Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary> Creates a new SetBlockServer (0x06) packet. </summary>
 /// <param name="coords"> Coordinates of the block. </param>
 /// <param name="type"> Block type to set at given coordinates. </param>
 /// <param name="player"> Player packet is being sent to, used to get fallback block </param>
 public static Packet MakeSetBlock( Vector3I coords, Block type, Player player ) {
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.SetBlockServer );
     //Logger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Send: MakeSetBlock({0})({1})", coords, type);
     ToNetOrder( (short)coords.X, packet.Bytes, 1 );
     ToNetOrder( (short)coords.Z, packet.Bytes, 3 );
     ToNetOrder( (short)coords.Y, packet.Bytes, 5 );
     packet.Bytes[7] = (byte)player.getFallback(type);
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static Packet MakeCustomBlockSupportLevel(byte level)
     Logger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Send: CustomBlockSupportLevel({0})", level);
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.CustomBlocks);
     packet.Data[1] = level;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static Packet MakeChangeModel(byte EntityID, string modelName)
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.ChangeModel);
     packet.Data[1] = EntityID;
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(modelName.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 2);
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static Packet MakeExtEntry(string name, int version)
     Logger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Send: ExtEntry({0},{1})", name, version);
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.ExtEntry);
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 1);
     ToNetOrder(version, packet.Data, 65);
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static Packet MakeSetBlock( short x, short y, short z, Block type ) {
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.SetBlockServer );
     ToNetOrder( x, packet.Bytes, 1 );
     ToNetOrder( z, packet.Bytes, 3 );
     ToNetOrder( y, packet.Bytes, 5 );
     packet.Bytes[7] = (byte)type;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static Packet MakeExtAddEntity(byte EntityID, string entityName, string skinName)
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.ExtAddEntity);
     packet.Data[1] = EntityID;
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(entityName.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 2);
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(skinName.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 66);
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static Packet MakeSetBlock( Vector3I coords, Block type ) {
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.SetBlockServer );
     ToNetOrder( (short)coords.X, packet.Bytes, 1 );
     ToNetOrder( (short)coords.Z, packet.Bytes, 3 );
     ToNetOrder( (short)coords.Y, packet.Bytes, 5 );
     packet.Bytes[7] = (byte)type;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static Packet MakeSetBlockPermission(Block block, bool canPlace, bool canDelete)
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.SetBlockPermissions);
     packet.Data[1] = (byte)block;
     packet.Data[2] = (byte)(canPlace ? 1 : 0);
     packet.Data[3] = (byte)(canDelete ? 1 : 0);
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 9
 internal static Packet MakeMove( int id, Position pos )
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.Move );
     packet.Data[1] = ( byte )id;
     packet.Data[2] = ( byte )pos.X;
     packet.Data[3] = ( byte )pos.Z;
     packet.Data[4] = ( byte )pos.Y;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static Packet MakeEnvSetMapAppearance(string textureURL, byte sideBlock, byte edgeBlock, short sideLevel)
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.EnvSetMapAppearance);
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(textureURL.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 1);
     packet.Data[65] = sideBlock;
     packet.Data[66] = edgeBlock;
     ToNetOrder((short)sideLevel, packet.Data, 67);
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static Packet MakeSetBlock( int x, int y, int z, Block type )
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.SetBlockServer );
     ToNetOrder( x, packet.Data, 1 );
     ToNetOrder( z, packet.Data, 3 );
     ToNetOrder( y, packet.Data, 5 );
     packet.Data[7] = (byte)type;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 12
        internal static Packet MakeDisconnect( string reason )
            if ( reason == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "reason" );

            Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.Kick );
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( reason.PadRight( 64 ), 0, 64, packet.Data, 1 );
            return packet;
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary> Packet used to change players names/group in TabList as well as their autocomplete name. Color code friendly. </summary>
 /// <param name="NameID"> Name ID number from 0-255 </param>
 /// <param name="PlayerName"> Name used for autocompletion (can be null) </param>
 /// <param name="ListName"> Name displayed in Tab List </param>
 /// <param name="GroupName"> Name of group in Tab List </param>
 /// <param name="GroupRank"> Rank of group in Tab list (0 is highest) </param>
 public static Packet MakeExtAddPlayerName(short NameID, [CanBeNull]string PlayerName, string ListName, string GroupName, byte GroupRank)
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.ExtAddPlayerName); //0
     ToNetOrder((short)NameID, packet.Data, 1); //1
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(PlayerName.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 3);  //2
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ListName.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 67); //67
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(GroupName.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 131); //131
     packet.Data[195] = (byte)GroupRank;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static Packet MakeEnvSetColor(byte selection, string colorcode)
     System.Drawing.Color col = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(colorcode.ToUpper());
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.EnvSetColor);
     packet.Data[1] = selection;
     ToNetOrder((short)(col.R), packet.Data, 2);
     ToNetOrder((short)(col.G), packet.Data, 4);
     ToNetOrder((short)(col.B), packet.Data, 6);
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static Packet MakeExtInfo( short extCount )
            String VersionString = "800Craft " + Updater.CurrentRelease.VersionString;
            Logger.Log( LogType.SystemActivity, "Send: ExtInfo({0},{1})", VersionString, extCount );

            Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.ExtInfo );
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( VersionString.PadRight( 64 ), 0, 64, packet.Data, 1 );
            ToNetOrder( extCount, packet.Data, 65 );
            return packet;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static Packet MakeExtInfo(short extCount)
            String VersionString = "LegendCraft " + Updater.LatestStable;
            Logger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Send: ExtInfo({0},{1})", VersionString, extCount);

            Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.ExtInfo);
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(VersionString.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 1);
            ToNetOrder(extCount, packet.Data, 65);
            return packet;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static Packet MakeTeleport( sbyte id, Position pos ) {
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.Teleport );
     packet.Bytes[1] = (byte)id;
     ToNetOrder( pos.X, packet.Bytes, 2 );
     ToNetOrder( pos.Z, packet.Bytes, 4 );
     ToNetOrder( pos.Y, packet.Bytes, 6 );
     packet.Bytes[8] = pos.R;
     packet.Bytes[9] = pos.L;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 18
        internal static Packet MakeMessage( string message )
            if ( message == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "message" );

            Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.Message );
            packet.Data[1] = 0; // unused
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( message.PadRight( 64 ), 0, 64, packet.Data, 2 );
            return packet;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary> Creates a new Handshake (0x00) packet. </summary>
        /// <param name="serverName"> Server name, to be shown on recipient's loading screen. May not be null. </param>
        /// <param name="player"> Player to whom this packet is being sent.
        /// Used to determine DeleteAdmincrete permission, for client-side checks. May not be null. </param>
        /// <param name="motd"> Message-of-the-day (text displayed below the server name). May not be null. </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> player, serverName, or motd is null </exception>
        public static Packet MakeHandshake([NotNull] Player player, [NotNull] string serverName, [NotNull] string motd) {
            if (serverName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverName");
            if (motd == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("motd");

            Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.Handshake);
            packet.Bytes[1] = Config.ProtocolVersion;
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(serverName.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Bytes, 2);
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(motd.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Bytes, 66);
            packet.Bytes[130] = (byte)(player.Can(Permission.DeleteAdmincrete) ? 100 : 0);
            return packet;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static Packet MakeAddEntity( sbyte id, [NotNull] string name, Position pos ) {
            if( name == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "name" );

            Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.AddEntity );
            packet.Bytes[1] = (byte)id;
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( name.PadRight( 64 ), 0, 64, packet.Bytes, 2 );
            ToNetOrder( pos.X, packet.Bytes, 66 );
            ToNetOrder( pos.Z, packet.Bytes, 68 );
            ToNetOrder( pos.Y, packet.Bytes, 70 );
            packet.Bytes[72] = pos.R;
            packet.Bytes[73] = pos.L;
            return packet;
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary> Creates a new AddEntity (0x07) packet. </summary>
 /// <param name="id"> Entity ID. Negative values refer to "self". </param>
 /// <param name="name"> Entity name. May not be null. </param>
 /// <param name="spawnPosition"> Spawning position for the player. </param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> name is null </exception>
 public static Packet MakeAddEntity( sbyte id, [NotNull] string name, Position spawnPosition ) {
     if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.AddEntity );
     //Logger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Send: MakeAddEntity({0}, {1}, {2})", id, name, spawnPosition);
     packet.Bytes[1] = (byte)id;
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( name.PadRight( 64 ), 0, 64, packet.Bytes, 2 );
     ToNetOrder( spawnPosition.X, packet.Bytes, 66 );
     ToNetOrder( spawnPosition.Z, packet.Bytes, 68 );
     ToNetOrder( spawnPosition.Y, packet.Bytes, 70 );
     packet.Bytes[72] = spawnPosition.R;
     packet.Bytes[73] = spawnPosition.L;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static Packet MakeAddSelectionBox(byte ID, string Label, short StartX, short StartY, short StartZ, short EndX, short EndY, short EndZ, short R, short G, short B, short A)
     Logger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Send: MakeAddSelectionBox({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11})",
         ID, Label, StartX, StartY, StartZ, EndX, EndY, EndZ, R, G, B, A);
     Packet packet = new Packet(OpCode.SelectionCuboid);
     packet.Data[1] = ID;
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Label.PadRight(64), 0, 64, packet.Data, 2);
     ToNetOrder(StartX, packet.Data, 66);
     ToNetOrder(StartY, packet.Data, 68);
     ToNetOrder(StartZ, packet.Data, 70);
     ToNetOrder(EndX, packet.Data, 72);
     ToNetOrder(EndY, packet.Data, 74);
     ToNetOrder(EndZ, packet.Data, 76);
     ToNetOrder(R, packet.Data, 78);
     ToNetOrder(G, packet.Data, 80);
     ToNetOrder(B, packet.Data, 82);
     ToNetOrder(A, packet.Data, 84);
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 23
 internal static Packet MakeSetBlock( Vector3I coords, Block type )
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.SetBlockServer );
     ToNetOrder( coords.X, packet.Data, 1 );
     ToNetOrder( coords.Z, packet.Data, 3 );
     ToNetOrder( coords.Y, packet.Data, 5 );
     packet.Data[7] = (byte)type;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 24
 internal static Packet MakeRotate( int id, Position pos )
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.Rotate );
     packet.Data[1] = (byte)id;
     packet.Data[2] = pos.R;
     packet.Data[3] = pos.L;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 25
 internal static Packet MakeRemoveEntity( int id )
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.RemoveEntity );
     packet.Data[1] = (byte)id;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 26
 internal static Packet MakeMoveRotate( int id, Position pos )
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.MoveRotate );
     packet.Data[1] = (byte)id;
     packet.Data[2] = (byte)(pos.X & 0xFF);
     packet.Data[3] = (byte)(pos.Z & 0xFF);
     packet.Data[4] = (byte)(pos.Y & 0xFF);
     packet.Data[5] = pos.R;
     packet.Data[6] = pos.L;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary> Send packet (thread-safe, asynchronous, delayed queue).
 /// This is currently only used for block updates. </summary>
 public void SendLowPriority( Packet packet ) {
     if( canQueue ) outputQueue.Enqueue( packet );
Exemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary> Send packet (thread-safe, async, priority queue).
 /// This is used for most packets (movement, chat, etc). </summary>
 public void Send( Packet packet ) {
     if( canQueue ) priorityOutputQueue.Enqueue( packet );
Exemplo n.º 29
 internal void SendAllEnvColor(byte variable, int  value) {
 	Packet packet = PacketWriter.MakeEnvSetColor(variable, value);
     foreach (Player p in Players.Where(p => p.usesCPE))
Exemplo n.º 30
        internal static Packet MakeSetPermission( [NotNull] Player player )
            if( player == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "player" );

            Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.SetPermission );
            packet.Data[1] = (byte)(player.Can( Permission.DeleteAdmincrete ) ? 100 : 0);
            return packet;
Exemplo n.º 31
 internal void SendAllMapWeather() {
     Packet packet = PacketWriter.MakeEnvWeatherAppearance((byte)WeatherCC);
     foreach (Player p in Players.Where(p => p.usesCPE))
Exemplo n.º 32
 internal static Packet MakeTeleport( int id, Position pos )
     Packet packet = new Packet( OpCode.Teleport );
     packet.Data[1] = (byte)id;
     ToNetOrder( pos.X, packet.Data, 2 );
     ToNetOrder( pos.Z, packet.Data, 4 );
     ToNetOrder( pos.Y, packet.Data, 6 );
     packet.Data[8] = pos.R;
     packet.Data[9] = pos.L;
     return packet;
Exemplo n.º 33
 internal void SendAllMapAppearance() {
     Packet packet = PacketWriter.MakeEnvSetMapAppearance(textureURL, SideBlock, EdgeBlock, EdgeLevel);
     foreach (Player p in Players.Where(p => p.usesCPE))