Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <timeDeposit> getTDbyCustomerId(string customerId)
            // Step 2 : declare a list to hold collection of customer's timeDeposit
            //           DataSet instance and dataTable instance

            List <timeDeposit> tdList = new List <timeDeposit>();
            DataSet            ds     = new DataSet();
            DataTable          tdData = new DataTable();
            // Step 3 :Create SQLcommand to select all columns from TDMaster by parameterised customer id
            //          where TD is not matured yet

            StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder();

            sqlStr.AppendLine("SELECT * From TDMaster");
            sqlStr.AppendLine("where custId = @paraCustId");
            sqlStr.AppendLine("and tdMaturity >= GETDATE()");

            // Step 4 :Instantiate SqlConnection instance and SqlDataAdapter instance

            SqlConnection  myConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnect);
            SqlDataAdapter da     = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlStr.ToString(), myConn);

            // Step 5 :add value to parameter

            da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("paraCustId", customerId);

            // Step 6: fill dataset
            da.Fill(ds, "TableTD");

            // Step 7: Iterate the rows from TableTD above to create a collection of TD
            //         for this particular customer

            int rec_cnt = ds.Tables["TableTD"].Rows.Count;

            if (rec_cnt > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["TableTD"].Rows)
                    timeDeposit myTD = new timeDeposit();

                    // Step 8 Set attribute of timeDeposit instance for each row of record in TableTD

                    myTD.Affordability = row["tdAccount"].ToString();
                    myTD.Enjoyment     = row["custId"].ToString();
                    myTD.tdPrincipal   = Convert.ToDouble(row["principal"]);
                    myTD.tdTerm        = Convert.ToInt32(row["tdTerm"]);
                    myTD.tdEffDte      = Convert.ToDateTime(row["tdEffectFrom"]);
                    myTD.tdMaturityDte = Convert.ToDateTime(row["tdMaturity"]);
                    myTD.tdInterest    = Convert.ToDouble(row["tdInterest"]);
                    myTD.tdMaturedAmt  = Convert.ToDouble(row["tdMaturedAmt"]);
                    myTD.tdIntRte      = Convert.ToSingle(row["tdRate"]);
                    myTD.tdRenewMode   = Convert.ToInt32(row["tdRenewMode"]);

                    //  Step 9: Add each timeDeposit instance to array list
                tdList = null;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public timeDeposit getTDbyAccount(string tdAccount)
            // Step 2 : declare a list to hold collection of customer's timeDeposit
            //           DataSet instance and dataTable instance

            timeDeposit td     = new timeDeposit();
            DataSet     ds     = new DataSet();
            DataTable   tdData = new DataTable();
            // Step 3 :Create SQLcommand to select all columns from TDMaster by parameterised customer id
            //          where TD is not matured yet

            StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder();

            sqlStr.AppendLine("SELECT * From TDMaster");
            sqlStr.AppendLine("where tdAccount = @paratdAccount");

            // Step 4 :Instantiate SqlConnection instance and SqlDataAdapter instance

            SqlConnection  myConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnect);
            SqlDataAdapter da     = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlStr.ToString(), myConn);

            // Step 5 :add value to parameter

            da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("paratdAccount", tdAccount);

            // Step 6: fill dataset
            da.Fill(ds, "TableTD");

            // Step 7: Iterate the rows from TableTD above to create a collection of TD
            //         for this particular customer

            int         rec_cnt = ds.Tables["TableTD"].Rows.Count;
            timeDeposit myTD    = new timeDeposit();

            if (rec_cnt > 0)
                // Step 8 Set attribute of timeDeposit instance for the record in TableTD
                // DataRow is set to Rows[0] because only one row is returned
                DataRow row = ds.Tables["TableTD"].Rows[0];
                myTD.tdAccount     = row["tdAccount"].ToString();
                myTD.tdCustId      = row["custId"].ToString();
                myTD.tdPrincipal   = Convert.ToDouble(row["principal"]);
                myTD.tdTerm        = Convert.ToInt32(row["tdTerm"]);
                myTD.tdEffDte      = Convert.ToDateTime(row["tdEffectFrom"]);
                myTD.tdMaturityDte = Convert.ToDateTime(row["tdMaturity"]);
                myTD.tdInterest    = Convert.ToDouble(row["tdInterest"]);
                myTD.tdMaturedAmt  = Convert.ToDouble(row["tdMaturedAmt"]);
                myTD.tdIntRte      = Convert.ToSingle(row["tdRate"]);
                myTD.tdRenewMode   = Convert.ToInt32(row["tdRenewMode"]);

                myTD = null;