Exemplo n.º 1
        public TaggedTextArray getConfidentiality()
            TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray();

            if (!mySession.ConnectionSet.IsAuthorized)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                result = new TaggedTextArray(api.getConfidentiality(mySession.ConnectionSet));
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public PatientArray mpiMatchSSN(string ssn)
            PatientArray result = new PatientArray();
            if (!SocSecNum.isValid(ssn))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Invalid SSN");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                Site site = mySession.SiteTable.getSite("500");
                Patient[] p = api.mpiMatch(site.Sources[0], ssn);
                result = new PatientArray(p);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public TaggedNoteArrays getNotesForBhie(string pwd, string mpiPid, string fromDate, string toDate, string nNotes)
            TaggedNoteArrays result = new TaggedNoteArrays();
            if (String.Equals(pwd, _mySession.MdwsConfiguration.AllConfigs[ConfigFileConstants.PRIMARY_CONFIG_SECTION][MdwsConfigConstants.BHIE_PASSWORD]))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Invalid application password");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mpiPid))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing mpiPid");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromDate))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing fromDate");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(toDate))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing toDate");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            if (nNotes == "")
                nNotes = "50";

                int maxNotes = Convert.ToInt16(nNotes);
                PatientLib patLib = new PatientLib(_mySession);
                TaggedTextArray sites = patLib.getPatientSitesByMpiPid(mpiPid);
                if (sites == null)
                    return null;
                if (sites.fault != null)
                    result.fault = sites.fault;
                    return result;

                string sitelist = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < sites.count; i++)
                    if ((string)sites.results[i].tag == "200")
                    if (sites.results[i].fault != null)
                        sitelist += (string)sites.results[i].tag + ',';
                sitelist = sitelist.Substring(0, sitelist.Length - 1);

                AccountLib acctLib = new AccountLib(_mySession);
                sites = acctLib.visitSites("BHIE", sitelist, MdwsConstants.CPRS_CONTEXT);
                if (sites.fault != null)
                    result.fault = sites.fault;
                    return result;

                PatientApi patApi = new PatientApi();
                IndexedHashtable t = patApi.setLocalPids(_mySession.ConnectionSet, mpiPid);
                NoteApi api = new NoteApi();
                IndexedHashtable tNotes = api.getNotes(_mySession.ConnectionSet, fromDate, toDate, maxNotes);
                IndexedHashtable tSumms = api.getDischargeSummaries(_mySession.ConnectionSet, fromDate, toDate, 50);
                result = new TaggedNoteArrays(mergeNotesAndDischargeSummaries(tNotes, tSumms));
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(ex);
                if (_mySession.ConnectionSet != null)
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // This is for iterating thru a list of patients at one site, getting the disabilities from only that site.
        public TaggedRatedDisabilityArray getRatedDisabilitiesForPatient(string dfn)
            TaggedRatedDisabilityArray result = new TaggedRatedDisabilityArray();

            if (!mySession.ConnectionSet.IsAuthorized)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi patApi = new PatientApi();
                RatedDisability[] disabilities = patApi.getRatedDisabiliities(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, dfn);
                result = new TaggedRatedDisabilityArray(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection.DataSource.SiteId.Id, disabilities);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// patientVisit
        /// This method is used by MHV and will probably be used by other PHR apps.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pwd">Client app's BSE security phrase</param>
        /// <param name="homeSitecode">Station number</param>
        /// <param name="mpiPid">ICN</param>
        /// <param name="multiSite">Set to false for now</param>
        /// <returns>SiteArray: Nothing really in it though, except error messages</returns>
        public SiteArray patientVisit(string pwd, string homeSitecode, string mpiPid, bool multiSite)
            SiteArray result = new SiteArray();

            //Make sure we have all the args we need
            if (mySession == null || mySession.SiteTable == null)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No session has been started");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(homeSitecode))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No homeSitecode");
            else if (mySession.SiteTable.getSite(homeSitecode) == null)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No site " + homeSitecode + " in the site table");
            else if (mySession.ConnectionSet != null &&
                     mySession.ConnectionSet.Count > 0 &&
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Site " + homeSitecode + " already connected");
            else if (mySession.ConnectionSet != null && mySession.ConnectionSet.Count > 0)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("This session has pre-existing connections and this method should be the base connection.", "Do a disconnect?");
            else if (mpiPid == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No MPI PID");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            Site homeSite = mySession.SiteTable.getSite(homeSitecode);
            mySession.Credentials = getAdministrativeCredentials(homeSite);

            mySession.Credentials.SecurityPhrase = pwd;

            string context = MdwsConstants.MDWS_CONTEXT;
            if (mySession.DefaultVisitMethod == MdwsConstants.NON_BSE_CREDENTIALS)
                context = MdwsConstants.CPRS_CONTEXT;
            mySession.PrimaryPermission = new MenuOption(context);

                mySession.User = doTheVisit(homeSitecode, mySession.Credentials, mySession.PrimaryPermission);

                PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                string localPid = patientApi.getLocalPid(myCxn, mpiPid);
                if (localPid == "")
                    result.fault = new FaultTO("No such patient at this site");
                    return result;
                mySession.Patient = patientApi.select(myCxn, localPid);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
                return result;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal TaggedPatientAssociateArray getPatientAssociates(AbstractConnection cxn, string dfn)
            TaggedPatientAssociateArray result = new TaggedPatientAssociateArray();
            if (dfn == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing dfn");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                PatientAssociate[] pas = patientApi.getPatientAssociates(cxn, dfn);
                result = new TaggedPatientAssociateArray(cxn.DataSource.SiteId.Id, pas);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
        internal void addHomeData(Patient patient)
            if (patient == null)
                Site site = mySession.SiteTable.getSite(patient.CmorSiteId);
                DataSource src = site.getDataSourceByModality("HIS");

                MySession newMySession = new MySession(mySession.FacadeName);
                AccountLib accountLib = new AccountLib(newMySession);
                UserTO visitUser = accountLib.visitAndAuthorize(mySession.MdwsConfiguration.AllConfigs[ConfigFileConstants.BSE_CONFIG_SECTION][MdwsConfigConstants.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD],
                    patient.CmorSiteId, mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection.DataSource.SiteId.Id, mySession.User.Name.LastNameFirst,
                    mySession.User.Uid, mySession.User.SSN.toString(), "OR CPRS GUI CHART");

                PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                patient.LocalPid = patientApi.getLocalPid(newMySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, patient.MpiPid);
                patientApi.addHomeDate(newMySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, patient);
            catch (Exception)
                // just pass back patient unchanged
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a patient inquiry call (address, contact numbers, NOK, etc. information)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>TextTO with selected patient inquiry text</returns>
        public TextTO patientInquiry()
            TextTO result = new TextTO();

            if (!mySession.ConnectionSet.IsAuthorized)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId).Pid))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Need to select patient");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId);
                string selectedPatient = cxn.Pid;
                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                string resultText = api.patientInquiry(cxn, selectedPatient);
                result = new TextTO(resultText);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public TaggedPatientAssociateArrays getPatientAssociatesMS()
            TaggedPatientAssociateArrays result = new TaggedPatientAssociateArrays();
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                IndexedHashtable t = api.getPatientAssociates(mySession.ConnectionSet);
                return new TaggedPatientAssociateArrays(t);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public TaggedOefOifArray getOefOif()
            TaggedOefOifArray result = new TaggedOefOifArray();
            string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession, null);
            if (msg != "OK")
                result.fault = new FaultTO(msg);
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            string sitecode = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId;

                AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode);
                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                OEF_OIF[] rex = api.getOefOif(cxn);
                result = new TaggedOefOifArray(sitecode, rex);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public TaggedText getMOSReport(string appPwd, string EDIPI)
            TaggedText result = new TaggedText();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(appPwd))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing appPwd");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(EDIPI))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing EDIPI");

            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                AbstractConnection cxn = new MdoOracleConnection(new DataSource() { ConnectionString = mySession.MdwsConfiguration.MosConnectionString });
                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                Patient p = new Patient() { EDIPI = EDIPI };
                TextReport rpt = api.getMOSReport(cxn, p);
                result.text = rpt.Text;
                result.tag = "VADIR";
            catch (Exception exc)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(exc);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public TextTO getLocalPid(string sitecode, string mpiPid)
            TextTO result = new TextTO();
            string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession, sitecode);
            if (msg != "OK")
                result.fault = new FaultTO(msg);
            else if (mpiPid == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing mpiPid");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sitecode))
                sitecode = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId;

                AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode);
                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                string localPid = api.getLocalPid(cxn, mpiPid);
                result = new TextTO(localPid);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 13
        internal TaggedPatientArray matchByNameCityState(AbstractConnection cxn, string name, string city, string stateAbbr)
            TaggedPatientArray result = new TaggedPatientArray();
            if (name == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing name");
            else if (city == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing city");
            else if (stateAbbr == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing stateAbbr");
            else if (!State.isValidAbbr(stateAbbr))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Invalid stateAbbr");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                Patient[] matches = api.matchByNameCityState(cxn, name, city, stateAbbr);
                result = new TaggedPatientArray(cxn.DataSource.SiteId.Id, matches);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 14
        internal TaggedPatientArray match(AbstractConnection cxn, string target)
            TaggedPatientArray result = new TaggedPatientArray();
            if (!cxn.IsConnected)
                result = new TaggedPatientArray("Connection not open");
            else if (cxn.DataSource.Uid == "")
                result = new TaggedPatientArray("No user authorized for lookup");
            else if (target == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing target");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                Patient[] matches = patientApi.match(cxn, target);
                result = new TaggedPatientArray(cxn.DataSource.SiteId.Id, matches);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public PatientArray nptLookup(
            string SSN,
            string lastName,
            string firstName,
            string middleName,
            string nameSuffix,
            string DOB,
            string gender)
            PatientArray result = new PatientArray();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SSN))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Must supply SSN");
            else if (!SocSecNum.isValid(SSN))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Invalid SSN");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                Patient[] patients = api.nptMatch(SSN);
                result = new PatientArray(patients);
            catch (Exception exc)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(exc);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public TaggedTextArray getCorrespondingIds(string sitecode, string patientId, string idType)
            TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray();

            if (mySession == null || mySession.ConnectionSet == null || mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection == null ||
                !mySession.ConnectionSet.HasBaseConnection || !mySession.ConnectionSet.IsAuthorized)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No connections", "Need to login?");
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sitecode))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Lookup by a specific sitecode is not currently supported - please leave this field empty and MDWS will query the base connection");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(patientId))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing patient ID");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(idType))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing ID type");
            else if (!String.Equals("DFN", idType, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                && !String.Equals("ICN", idType, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Lookup by " + idType + " is not currently supported");

            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sitecode))
                sitecode = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId;

                if (String.Equals("ICN", idType, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                    string localPid = patientApi.getLocalPid(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, patientId);
                    result = new TaggedTextArray(patientApi.getTreatingFacilityIds(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, localPid));
                else if (String.Equals("DFN", idType, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                    result = new TaggedTextArray(patientApi.getTreatingFacilityIds(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, patientId));
            catch (Exception exc)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(exc);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public TaggedPatientArray getPatientsByWard(string sitecode, string wardId)
            TaggedPatientArray result = new TaggedPatientArray();
            string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession, sitecode);
            if (msg != "OK")
                result.fault = new FaultTO(msg);
            else if (wardId == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing wardId");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            if (sitecode == null)
                sitecode = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId;

                AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode);
                PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                Patient[] matches = patientApi.getPatientsByWard(cxn, wardId);
                result = new TaggedPatientArray(sitecode, matches);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public PatientTO select(string sitecode, string localPid)
            PatientTO result = new PatientTO();
            string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession, sitecode);
            if (msg != "OK")
                result.fault = new FaultTO(msg);
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(localPid))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing local PID");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sitecode))
                sitecode = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId;

                AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode);
                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                Patient p = api.select(cxn, localPid);
                result = new PatientTO(p);
                mySession.Patient = p;
                mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode).Pid = result.localPid;
                if (p.Confidentiality.Key > 0)
                    if (p.Confidentiality.Key == 1)
                        // do nothing here - M code takes care of this per documentation
                    else if (p.Confidentiality.Key == 2)
                    else if (p.Confidentiality.Key > 2)
                        throw new ApplicationException(p.Confidentiality.Value);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a national identifier find the patient's sites
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mpiPid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TaggedTextArray getPatientSitesByMpiPid(string mpiPid)
            TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray();
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mpiPid))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing mpiPid");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            // Temporary visit to site 200 for initial lookup
            AccountLib acctLib = new AccountLib(mySession);
            result = acctLib.visitDoD(null);
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            TextTO localPid = getLocalPid(mpiPid);
            if (localPid.fault != null)
                result.fault = localPid.fault;
                return result;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(localPid.text))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Empty DFN returned from VistA");
                return result;

            PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
            StringDictionary siteIds = patientApi.getRemoteSiteIds(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, localPid.text);
            result = new TaggedTextArray(siteIds);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 20
 internal Patient getHomeData(Patient patient)
     PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
     api.addHomeDate(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, patient);
     return patient;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public TaggedPatientArrays match(string target)
            TaggedPatientArrays result = new TaggedPatientArrays();
            if (!mySession.ConnectionSet.IsAuthorized)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(target))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing target");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                IndexedHashtable t = api.match(mySession.ConnectionSet, target);
                return new TaggedPatientArrays(t);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method assumes there has been no login and therefore no credentials or user
        /// so it makes a new ConnectionSet, new credentials, etc.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pwd">Client app's BSE security phrase</param>
        /// <param name="sourceId">Station number</param>
        /// <param name="userId">DUZ</param>
        /// <param name="patientId">DFN</param>
        /// <returns>PersonsTO: a UserTO and a PatientTO</returns>
        public PersonsTO cprsLaunch(string pwd, string sourceId, string userId, string patientId)
            PersonsTO result = new PersonsTO();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceId))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No sitecode!");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No DUZ!");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(patientId))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No DFN!");
            else if (mySession.ConnectionSet != null && mySession.ConnectionSet.Count > 0)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("This session has pre-existing connections and this method should be the base connection.", "Do a disconnect?");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            // Get the site
            // Note the visit site and user site are the same!
            Site site = mySession.SiteTable.getSite(sourceId);
            if (site == null)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No site " + sourceId + " in sites table");
                return result;

            // Now select the patient
                User trueUser = getVisitorData(sourceId, userId, pwd);

                // Now visit as the real user
                // Note context has to be CPRS!
                result.user = visitAndAuthorize(

                if (result.user.fault != null)
                    result.fault = result.user.fault;
                    return result;
                PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                mySession.Patient = patientApi.select(mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sourceId), patientId);
                result.patient = new PatientTO(mySession.Patient);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e.Message.StartsWith("Patient unknown to CPRS"))
                    result.patient.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
                    result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public TaggedPatientArrays matchByNameCityStateMS(string name, string city, string stateAbbr)
            TaggedPatientArrays result = new TaggedPatientArrays();
            string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession);
            if (msg != "OK")
                result.fault = new FaultTO(msg);
            if (name == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing name");
            else if (city == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing city");
            else if (stateAbbr == "")
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing stateAbbr");
            else if (!State.isValidAbbr(stateAbbr))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Invalid stateAbbr");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                IndexedHashtable matches = api.matchByNameCityState(mySession.ConnectionSet, name, city, stateAbbr);
                result = new TaggedPatientArrays(matches);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// After selecting a patient at one site, make subsequent queries multi-site.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function will detect and visit all the other sites at which the patient 
        /// has been seen. Subsequent queries, then, will return data from all these sources.
        /// This method requires a previous login or visit to have set the credentials in
        /// mySession, as well as a previous patient select to have set the patient in 
        /// mySession.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pwd">Client app's BSE security phrase</param>
        /// <param name="context">If blank defaults to CPRS context</param>
        /// <returns>SiteArray: the sources subsequent queries will read from</returns>
        public SiteArray setupMultiSourcePatientQuery(string pwd, string context)
            SiteArray result = new SiteArray();

            //Make sure we have all the args we need
            if (mySession == null || mySession.SiteTable == null)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No site table");
            else if (mySession.Patient == null)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("No patient", "Need to select a patient?");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mySession.Patient.MpiPid))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Patient has no ICN", "Need to select the patient?");
            else if (mySession.Patient.SiteIDs == null || mySession.Patient.SiteIDs.Length == 0)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Patient has no sites", "Need to select the patient?");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(context))
                context = mySession.DefaultPermissionString;

                Site[] sites = mySession.SiteTable.getSites(mySession.Patient.SiteIDs);
                List<DataSource> sources = new List<DataSource>(sites.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < sites.Length; i++)
                    if (sites[i] == null)
                    DataSource src = sites[i].getDataSourceByModality("HIS");
                    if (src != null)

                TaggedTextArray tta = setupMultiSourceQuery(pwd, sources, context);

                PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                IndexedHashtable t = patientApi.setLocalPids(mySession.ConnectionSet, mySession.Patient.MpiPid);

                // we need to check confidentiality everywhere and issue bulletin if found at any site
                IndexedHashtable confidentialResults = patientApi.getConfidentiality(mySession.ConnectionSet);
                if (confidentialResults != null && confidentialResults.Count > 0)
                    KeyValuePair<int, string> highestConfidentialityResult = new KeyValuePair<int,string>(0, "");
                    for (int i = 0; i < confidentialResults.Count; i++)
                        KeyValuePair<int, string> siteResult = (KeyValuePair<int, string>)confidentialResults.GetValue(i);
                        if (siteResult.Key > highestConfidentialityResult.Key)
                            highestConfidentialityResult = siteResult;
                    if (highestConfidentialityResult.Key == 1)
                        // do nothing here - M code takes care of this per documentation
                    else if (highestConfidentialityResult.Key == 2)
                    else if (highestConfidentialityResult.Key > 2)
                        // catch block below takes care of disconnecting all sites
                        throw new ApplicationException(highestConfidentialityResult.Value);
                // end confidentiality
                result = new SiteArray(sites);
                for (int i = 0; i < result.sites.Length; i++)
                    if (mySession.ConnectionSet.ExcludeSite200 && result.sites[i].sitecode == "200")
                        result.sites[i].fault = new FaultTO("Site excluded");
                    else if (t.ContainsKey(result.sites[i].sitecode))
                        // TBD: fault in t?
                        result.sites[i].pid = (string)t.GetValue(result.sites[i].sitecode);
                // copy faults over if any found
                foreach (TaggedText tt in tta.results)
                    if (tt.fault != null)
                        foreach (SiteTO s in result.sites)
                            if (String.Equals(s.sitecode, tt.tag))
                                s.fault = tt.fault;
            catch (Exception e)
                result = new SiteArray();
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Lookup a patient in the Medora Patient Index. This can be a stateless call (i.e. not currently required to login)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SSN">Patient SSN (required)</param>
        /// <param name="lastName">Patient Last Name (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="firstName">Patient First Name (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="middleName">Patient Middle Name (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="nameSuffix">Patient Name Suffix (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="DOB">Patient Date Of Birth (optional)</param>
        /// <param name="gender">Patient Gender (not currently used for matching)</param>
        /// <returns>PatientArray of matches</returns>
        public PatientArray mpiLookup(
            string SSN,
            string lastName,
            string firstName,
            string middleName,
            string nameSuffix,
            string DOB,
            string gender)
            PatientArray result = new PatientArray();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SSN))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing SSN");
            else if (!SocSecNum.isValid(SSN))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Invalid SSN");
            // hard coded the cxn string since our MPI database should really be a service for everyone
            //else if (mySession == null || mySession.MdwsConfiguration == null || mySession.MdwsConfiguration.SqlConfiguration == null ||
            //    String.IsNullOrEmpty(mySession.MdwsConfiguration.SqlConfiguration.ConnectionString))
            //    result.fault = new FaultTO("Your MDWS configuration does not contain a valid SQL connection string");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

            Patient patient = new Patient();
            patient.SSN = new SocSecNum(SSN);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName))
                patient.Name = new PersonName();
                patient.Name.Lastname = lastName;
                patient.Name.Firstname = firstName;
                    patient.Name.Firstname = firstName + " " + middleName;
                patient.Name.Suffix = nameSuffix;
                patient.DOB = DOB;
            // SQL query doesn't care about gender so just ignore it for now
            //patient.Gender = gender;

                PatientApi api = new PatientApi();
                Patient[] matches = null;

                Site site = mySession.SiteTable.getSite("500");
                matches = api.mpiMatch(site.Sources[0], SSN);
                //if (patient.Name != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(patient.Name.LastNameFirst)) // match all patient info if present
                //    matches = api.mpiLookup(patient);
                //else // otherwise just match on SSN
                //    matches = api.mpiLookup(SSN);

                result = new PatientArray(matches);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public PatientArray getPatientsByClinic(string clinicId, string startDate, string stopDate)
            PatientArray result = new PatientArray();

            string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession);
            if (msg != "OK")
                result.fault = new FaultTO(msg);
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clinicId))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing clinicId");

            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                Patient[] matches = new PatientApi().getPatientsByClinic(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, clinicId, startDate, stopDate);
                result = new PatientArray(matches);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 27
        public RadiologyReportTO getImagingReport(string ssn, string accessionNumber)
            RadiologyReportTO result = new RadiologyReportTO();

            if (!mySession.ConnectionSet.IsAuthorized)
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ssn))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing SSN");
            else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(accessionNumber))
                result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing Accession Number");
            if (result.fault != null)
                return result;

                PatientApi patientApi = new PatientApi();
                Patient[] matches = patientApi.match(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, ssn);

                if (matches == null || matches.Length != 1)
                    result.fault = new FaultTO("More than one patient has that SSN in this site (" +
                        mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection.DataSource.SiteId.Id + ")");
                    return result;
                RadiologyReport report = ImagingExam.getReportText(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, matches[0].LocalPid, accessionNumber);

                result = new RadiologyReportTO(report);
            catch (Exception e)
                result.fault = new FaultTO(e);

            return result;