Exemplo n.º 1
 * Sets the merge type and the <code>RtfCell</code> with which this
 * <code>RtfCell</code> is to be merged.
 * @param mergeType The merge type specifies the kind of merge to be applied
 * @param mergeCell The <code>RtfCell</code> that the cell at x and y is to
 * be merged with
 public void SetMerge(int mergeType, RtfCell mergeCell)
     this.mergeType = mergeType;
     store = mergeCell.GetStore();
Exemplo n.º 2
         * Import a <code>Row</code>.
         * <P>
         * All the parameters are taken from the <code>RtfTable</code> which contains
         * this <code>RtfRow</code> and they do exactely what they say
         * @param row
         * @param propWidths in percent
         * @param tableWidth in percent
         * @param pageWidth
         * @param cellpadding
         * @param cellspacing
         * @param borders
         * @param borderColor
         * @param borderWidth
         * @param y
         * @return true if importing the row succeeded
        public bool ImportRow(Row row, float[] propWidths, int tableWidth, int pageWidth, int cellpadding,
                              int cellspacing, int borders, Color borderColor, float borderWidth,
                              int y)
            // the width of this row is the absolute witdh, calculated from the
            // proportional with of the table and the total width of the page
            this.origRow     = row;
            this.width       = pageWidth / 100 * tableWidth;
            this.cellpadding = cellpadding;
            this.cellspacing = cellspacing;
            this.borders     = borders;
            this.borderColor = borderColor;
            this.borderWidth = borderWidth;

            if (this.borderWidth > 2)
                this.borderWidth = 2;

            int cellLeft = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < row.Columns; i++)
                IElement cell = (IElement)row.GetCell(i);

                // cellWidth is an absolute argument
                // it's based on the absolute of this row and the proportional
                // width of this column
                int cellWidth = (int)(width / 100 * propWidths[i]);
                if (cell != null)
                    if (cell.Type == Element.CELL)
                        RtfCell rtfCell = (RtfCell)cells[i];
                        cellLeft = rtfCell.ImportCell((Cell)cell, cellLeft, cellWidth, i, y, cellpadding);
                    RtfCell rtfCell = (RtfCell)cells[i];
                    cellLeft = rtfCell.ImportCell(null, cellLeft, cellWidth, i, y, cellpadding);

            // recalculate the cell right border and the cumulative width
            // on col spanning cells.
            // col + row spanning cells are also handled by this loop, because the real cell of
            // the upper left corner in such an col, row matrix is copied as first cell
            // in each row in this matrix
            int columns = row.Columns;

            for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                RtfCell firstCell = (RtfCell)cells[i];
                Cell    cell      = firstCell.GetStore();
                int     cols      = 0;
                if (cell != null)
                    cols = cell.Colspan;
                if (cols > 1)
                    RtfCell lastCell = (RtfCell)cells[i + cols - 1];
                    int width = firstCell.GetCellWidth();
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < i + cols; j++)
                        RtfCell cCell = (RtfCell)cells[j];
                        width += cCell.GetCellWidth();
                    i += cols - 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Sets the merge type and the <code>RtfCell</code> with which this
  * <code>RtfCell</code> is to be merged.
  * @param mergeType The merge type specifies the kind of merge to be applied
  * @param mergeCell The <code>RtfCell</code> that the cell at x and y is to
  * be merged with
 public void SetMerge(int mergeType, RtfCell mergeCell)
     this.mergeType = mergeType;
     store          = mergeCell.GetStore();