Exemplo n.º 1
        public CameraState GetCurrentState(FScene scene)
            CameraState s = new CameraState();

            s.camPosition       = Camera.GetPosition();
            s.camRotation       = Camera.GetRotation();
            s.scenePosition     = scene.RootGameObject.GetPosition();
            s.sceneRotation     = scene.RootGameObject.GetRotation();
            s.target            = Camera.GetTarget();
            s.turntableAzimuth  = turntableAzimuthD;
            s.turntableAltitude = turntableAltitudeD;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Use this for initialization
        public void Initialize(FContext controller)
            this.controller = controller;

            // find main camera
            GameObject[] mainCameras = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera");
            if (mainCameras.Length == 0)
                throw new MissingComponentException("CameraTracking.Initialize: could not find camera with tag MainCamera");
            var mainCameraObj = mainCameras[0];

            if (mainCameras.Length > 1)
                DebugUtil.Log(2, "CameraTracking.Initialize: there are multiple objects with tag MainCamera. Using the one named " + mainCameraObj.GetName());
            mainCamera = new fCamera(mainCameraObj.GetComponent <Camera> () as Camera);

            // on Vive the MainCamera will have some child cameras that are a problem,
            // so get rid of them
            if (gs.VRPlatform.CurrentVRDevice == gs.VRPlatform.Device.HTCVive)
                List <GameObject> children = new List <GameObject>(mainCameraObj.Children());
                foreach (var child in children)

            List <Camera> newCameras = new List <Camera>();

            Vector3f    mainPos = mainCamera.GetPosition();
            Quaternionf mainRot = mainCamera.GetRotation();

            // create camera for 3D widgets layer
            widgetCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // create camera for HUD layer
            hudCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // create camera for UI
            uiCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));
            ((Camera)uiCamera).orthographic     = true;
            ((Camera)uiCamera).orthographicSize = 0.5f;

            // create camera for cursor
            cursorCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // configure these cameras
            //   - must disable audio listener if it exists
            //   - do depth clear so we can draw on top of other layers
            foreach (Camera cam in newCameras)
                AudioListener listener = cam.GetComponent <AudioListener>();
                if (listener != null)
                    listener.enabled = false;

                cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth;

                cam.tag = "Untagged";

            // set up camera masks

            // this camera only renders 3DWidgetOverlay layer, and mainCam does not!
            int nWidgetLayer = FPlatform.WidgetOverlayLayer;
            int nHUDLayer    = FPlatform.HUDLayer;
            int nUILayer     = FPlatform.UILayer;
            int nCursorLayer = FPlatform.CursorLayer;

            ((Camera)widgetCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nWidgetLayer);
            ((Camera)hudCamera).cullingMask    = (1 << nHUDLayer);
            ((Camera)uiCamera).cullingMask     = (1 << nUILayer);
            ((Camera)cursorCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nCursorLayer);

            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nWidgetLayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nHUDLayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nUILayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nCursorLayer);

            // attach camera animation object to main camera
            CameraAnimator anim = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraAnimator>();

            anim.UseCamera = mainCamera;
            anim.UseScene  = this.controller.Scene;

            // add target point to camera
            CameraTarget target = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraTarget>();

            target.TargetPoint = new Vector3f(0.0f, mainCamera.GetPosition().y, 0.0f);
            target.context     = this.controller;

            // add camera manipulator to camera
            // TODO: this does not need to be a monobehavior...
            var manipulator = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraManipulator>();

            manipulator.Camera = mainCamera;

            // initialize FPlatform
            FPlatform.MainCamera    = mainCamera;
            FPlatform.WidgetCamera  = widgetCamera;
            FPlatform.HUDCamera     = hudCamera;
            FPlatform.OrthoUICamera = uiCamera;
            FPlatform.CursorCamera  = cursorCamera;