Exemplo n.º 1
    //add a new column to row server
    public TableResponse AddColumn(string databaseName, string tableName, bool uniqueKey, string columnName, string columnType)
        string activeDir_ = activeDir + databaseName + "\\";
        string newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir_, tableName);
        string pkPath = newPath + "\\" + columnName + ".dat";
        string metaPath = newPath + "\\" + tableName + ".xml";
        string rowPath = newPath + "\\row.dat";

        // if new column is key, then generate new Pk binary file
        if (uniqueKey)
          BinaryManager h = new BinaryManager();
          h.GeneratePkFile(pkPath, columnType, 32, -1, 0);
        BinaryManager.RowAddColumn(rowPath, metaPath, uniqueKey, columnName, columnType);

        BinaryManager.MetaAddColumn(metaPath, uniqueKey, columnName, columnType);

        return new TableResponse(true, "add column successfully", "add column");
      catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("Error:" + e.Message.ToString());
        return new TableResponse(false, "Error: add column error", "add column failed");
Exemplo n.º 2
    //column key type: string : "int" , "float", "VarChar(10)";
    public TableResponse CreateTable(string databaseName, string tableName, Dictionary<string, bool> columnName, List<string> columnType)
        // Specify a "currently active folder"
        string activeDir_ = activeDir + databaseName + "\\";
        string newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir_, tableName);
        if (Directory.Exists(newPath))
        { return new TableResponse(false, "Table exist already", "TableResponse"); }
        // Create the subfolder
        //generate the corresponding PK files under the Folder Names: File Name= tableName_columnName.dat
        int dicIndex = 0;
        foreach (var i in columnName)
          if (i.Value == true)
            string path = newPath + "\\" + i.Key + ".dat";
            BinaryManager h = new BinaryManager();
            h.GeneratePkFile(path, columnType[dicIndex], 32, -1, 0);
        //generate Row Table file 
        string rowTbPath = newPath + "\\row.dat";
        BinaryManager rowTbHeader = new BinaryManager();
        rowTbHeader.GenerateRowFile(rowTbPath, columnType, columnName);
        //generate metadata XML file 
        string metaPath = newPath + "\\" + tableName;
        BinaryManager.MetaGenerator(metaPath, columnType, columnName);

        return new TableResponse(true, "Table Created Successfully", "Table created");
      catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("Error:" + e.Message.ToString());
        return new TableResponse(false, "Error: Create Table error", "Table not created");