Inheritance: IAccessibleElement
Exemplo n.º 1
        /** Writes the selected rows and columns to the document.
         * This method does not clip the columns; this is only important
         * if there are columns with colspan at boundaries.
         * <P>
         * <CODE>canvases</CODE> is obtained from <CODE>beginWritingRows()</CODE>.
         * <P>
         * The table event is only fired for complete rows.
         * @param colStart the first column to be written, zero index
         * @param colEnd the last column to be written + 1. If it is -1 all the
         * columns to the end are written
         * @param rowStart the first row to be written, zero index
         * @param rowEnd the last row to be written + 1. If it is -1 all the
         * rows to the end are written
         * @param xPos the x write coodinate
         * @param yPos the y write coodinate
         * @param canvases an array of 4 <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> obtained from
         * <CODE>beginWrittingRows()</CODE>
         * @return the y coordinate position of the bottom of the last row
         * @see #beginWritingRows(com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte)
        public float WriteSelectedRows(int colStart, int colEnd, int rowStart, int rowEnd, float xPos, float yPos, PdfContentByte[] canvases)
            if (totalWidth <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The table width must be greater than zero.");
            int size = rows.Count;

            if (rowEnd < 0)
                rowEnd = size;
            rowEnd = Math.Min(rowEnd, size);
            if (rowStart < 0)
                rowStart = 0;
            if (rowStart >= rowEnd)
            if (colEnd < 0)
                colEnd = absoluteWidths.Length;
            colEnd = Math.Min(colEnd, absoluteWidths.Length);
            if (colStart < 0)
                colStart = 0;
            colStart = Math.Min(colStart, absoluteWidths.Length);
            float yPosStart = yPos;

            for (int k = rowStart; k < rowEnd; ++k)
                PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[k];
                if (row != null)
                    row.WriteCells(colStart, colEnd, xPos, yPos, canvases);
                    yPos -= row.MaxHeights;
            if (tableEvent != null && colStart == 0 && colEnd == absoluteWidths.Length)
                float[] heights = new float[rowEnd - rowStart + 1];
                heights[0] = yPosStart;
                for (int k = rowStart; k < rowEnd; ++k)
                    PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[k];
                    float   hr  = 0;
                    if (row != null)
                        hr = row.MaxHeights;
                    heights[k - rowStart + 1] = heights[k - rowStart] - hr;
                tableEvent.TableLayout(this, GetEventWidths(xPos, rowStart, rowEnd, headersInEvent), heights, headersInEvent ? headerRows : 0, rowStart, canvases);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Makes a copy of an existing row.
  * @param row
 public PdfPRow(PdfPRow row)
     mayNotBreak = row.mayNotBreak;
     maxHeight   = row.maxHeight;
     calculated  = row.calculated;
     cells       = new PdfPCell[row.cells.Length];
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
         if (row.cells[k] != null)
             if (row.cells[k] is PdfPHeaderCell)
                 cells[k] = new PdfPHeaderCell((PdfPHeaderCell)row.cells[k]);
                 cells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.cells[k]);
     widths = new float[cells.Length];
     System.Array.Copy(row.widths, 0, widths, 0, cells.Length);
     InitExtraHeights();   = row.ID;
     this.role = row.Role;
     if (row.accessibleAttributes != null)
         this.accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary <PdfName, PdfObject>(row.GetAccessibleAttributes());
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void WriteAttributes(PdfPRow row)
     if (row != null)
         this.SetAttribute(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建测试者信息和测试信息表格
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableEle"></param>
        /// <param name="columnCount"></param>
        protected void CreateTestInfoTable(XElement tableEle, int columnCount)
            string    remark         = tableEle.Attribute("remark").Value;
            Paragraph parTableRemark = new Paragraph(remark, fontTableRemark);

            parTableRemark.IndentationLeft = 24;
            parTableRemark.SpacingBefore   = 20;

            PdfPTable      table   = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPTable(columnCount);
            List <PdfPRow> rowList = new List <iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPRow>();

            foreach (XElement rowEle in tableEle.Elements())
                List <PdfPCell> cellList = new List <iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell>();
                foreach (XElement cellEle in rowEle.Elements())
                    string label = cellEle.Attribute("label").Value;
                    string value = cellEle.Attribute("value").Value;
                    if (value.Trim().Equals(""))
                        value = "/";

                    iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell cellLabel = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(label, fontLabel));
                    cellLabel.FixedHeight         = 24;
                    cellLabel.Padding             = 4;
                    cellLabel.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT;
                    cellLabel.VerticalAlignment   = PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE;

                    PdfPCell cellContent = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(value, fontContent));
                    cellContent.FixedHeight       = 24;
                    cellContent.PaddingTop        = 4;
                    cellContent.VerticalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                    XAttribute colSpanAtt = cellEle.Attribute("colspan");
                    if (colSpanAtt != null)
                        string colspan = colSpanAtt.Value;
                        if (colspan != "")
                            cellContent.Colspan = int.Parse(colspan);
                PdfPRow row = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPRow(cellList.ToArray <PdfPCell>());
            table.KeepTogether  = true;
            table.SpacingBefore = 10;
            table.TotalWidth    = 750;
            table.LockedWidth   = true;
            Paragraph pTable = new Paragraph();

Exemplo n.º 5
        /** Gets the height of a particular row.
         * @param idx the row index (starts at 0)
         * @return the height of a particular row
        public float getRowHeight(int idx)
            if (totalWidth <= 0 || idx < 0 || idx >= rows.Count)
            PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[idx];

Exemplo n.º 6
  * Copies the content of one row to this row.
  * Don't do this if the rows have a different number of cells.
  * @param copy  the row that needs to be copied
  * @since 5.1.0
 public void CopyContent(PdfPRow copy)
     for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; ++i)
         if (cells[i] != null)
             cells[i].Column = copy.GetCells()[i].Column;
Exemplo n.º 7
 internal float [][] GetEventWidths(float xPos, int firstRow, int lastRow, bool includeHeaders)
     if (includeHeaders)
         firstRow = Math.Max(firstRow, headerRows);
         lastRow  = Math.Max(lastRow, headerRows);
     float[][] widths = new float[(includeHeaders ? headerRows : 0) + lastRow - firstRow][];
     if (isColspan)
         int n = 0;
         if (includeHeaders)
             for (int k = 0; k < headerRows; ++k)
                 PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[k];
                 if (row == null)
                     widths[n++] = row.GetEventWidth(xPos);
         for (; firstRow < lastRow; ++firstRow)
             PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[firstRow];
             if (row == null)
                 widths[n++] = row.GetEventWidth(xPos);
         float[] width = new float[absoluteWidths.Length + 1];
         width[0] = xPos;
         for (int k = 0; k < absoluteWidths.Length; ++k)
             width[k + 1] = width[k] + absoluteWidths[k];
         for (int k = 0; k < widths.Length; ++k)
             widths[k] = width;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public PdfPRow(PdfPRow row)
     maxHeight  = row.maxHeight;
     calculated = row.calculated;
     cells      = new PdfPCell[row.cells.Length];
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
         if (row.cells[k] != null)
             cells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.cells[k]);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /** Deletes a row from the table.
  * @param rowNumber the row to be deleted
  * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the row was deleted
 public bool deleteRow(int rowNumber)
     if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber >= rows.Count)
     if (totalWidth > 0)
         PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[rowNumber];
         totalHeight -= row.MaxHeights;
Exemplo n.º 10
 internal void calculateHeights()
     if (totalWidth <= 0)
     totalHeight = 0;
     for (int k = 0; k < rows.Count; ++k)
         PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[k];
         totalHeight += row.MaxHeights;
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Returns the height of the cell.
 * @return  the height of the cell
 * @since   3.0.0
 public float GetMaxHeight() {
     bool pivoted = (Rotation == 90 || Rotation == 270);
     Image img = this.Image;
     if (img != null) {
         float refWidth = pivoted ? img.ScaledHeight : img.ScaledWidth;
         float scale = (Right - EffectivePaddingRight
                 - EffectivePaddingLeft - Left) / refWidth;
         img.ScalePercent(scale * 100);
         float refHeight = pivoted ? img.ScaledWidth : img.ScaledHeight;
         Bottom = Top - EffectivePaddingTop - EffectivePaddingBottom - refHeight;
     else {
         if (pivoted && HasFixedHeight())
             Bottom = Top - FixedHeight;
         else {
             ColumnText ct = ColumnText.Duplicate(Column);
             float right, top, left, bottom;
             if (pivoted) {
                 right = PdfPRow.RIGHT_LIMIT;
                 top = Right - EffectivePaddingRight;
                 left = 0;
                 bottom = Left + EffectivePaddingLeft;
             else {
                 right = NoWrap ? PdfPRow.RIGHT_LIMIT : Right - EffectivePaddingRight;
                 top = Top - EffectivePaddingTop;
                 left = Left + EffectivePaddingLeft;
                 bottom = HasFixedHeight() ? top + EffectivePaddingBottom - FixedHeight : PdfPRow.BOTTOM_LIMIT;
             PdfPRow.SetColumn(ct, left, bottom, right, top);
             if (pivoted)
                 Bottom = Top - EffectivePaddingTop - EffectivePaddingBottom - ct.FilledWidth;
             else {
                 float yLine = ct.YLine;
                 if (UseDescender)
                     yLine += ct.Descender;
                 Bottom = yLine - EffectivePaddingBottom;
     float height = Height;
     if (HasFixedHeight())
         height = FixedHeight;
     else if (HasMinimumHeight() && height < MinimumHeight)
         height = MinimumHeight;
     return height;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Makes a copy of an existing row.
  * @param row
 public PdfPRow(PdfPRow row)
     maxHeight  = row.maxHeight;
     calculated = row.calculated;
     cells      = new PdfPCell[row.cells.Length];
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
         if (row.cells[k] != null)
             cells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.cells[k]);
     widths = new float[cells.Length];
     Array.Copy(row.widths, 0, widths, 0, cells.Length);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public PdfPRow(PdfPCell[] cells, PdfPRow source)
     this.cells = cells;
     widths     = new float[cells.Length];
     if (source != null)
     {   = source.ID;
         this.role = source.Role;
         if (source.accessibleAttributes != null)
             this.accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary <PdfName, PdfObject>(source.GetAccessibleAttributes());
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes a copy of an existing row.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row"></param>
 public PdfPRow(PdfPRow row)
     MaxHeight  = row.MaxHeight;
     Calculated = row.Calculated;
     Cells      = new PdfPCell[row.Cells.Length];
     for (var k = 0; k < Cells.Length; ++k)
         if (row.Cells[k] != null)
             Cells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.Cells[k]);
     Widths = new float[Cells.Length];
     Array.Copy(row.Widths, 0, Widths, 0, Cells.Length);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Calculates the heights of the table.
 public void CalculateHeightsFast()
     if (totalWidth <= 0)
     totalHeight = 0;
     for (int k = 0; k < rows.Count; ++k)
         PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[k];
         if (row != null)
             totalHeight += row.MaxHeights;
Exemplo n.º 16
        /** Adds a cell element.
         * @param cell the cell element
        public void AddCell(PdfPCell cell)
            PdfPCell ncell   = new PdfPCell(cell);
            int      colspan = ncell.Colspan;

            colspan       = Math.Max(colspan, 1);
            colspan       = Math.Min(colspan, currentRow.Length - currentRowIdx);
            ncell.Colspan = colspan;
            if (colspan != 1)
                isColspan = true;
            int rdir = ncell.RunDirection;

            if (rdir == PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT)
                ncell.RunDirection = runDirection;
            currentRow[currentRowIdx] = ncell;
            currentRowIdx            += colspan;
            if (currentRowIdx >= currentRow.Length)
                if (runDirection == PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL)
                    PdfPCell[] rtlRow = new PdfPCell[absoluteWidths.Length];
                    int        rev    = currentRow.Length;
                    for (int k = 0; k < currentRow.Length; ++k)
                        PdfPCell rcell = currentRow[k];
                        int      cspan = rcell.Colspan;
                        rev        -= cspan;
                        rtlRow[rev] = rcell;
                        k          += cspan - 1;
                    currentRow = rtlRow;
                PdfPRow row = new PdfPRow(currentRow);
                if (totalWidth > 0)
                    totalHeight += row.MaxHeights;
                currentRow    = new PdfPCell[absoluteWidths.Length];
                currentRowIdx = 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
 /** Constructs a copy of a <CODE>PdfPTable</CODE>.
  * @param table the <CODE>PdfPTable</CODE> to be copied
 public PdfPTable(PdfPTable table)
     for (int k = 0; k < currentRow.Length; ++k)
         if (table.currentRow[k] == null)
         currentRow[k] = new PdfPCell(table.currentRow[k]);
     for (int k = 0; k < table.rows.Count; ++k)
         PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)(table.rows[k]);
         if (row != null)
             row = new PdfPRow(row);
Exemplo n.º 18
         * Writes the selected rows to the document.
         * <P>
         * <CODE>canvases</CODE> is obtained from <CODE>beginWrittingRows()</CODE>.
         * @param rowStart the first row to be written, zero index
         * @param rowEnd the last row to be written - 1. If it is -1 all the
         * rows to the end are written
         * @param xPos the x write coodinate
         * @param yPos the y write coodinate
         * @param canvases an array of 4 <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> obtained from
         * <CODE>beginWrittingRows()</CODE>
         * @return the y coordinate position of the bottom of the last row
         * @see #beginWritingRows(iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte)
        public float writeSelectedRows(int rowStart, int rowEnd, float xPos, float yPos, PdfContentByte[] canvases)
            if (totalWidth <= 0)
                throw new RuntimeException("The table width must be greater than zero.");
            int size = rows.Count;

            if (rowEnd < 0)
                rowEnd = size;
            if (rowStart >= size || rowStart >= rowEnd)
            rowEnd = Math.Min(rowEnd, size);
            float yPosStart = yPos;

            for (int k = rowStart; k < rowEnd; ++k)
                PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[k];
                row.writeCells(xPos, yPos, canvases);
                yPos -= row.MaxHeights;
            if (tableEvent != null)
                float[] heights = new float[rowEnd - rowStart + 1];
                heights[0] = yPosStart;
                for (int k = rowStart; k < rowEnd; ++k)
                    PdfPRow row = (PdfPRow)rows[k];
                    heights[k - rowStart + 1] = heights[k - rowStart] - row.MaxHeights;
                tableEvent.tableLayout(this, getEventWidths(xPos, rowStart, rowEnd, false), heights, 0, rowStart, canvases);
    protected void Prepare_Print()
        String[] weekDays = new String[] { " ","Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu" };
        int[] sessions = new int[] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
        PdfPTable tblSchedule = new PdfPTable(10);
        PdfPRow[] tempRow = new PdfPRow[6];
        PdfPCell[][] tempCell = new PdfPCell[6][];
        int rowIndex = 0;
        int cellIndex = 0;
        Paragraph subject = new Paragraph();
        Paragraph teacher = new Paragraph();
        Paragraph lunch = new Paragraph();
        Paragraph dayPara = new Paragraph();
        Paragraph sessionPara = new Paragraph();
        Paragraph teacherPara = new Paragraph();

        Font lunch_font = new Font();
        Font day_session_para = new Font();
        Font session_font = new Font();
        Font teacher_font = new Font();

        session_font.Size = 10;
        teacher_font.Size = 7;

        lunch_font.SetColor(153, 153, 255);
        lunch = new Paragraph("Lunch", lunch_font);

        day_session_para.SetColor(0, 0, 153);

        foreach (String weekDay in weekDays)
            tempCell[rowIndex] = new PdfPCell[10];
            tempRow[rowIndex] = new PdfPRow(tempCell[rowIndex]);
            foreach (int session in sessions)
                if (session == 0 || session == 6)
                    if (session == 0)
                        dayPara = new Paragraph(weekDays[rowIndex],day_session_para);
                        tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(dayPara);
                        if (weekDay != " ")
                            tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(lunch);
                            //tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(Convert.ToString(sessions[cellIndex])));
                            dayPara = new Paragraph(Convert.ToString(sessions[cellIndex]), day_session_para);
                            tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(dayPara);
                    if (weekDay == " ")
                        dayPara = new Paragraph(Convert.ToString(sessions[cellIndex]), day_session_para);
                        tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(dayPara);
                        //tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(Convert.ToString(sessions[cellIndex])));
                        string query = "select B.CourseTitle,A.TeacherID from tblStudentCourseMap as A,tblCourses as B where A.ComCod = B.ComCod and A.DaySession = '" + weekDay + session + "' and A.StudentID = '" + Current_User_ID + "'";
                        SqlDataReader sessionDet = myCon.ExecuteReader(query);

                        if (sessionDet.Read())
                            if (!sessionDet.IsDBNull(0))
                                sessionPara = new Paragraph(sessionDet.GetString(0), session_font);
                                //tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(sessionPara);
                                teacherPara = new Paragraph(sessionDet.GetString(1), teacher_font);
                                tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(sessionPara));
                                tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex].Phrase.Add(new Phrase("\n"));
                                //tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(sessionDet.GetString(0) + "\n" + sessionDet.GetString(1)));
                                tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(""));
                            tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(""));
                        tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex].FixedHeight = 75;


                //tempCell[rowIndex][cellIndex].Width = 50;
                //tempRow[rowIndex].Cells.Add(tempCell[cellIndex++, rowIndex]);
            cellIndex = 0;

        Font HeaderFont = new Font();
        Font HeadingFont = new Font();
        HeaderFont.Size = 20;
        HeadingFont.Size = 15;
        Paragraph HeaderPara = new Paragraph("BITS PILANI, DUBAI OFFCAMPUS - TIMETABLE", HeaderFont);
        Paragraph HeadingPara = new Paragraph("Time Table allotment for " + Current_User_ID + ".",HeadingFont);
        HeaderPara.Alignment = HeadingPara.Alignment = 1;

        Document rptTimetable = new Document(PageSize.A4_LANDSCAPE.Rotate());
        PdfWriter.GetInstance(rptTimetable, new FileStream(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "\\" + Current_User_ID + "_timetable.pdf", FileMode.Create));
        rptTimetable.AddHeader("BITS PILANI, DUBAI OFFCAMPUS", "TIMETABLE");
        rptTimetable.Add(new Paragraph("\n"));
        rptTimetable.AddTitle("BITS PILANI, DUBAI OFFCAMPUS - TIMETABLE");
        rptTimetable.Add(new Paragraph("\n\n"));

        if (rptTimetable != null && tblSchedule != null)
        Response.Redirect("~\\" + Current_User_ID + "_timetable.pdf");
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void WriteAttributes(PdfPRow row) {
            if (row != null) {

Exemplo n.º 21
         * Splits a row to newHeight.
         * The returned row is the remainder. It will return null if the newHeight
         * was so small that only an empty row would result.
         * @param new_height the new height
         * @return the remainder row or null if the newHeight was so small that only
         * an empty row would result
        public PdfPRow SplitRow(PdfPTable table, int rowIndex, float new_height)
            // second part of the row
            PdfPCell[] newCells = new PdfPCell[cells.Length];
            float[]    fixHs    = new float[cells.Length];
            float[]    minHs    = new float[cells.Length];
            bool       allEmpty = true;

            // loop over all the cells
            for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
                float    newHeight = new_height;
                PdfPCell cell      = cells[k];
                if (cell == null)
                    int index = rowIndex;
                    if (table.RowSpanAbove(index, k))
                        while (table.RowSpanAbove(--index, k))
                            newHeight += table.GetRow(index).MaxHeights;
                        PdfPRow row = table.GetRow(index);
                        if (row != null && row.GetCells()[k] != null)
                            newCells[k]         = new PdfPCell(row.GetCells()[k]);
                            newCells[k].Column  = null;
                            newCells[k].Rowspan = row.GetCells()[k].Rowspan - rowIndex + index;
                            allEmpty            = false;
                fixHs[k] = cell.FixedHeight;
                minHs[k] = cell.MinimumHeight;
                Image    img     = cell.Image;
                PdfPCell newCell = new PdfPCell(cell);
                if (img != null)
                    if (newHeight > cell.EffectivePaddingBottom + cell.EffectivePaddingTop + 2)
                        newCell.Phrase = null;
                        allEmpty       = false;
                    float      y;
                    ColumnText ct     = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.Column);
                    float      left   = cell.Left + cell.EffectivePaddingLeft;
                    float      bottom = cell.Top + cell.EffectivePaddingBottom - newHeight;
                    float      right  = cell.Right - cell.EffectivePaddingRight;
                    float      top    = cell.Top - cell.EffectivePaddingTop;
                    switch (cell.Rotation)
                    case 90:
                    case 270:
                        y = SetColumn(ct, bottom, left, top, right);

                        y = SetColumn(ct, left, bottom + 0.00001f, cell.NoWrap ? RIGHT_LIMIT : right, top);
                    int status;
                    status = ct.Go(true);
                    bool thisEmpty = (ct.YLine == y);
                    if (thisEmpty)
                        newCell.Column = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.Column);
                        ct.FilledWidth = 0;
                    else if ((status & ColumnText.NO_MORE_TEXT) == 0)
                        newCell.Column = ct;
                        ct.FilledWidth = 0;
                        newCell.Phrase = null;
                    allEmpty = (allEmpty && thisEmpty);
                newCells[k]      = newCell;
                cell.FixedHeight = newHeight;
            if (allEmpty)
                for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
                    PdfPCell cell = cells[k];
                    if (cell == null)
                    if (fixHs[k] > 0)
                        cell.FixedHeight = fixHs[k];
                        cell.MinimumHeight = minHs[k];
            PdfPRow split = new PdfPRow(newCells);

            split.widths = (float[])widths.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Constructs a RtfRow for a Row.
 * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfRow belongs to
 * @param rtfTable The RtfTable this RtfRow belongs to
 * @param row The Row this RtfRow is based on
 * @param rowNumber The number of this row
 * @since 2.1.3
 protected internal RtfRow(RtfDocument doc, RtfTable rtfTable, PdfPRow row, int rowNumber) : base(doc) {
     this.parentTable = rtfTable;
     this.rowNumber = rowNumber;
Exemplo n.º 23
 * Splits a row to newHeight.
 * The returned row is the remainder. It will return null if the newHeight
 * was so small that only an empty row would result.
 * @param new_height the new height
 * @return the remainder row or null if the newHeight was so small that only
 * an empty row would result
 public PdfPRow SplitRow(PdfPTable table, int rowIndex, float new_height)
     // second part of the row
     PdfPCell[] newCells = new PdfPCell[cells.Length];
     float[] fixHs = new float[cells.Length];
     float[] minHs = new float[cells.Length];
     bool allEmpty = true;
     // loop over all the cells
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k) {
         float newHeight = new_height;
         PdfPCell cell = cells[k];
         if (cell == null) {
             int index = rowIndex;
             if (table.RowSpanAbove(index, k)) {
                 while (table.RowSpanAbove(--index, k)) {
                     newHeight += table.GetRow(index).MaxHeights;
                 PdfPRow row = table.GetRow(index);
                 if (row != null && row.GetCells()[k] != null) {
                     newCells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.GetCells()[k]);
                     newCells[k].Column = null;
                     newCells[k].Rowspan = row.GetCells()[k].Rowspan - rowIndex + index;
                     allEmpty = false;
         fixHs[k] = cell.FixedHeight;
         minHs[k] = cell.MinimumHeight;
         Image img = cell.Image;
         PdfPCell newCell = new PdfPCell(cell);
         if (img != null) {
             if (newHeight > cell.EffectivePaddingBottom + cell.EffectivePaddingTop + 2) {
                 newCell.Phrase = null;
                 allEmpty = false;
         else {
             float y;
             ColumnText ct = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.Column);
             float left = cell.Left + cell.EffectivePaddingLeft;
             float bottom = cell.Top + cell.EffectivePaddingBottom - newHeight;
             float right = cell.Right - cell.EffectivePaddingRight;
             float top = cell.Top - cell.EffectivePaddingTop;
             switch (cell.Rotation) {
                 case 90:
                 case 270:
                     y = SetColumn(ct, bottom, left, top, right);
                     y = SetColumn(ct, left, bottom + 0.00001f, cell.NoWrap ? RIGHT_LIMIT : right, top);
             int status;
             status = ct.Go(true);
             bool thisEmpty = (ct.YLine == y);
             if (thisEmpty) {
                 newCell.Column = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.Column);
                 ct.FilledWidth = 0;
             else if ((status & ColumnText.NO_MORE_TEXT) == 0) {
                 newCell.Column = ct;
                 ct.FilledWidth = 0;
                 newCell.Phrase = null;
             allEmpty = (allEmpty && thisEmpty);
         newCells[k] = newCell;
         cell.FixedHeight = newHeight;
     if (allEmpty) {
         for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k) {
             PdfPCell cell = cells[k];
             if (cell == null)
             if (fixHs[k] > 0)
                 cell.FixedHeight = fixHs[k];
                 cell.MinimumHeight = minHs[k];
         return null;
     PdfPRow split = new PdfPRow(newCells);
     split.widths = (float[]) widths.Clone();
     return split;
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Makes a copy of an existing row.
 * @param row
 public PdfPRow(PdfPRow row) {
     mayNotBreak = row.mayNotBreak;
     maxHeight = row.maxHeight;
     calculated = row.calculated;
     cells = new PdfPCell[row.cells.Length];
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k) {
         if (row.cells[k] != null)
             if (row.cells[k] is PdfPHeaderCell)
                 cells[k] = new PdfPHeaderCell((PdfPHeaderCell)row.cells[k]);
                 cells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.cells[k]);
     widths = new float[cells.Length];
     System.Array.Copy(row.widths, 0, widths, 0, cells.Length);
     InitExtraHeights(); = row.ID;
     this.role = row.Role;
     if (row.accessibleAttributes != null)
         this.accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>(row.GetAccessibleAttributes());
        private static PdfPTable CreateReportTable(IGrouping<GroupingByDate, Income> sales)
            var dataTable = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 2, 1, 1.5f, 3.5f, 1 });
            dataTable.WidthPercentage = 100f;
            Font dateFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 11);
            // var date = sales.Key.Year + "-" +
            //     sales.Key.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "-" +
            //     sales.Key.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

            var date = sales.First().Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");

            var dateParagraph = new Paragraph("Date: " + date, dateFont);
            var dateCell = new PdfPCell(dateParagraph);
            dateCell.Padding = 5;
            dateCell.Colspan = 5;
            dateCell.BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(243, 243, 243);

            var headerFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 10, Font.BOLD);
            var productCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Product", headerFont));
            var quantityCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Quantity", headerFont));
            var unitPriceCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Unit Price", headerFont));
            var locationCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Location", headerFont));
            var sumCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Sum", headerFont));
            var headerCells = new PdfPCell[] { productCell, quantityCell, unitPriceCell, locationCell, sumCell };
            foreach (var cell in headerCells)
                cell.BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(200, 200, 200);
                cell.Padding = 5;
            var headerRow = new PdfPRow(headerCells);

            var dataFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 10);
            decimal total = 0;
            foreach (var sale in sales)
                var productDataCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(sale.Product.Name, dataFont));
                var quantityDataCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(sale.Quantity.ToString() + " " + sale.Product.Measure.Name, dataFont));
                var unitPriceDataCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(sale.SalePrice.ToString(), dataFont));
                var locationDataCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(sale.Supermarket.Name, dataFont));
                var sum = ((decimal)sale.Quantity * sale.SalePrice);
                var sumDataCell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(sum.ToString(), dataFont));
                var dataCells = new PdfPCell[] { productDataCell, quantityDataCell, unitPriceDataCell, locationDataCell, sumDataCell };

                foreach (var cell in dataCells)
                    cell.Padding = 5;
                var dataRow = new PdfPRow(dataCells);
                total += sum;

            Font totalSumFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 11, Font.BOLD);
            var footerTotal = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Total sum for " + date + ":", dataFont));
            footerTotal.Colspan = 4;
            footerTotal.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            footerTotal.Padding = 5;
            var footerSum = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(total.ToString(), totalSumFont));
            footerSum.Padding = 5;

            return dataTable;
Exemplo n.º 26
         * Splits a row to newHeight. The returned row is the remainder. It will
         * return null if the newHeight was so small that only an empty row would
         * result.
         * @param newHeight
         *            the new height
         * @return the remainder row or null if the newHeight was so small that only
         *         an empty row would result
        public PdfPRow SplitRow(float newHeight)
            PdfPCell[] newCells = new PdfPCell[cells.Length];
            float[]    fh       = new float[cells.Length * 2];
            bool       allEmpty = true;

            for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
                PdfPCell cell = cells[k];
                if (cell == null)
                fh[k * 2]     = cell.FixedHeight;
                fh[k * 2 + 1] = cell.MinimumHeight;
                Image    img = cell.Image;
                PdfPCell c2  = new PdfPCell(cell);
                if (img != null)
                    if (newHeight > cell.EffectivePaddingBottom
                        + cell.EffectivePaddingTop + 2)
                        c2.Phrase = null;
                        allEmpty  = false;
                    int        status;
                    float      y;
                    ColumnText ct = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.Column);
                    if (cell.Rotation == 90 || cell.Rotation == 270)
                        y = SetColumn(ct,
                                      cell.Top - newHeight + cell.EffectivePaddingBottom,
                                      cell.Left + cell.EffectivePaddingLeft,
                                      cell.Top - cell.EffectivePaddingTop,
                                      cell.Right - cell.EffectivePaddingRight);
                        float rightLimit = cell.NoWrap ? 20000 : cell.Right
                                           - cell.EffectivePaddingRight;
                        float y1 = cell.Top - newHeight
                                   + cell.EffectivePaddingBottom;
                        float y2 = cell.Top - cell.EffectivePaddingTop;
                        y = Math.Max(y1, y2);
                        y = SetColumn(ct,
                                      cell.Left + cell.EffectivePaddingLeft, y1,
                                      rightLimit, y2);
                    status = ct.Go(true);
                    bool thisEmpty = (ct.YLine == y);
                    if (thisEmpty)
                        ct = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.Column);
                    allEmpty = (allEmpty && thisEmpty);
                    if ((status & ColumnText.NO_MORE_TEXT) == 0 || thisEmpty)
                        c2.Column      = ct;
                        ct.FilledWidth = 0;
                        c2.Phrase = null;
                newCells[k]      = c2;
                cell.FixedHeight = newHeight;
            if (allEmpty)
                for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
                    PdfPCell cell = cells[k];
                    if (cell == null)
                    float f = fh[k * 2];
                    float m = fh[k * 2 + 1];
                    if (f <= 0)
                        cell.MinimumHeight = m;
                        cell.FixedHeight = f;
            PdfPRow split = new PdfPRow(newCells);

            split.widths = (float[])widths.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 27
        public Boolean generatePdf(String fileName, List<encuesta> e, resultado r)
                new Utils.DeleteFile().deleteFile(@HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Utils/pdfs/"));
                var colaborador = new EmpleadoDB().listAll(r.id_empleado);
                var evaluador = new EvaluadorDB().listAll(r.id_evaluador);

                var document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);
                var pdfwriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(@HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Utils/pdfs/" + fileName), FileMode.Create));
                String[] heads = { "ÁREA DEL DESEMPEÑO", "MUY BAJO", "BAJO", "MEDIO", "ALTO", "MUY ALTO" };
                String[] subHeads = { "", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" };

                // Creamos el tipo de Font que vamos utilizar
                iTextSharp.text.Font docFont = new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 8, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
                iTextSharp.text.Font docFont1 = new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 8, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);

                document.Add(new Paragraph("Colaborador : " + colaborador[0].nombres + " " + colaborador[0].apellidos));
                document.Add(new Paragraph("Evaluador : " + evaluador[0].nombres + " " + evaluador[0].apellidos));
                document.Add(new Paragraph("Fecha : " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()));

                var tblEncuesta = new PdfPTable(heads.Length);
                float[] colWidth = { 1000, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150 };
                tblEncuesta.WidthPercentage = 100;

                PdfPCell[] rowCell = new PdfPCell[heads.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < heads.Length; i++)
                    var pdfCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(heads[i], docFont1)) { HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, BorderWidth = 0.75f, FixedHeight = 15f, BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(230, 230, 230) };
                    if (i == 0)
                        pdfCell.Rowspan = 2;
                        pdfCell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                        pdfCell.BorderWidthBottom = 0;
                    rowCell[i] = pdfCell;
                var row1 = new PdfPRow(rowCell);

                PdfPCell[] rowCell1 = new PdfPCell[subHeads.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < subHeads.Length; i++)
                    var pdfCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(subHeads[i], docFont)) { BorderWidth = 0.75f, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, FixedHeight = 15f };
                    if (i == 0) pdfCell.BorderWidthTop = 0;
                    rowCell1[i] = pdfCell;

                var row2 = new PdfPRow(rowCell1);

                //body table
                for (var i = 0; i < e.Count; i++)
                    PdfPCell[] rowBody = new PdfPCell[heads.Length];
                    for (int c = 0; c < heads.Length; c++)
                        PdfPCell cell;
                        if (c == 0)
                            if (e[i].id_pregunta == 0)
                                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(e[i].descripcion, docFont1)) { BorderWidth = 0.75f, FixedHeight = 15f };
                                cell.Colspan = 6;
                                cell.BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(230, 230, 230);

                                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(e[i].descripcion, docFont)) { BorderWidth = 0.75f, FixedHeight = 15f };
                            if (c == e[i].puntaje)
                                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(e[i].puntaje.ToString(), docFont)) { BorderWidth = 0.75f, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, FixedHeight = 15f };
                                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ", docFont)) { BorderWidth = 0.75f, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, FixedHeight = 15f };
                        rowBody[c] = cell;
                    var row3 = new PdfPRow(rowBody);


                return true;
            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 28
 /** Adds a cell element.
 * @param cell the cell element
 public void AddCell(PdfPCell cell)
     PdfPCell ncell = new PdfPCell(cell);
     int colspan = ncell.Colspan;
     colspan = Math.Max(colspan, 1);
     colspan = Math.Min(colspan, currentRow.Length - currentRowIdx);
     ncell.Colspan = colspan;
     if (colspan != 1)
         isColspan = true;
     int rdir = ncell.RunDirection;
     if (rdir == PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT)
         ncell.RunDirection = runDirection;
     currentRow[currentRowIdx] = ncell;
     currentRowIdx += colspan;
     if (currentRowIdx >= currentRow.Length) {
         if (runDirection == PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL) {
             PdfPCell[] rtlRow = new PdfPCell[absoluteWidths.Length];
             int rev = currentRow.Length;
             for (int k = 0; k < currentRow.Length; ++k) {
                 PdfPCell rcell = currentRow[k];
                 int cspan = rcell.Colspan;
                 rev -= cspan;
                 rtlRow[rev] = rcell;
                 k += cspan - 1;
             currentRow = rtlRow;
         PdfPRow row = new PdfPRow(currentRow);
         if (totalWidth > 0) {
             totalHeight += row.MaxHeights;
         currentRow = new PdfPCell[absoluteWidths.Length];
         currentRowIdx = 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
        /** Constructs a copy of a <CODE>PdfPTable</CODE>.
        * @param table the <CODE>PdfPTable</CODE> to be copied

        public PdfPTable(PdfPTable table)
            for (int k = 0; k < currentRow.Length; ++k)
                if (table.currentRow[k] == null)
                currentRow[k] = new PdfPCell(table.currentRow[k]);
            for (int k = 0; k < table.rows.Count; ++k)
                PdfPRow row = table.rows[k];
                if (row != null)
                    row = new PdfPRow(row);
Exemplo n.º 30
 private void WriteAttributes(PdfPRow row)
     if (row != null)
         this.SetAttribute(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE);
Exemplo n.º 31
        protected void btnPDF_Click2(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string CurrentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(lblDate2.Text).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + Convert.ToDateTime(lblDate2.Text).ToString("hhmmsstt");
                string Location = Session["LocationName"].ToString();
                string PayrollDate = "PAYROLL REPORT " + lblWeekPayrollReport.Text;
                string filepath = Server.MapPath("~/Payroll/" + Location + "/" + CurrentDate + "/");
                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(filepath))
                if (ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Text == "INDG" || ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Value == "INBH")
                    var pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A3);
                    PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, new FileStream(filepath + "Payroll" + CurrentDate + ".pdf", FileMode.Create));
                    Session["FilePath"] = filepath + "Payroll" + CurrentDate + ".pdf";
                    Session["filename"] = "Payroll" + CurrentDate + ".pdf";
                    var table1 = new PdfPTable(15);
                    table1.WidthPercentage = 100;
                    table1.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                    float[] widths = new float[] { 1.2f, 3f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 2.5f, 1.5f, 1.2f, 1.5f, 2f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.2f, 2f };
                    table1.SpacingAfter = 15;

                    iTextSharp.text.Font fntTableFont1 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
                    iTextSharp.text.Font fntTableFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
                    iTextSharp.text.Font fntTableHeading = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 14, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD, BaseColor.MAGENTA);
                    iTextSharp.text.Font fntTableFont2 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);

                    iTextSharp.text.Font georgia = FontFactory.GetFont("georgia", 16f, 1, new BaseColor(System.Drawing.Color.Red));
                    Chunk beginning = new Chunk(PayrollDate, georgia);
                    Phrase p1 = new Phrase(beginning);
                    PdfPCell CellHeading = new PdfPCell(p1);
                    CellHeading.Colspan = 15;
                    CellHeading.Border = 0;
                    CellHeading.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                    CellHeading.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                    CellHeading = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" "));
                    CellHeading.Colspan = 15;
                    CellHeading.Rowspan = 4;
                    CellHeading.Border = 0;
                    CellHeading.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                    CellHeading.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                    CellHeading = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(lblTotal.Text, fntTableFont));
                    CellHeading.Colspan = 7;
                    CellHeading.Border = 0;
                    CellHeading.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                    CellHeading.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                    CellHeading = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Report generated at  " + Convert.ToDateTime(lblDate2.Text).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + " by " + Session["EmpName"].ToString().Trim(), fntTableFont));
                    CellHeading.Colspan = 8;
                    CellHeading.Border = 0;
                    CellHeading.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                    CellHeading.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                    if (ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Text.ToString() == "INDG" || ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Text.ToString() == "INBH")
                        DataTable dt = GetDataTable(grdPayRollIndia);

                        PdfPCell CellZero = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Employee Information", fntTableFont1));
                        CellZero.Colspan = 8;
                        CellZero.BorderWidthRight = 1;
                        CellZero.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY;
                        CellZero.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                        CellZero.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                        CellZero.Rowspan = 2;

                        PdfPCell CellZero2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Attendance Information", fntTableFont1));
                        CellZero2.Colspan = 7;
                        CellZero2.Rowspan = 2;
                        CellZero2.Border = 0;
                        CellZero2.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY;
                        CellZero.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                        CellZero2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                        PdfPCell[] cel = new PdfPCell[15];
                        PdfPRow row = new PdfPRow(cel);
                        cel[0] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("EmpID", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[1] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Name", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[2] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("StartDt", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[3] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("TermDt", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[4] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Department", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[5] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Type", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[6] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Location", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[7] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Salary", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[8] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Working days", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[9] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Attend days", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[10] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Used", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[11] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Balanced", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[12] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Total Salary", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[13] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Is New", fntTableFont1));
                        cel[14] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Is Changes", fntTableFont1));


                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            PdfPCell[] cell1 = new PdfPCell[15];
                            PdfPRow row1 = new PdfPRow(cell1);
                            cell1[0] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["EmpID"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[1] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[2] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["StartDt"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[3] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["TermDt"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[4] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Dept"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[5] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Type"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[6] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Location"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[7] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Salary"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[8] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["WorkingDays"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[9] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["AttendDays"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[10] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["PaidUsed"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[11] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["PaidBalanced"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[12] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["TotalPay"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[13] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Isnew"].ToString(), fntTableFont));
                            cell1[14] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["ischanges"].ToString(), fntTableFont));

                        dt = GetNewEmpTable(grdNewEmp);
                        PdfPTable tbl2 = new PdfPTable(7);
                        tbl2.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
                        tbl2.WidthPercentage = 70;
                        PdfPCell celhead = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("New employee(s) data :", fntTableFont2));
                        celhead.Colspan = 7;
                        celhead.Border = 0;
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            cel = new PdfPCell[7];
                            row = new PdfPRow(cel);
                            cel[0] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("EmpID", fntTableFont2));
                            cel[1] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Name", fntTableFont2));
                            cel[2] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Emp type", fntTableFont2));
                            cel[3] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Start date", fntTableFont2));
                            cel[4] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Date of birth", fntTableFont2));
                            cel[5] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Deductions", fntTableFont2));
                            cel[6] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Address", fntTableFont2));

                            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                PdfPCell[] cell1 = new PdfPCell[7];
                                PdfPRow row1 = new PdfPRow(cell1);
                                cell1[0] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["EmpID"].ToString(), fntTableFont2));
                                cell1[1] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(), fntTableFont2));
                                cell1[2] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Emp type"].ToString(), fntTableFont2));
                                cell1[3] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Start date"].ToString(), fntTableFont2));
                                cell1[4] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Date of birth"].ToString(), fntTableFont2));
                                cell1[5] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Deductions"].ToString(), fntTableFont2));
                                cell1[6] = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dt.Rows[i]["Address"].ToString(), fntTableFont2));

                        PdfPTable tbl3 = new PdfPTable(1);
                        tbl3.WidthPercentage = 70;
                        tbl3.SpacingBefore = 10;
                        tbl3.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
                        PdfPCell pcell = new PdfPCell();
                        pcell.Border = 0;

                        PdfPCell pcelhead = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("List of Changes during this period :", fntTableFont2));
                        pcelhead.Border = 0;

                        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                        HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
                        List<IElement> htmlarraylist = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(sw.ToString()), null);
                        if (htmlarraylist.Count > 0)
                            for (int k = 0; k < htmlarraylist.Count; k++)
                    var pdfDoc = new Document(new Rectangle(1200,800));
                    PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, new FileStream(filepath + "Payroll"+CurrentDate+".pdf", FileMode.Create));
                    Session["FilePath"] = filepath + "Payroll" + CurrentDate + ".pdf";
                    Session["filename"] = "Payroll" + CurrentDate + ".pdf";
                    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                    HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
                    StringReader sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString());
                    HTMLWorker htmlparser = new HTMLWorker(pdfDoc);
                   // PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, new FileStream(filepath + "Payroll.pdf", FileMode.Create));
                    Session["FilePath"] = filepath + "Payroll.pdf";

                    iTextSharp.text.Font georgia = FontFactory.GetFont("georgia", 20f, 1, new BaseColor(System.Drawing.Color.Brown));
                    //georgia.Color = Color.Gray;
                    Chunk beginning = new Chunk(PayrollDate, georgia);
                    Phrase p1 = new Phrase(beginning);
                    Phrase p2 = new Phrase();
                    pdfDoc.Add(new Paragraph(p1));
                    //pdfDoc.Add(new Paragraph(30f, "Created at" + Convert.ToDateTime(lblDate2.Text).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + " by " + Session["EmpName"].ToString().Trim()));
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 32
 * Imports a PdfPRow and copies all settings
 * @param row The PdfPRow to import
 * @since 2.1.3
 private void ImportRow(PdfPRow row) {
     this.cells = new ArrayList();
     this.width = this.document.GetDocumentHeader().GetPageSetting().GetPageWidth() - this.document.GetDocumentHeader().GetPageSetting().GetMarginLeft() - this.document.GetDocumentHeader().GetPageSetting().GetMarginRight();
     this.width = (int) (this.width * this.parentTable.GetTableWidthPercent() / 100);
     int cellRight = 0;
     int cellWidth = 0;
     PdfPCell[] cells = row.GetCells();
     for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++) {
         cellWidth = (int) (this.width * this.parentTable.GetProportionalWidths()[i] / 100);
         cellRight = cellRight + cellWidth;
         PdfPCell cell = cells[i];
         RtfCell rtfCell = new RtfCell(this.document, this, cell);
Exemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建参数表格
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableEle"></param>
        /// <param name="columnCount"></param>
        protected void CreateCompareTable2(XElement tableEle, int columnCount)
            string remark = tableEle.Attribute("remark").Value;
            Paragraph parTableRemark = new Paragraph(remark, fontTableRemark);
            parTableRemark.IndentationLeft = 24;
            parTableRemark.SpacingBefore = 20;

            PdfPTable table = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPTable(new float[] { 270, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80 });
            List<PdfPRow> rowList = new List<iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPRow>();
            for (int i = 0; i < tableEle.Elements().Count(); i++)
                XElement rowEle = tableEle.Elements().ElementAt(i);
                List<PdfPCell> cellList = new List<iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell>();
                foreach (XElement cellEle in rowEle.Elements())
                    string label = cellEle.Attribute("label").Value;
                    if (label.Trim().Equals(""))
                        label = "/";
                    if (label.Trim().Equals("-"))
                        label = "";

                    iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell cellLabel = null;
                    if (i < 1)
                        cellLabel = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(label, fontLabel));
                        cellLabel.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                        cellLabel = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(label, fontContent));
                        cellLabel.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT;
                    cellLabel.FixedHeight = 24;
                    cellLabel.Padding = 4;

                    cellLabel.VerticalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE;

                    XAttribute colSpanAtt = cellEle.Attribute("colspan");
                    if (colSpanAtt != null)
                        string colspan = colSpanAtt.Value;
                        if (colspan != "")
                            cellLabel.Colspan = int.Parse(colspan);
                    //XAttribute rowSpanAtt = cellEle.Attribute("rowspan");
                    //if (rowSpanAtt != null)
                    //    string rowspan = rowSpanAtt.Value;
                    //    if (rowspan != "")
                    //    {
                    //        cellLabel.Rowspan = int.Parse(rowspan);
                    //    }

                PdfPRow row = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPRow(cellList.ToArray<PdfPCell>());
            //table.KeepTogether = true;
            table.SpacingBefore = 10;
            table.TotalWidth = 750;

            table.LockedWidth = true;
            Paragraph pTable = new Paragraph();
Exemplo n.º 34
        public void writeCells(float xPos, float yPos, PdfContentByte[] canvases)
            if (!calculated)
            for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k)
                PdfPCell cell = cells[k];
                if (cell == null)
                writeBorderAndBackgroung(xPos, yPos, cell, canvases);
                PdfPTable table = cell.Table;
                float     tly   = 0;
                switch (cell.VerticalAlignment)
                case Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM:
                    tly = cell.Top + yPos - maxHeight + cell.Height - cell.PaddingTop;

                case Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE:
                    tly = cell.Top + yPos + (cell.Height - maxHeight) / 2 - cell.PaddingTop;

                    tly = cell.Top + yPos - cell.PaddingTop;
                if (table == null)
                    float fixedHeight = cell.FixedHeight;
                    float rightLimit  = cell.Right + xPos - cell.PaddingRight;
                    float leftLimit   = cell.Left + xPos + cell.PaddingLeft;
                    if (cell.isNoWrap())
                        switch (cell.HorizontalAlignment)
                        case Element.ALIGN_CENTER:
                            rightLimit += 10000;
                            leftLimit  -= 10000;

                        case Element.ALIGN_RIGHT:
                            leftLimit -= 20000;

                            rightLimit += 20000;
                    ColumnText ct  = new ColumnText(canvases[PdfPTable.TEXTCANVAS]);
                    float      bry = -20000;
                    if (fixedHeight > 0)
                        if (cell.Height > maxHeight)
                            tly = cell.Top + yPos - cell.PaddingTop;
                            bry = cell.Top + yPos - maxHeight + cell.PaddingBottom;
                                       0, cell.HorizontalAlignment);
                    ct.setLeading(cell.Leading, cell.MultipliedLeading);
                    ct.Indent = cell.Indent;
                    ct.ExtraParagraphSpace = cell.ExtraParagraphSpace;
                    ct.FollowingIndent     = cell.FollowingIndent;
                    ct.RightIndent         = cell.RightIndent;
                    ct.SpaceCharRatio      = cell.SpaceCharRatio;
                    ct.RunDirection        = cell.RunDirection;
                    try {
                    catch (DocumentException e) {
                        throw e;
                    float remainingHeight = 0;
                    float maxLastRow      = 0;
                    //add by Jin-Hsia Yang, to add remaining height to last row
                    if (table.Size > 0)
                        PdfPRow row = table.getRow(table.Size - 1);
                        remainingHeight = maxHeight - table.TotalHeight - cell.PaddingBottom - cell.PaddingTop;
                        if (remainingHeight > 0)
                            maxLastRow     = row.MaxHeights;
                            row.MaxHeights = row.MaxHeights + remainingHeight;
                            //table.setTotalHeight(table.TotalHeight + remainingHeight);
                    //end add

                    table.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, cell.Left + xPos + cell.PaddingLeft,
                                            tly, canvases);
                    if (remainingHeight > 0)
                        table.getRow(table.Size - 1).MaxHeights = maxLastRow;
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建测试者信息和测试信息表格
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableEle"></param>
        /// <param name="columnCount"></param>
        protected void CreateTestInfoTable(XElement tableEle, int columnCount)
            string remark = tableEle.Attribute("remark").Value;
            Paragraph parTableRemark = new Paragraph(remark, fontTableRemark);
            parTableRemark.IndentationLeft = 24;
            parTableRemark.SpacingBefore = 20;

            PdfPTable table = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPTable(columnCount);
            List<PdfPRow> rowList = new List<iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPRow>();
            foreach (XElement rowEle in tableEle.Elements())
                List<PdfPCell> cellList = new List<iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell>();
                foreach (XElement cellEle in rowEle.Elements())
                    string label = cellEle.Attribute("label").Value;
                    string value = cellEle.Attribute("value").Value;
                    if (value.Trim().Equals(""))
                        value = "/";

                    iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell cellLabel = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(label, fontLabel));
                    cellLabel.FixedHeight = 24;
                    cellLabel.Padding = 4;
                    cellLabel.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT;
                    cellLabel.VerticalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE;

                    PdfPCell cellContent = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(value, fontContent));
                    cellContent.FixedHeight = 24;
                    cellContent.PaddingTop = 4;
                    cellContent.VerticalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
                    XAttribute colSpanAtt = cellEle.Attribute("colspan");
                    if (colSpanAtt != null)
                        string colspan = colSpanAtt.Value;
                        if (colspan != "")
                            cellContent.Colspan = int.Parse(colspan);
                PdfPRow row = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPRow(cellList.ToArray<PdfPCell>());
            table.KeepTogether = true;
            table.SpacingBefore = 10;
            table.TotalWidth = 750;
            table.LockedWidth = true;
            Paragraph pTable = new Paragraph();
Exemplo n.º 36
 public PdfPRow(PdfPCell[] cells, PdfPRow source) {
     this.cells = cells;
     widths = new float[cells.Length];
     if (source != null) { = source.ID;
         this.role = source.Role;
         if (source.accessibleAttributes != null)
             this.accessibleAttributes = new Dictionary<PdfName, PdfObject>(source.GetAccessibleAttributes());
Exemplo n.º 37
 * Splits a row to newHeight. The returned row is the remainder. It will
 * return null if the newHeight was so small that only an empty row would
 * result.
 * @param newHeight
 *            the new height
 * @return the remainder row or null if the newHeight was so small that only
 *         an empty row would result
 public PdfPRow SplitRow(float newHeight)
     PdfPCell[] newCells = new PdfPCell[cells.Length];
     float[] fh = new float[cells.Length * 2];
     bool allEmpty = true;
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k) {
         PdfPCell cell = cells[k];
         if (cell == null)
         fh[k * 2] = cell.FixedHeight;
         fh[k * 2 + 1] = cell.MinimumHeight;
         Image img = cell.Image;
         PdfPCell c2 = new PdfPCell(cell);
         if (img != null) {
             if (newHeight > cell.EffectivePaddingBottom
                     + cell.EffectivePaddingTop + 2) {
                 c2.Phrase = null;
                 allEmpty = false;
         } else {
             int status;
             float y;
             ColumnText ct = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.Column);
             if (cell.Rotation == 90 || cell.Rotation == 270) {
                 y = SetColumn(ct,
                         cell.Top - newHeight + cell.EffectivePaddingBottom,
                         cell.Left + cell.EffectivePaddingLeft,
                         cell.Top - cell.EffectivePaddingTop,
                         cell.Right - cell.EffectivePaddingRight);
             else {
                 float rightLimit = cell.NoWrap ? 20000 : cell.Right
                         - cell.EffectivePaddingRight;
                 float y1 = cell.Top - newHeight
                         + cell.EffectivePaddingBottom;
                 float y2 = cell.Top - cell.EffectivePaddingTop;
                 y = Math.Max(y1, y2);
                 y = SetColumn(ct,
                         cell.Left + cell.EffectivePaddingLeft, y1,
                         rightLimit, y2);
             status = ct.Go(true);
             bool thisEmpty = (ct.YLine == y);
             if (thisEmpty)
                 ct = ColumnText.Duplicate(cell.Column);
             allEmpty = (allEmpty && thisEmpty);
             if ((status & ColumnText.NO_MORE_TEXT) == 0 || thisEmpty) {
                 c2.Column = ct;
                 ct.FilledWidth = 0;
             } else {
                 c2.Phrase = null;
         newCells[k] = c2;
         cell.FixedHeight = newHeight;
     if (allEmpty) {
         for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k) {
             PdfPCell cell = cells[k];
             if (cell == null)
             float f = fh[k * 2];
             float m = fh[k * 2 + 1];
             if (f <= 0)
                 cell.MinimumHeight = m;
                 cell.FixedHeight = f;
         return null;
     PdfPRow split = new PdfPRow(newCells);
     split.widths = (float[]) widths.Clone();
     return split;
Exemplo n.º 38
 * Makes a copy of an existing row.
 * @param row
 public PdfPRow(PdfPRow row)
     maxHeight = row.maxHeight;
     calculated = row.calculated;
     cells = new PdfPCell[row.cells.Length];
     for (int k = 0; k < cells.Length; ++k) {
         if (row.cells[k] != null)
             cells[k] = new PdfPCell(row.cells[k]);
     widths = new float[cells.Length];
     System.Array.Copy(row.widths, 0, widths, 0, cells.Length);
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建参数表格
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableEle"></param>
        /// <param name="columnCount"></param>
        protected void CreateCompareTable2(XElement tableEle, int columnCount)
            string    remark         = tableEle.Attribute("remark").Value;
            Paragraph parTableRemark = new Paragraph(remark, fontTableRemark);

            parTableRemark.IndentationLeft = 24;
            parTableRemark.SpacingBefore   = 20;

            PdfPTable      table   = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPTable(new float[] { 270, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80 });
            List <PdfPRow> rowList = new List <iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPRow>();

            for (int i = 0; i < tableEle.Elements().Count(); i++)
                XElement        rowEle   = tableEle.Elements().ElementAt(i);
                List <PdfPCell> cellList = new List <iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell>();
                foreach (XElement cellEle in rowEle.Elements())
                    string label = cellEle.Attribute("label").Value;
                    if (label.Trim().Equals(""))
                        label = "/";
                    if (label.Trim().Equals("-"))
                        label = "";

                    iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell cellLabel = null;
                    if (i < 1)
                        cellLabel = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(label, fontLabel));
                        cellLabel.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                        cellLabel = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(label, fontContent));
                        cellLabel.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT;
                    cellLabel.FixedHeight = 24;
                    cellLabel.Padding     = 4;

                    cellLabel.VerticalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE;

                    XAttribute colSpanAtt = cellEle.Attribute("colspan");
                    if (colSpanAtt != null)
                        string colspan = colSpanAtt.Value;
                        if (colspan != "")
                            cellLabel.Colspan = int.Parse(colspan);
                    //XAttribute rowSpanAtt = cellEle.Attribute("rowspan");
                    //if (rowSpanAtt != null)
                    //    string rowspan = rowSpanAtt.Value;
                    //    if (rowspan != "")
                    //    {
                    //        cellLabel.Rowspan = int.Parse(rowspan);
                    //    }

                PdfPRow row = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPRow(cellList.ToArray <PdfPCell>());
            //table.KeepTogether = true;
            table.SpacingBefore = 10;
            table.TotalWidth    = 750;

            table.LockedWidth = true;
            Paragraph pTable = new Paragraph();

Exemplo n.º 40
        * Calculates the extra height needed in a row because of rowspans.
        * @param    start   the index of the start row (the one to adjust)
        * @param    end     the index of the end row on the page
        * @since    2.1.6

        virtual protected PdfPRow AdjustCellsInRow(int start, int end)
            PdfPRow row = GetRow(start);
            if (row.Adjusted) return row;
            row = new PdfPRow(row);
            PdfPCell cell;
            PdfPCell[] cells = row.GetCells();
            for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++)
                cell = cells[i];
                if (cell == null || cell.Rowspan == 1)
                int stop = Math.Min(end, start + cell.Rowspan);
                float extra = 0;
                for (int k = start + 1; k < stop; k++)
                    extra += GetRow(k).MaxHeights;
                row.SetExtraHeight(i, extra);
            row.Adjusted = true;
            return row;
Exemplo n.º 41
 private void WriteAttributes(PdfPRow row)
     if (row != null)
Exemplo n.º 42
        * Adds a cell element.
        * @param cell the cell element

        virtual public PdfPCell AddCell(PdfPCell cell)
            rowCompleted = false;
            PdfPCell ncell;
            if (cell is PdfPHeaderCell)
                ncell = new PdfPHeaderCell((PdfPHeaderCell)cell);
                ncell = new PdfPCell(cell);

            int colspan = ncell.Colspan;
            colspan = Math.Max(colspan, 1);
            colspan = Math.Min(colspan, currentRow.Length - currentColIdx);
            ncell.Colspan = colspan;

            if (colspan != 1)
                isColspan = true;
            int rdir = ncell.RunDirection;
            if (rdir == PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT)
                ncell.RunDirection = runDirection;


            bool cellAdded = false;
            if (currentColIdx < currentRow.Length)
                currentRow[currentColIdx] = ncell;
                currentColIdx += colspan;
                cellAdded = true;


            while (currentColIdx >= currentRow.Length)
                int numCols = NumberOfColumns;
                if (runDirection == PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL)
                    PdfPCell[] rtlRow = new PdfPCell[numCols];
                    int rev = currentRow.Length;
                    for (int k = 0; k < currentRow.Length; ++k)
                        PdfPCell rcell = currentRow[k];
                        int cspan = rcell.Colspan;
                        rev -= cspan;
                        rtlRow[rev] = rcell;
                        k += cspan - 1;
                    currentRow = rtlRow;
                PdfPRow row = new PdfPRow(currentRow);
                if (totalWidth > 0)
                    totalHeight += row.MaxHeights;
                currentRow = new PdfPCell[numCols];
                currentColIdx = 0;
                rowCompleted = true;

            if (!cellAdded)
                currentRow[currentColIdx] = ncell;
                currentColIdx += colspan;
            return ncell;
Exemplo n.º 43
        private void GenPDFReport(string strGUID)

                #region 业务逻辑处理开始

                RptBLL rptBLL = new RptBLL();
                ActivityBLL aBLL = new ActivityBLL();
                GuidBLL guidBLL = new GuidBLL();
                CommentBLL cBLL = new CommentBLL();

                DataTable dtTmp = rptBLL.GetDimensionScore(strGUID);
                dtTmp.DefaultView.Sort = "DIMCLASSID ASC";
                DataTable dimTable = dtTmp.DefaultView.ToTable();

                DataTable testerInfoTable = rptBLL.GetTesterInfo(strGUID);
                DimensionBLL dimbll = new DimensionBLL();

                //double totalMinutes = rptBLL.GetRefTotalTimeMinute(strGUID);

                double refMinMinutes = 0;
                double refMaxMinutes = 0;

                //if (totalMinutes > 12.1)
                //    refMinMinutes = totalMinutes - (double)12.1;
                //refMaxMinutes = totalMinutes + 12.1;

                refMinMinutes = rptBLL.GetRefTotalTimeMinute_xiaxian(strGUID);
                refMaxMinutes = rptBLL.GetRefTotalTimeMinute_shangxian(strGUID);

                string strREFtime = refMinMinutes.ToString("F1") + " ~ " + refMaxMinutes.ToString("F1");

                string shcxxDENGJI = string.Empty;
                string shcxxPINGDING = string.Empty;
                string shcxxMIAOSHU = string.Empty;

                string cxbxPY = string.Empty;//诚信表现评语

                string usrNm = testerInfoTable.Rows[0]["testerNAME"].ToString();
                string posNm = testerInfoTable.Rows[0]["testerPOSITION"].ToString();

                int aID = guidBLL.GetActivityId(strGUID);
                int positionId = aBLL.GetPositionId(aID);
                Activity a = aBLL.GetModel(aID);
                int rptSettings = a.Activity_viewreport;

                bool p5Visible = true;
                bool p6Visible = true;

                if (rptSettings != 0 && rptSettings.ToString().Length > 1)
                    p5Visible = rptSettings.ToString().Substring(5, 1).Equals("1");
                    p6Visible = rptSettings.ToString().Substring(6, 1).Equals("1");

                ArrayList arGZZT_youshi = new ArrayList();//工作状况_优势
                ArrayList arGZZT_lieshi = new ArrayList();//工作状况_劣势

                string youshi = string.Empty;
                string lieshi = string.Empty;

                bool bAllDimIsLow = false;//所有维度偏低
                bool bAllDimIsHigh = false;//所有维度偏高

                StringBuilder sbGZZT = new StringBuilder();//工作状况
                StringBuilder sbTZMS = new StringBuilder();//特质描述
                StringBuilder sbYRJY = new StringBuilder();//用人建议
                StringBuilder sbGRFZ = new StringBuilder();//个人发展

                bool b1 = false;//实际作答时间是否落在参考值区间
                bool b2 = false;//社会称许性等级得分大于7.9
                bool b3 = false;//作答一致性处于"较高"的等级

                for (int i = 0; i < dimTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                    int dimID = Int32.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][0].ToString());//维度ID
                    int dimscore = Int32.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][2].ToString());//维度原始分
                    Double dim_s = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][3].ToString());//维度参考区间开始分
                    Double dim_e = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][4].ToString());//维度参考区间结束分

                    //Double dimQ1 = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][9].ToString());//Q1
                    //Double dimQ2 = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][10].ToString());//Q2
                    //Double dimQ3 = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][11].ToString());//Q3

                    Double p17 = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][9].ToString());
                    Double p68 = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][10].ToString());
                    Double p92 = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][11].ToString());

                    if (dimscore <= p17)
                        dimTable.Rows[i][8] = "偏低";
                    else if (dimscore > p17 && dimscore <= p68)
                        dimTable.Rows[i][8] = "稍低";
                    else if (dimscore > p68 && dimscore < p92)
                        dimTable.Rows[i][8] = "适配";
                    else if (dimscore >= p92)
                        dimTable.Rows[i][8] = "偏高";

                    if (dimTable.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim().Equals("诚信"))
                        if (dimscore <= 59.5)
                            cxbxPY = "有待提高";
                        else if (dimscore >= 73.5)
                            cxbxPY = "比较诚信";
                        else if (dimscore > 59.5 && dimscore < 73.5)
                            cxbxPY = "中等";

                    for (int kk = 1; kk < 5; kk++)
                        if (dimTable.Rows[i][8].ToString().Trim().Equals("偏低"))
                            string c = cBLL.GetCommentByAll(positionId, dimID, kk, 4);
                            if (kk == 1)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbTZMS.Append((i + 1).ToString() + "、" + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 2)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbGZZT.Append((i + 1).ToString() + "、" + c + Environment.NewLine);
                                    arGZZT_lieshi.Add(c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 3)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbYRJY.Append("  * " + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 4)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbGRFZ.Append("  * " + c + Environment.NewLine);

                            dimTable.Rows[i][12] = cBLL.GetCommentByAll(positionId, dimID, 1, 4);
                        else if (dimTable.Rows[i][8].ToString().Trim().Equals("稍低"))
                            string c = cBLL.GetCommentByAll(positionId, dimID, kk, 3);
                            if (kk == 1)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbTZMS.Append((i + 1).ToString() + "、" + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 2)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbGZZT.Append((i + 1).ToString() + "、" + c + Environment.NewLine);
                                    arGZZT_lieshi.Add(c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 3)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbYRJY.Append("  * " + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 4)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbGRFZ.Append("  * " + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            dimTable.Rows[i][12] = cBLL.GetCommentByAll(positionId, dimID, 1, 3);
                        else if (dimTable.Rows[i][8].ToString().Trim().Equals("适配"))
                            string c = cBLL.GetCommentByAll(positionId, dimID, kk, 2);
                            if (kk == 1)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbTZMS.Append((i + 1).ToString() + "、" + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 2)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbGZZT.Append((i + 1).ToString() + "、" + c + Environment.NewLine);
                                    arGZZT_youshi.Add(c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 3)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbYRJY.Append("  * " + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 4)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbGRFZ.Append("  * " + c + Environment.NewLine);

                            dimTable.Rows[i][12] = cBLL.GetCommentByAll(positionId, dimID, 1, 2);
                        else if (dimTable.Rows[i][8].ToString().Trim().Equals("偏高"))
                            string c = cBLL.GetCommentByAll(positionId, dimID, kk, 1);
                            if (kk == 1)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbTZMS.Append((i + 1).ToString() + "、" + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 2)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbGZZT.Append((i + 1).ToString() + "、" + c + Environment.NewLine);
                                    arGZZT_youshi.Add(c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 3)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbYRJY.Append("  * " + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            else if (kk == 4)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                                    sbGRFZ.Append("  * " + c + Environment.NewLine);
                            dimTable.Rows[i][12] = cBLL.GetCommentByAll(positionId, dimID, 1, 1);

                    if (dimTable.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim().Equals("社会称许性"))
                        double score = double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i][2].ToString());
                        if (score >= 0 && score <= 0.9)
                            shcxxDENGJI = "较高";
                            shcxxPINGDING = "倾向偏强";
                            shcxxMIAOSHU = "他(她)在本次答题时表现出较强的获取赞许的倾向,这种倾向可能是有意识的,也可能是无意识的,不能排除潜意识的影响";
                        else if (score >= 1.0 && score <= 4.0)
                            shcxxDENGJI = "中等";
                            shcxxPINGDING = "可接受";
                            shcxxMIAOSHU = "他(她)在本次答题时表现出与大多数人相似的称许性倾向";

                            b2 = true;
                        else if (score >= 4.1 && score <= 16.0)
                            shcxxDENGJI = "较低";
                            shcxxPINGDING = "可接受";
                            shcxxMIAOSHU = "他(她)在本次答题中表现出较低的社会称许性倾向,通俗说,比起大多数人,他(她)有点不太在乎别人的评价,能够较客观的进行答题";


                    if (dimTable.Rows[i][5].ToString().Trim().Equals("3"))//智力潜能类
                        dimTable.Rows[i][2] = rptBLL.ConvertZhiLiDimScore(dimID, dimscore);
                        dimTable.Rows[i][3] = rptBLL.ConvertZhiLiDimScore(dimID, dim_s);
                        dimTable.Rows[i][4] = rptBLL.ConvertZhiLiDimScore(dimID, dim_e);
                        dimTable.Rows[i][2] = rptBLL.ConvertDimScore(dimID, dimscore);
                        dimTable.Rows[i][3] = rptBLL.ConvertDimScore(dimID, dim_s);
                        dimTable.Rows[i][4] = rptBLL.ConvertDimScore(dimID, dim_e);

                //查看所有维度是否均较低 2012.3.18
                string dimRes = string.Empty;
                for (int kj = 0; kj < dimTable.Rows.Count; kj++)
                    if (false == dimTable.Rows[kj]["DIMCLASSID"].ToString().Trim().Equals("3")&&
                        false == dimTable.Rows[kj]["DIMNM"].ToString().Trim().Equals("社会称许性") &&
                        false == dimTable.Rows[kj]["DIMNM"].ToString().Trim().Equals("心理健康度") &&
                        false == dimTable.Rows[kj]["DIMNM"].ToString().Trim().Equals("诚信"))//除去智力维度
                        dimRes = dimTable.Rows[kj]["DIMRESULT"].ToString().Trim();
                        if (dimRes.Equals("偏低") || dimRes.Equals("稍低"))
                            bAllDimIsLow = true;
                            bAllDimIsLow = false;

                //查看所有维度是否均较高 2012.3.18
                for (int jk = 0; jk < dimTable.Rows.Count; jk++)
                    if (false == dimTable.Rows[jk]["DIMCLASSID"].ToString().Trim().Equals("3") &&
                        false == dimTable.Rows[jk]["DIMNM"].ToString().Trim().Equals("社会称许性") &&
                        false == dimTable.Rows[jk]["DIMNM"].ToString().Trim().Equals("心理健康度") &&
                        false == dimTable.Rows[jk]["DIMNM"].ToString().Trim().Equals("诚信"))//除去智力维度
                        dimRes = dimTable.Rows[jk]["DIMRESULT"].ToString().Trim();
                        if (dimRes.Equals("适配") || dimRes.Equals("偏高"))
                            bAllDimIsHigh = true;
                            bAllDimIsHigh = false;

                for (int mm = 0; mm < arGZZT_lieshi.Count; mm++)
                    lieshi += "  " + (mm + 1).ToString() + "、" + arGZZT_lieshi[mm].ToString();
                if (bAllDimIsHigh == true)//add by conghui 2012.3.18
                    lieshi += "  " + "答题者在本次所测试的心理特征维度上得分均偏高,请注意其社会称许性得分,如果该得分在适中区间,可以认为他/她在这些特质方面的表现可以符合该岗位要求。";

                for (int nn = 0; nn < arGZZT_youshi.Count; nn++)
                    youshi += "  " + (nn + 1).ToString() + "、" + arGZZT_youshi[nn].ToString();
                if (bAllDimIsLow == true)//add by conghui 2012.3.18
                    youshi += "  " + "答题者在本次所测试的各心理特征维度上的得分均偏低,他/她在这些方面的表现与岗位要求有些差距。";

                string trustful = string.Empty;
                string trustfulComments = string.Empty;
                int nTrustful = Int32.Parse(testerInfoTable.Rows[0][7].ToString());
                trustful = (nTrustful == 0) ? "较低" : "较高";
                trustfulComments = (nTrustful == 0) ? "他(她)答题时前后心理状态略不稳定,疲劳、环境干扰、心绪波动等均可能导致这种偏误" : "他(她)答题时心理状态基本稳定,此方面导致的测评偏误较小";
                if (trustful.Equals("较高"))
                    b3 = true;

                TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Parse(testerInfoTable.Rows[0][3].ToString()) -

                double nRealTime = (ts.TotalSeconds) / (double)60;

                string answerTimeComments = string.Empty;
                if (nRealTime <= refMinMinutes)
                    answerTimeComments = "答题速度过快,有可能是答题过程不够认真或是其他原因,有待进一步了解";
                else if (nRealTime >= refMaxMinutes)
                    answerTimeComments = "答题速度偏慢,背后原因有待进一步了解";
                else if (nRealTime > refMinMinutes && nRealTime < refMaxMinutes)
                    b1 = true;
                    answerTimeComments = "答题速度比较适中";
                    answerTimeComments = string.Empty;

                rptDataSet ds = new rptDataSet();
                for (int j = 0; j < dimTable.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (dimTable.Rows[j]["DIMCLASSID"].ToString().Trim().Equals("3"))//智力潜能类

                for (int k = 0; k < dimTable.Rows.Count; k++)
                    if (dimTable.Rows[k]["DIMCLASSID"].ToString().Trim().Equals("3"))//智力潜能类

                for (int s = 0; s < dimTable.Rows.Count; s++)
                    if (dimTable.Rows[s]["DIMNM"].ToString().Trim().Equals("社会称许性") ||
                        dimTable.Rows[s]["DIMNM"].ToString().Trim().Equals("心理健康度") ||

                string xljk = string.Empty;
                string xljkLevel = string.Empty;
                string xljkComnet = string.Empty;

                xljk = rptBLL.GetXljkLevelAndComments(strGUID);//获取心理健康等级和评语
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xljk))
                    int n = xljk.IndexOf("-");
                    xljkLevel = xljk.Substring(0, n);
                    xljkComnet = xljk.Substring(n + 1, xljk.Length - n - 1);

                bool b = false;
                if (b1 == true && b2 == true && b3 == true)
                    b = true;//答题结果是否可信


                #region 准备生成pdf报告
                Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4);
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                #region 封面
                Paragraph ph = new Paragraph();
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                phRptTitle.Font = fRptTitle;
                    + Environment.NewLine);
                phRptTitle.Add("4S店" + posNm + "人才测评报告");
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                phNm.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);
                phNm.Add("姓名:" + usrNm + Environment.NewLine);
                phNm.Add("日期:" + DateTime.Parse(testerInfoTable.Rows[0]["testerDATE"].ToString()).ToShortDateString());
                phNm.IndentationLeft = 222;

                phNm.SpacingBefore = 100;
                phNm.SpacingAfter = 75;


                #region 报告阅读说明
                Paragraph p0 = new Paragraph("报告阅读说明", new Font(bfHei, 14, Font.BOLD));
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                Paragraph phshuoming = new Paragraph();
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                phshuoming.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
                phshuoming.Add(@"    本报告的系统平台内包含人格量表、态度量表、动机量表等数十种心理测验量表,开发过程综合了麦克莱兰德(David C.McClelland)、班杜拉(Albert Bandura)、卡特尔(R.B.Cattell)、吉尔福特(J.P.Guilford)、霍兰德(J.L.Holland) 等多位知名心理学家关于人格类型、态度的形成与改变、驱力理论、管理心理理论等多个专题领域的相关观点,在国内高校本土化研究实践的基础上,进一步实现汽车行业化,力争满足汽车行业广大测评使用者的需求。
              * 答题者不具备基本水平的阅读理解能力
              * 答题时过于关心得到的结果是怎样的
              * 答题者误解了测评活动的本质
              * 答题者感到较大的环境压力
              * 答题过程中存在较严重的心理干扰
              * 答题者存在较强的药物依赖

                #region 第一部分
                Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("第一部分 测评有效性及个人基本情况", new Font(bfHei, 14, Font.BOLD));
                p1.SpacingAfter = TITLE_TEXT_DISTANCE;//标题与后面文字间隔
                p1.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                Paragraph p11 = new Paragraph("    本部分通过以下指标结果来综合评价本次测评的有效性,并报告答题者的基本心理状况。", zhengwen_font);
                p11.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

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                //row 1
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                PdfPCell cell12 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(shcxxDENGJI, new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                cell12.BorderWidthBottom = 0;

                PdfPCell cell13 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("社会称许性评定", new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                PdfPCell cell14 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(shcxxPINGDING, new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                cell14.BorderWidthBottom = 0;

                //row 2
                PdfPCell cell21 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("作答一致性等级", new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                cell22.BorderWidthBottom = 0;

                PdfPCell cell23 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("测评工具信度", new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                //row 3
                PdfPCell cell31 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("作答实际时间", new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                PdfPCell cell32 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(((int)ts.TotalMinutes).ToString() + "分钟", new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                PdfPCell cell33 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("答题时间参照值", new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                //row 4
                PdfPCell cell41 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("答题诚信表现", new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                PdfPCell cell43 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("心理健康度状况", new Font(bf, 10, Font.NORMAL)));
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                Paragraph p12 = new Paragraph("    综合来看," + usrNm + "本次作答结果" +
                    (b == true ? "比较可信。" : "有必要进一步测评。"), zhengwen_font);
                p12.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                Paragraph p13 = new Paragraph("    1、" + shcxxMIAOSHU + ";", zhengwen_font);
                p13.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                Paragraph p14 = new Paragraph("    2、" + trustfulComments + ";", zhengwen_font);
                p14.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                Paragraph p15 = new Paragraph("    3、" + answerTimeComments + ";", zhengwen_font);
                p15.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                Paragraph p16 = new Paragraph("    4、" + xljkComnet + "。", zhengwen_font);
                p16.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);


                #region 第二部分
                Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("第二部分 与4S店" + posNm + "岗位规范的综合适配情况", new Font(bfHei, 14, Font.BOLD));
                p2.SpacingAfter = TITLE_TEXT_DISTANCE;//标题与后面文字间隔
                p2.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                Paragraph p21 = new Paragraph("    将本次测评数据比照汽车行业该岗位素质特征模型统计数据," +
                    usrNm + "与4S店" + posNm + "的综合适配度为:", zhengwen_font);
                p21.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpScore = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(Server.MapPath(@"../images/score_bk.png"));
                System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmpScore);
                System.Drawing.Pen redPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Red, 3);
                System.Drawing.Font f = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 15);
                System.Drawing.SolidBrush brush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                g.DrawString(float.Parse(testerInfoTable.Rows[0]["testerTOTALSCORE"].ToString()).ToString("0.0%"), f, brush, 18, 10);

                Image scorePic = Image.GetInstance(bmpScore, new BaseColor(0));
                scorePic.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_CENTER;

                Paragraph p22 = new Paragraph("    ● " + usrNm + "担任" + posNm + "的优势:", zhengwen_title);
                p22.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                Paragraph p23 = new Paragraph("    我们对成功的建议是:“以已之长,补已之短”。学会了这一点将会影响个人对工作的喜好甚至职业发展的成败。"
                    + Environment.NewLine + youshi, zhengwen_font);
                p23.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                Paragraph p24 = new Paragraph("    ● " + usrNm + "担任" + posNm + "的劣势:", zhengwen_title);
                p24.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                Paragraph p25 = new Paragraph("    有的人不足之处比较明显,有的却没有明显缺点,或者他(她)自己并不容易意识到,了解个人存在的问题就是完善自我的重要一步。下面列出了他(她)工作中可能存在的欠缺,目的是为了引起对它们的 “注意”,促进反思。"
                    + Environment.NewLine + lieshi, zhengwen_font);
                p25.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);


                #region 第三部分
                Paragraph p3 = new Paragraph("第三部分 各项特征具体状况", new Font(bfHei, 14, Font.BOLD));
                p3.SpacingAfter = TITLE_TEXT_DISTANCE;//标题与后面文字间隔
                p3.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                Paragraph p31 = new Paragraph("    下列图中灰色区间是经过统计分析得出的标准参照区间,下方红色游标指示"
                + usrNm + "在该特征上的个人得分水平。", zhengwen_font);
                p31.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                for (int i = 0; i < dimTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Paragraph p = new Paragraph("    " + dimTable.Rows[i]["DIMNM"].ToString(), zhengwen_title);
                    p.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                    Double rangeStart = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i]["DIMRANGE_START"].ToString());
                    Double rangeEnd = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i]["DIMRANGE_END"].ToString());
                    Double rangeCurrent = Double.Parse(dimTable.Rows[i]["DIMSCORE"].ToString());

                    Image ruler = Image.GetInstance(drawRuler(rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeCurrent), new BaseColor(0));
                    ruler.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_CENTER;

                for (int j = 0; j < dimTable.Rows.Count; j++)
                    Paragraph p = new Paragraph("    ● " + dimTable.Rows[j]["DIMNM"].ToString() +
                    "  " + dimTable.Rows[j]["dimDESC"].ToString(), zhengwen_font);
                    p.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                    Paragraph q = new Paragraph("  他(她)在这方面的表现情况是 " +
                        dimTable.Rows[j]["dimCOMMENTS"].ToString(), zhengwen_font);
                    q.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                Paragraph p32 = new Paragraph("各项个人特征得分等级表", zhengwen_title);
                p32.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
                p32.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

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                p3t1.SpacingBefore = 15;

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                PdfPCell c11 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("职业特质类别", new Font(bf, 10, Font.BOLD)));
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                c11.BorderWidthTop = 0;

                PdfPCell c12 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("个人特征", new Font(bf, 10, Font.BOLD)));
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                c12.BorderWidthRight = 0;
                c12.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
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                #region 第四部分
                Paragraph p4 = new Paragraph("第四部分 4S店管理用人建议", new Font(bfHei, 14, Font.BOLD));
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                Paragraph p41 = new Paragraph("    针对" + usrNm +
                   "的特点,管理工作中建议注意以下方面:" + Environment.NewLine + sbYRJY.ToString(), zhengwen_font);
                p41.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

                #region 第五部分
                Paragraph p5 = new Paragraph("第五部分 个人发展建议", new Font(bfHei, 14, Font.BOLD));
                p5.SpacingAfter = TITLE_TEXT_DISTANCE;//标题与后面文字间隔
                p5.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                Paragraph p51 = new Paragraph("    本部分是针对" + usrNm +
                    "不够完善的素质提供的一些发展建议。若能要花时间认真思考并付注于行动,定会对本人有所帮助,建议如下: " +
                    Environment.NewLine + sbGRFZ.ToString(), zhengwen_font);
                p51.SetLeading(PARAGRAPH_SPACING, PARAGRAPH_SPACING);

            catch (Exception ex)
                StreamWriter errof = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath(@"../PDF/") +  "测评系统log.txt");
                errof.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":错误: " + ex.Message);