public virtual void ValidStreamTest()
            PdfStream longStream = PdfACheckerTestUtils.GetStreamWithLongDictionary(MAX_DICTIONARY_CAPACITY);

            // No exceptions should not be thrown as the stream match the
            // limitations provided in specification
        public virtual void DictionaryCapacityHasNoLimitsTest()
            PdfDictionary longDictionary = PdfACheckerTestUtils.GetLongDictionary(999999);

            // An exception should not be thrown as there is no limits for capacity of a dictionary
            // in PDFA 2
            PdfStream longStream = PdfACheckerTestUtils.GetStreamWithLongDictionary(999999);

            // An exception should not be thrown as there is no limits for capacity of a dictionary
            // and stream in PDFA 2
        private PdfStream BuildStreamWithLongDictionary()
            int testLength = MAX_DICTIONARY_CAPACITY + 1;
