Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void RenderImage(int[] imagekey, TransformedImage image, ImageCloud.FreeView freeview)
            float x = (float)imagekey[idx[0]];
            float z = (float)imagekey[idx[1]];

            Matrix4 worldmatrix = Matrix4.CreateScale(x * 2.1f, y[(imagekey[idx[0]] + arguments[idx[0]].values.Length * imagekey[idx[1]]) % 1024], z * 2.1f);

            Common.sdrSolidColor.Bind(worldmatrix * freeview.viewprojmatrix);
            meshValueLine.Bind(Common.sdrSolidColor, null);
Exemplo n.º 2
            public void Draw(Rectangle bounds, int argidx, Size backbufferSize, GLShader sdr, int colorUniform)
                float x, y;

                this.bounds = bounds;

                Matrix4 trans = Matrix4.Identity;

                trans *= Matrix4.CreateScale(2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, (2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 1.0f);
                trans *= Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-1.0f + 2.0f * (bounds.Left + 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Width, 1.0f - 2.0f * (bounds.Bottom - 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Height, 0.0f);

                GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, BORDER_COLOR);
                meshBorders.Bind(sdr, null);

                GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, SLIDER_COLOR);
                meshSlider.Bind(sdr, null);
                y = 0.0f;                //(2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height;
                //int xi = 0;
                float sliderWidth = 20.0f;

                //x = (float)(xi + 1) / (float)(values.Length + 1);
                x  = (currentValue - minValue) / valueRange;
                x *= (2.0f * bounds.Width) / backbufferSize.Width;
                x  = (sliderWidth + x * (bounds.Width - sliderWidth)) / bounds.Width;
                sdr.Bind(Matrix4.CreateScale(sliderWidth / (2.0f * bounds.Width), 1.0f, 1.0f) * trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x, y, 0.0f));

                GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, TICK_COLOR);
                meshTick.Bind(sdr, null);

                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
                    //x = (float)(i + 1) / (float)(values.Length + 1);
                    x = (values[i] - minValue) / valueRange;
                    sdr.Bind(trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation((x * 2.0f * (bounds.Width - sliderWidth) + sliderWidth) / backbufferSize.Width, 0.0f, 0.0f));


                Vector2 strsize = Common.fontText2.MeasureString(label);

                Common.fontText2.DrawString(bounds.X - strsize.X - 2, bounds.Y - 1, label, backbufferSize);
                this.labelBounds = new Rectangle((int)(bounds.X - strsize.X - 2), bounds.Y - 1, (int)strsize.X, (int)strsize.Y);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void DrawString(float x, float y, float w, string strnumber, System.Drawing.Size backbufferSize, Color4 color)
            // Fonts look best when they are drawn on integer positions (so they don't have to be interpolated over multiple pixels)
            x = (float)(int)x;
            y = (float)(int)y;

            // Bind texture and save the size of a pixel in the texture's coordinate system
            GL.Uniform4(fontshader_coloruniform, color);
            meshquad.Bind(fontshader, texture);

             *      gl.uniform2f(sdr.InvTexSizeUniform, 1.0 / texture.image.width, 1.0 / texture.image.height);*/

            for (int i = 0; i < strnumber.Length; ++i)
                int     digit      = strnumber[i] - '0';
                Vector2 digit_pos  = new Vector2(fontdef.charpos_x[digit], fontdef.charpos_y[0]);
                Vector2 digit_size = new Vector2(fontdef.charpos_x[digit + 1] - fontdef.charpos_x[digit], fontdef.charpos_y[1] - fontdef.charpos_y[0]);

                // Transform texture quad texture coordinates to select the letter
                Matrix3 texcoordtrans = Matrix3.Identity;
                //texcoordtrans *= Matrix3_CreateScale(digit_size.X / texture.width, digit_size.Y / texture.height);
                texcoordtrans *= GLTextFont.Matrix3_CreateScale(digit_size.X / texture.width, (digit_size.Y - 2.0f) / texture.height);
                texcoordtrans *= Matrix3_CreateTranslation(digit_pos.X / texture.width, digit_pos.Y / texture.height);
                GL.UniformMatrix3(fontshader.defparams.textransform, false, ref texcoordtrans);

                /*// Save digit bounds so that digits can be clamped to avoid bleeding over of neighboring digits
                 * if(sdr.texboundsUniform)
                 *      gl.uniform1fv(sdr.texboundsUniform, [digit_pos[0] / texture.image.width, (digit_pos[0] + digit_size[0]) / texture.image.width,
                 *              digit_pos[1] / texture.image.height, (digit_pos[1] + digit_size[1]) / texture.image.height]);*/

                if (fixedwidth != 0)
                    digit_size.X = fixedwidth;

                // Transform texture quad vertices to position the letter
                Matrix4 trans = Matrix4.Identity;
                trans *= Matrix4.CreateScale(2.0f * digit_size.X / backbufferSize.Width, (2.0f * digit_size.Y - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 1.0f);
                trans *= Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-1.0f + 2.0f * (x + 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Width, 1.0f - 2.0f * (y + texture.height) / backbufferSize.Height, w);
                GL.UniformMatrix4(fontshader.defparams.worldviewproj, false, ref trans);

                x += digit_size.X;
Exemplo n.º 4
            public void Draw(Rectangle bounds, Selection selection, Size backbufferSize, GLShader sdr, int colorUniform)
                float x, y;

                this.bounds = bounds;

                Matrix4 trans = Matrix4.Identity;

                trans *= Matrix4.CreateScale(2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, (2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 1.0f);
                trans *= Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-1.0f + 2.0f * (bounds.Left + 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Width, 1.0f - 2.0f * (bounds.Bottom - 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Height, 0.0f);

                GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, BORDER_COLOR);
                meshBorders.Bind(sdr, null);

                if (selection != null)
                    GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, SELECTION_COLOR);
                    meshSelection.Bind(sdr, null);
                    y = 0.0f;                    //(2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height;
                    foreach (TransformedImage selectedimage in selection)
                        /*int xi = -1;
                         * for(int i = 0; i < selectedimage.args.Length; ++i)
                         *      if(selectedimage.args[i] == Global.arguments[argidx])
                         *      {
                         *              xi = Array.IndexOf(selectedimage.args[i].values, selectedimage.values[i]);
                         *              break;
                         *      }
                         * if(xi == -1)
                         *      continue;*/

                        if (selectedimage.globalargindices.Length <= argidx || selectedimage.globalargindices[argidx] == -1)
                        int xi = Array.IndexOf(Global.arguments[argidx].values, selectedimage.values[selectedimage.globalargindices[argidx]]);
                        if (xi == -1)

                        /*if(selectedimage.args.Length <= argidx)
                         *      continue;
                         * int xi = Array.IndexOf(selectedimage.args[argidx].values, selectedimage.values[argidx]);*/

                        float halfwidth = argument.strValues.Length <= MAX_NUM_ARGS_SHOWING_VALUES?Common.fontTextSmall.MeasureString(argument.strValues[xi]).X / 2.0f + 2.0f : 3.0f;

                        x  = (float)(xi + 1) / (float)(argument.strValues.Length + 1);
                        x *= 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width;
                        sdr.Bind(Matrix4.CreateScale(halfwidth / bounds.Width, 1.0f, 1.0f) * trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x, y, 0.0f));

                /*Point preSelectedTick;
                 * if(TickFromMousePosition(mousepos, backbufferSize, out preSelectedTick))
                 * {
                 *      GL.Uniform4(sdrColored_colorParam, PRESELECTION_COLOR);
                 *      if(preSelectedTick.X == -1)
                 *              for(preSelectedTick.X = 0; preSelectedTick.X < arguments[preSelectedTick.Y].values.Length; ++preSelectedTick.X)
                 *              {
                 *                      x = (float)(preSelectedTick.X + 1) / (float)(arguments[preSelectedTick.Y].values.Length + 1);
                 *                      sdrColored.Bind(trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x * 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, preSelectedTick.Y * -1.5f * (2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 0.0f));
                 *                      meshSelection.Draw();
                 *              }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *              x = (float)(preSelectedTick.X + 1) / (float)(arguments[preSelectedTick.Y].values.Length + 1);
                 *              sdrColored.Bind(trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x * 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, preSelectedTick.Y * -1.5f * (2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 0.0f));
                 *              meshSelection.Draw();
                 *      }
                 * }*/

                if (argument.strValues.Length > MAX_NUM_ARGS_SHOWING_VALUES)
                    GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, TICK_COLOR);
                    meshTick.Bind(sdr, null);

                    for (int i = 0; i < argument.strValues.Length; ++i)
                        //x = (float)(i + 1) / (float)(argument.strValues.Length + 1);
                        x = argument.values[i] / 10.0f;
                        sdr.Bind(trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x * 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, 0.0f, 0.0f));
                    y = bounds.Bottom - Common.fontTextSmall.MeasureString(" ").Y + 2.0f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < argument.values.Length; ++i)
                        x = (float)(i + 1) / (float)(argument.strValues.Length + 1);
                        Common.fontTextSmall.DrawString(bounds.Left + x * bounds.Width - Common.fontTextSmall.MeasureString(argument.strValues[i]).X / 2.0f, y, argument.strValues[i], backbufferSize);


                Vector2 strsize = Common.fontText2.MeasureString(label);

                Common.fontText2.DrawString(bounds.X - strsize.X - 2, bounds.Y - 1, label, backbufferSize);
                this.labelBounds = new Rectangle((int)(bounds.X - strsize.X - 2), bounds.Y - 1, (int)strsize.X, (int)strsize.Y);
Exemplo n.º 5
            public void Draw(Rectangle bounds, HashSet <int> selection, Size backbufferSize, GLShader sdr, int colorUniform)
                float x, y;

                this.bounds = bounds;

                Matrix4 trans = Matrix4.Identity;

                trans *= Matrix4.CreateScale(2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, (2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 1.0f);
                trans *= Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-1.0f + 2.0f * (bounds.Left + 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Width, 1.0f - 2.0f * (bounds.Bottom - 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Height, 0.0f);

                GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, BORDER_COLOR);
                meshBorders.Bind(sdr, null);

                if (selection != null)
                    GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, SELECTION_COLOR);
                    meshSelection.Bind(sdr, null);
                    y = 0.0f;                    //(2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height;
                    foreach (int xi in selection)
                        x  = (float)(xi + 1) / (float)(numvalues + 1);
                        x *= 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width;
                        sdr.Bind(trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x, y, 0.0f));

                /*Point preSelectedTick;
                 * if(TickFromMousePosition(mousepos, backbufferSize, out preSelectedTick))
                 * {
                 *      GL.Uniform4(sdrColored_colorParam, PRESELECTION_COLOR);
                 *      if(preSelectedTick.X == -1)
                 *              for(preSelectedTick.X = 0; preSelectedTick.X < arguments[preSelectedTick.Y].values.Length; ++preSelectedTick.X)
                 *              {
                 *                      x = (float)(preSelectedTick.X + 1) / (float)(arguments[preSelectedTick.Y].values.Length + 1);
                 *                      sdrColored.Bind(trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x * 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, preSelectedTick.Y * -1.5f * (2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 0.0f));
                 *                      meshSelection.Draw();
                 *              }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *              x = (float)(preSelectedTick.X + 1) / (float)(arguments[preSelectedTick.Y].values.Length + 1);
                 *              sdrColored.Bind(trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x * 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, preSelectedTick.Y * -1.5f * (2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 0.0f));
                 *              meshSelection.Draw();
                 *      }
                 * }*/

                GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, TICK_COLOR);
                meshTicks.Bind(sdr, null);


                Vector2 strsize = Common.fontText.MeasureString(label);

                Common.fontText.DrawString(bounds.X - strsize.X - 2, bounds.Y - 1, label, backbufferSize);
                this.labelBounds = new Rectangle((int)(bounds.X - strsize.X - 2), bounds.Y - 1, (int)strsize.X, (int)strsize.Y);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Draw(ImageCloud.FreeView freeview, AABB selectionAabb, Color4 selectionAabbColor, Size backbuffersize, int numdims = 3)
            /*// Use custom projection matrix with z-far tailored to include all axes
             * float maxdist = 0.0f;
             * maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, (new Vector3(1000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) - freeview.viewpos).Length);
             * maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, (new Vector3(-1000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) - freeview.viewpos).Length);
             * maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, (new Vector3(0.0f, 1000.0f, 0.0f) - freeview.viewpos).Length);
             * maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, (new Vector3(0.0f, -1000.0f, 0.0f) - freeview.viewpos).Length);
             * maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, (new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f) - freeview.viewpos).Length);
             * maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, (new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1000.0f) - freeview.viewpos).Length);
             * Matrix4 viewprojmatrix = freeview.viewmatrix * Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(ImageCloud.FOV_Y, (float)backbuffersize.Width / (float)backbuffersize.Height, maxdist / 10000.0f, maxdist);*/
            Matrix4 viewprojmatrix = freeview.viewprojmatrix;

            Vector3 __axis_dist = new Vector3((new Vector2(freeview.viewpos.Y, freeview.viewpos.Z)).Length,
                                              (new Vector2(freeview.viewpos.X, freeview.viewpos.Z)).Length,
                                              (new Vector2(freeview.viewpos.X, freeview.viewpos.Y)).Length);
            Vector3 axis_dist = new Vector3(), _axis_dist = new Vector3();

            for (int i = 0; i < numdims; ++i)
                _axis_dist[i] = (float)Math.Log10(Math.Max(freeview.znear, __axis_dist[i]));
                axis_dist[i]  = (float)Math.Pow(10.0, Math.Floor(_axis_dist[i]));

            int[]     floor_viewpos   = new int[numdims];
            float[]   floor_viewpos10 = new float[numdims], axis_dist_fract = new float[numdims];
            Matrix4[] scalematrix     = new Matrix4[numdims];
            for (int d = 0; d < numdims; ++d)
                floor_viewpos[d]   = Math.Abs((int)(Math.Floor(freeview.viewpos[d] / axis_dist[d] * 10.0f) / 10.0f));
                floor_viewpos10[d] = Math.Abs((float)Math.Floor(freeview.viewpos[d] / axis_dist[d] / 10.0f) * axis_dist[d] * 10.0f);
                axis_dist_fract[d] = (_axis_dist[d] + 100.0f) % 1.0f;                 //EDIT: 100.0f ... constant to keep log positive
                scalematrix[d]     = Matrix4.CreateScale(axis_dist[d]);

            Vector3[] unitvector =
                new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
                new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)

            Matrix4[] tickrotmatrix =
                Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.PiOver2) * Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2),
                Matrix4.CreateRotationX(-MathHelper.PiOver2) * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(-MathHelper.PiOver2),

            // >>> Draw axes



            // Draw axes in positive directions
            GL.Uniform4(Common.sdrSolidColor_colorUniform, POSITIVE_AXIS_COLOR);
            axismesh.Draw(0, 2 * numdims);

            // Draw axes in negative directions
            Common.sdrSolidColor.Bind(Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.Pi) * Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.PiOver2) * viewprojmatrix);
            GL.Uniform4(Common.sdrSolidColor_colorUniform, NEGATIVE_AXIS_COLOR);
            axismesh.Draw(0, 2 * numdims);

            // >>> Draw selection AABB

            if (selectionAabb != null)

                Matrix4 selectionAabbTransform = selectionAabb.GetTransform();
                Matrix4 offsetTransform        = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.00001f);

                Common.sdrSolidColor.Bind(tickrotmatrix[0] * selectionAabbTransform * Matrix4.CreateScale(unitvector[0]) * viewprojmatrix * offsetTransform);
                GL.Uniform4(Common.sdrSolidColor_colorUniform, selectionAabbColor);
                Common.sdrSolidColor.Bind(tickrotmatrix[1] * selectionAabbTransform * Matrix4.CreateScale(unitvector[1]) * viewprojmatrix * offsetTransform);
                Common.sdrSolidColor.Bind(tickrotmatrix[2] * selectionAabbTransform * Matrix4.CreateScale(unitvector[2]) * viewprojmatrix * offsetTransform);

            // >>> Draw ticks



            for (int d = 0; d < numdims; ++d)
                if (__axis_dist[d] < freeview.znear)

                for (int t = floor_viewpos[d] + LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE; t >= floor_viewpos[d]; --t)
                    if (t == 0)

                    Vector3 lblpos  = unitvector[d] * (float)t * axis_dist[d];
                    float   lbldist = (freeview.viewpos - lblpos).Length;

                    float opacity = (float)Math.Pow(axis_dist_fract[d], LABEL_AXIS_DISTANCE_FADE);
                    if (t % 10 == 0)
                        opacity *= 0.1f;
                    opacity += (float)Math.Pow(lbldist / LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE, LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE_FADE);

                    float scale = axis_dist_fract[d];
                    if (t % 10 == 0)
                        scale *= 0.01f;

                    Color4 clr = t > 0 ? POSITIVE_AXIS_COLOR : NEGATIVE_AXIS_COLOR;
                    clr.A = 1.0f - opacity;
                    Common.sdrSolidColor.Bind(Matrix4.CreateScale(__axis_dist[d] * (1.0f - 0.5f * scale)) * tickrotmatrix[d] * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(lblpos) * viewprojmatrix);
                    GL.Uniform4(Common.sdrSolidColor_colorUniform, clr);
                for (int t = floor_viewpos[d] - LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE; t < floor_viewpos[d]; ++t)
                    if (t == 0)

                    Vector3 lblpos  = unitvector[d] * (float)t * axis_dist[d];
                    float   lbldist = (freeview.viewpos - lblpos).Length;

                    float opacity = (float)Math.Pow(axis_dist_fract[d], LABEL_AXIS_DISTANCE_FADE);
                    if (t % 10 == 0)
                        opacity *= 0.1f;
                    opacity += (float)Math.Pow(lbldist / LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE, LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE_FADE);

                    float scale = axis_dist_fract[d];
                    if (t % 10 == 0)
                        scale *= 0.01f;

                    Color4 clr = t > 0 ? POSITIVE_AXIS_COLOR : NEGATIVE_AXIS_COLOR;
                    clr.A = 1.0f - opacity;
                    Common.sdrSolidColor.Bind(Matrix4.CreateScale(__axis_dist[d] * (1.0f - 0.5f * scale)) * tickrotmatrix[d] * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(lblpos) * viewprojmatrix);
                    GL.Uniform4(Common.sdrSolidColor_colorUniform, clr);


            // >>> Draw labels

            Matrix4 vieworient = freeview.viewmatrix, invvieworient;

            vieworient.M41 = vieworient.M42 = vieworient.M43 = 0.0f;
            invvieworient  = vieworient;

            for (int d = 0; d < numdims; ++d)
                if (__axis_dist[d] < freeview.znear)

                for (int t = floor_viewpos[d] + LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE; t >= floor_viewpos[d]; --t)
                    if (t == 0)

                    Vector3 lblpos  = unitvector[d] * (float)t * axis_dist[d];
                    float   lbldist = (freeview.viewpos - lblpos).Length;

                    float opacity = (float)Math.Pow(axis_dist_fract[d], LABEL_AXIS_DISTANCE_FADE);
                    if (t % 10 == 0)
                        opacity *= 0.1f;
                    opacity += (float)Math.Pow(lbldist / LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE, LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE_FADE);

                    Color4 clr = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f - opacity);
                    //Vector3 offset = (freeview.viewpos - lblpos).Normalized() * 1.0f;
                    Common.fontText2.DrawStringAt(lblpos /*+ offset*/, viewprojmatrix, ((decimal)t * (decimal)axis_dist[d]).ToString(), backbuffersize, clr);
                for (int t = floor_viewpos[d] - LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE; t < floor_viewpos[d]; ++t)
                    if (t == 0)

                    Vector3 lblpos  = unitvector[d] * (float)t * axis_dist[d];
                    float   lbldist = (freeview.viewpos - lblpos).Length;

                    float opacity = (float)Math.Pow(axis_dist_fract[d], LABEL_AXIS_DISTANCE_FADE);
                    if (t % 10 == 0)
                        opacity *= 0.1f;
                    opacity += (float)Math.Pow(lbldist / LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE, LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE_FADE);

                    Color4 clr = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f - opacity);
                    //Vector3 offset = (freeview.viewpos - lblpos).Normalized() * 1.0f;
                    Common.fontText2.DrawStringAt(lblpos /*+ offset*/, viewprojmatrix, ((decimal)t * (decimal)axis_dist[d]).ToString(), backbuffersize, clr);

            // >>> Draw selection AABB labels

            if (selectionAabb != null)
                for (int d = 0; d < numdims; ++d)
                    if (Math.Abs(selectionAabb.max[d] - selectionAabb.min[d]) < 0.1f)

                    float value = (selectionAabb.max[d] + selectionAabb.min[d]) / 2.0f;

                    Vector3 lblpos  = unitvector[d] * value;
                    float   lbldist = (freeview.viewpos - lblpos).Length;

                    float opacity = 0.0f;
                    opacity += (float)Math.Pow(lbldist / LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE, LABEL_CAM_DISTANCE_FADE);

                    Color4 clr = selectionAabbColor;
                    clr.A = 1.0f - opacity;
                    Vector3 offset = (freeview.viewpos - lblpos).Normalized() * 1.0f;
                    Common.fontText2.DrawStringAt(lblpos + offset, viewprojmatrix, ((decimal)value).ToString(), backbuffersize, clr);
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void DrawString(float x, float y, float w, string text, System.Drawing.Size backbufferSize, Color4 color)
            // Fonts look best when they are drawn on integer positions (so they don't have to be interpolated over multiple pixels)
            float linestart = x = (float)(int)x;

            y = (float)(int)y;

            // Bind texture and save the size of a pixel in the texture's coordinate system
            GL.Uniform4(fontshader_coloruniform, color);
            meshquad.Bind(fontshader, texture);

             *      gl.uniform2f(sdr.InvTexSizeUniform, 1.0 / texture.image.width, 1.0 / texture.image.height);*/

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; ++i)
                char chr = text[i];
                if (chr == '\n')
                    x  = linestart;
                    y += charsize.Y;
                if (chr != ' ')
                    Vector2 charpos;
                    switch (chr)
                    case '-': charpos = new Vector2((float)(0 * charsize.X), (float)(3 * charsize.Y)); break;

                    case '/': charpos = new Vector2((float)(1 * charsize.X), (float)(3 * charsize.Y)); break;

                    case ':': charpos = new Vector2((float)(2 * charsize.X), (float)(3 * charsize.Y)); break;

                    case '>': charpos = new Vector2((float)(3 * charsize.X), (float)(3 * charsize.Y)); break;

                    case '(': charpos = new Vector2((float)(4 * charsize.X), (float)(3 * charsize.Y)); break;

                    case ')': charpos = new Vector2((float)(5 * charsize.X), (float)(3 * charsize.Y)); break;

                    case '%': charpos = new Vector2((float)(6 * charsize.X), (float)(3 * charsize.Y)); break;

                    case '.': charpos = new Vector2((float)(7 * charsize.X), (float)(3 * charsize.Y)); break;

                        if (char.IsNumber(chr))
                            charpos = new Vector2((float)(chr - '0') * charsize.X, (float)(2 * charsize.Y));                             // Character is digit
                            charpos = new Vector2((float)(char.ToLower(chr) - 'a') * charsize.X, (float)(char.IsUpper(chr) ? 0 : 1) * charsize.Y);                             // Character is letter

                    // Transform texture quad texture coordinates to select the letter
                    Matrix3 texcoordtrans = Matrix3.Identity;
                    //texcoordtrans *= Matrix3_CreateScale(charsize.X / texture.width, charsize.Y / texture.height);
                    texcoordtrans *= GLTextFont.Matrix3_CreateScale(charsize.X / texture.width, (charsize.Y - 2.0f) / texture.height);
                    texcoordtrans *= Matrix3_CreateTranslation((charpos.X - 0.5f) / texture.width, (charpos.Y - 0.5f) / texture.height);
                    GL.UniformMatrix3(fontshader.defparams.textransform, false, ref texcoordtrans);

                    /*// Save character bounds so that characters can be clamped to avoid bleeding over of neighboring characters
                     * if(sdr.texboundsUniform)
                     *      gl.uniform1fv(sdr.texboundsUniform, [charpos[0] / texture.image.width, (charpos[0] + charsize[0]) / texture.image.width,
                     *              charpos[1] / texture.image.height, (charpos[1] + charsize[1]) / texture.image.height]);*/

                    // Transform texture quad vertices to position the letter
                    Matrix4 trans = Matrix4.Identity;
                    trans *= Matrix4.CreateScale(2.0f * charsize.X / backbufferSize.Width, (2.0f * charsize.Y - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 1.0f);
                    trans *= Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-1.0f + 2.0f * (x + 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Width, 1.0f - 2.0f * (y + charsize.Y) / backbufferSize.Height, w);
                    GL.UniformMatrix4(fontshader.defparams.worldviewproj, false, ref trans);

                x += charsize.X;
Exemplo n.º 8
            public void Draw(Rectangle bounds, int argidx, Size backbufferSize, GLShader sdr, int colorUniform)
                float x, y;

                this.bounds = bounds;

                Matrix4 trans = Matrix4.Identity;

                trans *= Matrix4.CreateScale(2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, (2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height, 1.0f);
                trans *= Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-1.0f + 2.0f * (bounds.Left + 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Width, 1.0f - 2.0f * (bounds.Bottom - 0.5f) / backbufferSize.Height, 0.0f);

                GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, BORDER_COLOR);
                meshBorders.Bind(sdr, null);

                GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, CHECK_COLOR);
                meshCheck.Bind(sdr, null);
                y = 0.0f;                //(2.0f * bounds.Height - 4.0f) / backbufferSize.Height;
                int xi = 0;

                foreach (bool isChecked in parameter.isChecked)
                    if (isChecked)
                        float halfwidth = parameter.strValues.Length <= MAX_NUM_PARAMS_SHOWING_VALUES?Common.fontTextSmall.MeasureString(parameter.strValues[xi]).X / 2.0f + 2.0f : 3.0f;

                        x  = (float)(xi + 1) / (float)(parameter.strValues.Length + 1);
                        x *= 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width;
                        sdr.Bind(Matrix4.CreateScale(halfwidth / bounds.Width, 1.0f, 1.0f) * trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x, y, 0.0f));

                if (parameter.strValues.Length > MAX_NUM_PARAMS_SHOWING_VALUES)
                    GL.Uniform4(colorUniform, TICK_COLOR);
                    meshTick.Bind(sdr, null);

                    for (int i = 0; i < parameter.strValues.Length; ++i)
                        //x = (float)(i + 1) / (float)(parameter.strValues.Length + 1);
                        x = parameter.values[i] / 10.0f;
                        sdr.Bind(trans * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(x * 2.0f * bounds.Width / backbufferSize.Width, 0.0f, 0.0f));
                    y = bounds.Bottom - Common.fontTextSmall.MeasureString(" ").Y + 2.0f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < parameter.values.Length; ++i)
                        x = (float)(i + 1) / (float)(parameter.strValues.Length + 1);
                        Common.fontTextSmall.DrawString(bounds.Left + x * bounds.Width - Common.fontTextSmall.MeasureString(parameter.strValues[i]).X / 2.0f, y, parameter.strValues[i], backbufferSize);


                Vector2 strsize = Common.fontText2.MeasureString(label);

                Common.fontText2.DrawString(bounds.X - strsize.X - 2, bounds.Y - 1, label, backbufferSize);
                this.labelBounds = new Rectangle((int)(bounds.X - strsize.X - 2), bounds.Y - 1, (int)strsize.X, (int)strsize.Y);