/// <summary>
        /// Deletes the log file, if it exists.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DeleteLogIfExists()
            // write the name of the current class and method we are now entering, into the log
            Console.WriteLine("In LogFileManager.DeleteLogIfExists");

                "LogFileManager.DeleteLogIfExists: Checking whether the folder '{0}' is writable...",

            if (!FileAndFolderHelper.IsFolderWritable(LogFileDirectoryName))
                // If we cannot write to the folder where the log file to be deleted sits in, then Heaven help us!  However the software
                // should try to work at all costs, so this method should just silently fail in this case.
                    "LogFileManager.DeleteLogIfExists: The folder '{0}' is not writable, so we can't delete the log file '{1}' as requested.  Nothing to do.",
                    LogFileDirectoryName, LogFilePath);

                    "LogFileManager.DeleteLogIfExists: Done.");


                "LogFileManager.DeleteLogIfExists: The folder '{0}' is writable, so therefore we can delete the log file '{1}'.",
                LogFileDirectoryName, LogFilePath);

                    "LogFileManager.DeleteLogIfExists: Deleting the log file folder '{0}' and all files and folders within it, and then re-creating the folder...",

                if (Directory.Exists(LogFileDirectoryName))
                    Directory.Delete(LogFileDirectoryName, true);

                if (!Directory.Exists(LogFileDirectoryName))

                if (Directory.Exists(LogFileDirectoryName))
                        "LogFileManager:DeleteLogIfExists: Successfully deleted and re-created the folder '{0}'.",
            catch (Exception e)
                // dump all the exception info to the log/console

            Console.WriteLine("LogFileManager.DeleteLogIfExists: Done.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Compresses a directory full of files into a ZIP file with the same name as the directory. Does not add the
        /// directory itself to the ZIP file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryPath">Path to the directory containing the files to be ZIPped.</param>
        /// <param name="zipFilePath">Path to the output ZIP file.  Must not be the same as the directory that is being ZIPped.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CompressDirectory(string directoryPath, string zipFilePath)
            // write the name of the current class and method we are now entering, into the log
            DebugUtils.WriteLine(DebugLevel.Debug, "In ZipperUpper.CompressDirectory");

            // Dump the variable directoryPath to the log
            DebugUtils.WriteLine(DebugLevel.Debug, "ZipperUpper.CompressDirectory: directoryPath = '{0}'", directoryPath);

            // Dump the variable zipFilePath to the log
            DebugUtils.WriteLine(DebugLevel.Debug, "ZipperUpper.CompressDirectory: zipFilePath = '{0}'", zipFilePath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
                // assume the directoryPath parameter specifies the release asset directory
                Console.WriteLine(Resources.ReleaseAssetDirNotFound, directoryPath);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zipFilePath))
                // Oops!  There is nowhere to deposit the zip file when we're done!

            // Check whether the zipFilePath contains characters that the operating
            // system does not allow to appear in a valid file name
            if (Path.GetFileName(zipFilePath).IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) >= 0)
                Console.WriteLine(Resources.ReleaseZipFileNameContainsInvalidChars, zipFilePath);

            var zipOutputFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFilePath);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zipOutputFolder))
                // Oops!  There is nowhere to deposit the zip file when we're done!

            if (directoryPath.ToLower().Equals(zipOutputFolder.ToLower()))
                // the output zip file is not allowed to live in the same directory as the files
                // that are being ZIPped.

            /* Check whether the current user has access privileges to write to the input directory and the
             * directory where the output zip is going to live.  If the current user does not, then fail */
            if (!FileAndFolderHelper.IsFolderWritable(directoryPath))
                // Current user does not have write access privileges to the input folder.
                Console.WriteLine(Resources.UserNotHasPermissionsToFolder, directoryPath);

            /* Create the folder where the outputted ZIP file is going to live, if that folder
             * does not already exist. */

            if (!FileAndFolderHelper.IsFolderWritable(zipOutputFolder))
                // Current user does not have write access privileges to the output folder.
                Console.WriteLine(Resources.UserNotHasPermissionsToFolder, zipOutputFolder);

            // Delete the output file if it already exists.
            if (File.Exists(zipFilePath))

                var events = new FastZipEvents();

                // try to keep going even if a particular file or folder fails
                events.FileFailure      += (s1, a1) => a1.ContinueRunning = true;
                events.DirectoryFailure += (s2, a2) => a2.ContinueRunning = true;
                //events.CompletedFile += (s3, a3) => Console.WriteLine($"Finished file '{a3.Name}.");
                //events.ProcessFile += (s4, a4) => Console.WriteLine($"Zipping file {a4.Name}...");

                new FastZip(events)
            catch (Exception e)
                // dump all the exception info to the log

                if (File.Exists(zipFilePath))


            return(File.Exists(zipFilePath)); // operation succeeded if the zip file exists at the path the user wants it at.
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the application's logging subsystem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="muteDebugLevelIfReleaseMode">Set to true if we should not write out "DEBUG" messages to the log file when in the NewRelease mode.  Set to false if all messages should always be logged.</param>
        /// <param name="overwrite">Overwrites any existing logs for the application with the latest logging sent out by this instance.</param>
        /// <param name="configurationFilePathname">Specifies the path to the configuration file to be utilized for initializing log4net.  If blank, the system attempts to utilize the default App.config file.</param>
        /// <remarks>Upon completion, this method sets the <see cref="IsLoggingInitialized"/> property.  Applications should check the value of this
        /// property to determine whether logging succeeded.</remarks>
        public static void InitializeLogging(bool muteDebugLevelIfReleaseMode = true,
                                             bool overwrite = true, string configurationFilePathname = "")
            // write the name of the current class and method we are now entering, into the log
            Console.WriteLine("In LogFileManager.InitializeLogging");

            // Check whether the path to the configuration file is blank; or, if it's not blank, whether the specified file actually exists at the path indicated.
            // If the configuration file pathname is blank and/or it does not exist at the path indicated, then call the version of XmlConfigurator.Configure that does
            // not take any arguments.  On the other hand, if the configurationFilePathname parameter is not blank, and it specifies a file that actually does exist
            // at the specified path, then pass that path to the XmlConfigurator.Configure method.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configurationFilePathname) ||
                // If the file specified by the configurationFilePathname does not actually exist, the author of this software
                // needs to know about it, so throw a FileNotFoundException
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configurationFilePathname) && // only do this check for a non-blank file name.
                        $"The file '{configurationFilePathname}' was not found.\n\nThe application needs this file in order to continue.");
                    IsLoggingInitialized = false;

                XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(configurationFilePathname));

            // Check to see if the required property, LogFilePath, is blank, whitespace, or null. If it is any of these, send an
            // error to the log file and quit.

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LogFilePath))
                // if we are here, then the call above did not work, try to load the configuration from the
                // .exe.config file which may have been included as an embedded resource.
                if (!ConfigureLogFileFromEmbeddedResource())
                    Console.WriteLine("LogFileManager.InitializeLogging: Failed to initialize logging from embedded configuration file.");

            // If we are here, then the required string property, LogFilePath, has a value.  Check to ensure that the
            // LogFileDirectoryName read-only property also has a value, which should be the path to the folder in which
            // the log file lives.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LogFileDirectoryName))

            // Check whether the parent folder of the folder in which the log file will live, is also writable by the
            // currently-logged-in user
            var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(LogFileDirectoryName).Parent;

            if (directoryInfo != null)
                // Check whether the user has write permissions on the directory tree that will
                // contain the log files.  Stop if the user does not.
                var logFileDirectoryParent = directoryInfo

                // Dump the variable logFileDirectoryParent to the log
                Console.WriteLine("LogFileManager.InitializeLogging: logFileDirectoryParent = '{0}'", logFileDirectoryParent);

                    "LogFileManager.InitializeLogging: Checking whether the user has write-level access to the folder '{0}'...",

                // Check if the user has write access to the parent directory of the log file.
                if (!FileAndFolderHelper.IsFolderWritable(logFileDirectoryParent))
                        @"LogFileManager.InitializeLogging: The user '{0}\{1}' does not have write-level access to the folder '{2}'.",

                    // Mark the IsLoggingInitialized property to false
                    IsLoggingInitialized = false;


            // Check whether the log file directory already exists.  If not, then try to create it.

            // We have to insist that the directory that the log file is in is writable.  If we can't
            // get write access to the log file directory, then throw an exception.
            if (!FileAndFolderHelper.IsFolderWritable(LogFileDirectoryName))
                    $"The current user does not have write permissions to the directory '{LogFileDirectoryName}'.");

                IsLoggingInitialized = false;

            // Set options on the file appender of the logging system to minimize locking issues

            // If the overwrite parameter's value is set to true, then overwrite the log -- that is,
            // delete any existing log file that may already exist.
            if (overwrite)

            // initialization succeeded
            IsLoggingInitialized = true;

            // Set up the Event Log and the DebugUtils objects.
            // Attempt to get a name for the executing application.
            DebugUtils.ApplicationName = GetDebugApplicationName();

            // If we found a value for the ApplicationName, then initialize the EventLogManager.  The EventLogManager
            // is a companion component to DebugUtils which also spits out logging to the System Event Log.  This is handy
            // in the case where the user does not have write access to the C:\ProgramData directory, for example.
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DebugUtils.ApplicationName))
                EventLogManager.Instance.Initialize(DebugUtils.ApplicationName, EventLogType.Application);

            // Set up the DebugUtils object with values that specify how we want logging done.  Be sure to specify that
            // we should not write log messages to the console under any circumstances, since this is a console application
            // that may be interactive to the user or have its stdout results parsed by another program.
            SetUpDebugUtils(muteDebugLevelIfReleaseMode, true, false, 1, true);

            // done