Exemplo n.º 1
 public TextFragment(string text, Font font, Paint paint, float baselineOffset)
   TextFragment textFragment = this;
   if (text == null)
     string str = "Null 'text' argument.";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(str);
   else if (font == null)
     string str = "Null 'font' argument.";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(str);
   else if (paint == null)
     string str = "Null 'paint' argument.";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(str);
     this.text = text;
     this.font = font;
     this.paint = paint;
     this.baselineOffset = baselineOffset;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public FontDisplayField(Font font)
   FontDisplayField fontDisplayField = this;
   ((JComponent) this).setEnabled(false);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Font(Font original, FontStyle style)
     _jFont      = original.NativeObject.deriveFont(DeriveStyle(original.NativeObject.getAttributes(), style, true));
     _gUnit      = original._gUnit;
     _fontFamily = original._fontFamily;
     _charset    = original._charset;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public DateChooserPanel(Calendar calendar, bool controlPanel)
   int num1 = controlPanel ? 1 : 0;
   base.\u002Ector((LayoutManager) new BorderLayout());
   DateChooserPanel dateChooserPanel = this;
   this.yearSelectionRange = 20;
   this.dateFont = new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10);
   this.refreshing = false;
   this.chosenDateButtonColor = UIManager.getColor((object) "textHighlight");
   this.chosenMonthButtonColor = UIManager.getColor((object) "control");
   this.chosenOtherButtonColor = UIManager.getColor((object) "controlShadow");
   this.chosenDate = calendar;
   this.firstDayOfWeek = calendar.getFirstDayOfWeek();
   this.WEEK_DAYS = new int[7];
   for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 7; ++index1)
     int[] numArray = this.WEEK_DAYS;
     int index2 = index1;
     int num2 = this.firstDayOfWeek + index1 - 1;
     int num3 = 7;
     int num4 = -1;
     int num5 = (num3 != num4 ? num2 % num3 : 0) + 1;
     numArray[index2] = num5;
   ((Container) this).add((Component) this.constructSelectionPanel(), (object) "North");
   ((Container) this).add((Component) this.getCalendarPanel(), (object) "Center");
   if (num1 != 0)
     ((Container) this).add((Component) this.constructControlPanel(), (object) "South");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public FontChooserDialog(Frame owner, string title, bool modal, Font font)
   int num = modal ? 1 : 0;
   // ISSUE: explicit constructor call
   base.\u002Ector(owner, title, num != 0);
   FontChooserDialog fontChooserDialog = this;
   this.setContentPane((Container) this.createContent(font));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void AddFontFile(string filename)
     using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
         io.InputStream stream = vmw.common.IOUtils.ToInputStream(fs);
         awt.Font       font   = awt.Font.createFont(awt.Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, stream);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public SubCategoryAxis(string label)
   : base(label)
   SubCategoryAxis subCategoryAxis = this;
   this.subLabelFont = new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10);
   this.subLabelPaint = (Paint) Color.black;
   this.subCategories = (List) new ArrayList();
 public ExtendedCategoryAxis(string label)
   : base(label)
   ExtendedCategoryAxis extendedCategoryAxis = this;
   this.sublabels = (Map) new HashMap();
   this.sublabelFont = new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10);
   this.sublabelPaint = (Paint) Color.black;
		internal TextLineIterator(string s, Font font, font.FontRenderContext frc, StringFormat format, float width, float height) {
			_format = (format != null) ? format : new StringFormat();
			_font = font;
			_s = (s != null) ? s : String.Empty;
			_frc = frc;
			FontFamily ff = font.FontFamily;
			_margin = font.Size*ff.GetDrawMargin(font.Style)/ff.GetEmHeight(font.Style);

			_width = width;
			_height = height;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public MarkerAxisBand(NumberAxis axis, double topOuterGap, double topInnerGap, double bottomOuterGap, double bottomInnerGap, Font font)
   MarkerAxisBand markerAxisBand = this;
   this.axis = axis;
   this.topOuterGap = topOuterGap;
   this.topInnerGap = topInnerGap;
   this.bottomOuterGap = bottomOuterGap;
   this.bottomInnerGap = bottomInnerGap;
   this.font = font;
   this.markers = (List) new ArrayList();
Exemplo n.º 11
 public LabelBlock(string text, Font font, Paint paint)
   LabelBlock labelBlock = this;
   this.text = text;
   this.paint = paint;
   this.label = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(text, font, this.paint);
   this.font = font;
   this.toolTipText = (string) null;
   this.urlText = (string) null;
   this.contentAlignmentPoint = TextBlockAnchor.__\u003C\u003ECENTER;
   this.textAnchor = RectangleAnchor.__\u003C\u003ECENTER;
 public virtual void setSubLabelFont(Font font)
   if (font == null)
     string str = "Null 'font' argument.";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(str);
     this.sublabelFont = font;
     this.notifyListeners(new AxisChangeEvent((Axis) this));
Exemplo n.º 13
 private JPanel createContent([In] Font obj0)
   JPanel jpanel = new JPanel((LayoutManager) new BorderLayout());
   ((JComponent) jpanel).setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 4, 4, 4));
   if (obj0 == null)
     obj0 = new Font("Dialog", 10, 0);
   this.fontChooserPanel = new FontChooserPanel(obj0);
   ((Container) jpanel).add((Component) this.fontChooserPanel);
   JPanel buttonPanel = this.createButtonPanel();
   ((JComponent) buttonPanel).setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 0, 0, 0));
   ((Container) jpanel).add((Component) buttonPanel, (object) "South");
   return jpanel;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public DialValueIndicator(int datasetIndex)
   DialValueIndicator dialValueIndicator = this;
   this.datasetIndex = datasetIndex;
   this.angle = -90.0;
   this.radius = 0.3;
   this.frameAnchor = RectangleAnchor.__\u003C\u003ECENTER;
   this.templateValue = (Number) new Double(100.0);
   this.formatter = (NumberFormat) new DecimalFormat("0.0");
   this.font = new Font("Dialog", 1, 14);
   this.paint = (Paint) Color.black;
   this.backgroundPaint = (Paint) Color.white;
   this.outlineStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f);
   this.outlinePaint = (Paint) Color.blue;
   this.insets = new RectangleInsets(4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0);
   this.valueAnchor = RectangleAnchor.__\u003C\u003ERIGHT;
   this.textAnchor = TextAnchor.__\u003C\u003ECENTER_RIGHT;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public AboutPanel(string application, string version, string copyright, string info, Image logo)
   AboutPanel aboutPanel = this;
   ((Container) this).setLayout((LayoutManager) new BorderLayout());
   JPanel jpanel1 = new JPanel((LayoutManager) new GridLayout(4, 1, 0, 4));
   JPanel jpanel2 = new JPanel();
   Font font1 = new Font("Dialog", 1, 14);
   JLabel jlabel1 = RefineryUtilities.createJLabel(application, font1, (Color) Color.black);
   ((Container) jpanel2).add((Component) jlabel1);
   JPanel jpanel3 = new JPanel();
   Font font2 = new Font("Dialog", 0, 12);
   JLabel jlabel2 = RefineryUtilities.createJLabel(version, font2, (Color) Color.black);
   ((Container) jpanel3).add((Component) jlabel2);
   JPanel jpanel4 = new JPanel();
   JLabel jlabel3 = RefineryUtilities.createJLabel(copyright, font2, (Color) Color.black);
   ((Container) jpanel4).add((Component) jlabel3);
   JPanel jpanel5 = new JPanel();
   JLabel jlabel4 = RefineryUtilities.createJLabel(info, font2, (Color) Color.black);
   ((Container) jpanel5).add((Component) jlabel4);
   ((Container) jpanel1).add((Component) jpanel2);
   ((Container) jpanel1).add((Component) jpanel3);
   ((Container) jpanel1).add((Component) jpanel4);
   ((Container) jpanel1).add((Component) jpanel5);
   ((Container) this).add((Component) jpanel1);
   if (logo == null)
   JPanel jpanel6 = new JPanel((LayoutManager) new BorderLayout());
   JPanel jpanel7 = jpanel6;
   JLabel jlabel5 = new JLabel((Icon) new ImageIcon(logo));
   ((Container) jpanel7).add((Component) jlabel5);
   ((JComponent) jpanel6).setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder((Color) Color.black));
   JPanel jpanel8 = new JPanel((LayoutManager) new BorderLayout());
   ((Container) jpanel8).add((Component) jpanel6, (object) "North");
   ((Container) this).add((Component) jpanel8, (object) "West");
Exemplo n.º 16
 public DialTextAnnotation(string label)
   DialTextAnnotation dialTextAnnotation = this;
   if (label == null)
     string str = "Null 'label' argument.";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(str);
     this.angle = -90.0;
     this.radius = 0.3;
     this.font = new Font("Dialog", 1, 14);
     this.paint = (Paint) Color.black;
     this.label = label;
     this.anchor = TextAnchor.__\u003C\u003ETOP_CENTER;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public CompassPlot(ValueDataset dataset)
   CompassPlot compassPlot = this;
   this.drawBorder = false;
   this.roseHighlightPaint = (Paint) Color.black;
   this.rosePaint = (Paint) Color.yellow;
   this.roseCenterPaint = (Paint) Color.white;
   this.compassFont = new Font("Arial", 0, 10);
   this.datasets = new ValueDataset[1];
   this.seriesNeedle = new MeterNeedle[1];
   this.revolutionDistance = 360.0;
   if (dataset != null)
     this.datasets[0] = dataset;
     dataset.addChangeListener((DatasetChangeListener) this);
   this.circle1 = (Ellipse2D) new Ellipse2D.Double();
   this.circle2 = (Ellipse2D) new Ellipse2D.Double();
   this.rect1 = (Rectangle2D) new Rectangle2D.Double();
 public SerialDateChooserPanel(SerialDate date, bool controlPanel, Color dateButtonColor, Color monthButtonColor)
   int num = controlPanel ? 1 : 0;
   base.\u002Ector((LayoutManager) new BorderLayout());
   SerialDateChooserPanel dateChooserPanel = this;
   this.chosenOtherButtonColor = (Color) Color.darkGray;
   this.firstDayOfWeek = 1;
   this.yearSelectionRange = 20;
   this.dateFont = new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10);
   this.monthSelector = (JComboBox) null;
   this.yearSelector = (JComboBox) null;
   this.todayButton = (JButton) null;
   this.buttons = (JButton[]) null;
   this.refreshing = false;
   this.date = date;
   this.dateButtonColor = dateButtonColor;
   this.monthButtonColor = monthButtonColor;
   ((Container) this).add((Component) this.constructSelectionPanel(), (object) "North");
   ((Container) this).add((Component) this.getCalendarPanel(), (object) "Center");
   if (num == 0)
   ((Container) this).add((Component) this.constructControlPanel(), (object) "South");
Exemplo n.º 19
 public StandardDialScale(double lowerBound, double upperBound, double startAngle, double extent, double majorTickIncrement, int minorTickCount)
   StandardDialScale standardDialScale = this;
   this.startAngle = startAngle;
   this.extent = extent;
   this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
   this.upperBound = upperBound;
   this.tickRadius = 0.7;
   this.tickLabelsVisible = true;
   this.tickLabelFormatter = (NumberFormat) new DecimalFormat("0.0");
   this.firstTickLabelVisible = true;
   this.tickLabelFont = new Font("Dialog", 1, 16);
   this.tickLabelPaint = (Paint) Color.blue;
   this.tickLabelOffset = 0.1;
   this.majorTickIncrement = majorTickIncrement;
   this.majorTickLength = 0.04;
   this.majorTickPaint = (Paint) Color.black;
   this.majorTickStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(3f);
   this.minorTickCount = minorTickCount;
   this.minorTickLength = 0.02;
   this.minorTickPaint = (Paint) Color.black;
   this.minorTickStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte charSet, bool isVertical)
            if (family == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("family");

            _gUnit      = unit;
            _fontFamily = family;
            _charset    = charSet;

            java.util.Hashtable attribs = new java.util.Hashtable();
            attribs.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, family.Name /*TODO: family doungrade possibility*/);
            //init defaults
            attribs.put(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_REGULAR);

            float newSize = emSize * Graphics.UnitConversion[(int)_gUnit];

            attribs.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new java.lang.Float(newSize));

            DeriveStyle(attribs, style, false);

            _jFont = family.FamilyFont.deriveFont(attribs);
        public FontFamily(string name, FontCollection fontCollection)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

            if (fontCollection == null)
                fontCollection = _installedFonts;

            if (fontCollection.Contains(name))
                _name = name;
                _name          = ToGenericFontName(GenericFontFamilies.SansSerif);
                fontCollection = _installedFonts;

            _font = fontCollection.GetInitialFont(_name);
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the font metrics for the specified font.
 /// </summary>
 public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font @font)
     return default(FontMetrics);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public DateTitle(int style, Locale locale, Font font, Paint paint, RectangleEdge position, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, RectangleInsets padding)
   : base(DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, locale).format(new Date()), font, paint, position, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment, padding)
Exemplo n.º 24
 public DateTitle(int style, Locale locale, Font font, Paint paint)
   : this(style, locale, font, paint, RectangleEdge.__\u003C\u003EBOTTOM, HorizontalAlignment.__\u003C\u003ERIGHT, VerticalAlignment.__\u003C\u003ECENTER, Title.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_PADDING)
Exemplo n.º 25
		public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte charSet, bool isVertical) {
			if (family == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("family");

			_gUnit = unit;
			_fontFamily = family;
			_charset = charSet;

			java.util.Hashtable attribs = new java.util.Hashtable();
			attribs.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, family.Name/*TODO: family doungrade possibility*/);
			//init defaults
			attribs.put(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_REGULAR);

			float newSize = emSize * Graphics.UnitConversion[ (int)_gUnit ];
			attribs.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new java.lang.Float(newSize));

			DeriveStyle(attribs, style, false);

			_jFont = family.FamilyFont.deriveFont(attribs);
Exemplo n.º 26
		public Font(Font original, FontStyle style) {
			_jFont = original.NativeObject.deriveFont( DeriveStyle(original.NativeObject.getAttributes(), style, true) );
			_gUnit = original._gUnit;
			_fontFamily = original._fontFamily;
			_charset = original._charset;
Exemplo n.º 27
 protected void AddFont(awt.Font font)
     _fonts.Add(font.getFamily(), font);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public MeterPlot(ValueDataset dataset)
   MeterPlot meterPlot = this;
   this.shape = DialShape.__\u003C\u003ECIRCLE;
   this.meterAngle = 270;
   this.range = new Range(0.0, 100.0);
   this.tickSize = 10.0;
   this.tickPaint = (Paint) Color.white;
   this.units = "Units";
   this.needlePaint = MeterPlot.DEFAULT_NEEDLE_PAINT;
   this.tickLabelsVisible = true;
   this.tickLabelFont = MeterPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_FONT;
   this.tickLabelPaint = (Paint) Color.black;
   this.tickLabelFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
   this.valueFont = MeterPlot.DEFAULT_VALUE_FONT;
   this.valuePaint = MeterPlot.DEFAULT_VALUE_PAINT;
   this.dialBackgroundPaint = MeterPlot.DEFAULT_DIAL_BACKGROUND_PAINT;
   this.intervals = (List) new ArrayList();
Exemplo n.º 29
 static MeterPlot()
   MeterPlot.DEFAULT_DIAL_BACKGROUND_PAINT = (Paint) Color.black;
   MeterPlot.DEFAULT_NEEDLE_PAINT = (Paint) Color.green;
   MeterPlot.DEFAULT_VALUE_FONT = new Font("SansSerif", 1, 12);
   MeterPlot.DEFAULT_VALUE_PAINT = (Paint) Color.yellow;
   MeterPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_FONT = new Font("SansSerif", 1, 10);
   MeterPlot.localizationResources = org.jfree.chart.util.ResourceBundleWrapper.getBundle("org.jfree.chart.plot.LocalizationBundle");
Exemplo n.º 30
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the font of this container.
		/// </summary>
		public void setFont(Font @f)
Exemplo n.º 31
 public Crosshair(double value, Paint paint, Stroke stroke)
   Crosshair crosshair = this;
   if (paint == null)
     string str = "Null 'paint' argument.";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(str);
   else if (stroke == null)
     string str = "Null 'stroke' argument.";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(str);
     this.visible = true;
     this.value = value;
     this.paint = paint;
     this.stroke = stroke;
     this.labelVisible = false;
     this.labelGenerator = (CrosshairLabelGenerator) new StandardCrosshairLabelGenerator();
     this.labelAnchor = RectangleAnchor.__\u003C\u003EBOTTOM_LEFT;
     this.labelXOffset = 3.0;
     this.labelYOffset = 3.0;
     this.labelFont = new Font("Tahoma", 0, 12);
     this.labelPaint = (Paint) Color.black;
     this.labelBackgroundPaint = (Paint) new Color(0, 0, (int) byte.MaxValue, 63);
     this.labelOutlineVisible = true;
     this.labelOutlinePaint = (Paint) Color.black;
     this.labelOutlineStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(0.5f);
     this.pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport((object) this);
Exemplo n.º 32
 static CategoryPlot()
   double num1 = 0.5;
   int num2 = 0;
   int num3 = 2;
   double num4 = 0.0;
   float[] numArray = new float[2];
   int index1 = 0;
   double num5 = 2.0;
   numArray[index1] = (float) num5;
   int index2 = 1;
   double num6 = 2.0;
   numArray[index2] = (float) num6;
   double num7 = 0.0;
   CategoryPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_GRIDLINE_STROKE = (Stroke) new BasicStroke((float) num1, num2, num3, (float) num4, numArray, (float) num7);
   CategoryPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_GRIDLINE_PAINT = (Paint) Color.lightGray;
   CategoryPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_VALUE_LABEL_FONT = new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10);
   CategoryPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_CROSSHAIR_STROKE = CategoryPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_GRIDLINE_STROKE;
   CategoryPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_CROSSHAIR_PAINT = (Paint) Color.blue;
   CategoryPlot.localizationResources = org.jfree.chart.util.ResourceBundleWrapper.getBundle("org.jfree.chart.plot.LocalizationBundle");
Exemplo n.º 33
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new <code>FontMetrics</code> object for finding out
		/// height and width information about the specified <code>Font</code>
		/// and specific character glyphs in that <code>Font</code>.
		/// </summary>
		public FontMetrics(Font @font)
Exemplo n.º 34
 public SpiderWebPlot(CategoryDataset dataset, TableOrder extract)
   SpiderWebPlot spiderWebPlot = this;
   this.webFilled = true;
   if (extract == null)
     string str = "Null 'extract' argument.";
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(str);
     this.dataset = dataset;
     if (dataset != null)
       dataset.addChangeListener((DatasetChangeListener) this);
     this.dataExtractOrder = extract;
     this.headPercent = 0.01;
     this.axisLabelGap = 0.1;
     this.axisLinePaint = (Paint) Color.black;
     this.axisLineStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f);
     this.interiorGap = 0.25;
     this.startAngle = 90.0;
     this.direction = Rotation.__\u003C\u003ECLOCKWISE;
     this.maxValue = -1.0;
     this.seriesPaint = (Paint) null;
     this.seriesPaintList = new PaintList();
     this.baseSeriesPaint = (Paint) null;
     this.seriesOutlinePaint = (Paint) null;
     this.seriesOutlinePaintList = new PaintList();
     this.baseSeriesOutlinePaint = Plot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT;
     this.seriesOutlineStroke = (Stroke) null;
     this.seriesOutlineStrokeList = new StrokeList();
     this.baseSeriesOutlineStroke = Plot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE;
     this.labelFont = SpiderWebPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_FONT;
     this.labelPaint = SpiderWebPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT;
     this.labelGenerator = (CategoryItemLabelGenerator) new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator();
     this.legendItemShape = Plot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE;
Exemplo n.º 35
 static SpiderWebPlot()
   SpiderWebPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_FONT = new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10);
   SpiderWebPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT = (Paint) Color.black;
   SpiderWebPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_BACKGROUND_PAINT = (Paint) new Color((int) byte.MaxValue, (int) byte.MaxValue, 192);
   SpiderWebPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_PAINT = (Paint) Color.black;
   SpiderWebPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_STROKE = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(0.5f);
   SpiderWebPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_SHADOW_PAINT = (Paint) Color.lightGray;