Exemplo n.º 1
    override protected void CreateChildren()

        #region Top label

        Label label = new TitleLabel { HorizontalCenter = 0, Top = 20, StyleName = "title" };

        new TextRotator
            Delay = 5, // 5 seconds delay
            Lines = new[]
                "Form Demo 1",
                "Created with eDriven.Gui"/*,
                "Author: Danko Kozar"*/
            Callback = delegate(string line) { label.Text = line; }


        Panel panel = new Panel
            Title = "Form Demo",
            Icon = Resources.Load<Texture>("Icons/star"),
            SkinClass = typeof(PanelSkin2),
            //SkinClass = typeof(WindowSkin),
            Width = 350,
            MaxHeight = 500,
            HorizontalCenter = 0, VerticalCenter = 0,
            //Top = 100, Bottom = 100 // additional constrains for screen resize

        Group container = new Group { Left = 10, Right = 10, Top = 10, Bottom = 10 };

        Form form = new Form { PercentWidth = 100 };

        #region Text Fields

        TextField txtSubject = new TextField
                                       FocusEnabled = true,
                                       PercentWidth = 100,
                                       Text = "Input text",
                                       //Optimized = true
                                       //AlowedCharacters = "a1"
        form.AddField("subject", "Subject:", txtSubject);

        TextArea txtMessage = new TextArea
                           FocusEnabled = true,
                           PercentWidth = 100,
                           Height = 200,
                           Text = LoremIpsum,
                           //Optimized = true
        form.AddField("message", "Message:", txtMessage);


        #region Buttons

        panel.ControlBarGroup.AddChild(new Spacer {PercentWidth = 100});

        Button btnSet = new Button
                           Text = "Set data",
                           Icon = ImageLoader.Instance.Load("Icons/arrow_up"),
                           SkinClass = typeof(ImageButtonSkin)
        btnSet.Press += delegate
            form.Data = new Hashtable
                                {"subject", "The subject"},
                                {"message", "This is the message..."}

        Button btnGet = new Button
            Text = "Get data",
            SkinClass = typeof(ImageButtonSkin),
            Icon = ImageLoader.Instance.Load("Icons/arrow_down")
        btnGet.Press += delegate
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in form.Data)
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format(@"""{0}"": {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value));

            Alert.Show("This is the form data", sb.ToString(), AlertButtonFlag.Ok,
                new AlertOption(AlertOptionType.HeaderIcon, Resources.Load<Texture>("Icons/information")));


        panel.Plugins.Add(new TabManager
            TabChildren = new List<DisplayListMember> { txtSubject, txtMessage, btnSet, btnGet }
Exemplo n.º 2
    override protected void CreateChildren()

        #region Top label

        Label label = new TitleLabel { HorizontalCenter = 0, Top = 20, StyleName = "title" };

        new TextRotator
            Delay = 5, // 5 seconds delay
            Lines = new[]
                "Form Demo 2",
                "Created with eDriven.Gui"/*,
                "Author: Danko Kozar"*/
            Callback = delegate(string line) { label.Text = line; }


        #region Scroller

        Scroller scroller = new Scroller
            SkinClass = typeof(ScrollerSkin2),
            Left = 0,
            Right = 0,
            Top = 100,
            Bottom = 0
        //scroller.SetStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", ScrollPolicy.On);
        //scroller.SetStyle("verticalScrollPolicy", ScrollPolicy.On);

        Group viewport = new Group
            MouseEnabled = true,
            Layout = new VerticalLayout
                HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle,
                PaddingLeft = 10,
                PaddingRight = 10,
                PaddingTop = 0,
                PaddingBottom = 10,
                Gap = 10
        scroller.Viewport = viewport;


        Panel panel = new Panel
            Title = "Form Demo 2",
            Icon = Resources.Load<Texture>("Icons/star"),
            SkinClass = typeof(PanelSkin2),
            MaxHeight = 800,
            //Height = 600 // for getting a scrollbar

        Group container = new Group { Left = 10, Right = 10, Top = 10, Bottom = 10 };

        Form form = new Form {PercentWidth = 100};

        #region Form items

        List list = new List
            PercentWidth = 100,
            RequireSelection = true,
            SelectedItem = "Sine",
            DataProvider = new ArrayList(new List<object>
                                                   new ListItem("Back", "Back"),
                                                   new ListItem("Bounce", "Bounce"),
                                                   new ListItem("Circ", "Circ"),
                                                   new ListItem("Cubic", "Cubic"),
                                                   new ListItem("Elastic", "Elastic"),
                                                   new ListItem("Expo", "Expo"),
                                                   new ListItem("Linear", "Linear"),
                                                   new ListItem("Quad", "Quad"),
                                                   new ListItem("Quart", "Quart"),
                                                   new ListItem("Quint", "Quint"),
                                                   new ListItem("Sine", "Sine")
        form.AddField("list", "List:", list);

        DropDownList dropDown = new DropDownList
            PercentWidth = 100,
            DataProvider = new ArrayList(new List<object>
                "Failure", "Teaches", "Success", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six"
        form.AddField("dd", "Drop down list:", dropDown);

        #region _test

//cb.Opening += delegate (Event evt)
        //                  {
        //                      Debug.Log("Opening");
        //                      //evt.PreventDefault();
        //                  };
        //cb.Closing += delegate(Event evt) { 
        //    Debug.Log("Closing");
        //    //evt.PreventDefault();
        //cb.Open += delegate { Debug.Log("Open"); };
        //cb.Close += delegate { Debug.Log("Close"); };

        //cb.AddEventListener(IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE, delegate (Event e)
        //                                     {
        //                                         IndexChangeEvent ice = (IndexChangeEvent)e;
        //                                         Debug.Log("Index changed from " + ice.OldIndex + " to " + ice.Index);
        //                                     });
        //cb.SelectedIndexChanged += delegate(Event e)
        //                                    {
        //                                        IndexChangeEvent ice = (IndexChangeEvent)e;
        //                                        Debug.Log("Index changed from " + ice.OldIndex + " to " + ice.Index);
        //                                    };


        ComboBox cb1 = new ComboBox
            PercentWidth = 100,
            DataProvider = new ArrayList(new List<object>
                                                     new ListItem("Failure", "Failure"),
                                                     new ListItem("Teaches", "Teaches"),
                                                     new ListItem("Success", "Success")
        form.AddField("combo1", "Combo 1:", cb1);

        ComboBox cb2 = new ComboBox
            PercentWidth = 100,
            DataProvider = new ArrayList(new List<object>
                                                     new ListItem("Back", "Back"),
                                                     new ListItem("Bounce", "Bounce"),
                                                     new ListItem("Circ", "Circ"),
                                                     new ListItem("Cubic", "Cubic"),
                                                     new ListItem("Elastic", "Elastic"),
                                                     new ListItem("Expo", "Expo"),
                                                     new ListItem("Linear", "Linear"),
                                                     new ListItem("Quad", "Quad"),
                                                     new ListItem("Quart", "Quart"),
                                                     new ListItem("Quint", "Quint"),
                                                     new ListItem("Sine", "Sine")
        form.AddField("combo2", "Combo 2:", cb2);

        TextField txtSubject = new TextField
                                       FocusEnabled = true,
                                       PercentWidth = 100,
                                       Optimized = true,
                                       //PasswordMode = true // test password mode
        form.AddField("subject", "Subject:", txtSubject);

        CheckBox chk1 = new CheckBox { Text = "Checkbox 1" };
        chk1.Change += delegate
        form.AddField("checkbox", "Checkbox:", chk1);

        CheckBox chk2 = new CheckBox { Text = "Checkbox 2" };
        chk2.Change += delegate
        form.AddField("checkbox2", "Checkbox:", chk2);
        form.ToggleItem("checkbox2", false);

        CheckBox chk3 = new CheckBox { Text = "Checkbox 3 with long text......." };
        form.AddField("checkbox3", "Checkbox:", chk3);
        form.ToggleItem("checkbox3", false);


        #region Buttons

        Button btnSet = new Button
                                Text = "Set data (true/Expo/Expo)",
                                Icon = ImageLoader.Instance.Load("Icons/arrow_up"),
                                SkinClass = typeof(ImageButtonSkin)
        btnSet.Press += delegate
                                form.Data = new Hashtable
                                                    {"subject", "The subject"},
                                                    //{"message", "This is the message..."}
                                                    {"checkbox", true},
                                                    {"combo1", "Expo"},
                                                    {"list", "Expo"}
        Button btnSet2 = new Button
            Text = "Set data (false/Circ/Sine)",
            SkinClass = typeof(ImageButtonSkin),
            Icon = ImageLoader.Instance.Load("Icons/arrow_up")
        btnSet2.Press += delegate
            form.Data = new Hashtable
                                                    {"subject", "The subject 2"},
                                                    //{"message", "This is the message..."}
                                                    {"checkbox", false},
                                                    {"combo1", "Circ"},
                                                    {"list", "Sine"}
        panel.ControlBarGroup.AddChild(new Spacer {PercentWidth = 100});

        Button btnGet = new Button
                                Text = "Get data",
                                SkinClass = typeof(ImageButtonSkin),
                                Icon = ImageLoader.Instance.Load("Icons/arrow_down")
        btnGet.Press += delegate
                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                int count = form.Data.Count;
                                int index = 0;
                                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in form.Data)
                                    if (index < count - 1)
                                        sb.AppendLine(string.Format(@"[{0}]: {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value));
                                        sb.Append(string.Format(@"[{0}]: {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value));

                                Alert.Show("This is the form data", sb.ToString(), AlertButtonFlag.Ok,
                                    new AlertOption(AlertOptionType.HeaderIcon, Resources.Load<Texture>("Icons/information")));


        // focus

        panel.Plugins.Add(new TabManager
            TabChildren = new List<DisplayListMember> { list, dropDown, cb1, cb2, txtSubject, chk1, chk2, chk3, btnSet, btnGet }
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the already instantiated container with children specified by component adapters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thisComponent"></param>
        /// <param name="targetContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="componentAdapters"></param>
        /// <param name="assignToDescriptor"></param>
        /// <param name="muteEvents"></param>
        /// <param name="removeAllChildren"></param>
        public static void PopulateContainer(Component thisComponent, Group targetContainer, ComponentAdapter[] componentAdapters, bool assignToDescriptor, bool muteEvents, bool removeAllChildren)
            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format(@"PopulateContainer: {0};
Child adapters: 
{1}", targetContainer, DescribeAdapterList(new List<ComponentAdapter>(componentAdapters))));

            if (null == targetContainer && null == thisComponent)

            var list = thisComponent as IContentChildList; // Group, Panel, Window etc.

            if (removeAllChildren)
                if (null != targetContainer)
                    if (list != null)

            foreach (ComponentAdapter adapter in componentAdapters)
                if (null == adapter || !adapter.enabled || !adapter.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) // no descriptors on this node or descriptor disabled. skip
                    continue; // 20130426

                Component component = adapter.Produce(!adapter.FactoryMode, assignToDescriptor);
                if (null != component) {
                    if (null != targetContainer)
                        if (list != null)