public double cauchyProjectiveReprojectionCost(FeaturePairStack.Item i_ptr, double i_one_over_scale2)
            NyARDoublePoint2d ref_ = i_ptr.ref_;
            double            w    = this.m20 * ref_.x + this.m21 * ref_.y + this.m22;
            double            vx   = ((this.m00 * ref_.x + this.m01 * ref_.y + this.m02) / w) - i_ptr.query.x; //XP
            double            vy   = ((this.m10 * ref_.x + this.m11 * ref_.y + this.m12) / w) - i_ptr.query.y; //YP
            double            T    = Math.Log(1 + (vx * vx + vy * vy) * i_one_over_scale2);

         * Shuffle the elements of an array.
        public void shuffle(int i_num_of_shuffle)
            FeaturePairStack.Item[] b = this.indics;
            int seed = this.seed;
            int n    = this._num;

            for (int i = 0; i < i_num_of_shuffle; i++)
                seed = (214013 * seed + 2531011);
                int k = ((seed >> 16) & 0x7FFF) % n;
                FeaturePairStack.Item t = b[i];
                b[i] = b[k];
                b[k] = t;
            this.seed = seed;
Exemplo n.º 3
         * Set the number of bins for translation based on the correspondences.
        private bool autoAdjustXYNumBins(int max_dim, FeaturePairStack i_point_pair)
            int l = i_point_pair.getLength();

            //prepare work area
            if (this._project_dim.Length < l)
                this._project_dim = new double[l + 10];
            double[] projected_dim = this._project_dim;
            for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // Scale is the 3rd component
                FeaturePairStack.Item item = i_point_pair.getItem(i);
                // Project the max_dim via the scale
                double scale = SafeDivision(item.query.scale, item.ref_.scale);
                projected_dim[i] = scale * max_dim;

            // Find the median projected dim
            // float median_proj_dim = FastMedian<float>(&projected_dim[0],
            // (int)projected_dim.size());
            double median_proj_dim = FastMedian(projected_dim, l);

            // Compute the bin size a fraction of the median projected dim
            double bin_size = 0.25f * median_proj_dim;

            int t;

            t = (int)Math.Ceiling((mMaxX - mMinX) / bin_size);
            this.mNumXBins = (5 > t ? 5 : t);
            t = (int)Math.Ceiling((mMaxY - mMinY) / bin_size);
            this.mNumYBins = (5 > t ? 5 : t);
            if (mNumXBins >= 128 || mNumYBins >= 128)
         * SolveHomography4Points
         * Solve for the homography given 4 point correspondences.
        virtual public bool solveHomography4Points(FeaturePairStack.Item p1, FeaturePairStack.Item p2, FeaturePairStack.Item p3, FeaturePairStack.Item p4, HomographyMat H)
            // T s, sp;
            // T t[2], tp[2];

            NyARDoublePoint2d x1p = new NyARDoublePoint2d(), x2p = new NyARDoublePoint2d(), x3p = new NyARDoublePoint2d(), x4p = new NyARDoublePoint2d();
            NyARDoublePoint2d xp1p = new NyARDoublePoint2d(), xp2p = new NyARDoublePoint2d(), xp3p = new NyARDoublePoint2d(), xp4p = new NyARDoublePoint2d();

            double[] ts  = new double[3];
            double[] tps = new double[3];
            // Condition the points

            if (!condition4Points2d(x1p, x2p, x3p, x4p, ts, p1.ref_, p2.ref_, p3.ref_, p4.ref_))
            if (!condition4Points2d(xp1p, xp2p, xp3p, xp4p, tps, p1.query, p2.query, p3.query, p4.query))

            // Solve for the homography

            if (!this.solveHomography4PointsInhomogenous(H, x1p, x2p, x3p, x4p, xp1p, xp2p, xp3p, xp4p))

            // Denomalize the computed homography
            H.denormalizeHomography(ts, tps);
  * Check the geometric consistency between four correspondences.
  * Ransacテーブルの4点についてHomography4PointsGeometricallyConsistent
 public bool geometricallyConsistent4Point()
     FeaturePairStack.Item p1 = this.indics[0];
     FeaturePairStack.Item p2 = this.indics[1];
     FeaturePairStack.Item p3 = this.indics[2];
     FeaturePairStack.Item p4 = this.indics[3];
     if (((Geometry.LinePointSide(p1.ref_, p2.ref_, p3.ref_) > 0) ^ (Geometry.LinePointSide(p1.query, p2.query, p3.query) > 0)) == true)
     if (((Geometry.LinePointSide(p2.ref_, p3.ref_, p4.ref_) > 0) ^ (Geometry.LinePointSide(p2.query, p3.query, p4.query) > 0)) == true)
     if (((Geometry.LinePointSide(p3.ref_, p4.ref_, p1.ref_) > 0) ^ (Geometry.LinePointSide(p3.query, p4.query, p1.query) > 0)) == true)
     if (((Geometry.LinePointSide(p4.ref_, p1.ref_, p2.ref_) > 0) ^ (Geometry.LinePointSide(p4.query, p1.query, p2.query) > 0)) == true)
Exemplo n.º 6
        private bool query(FreakFeaturePointStack query_keyframe, KeyframeMap i_keymap, FeaturePairStack i_result)
            // mMatchedInliers.clear();
            HomographyMat        H    = this._H;
            InverseHomographyMat hinv = this._hinv;

            hinv = new InverseHomographyMat_O1();

            int num_of_query_frame = query_keyframe.getLength();

            if (num_of_query_frame > this._tmp_pair_stack[0].getArraySize())
                this._tmp_pair_stack[0] = new FeaturePairStack(num_of_query_frame + 10);
                this._tmp_pair_stack[1] = new FeaturePairStack(num_of_query_frame + 10);
            int tmp_ch       = 0;
            int last_inliers = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Keyframe> i in i_keymap)
                Keyframe second = i.Value;
                FreakMatchPointSetStack ref_points = second.getFeaturePointSet();
                FeaturePairStack match_result = this._tmp_pair_stack[tmp_ch];

                if (this._matcher.match(query_keyframe, second, match_result) < this.mMinNumInliers)

                // Vote for a transformation based on the correspondences
                if (!this.mHoughSimilarityVoting.extractMatches(match_result, second.width(), second.height()))

                // Estimate the transformation between the two images
                if (!this.mRobustHomography.PreemptiveRobustHomography(H, match_result, second.width(), second.height()))

                if (!hinv.inverse(H))

                // Apply some heuristics to the homography
                if (!hinv.checkHomographyHeuristics(second.width(), second.height()))

                // Find the inliers
                this._find_inliner.extructMatches(H, match_result);
                if (match_result.getLength() < mMinNumInliers)

                // Use the estimated homography to find more inliers
                if (_matcher.match(query_keyframe, ref_points, hinv, 10, match_result) < mMinNumInliers)

                // Vote for a similarity with new matches
                if (!this.mHoughSimilarityVoting.extractMatches(match_result, second.width(), second.height()))

                // Re-estimate the homography
                if (!this.mRobustHomography.PreemptiveRobustHomography(H, match_result, second.width(), second.height()))
                // Apply some heuristics to the homography
                if (!hinv.inverse(H))
                if (!hinv.checkHomographyHeuristics(second.width(), second.height()))
                // Check if this is the best match based on number of inliers
                this._find_inliner.extructMatches(H, match_result);

                if (match_result.getLength() >= mMinNumInliers && match_result.getLength() > last_inliers)
                    tmp_ch       = (tmp_ch + 1) % 2;
                    last_inliers = match_result.getLength();
            //出力は last_inlines>0の場合に[(tmp_ch+1)%2]にある。
            if (last_inliers <= 0)
                FeaturePairStack        match_result = this._tmp_pair_stack[(tmp_ch + 1) % 2];
                FeaturePairStack.Item[] dest         = match_result.getArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < match_result.getLength(); i++)
                    FeaturePairStack.Item t = i_result.prePush();
                    if (t == null)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Push overflow!");
                    t.query = dest[i].query;
                    t.ref_  = dest[i].ref_;
         * SolveHomography4Points
         * Solve for the homography given 4 point correspondences.
        override public bool solveHomography4Points(FeaturePairStack.Item p1, FeaturePairStack.Item p2, FeaturePairStack.Item p3, FeaturePairStack.Item p4, HomographyMat H)
            NyARDoublePoint2d[] a1 = this._a1;
            NyARDoublePoint2d[] a2 = this._a2;
            a1[0] = p1.ref_; a1[1] = p2.ref_; a1[2] = p3.ref_; a1[3] = p4.ref_;
            a2[0] = p1.query; a2[1] = p2.query; a2[2] = p3.query; a2[3] = p4.query;
            double mus1_0 = 0;
            double mus1_1 = 0;
            double mus2_0 = 0;
            double mus2_1 = 0;
            double s1, s2;

                 * Condition four 2D points such that the mean is zero and the standard
                 * deviation is sqrt(2).
                 * condition4Points2d+AddHomographyPointContraint function
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    mus1_0 += a1[i].x;
                    mus1_1 += a1[i].y;
                    mus2_0 += a2[i].x;
                    mus2_1 += a2[i].y;
                mus1_0 /= 4;
                mus1_1 /= 4;
                mus2_0 /= 4;
                mus2_1 /= 4;
                double dw1 = 0;
                double dw2 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    double[] l;
                    double   X1 = a1[i].x - mus1_0;
                    double   Y1 = a1[i].y - mus1_1;
                    double   X2 = a2[i].x - mus2_0;
                    double   Y2 = a2[i].y - mus2_1;
                    dw2 += Math.Sqrt(X2 * X2 + Y2 * Y2);
                    dw1 += Math.Sqrt(X1 * X1 + Y1 * Y1);
                    l    = this._mat_A[i * 2];
                    l[0] = -X1;
                    l[1] = -Y1;
                    l[6] = X2 * X1;
                    l[7] = X2 * Y1;
                    l[8] = X2;
                    l    = this._mat_A[i * 2 + 1];
                    l[3] = -X1;
                    l[4] = -Y1;
                    l[6] = Y2 * X1;
                    l[7] = Y2 * Y1;
                    l[8] = Y2;
                if (dw1 * dw2 == 0)
                s1 = (4 / dw1) * SQRT2;
                s2 = (4 / dw2) * SQRT2;
                //			double ss=s1*s2;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    double[] l;
                    l    = this._mat_A[i * 2];
                    l[6] = (-l[0] * s1) * (l[8] * s2); //emulation calculation order.
                    l[7] = (-l[1] * s1) * (l[8] * s2); //emulation calculation order.
                    //				l[6]*=ss;
                    //				l[7]*=ss;
                    l[0] *= s1;
                    l[1] *= s1;
                    l[2]  = -1;
                    l[3]  = l[4] = l[5] = 0;
                    l[8] *= s2;
                    l     = this._mat_A[i * 2 + 1];
                    l[6]  = (-l[3] * s1) * (l[8] * s2); //emulation calculation order.
                    l[7]  = (-l[4] * s1) * (l[8] * s2); //emulation calculation order.
                    //				l[6]*=ss;
                    //				l[7]*=ss;
                    l[0]  = l[1] = l[2] = 0;
                    l[3] *= s1;
                    l[4] *= s1;
                    l[5]  = -1;
                    l[8] *= s2;

            if (!this.solveHomography4PointsInhomogenous(H))

            // Denomalize the computed homography
            {   //H.denormalizeHomography(ts, tps);
                double stx = s1 * mus1_0;
                double sty = s1 * mus1_1;

                double apc = (H.m20 * mus2_0) + (H.m00 / s2);
                double bpd = (H.m21 * mus2_0) + (H.m01 / s2);
                H.m00 = s1 * apc;
                H.m01 = s1 * bpd;
                H.m02 = H.m22 * mus2_0 + H.m02 / s2 - stx * apc - sty * bpd;

                double epg = (H.m20 * mus2_1) + (H.m10 / s2);
                double fph = (H.m21 * mus2_1) + (H.m11 / s2);
                H.m10 = s1 * epg;
                H.m11 = s1 * fph;
                H.m12 = H.m22 * mus2_1 + H.m12 / s2 - stx * epg - sty * fph;

                H.m20 = H.m20 * s1;
                H.m21 = H.m21 * s1;
                H.m22 = H.m22 - H.m20 * mus1_0 - H.m21 * mus1_1;
