            if ((num3 >= 0) && (num3 < 10))
                str19 = string.Concat(new object[] { "select top ", num, " *", cls.getLRStr(str19, "select *", "rightr") });
            if ((num3 >= 10) && (num3 < 20))
                str19 = str19 + " limit 0," + num;
            if (!cls.isEmpty(str8))
                argTemplate = str8;
            else if (!cls.isEmpty(argObject))
                string[,] strArray3 = getJtbcElement(argObject);
                if ((strArray3 != null) && (strArray3.GetLength(1) == 2))
                    argTemplate = strArray3[0, 1];
            else if (argXInfostr.IndexOf(".") != -1)
                argTemplate = jt.itake(argXInfostr, "tpl");
                argTemplate = jt.itake("global.tpl_transfer." + argXInfostr, "tpl");
            if (!cls.isEmpty(str17))
                string[] strArray4 = str17.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                num6 = 0;
                while (num6 < strArray4.Length)
                    string str25 = strArray4[num6];
                    if (!cls.isEmpty(str25))
                        string[] strArray5 = str25.Split(new char[] { '=' });
                        if (strArray5.Length == 2)
                            argTemplate = argTemplate.Replace("{$" + strArray5[0] + "}", strArray5[1]);
            db db = new db();
            object[] objArray = db.getDataAry(str19);
            if (objArray != null)
                string newValue = "";
                int num7 = 0;
                string str2 = cls.ctemplate(ref argTemplate, "{@}");
                for (int i = 0; i < objArray.Length; i++)
                    if (cls.isEmpty(str15) || !cls.cinstr(str15, cls.toString(i + 1), ","))
                        string str4 = str2;
                        object[,] argAry = (object[,]) objArray[i];
                        num6 = 0;
                        while (num6 < argAry.GetLength(0))
                            argAry[num6, 0] = cls.getLRStr((string) argAry[num6, 0], "un_", "rightr");
                            str4 = str4.Replace("{$" + cls.toString(argAry[num6, 0]) + "}", encode.htmlencode(cls.toString(argAry[num6, 1]), "1"));
                        config.rstAry = argAry;
                        string argRoutestr = cls.toString(db.getValue(argAry, "genre"));
                        string str27 = "";
                        if (!cls.isEmpty(str16))
                            str27 = str16;
                        else if (argRoutestr != ngenre)
                            str27 = cls.getActualRoute(argRoutestr);
                            if (cls.getRight(str27, 1) != "/")
                                str27 = str27 + "/";
                        str4 = str4.Replace("{$-genre}", encode.htmlencode(argRoutestr)).Replace("{$-baseurl}", str27).Replace("{$-i}", cls.toString(num7));
                        for (num6 = 2; num6 < 7; num6++)
                            int num9 = num7 % num6;
                            str4 = str4.Replace("{$-!mod" + num6 + "}", cls.toString(num9));
                            if (num9 != 0)
                                str4 = str4.Replace("{$-!mod" + num6 + "-string}", "");
                                str4 = str4.Replace("{$-!mod" + num6 + "-string}", cls.toString(str14));
                        str4 = jt.creplace(str4);
                        newValue = newValue + str4;
                argTemplate = argTemplate.Replace(config.jtbccinfo, newValue);
                argTemplate = "";
            return jt.creplace(argTemplate);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public bool Login(string argUsername, string argPassword, string argRemember)
     bool flag = false;
     string argValue = cls.getSafeString(argUsername);
     string str2 = encode.md5(cls.getSafeString(argPassword));
     int num = cls.getNum(argRemember, 0);
     db db = new db();
     string str3 = cls.getString(jt.itake("global." + this.ngenre + ":config.ndatabase", "cfg"));
     string argFpre = cls.getString(jt.itake("global." + this.ngenre + ":config.nfpre", "cfg"));
     string argString = cls.cfnames(argFpre, "id");
     string str6 = "select * from " + str3 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "username") + "='" + argValue + "' and " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "password") + "='" + str2 + "' and " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lock") + "=0";
     object[] objArray = db.getDataAry(str6);
     if (objArray == null)
         return flag;
     object[,] argAry = (object[,]) objArray[0];
     string str7 = cls.toString(db.getValue(argAry, argString));
     if (num == 0)
         cookies.set(this.ngenre + "-userid", str7);
         cookies.set(this.ngenre + "-username", argValue);
         cookies.set(this.ngenre + "-password", str2);
         cookies.set(this.ngenre + "-userid", str7, 0x1e13380);
         cookies.set(this.ngenre + "-username", argValue, 0x1e13380);
         cookies.set(this.ngenre + "-password", str2, 0x1e13380);
     session.set(this.ngenre + "-nuserid", str7);
     session.set(this.ngenre + "-nusername", argValue);
     db.Execute("update " + str3 + " set " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "prelasttime") + "=" + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lasttime") + " where " + argString + "=" + str7);
     db.Execute("update " + str3 + " set " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "lasttime") + "='" + cls.getDate() + "' where " + argString + "=" + str7);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public int getUserID(string argUsername)
     int num = 0;
     string str = cls.getSafeString(argUsername);
     db db = new db();
     string str2 = cls.getString(jt.itake("global." + this.ngenre + ":config.ndatabase", "cfg"));
     string argFpre = cls.getString(jt.itake("global." + this.ngenre + ":config.nfpre", "cfg"));
     string argString = cls.cfnames(argFpre, "id");
     string str5 = "select * from " + str2 + " where " + cls.cfnames(argFpre, "username") + "='" + str + "'";
     object[] objArray = db.getDataAry(str5);
     if (objArray != null)
         object[,] argAry = (object[,]) objArray[0];
         num = cls.toInt32(db.getValue(argAry, argString));
     return num;