Exemplo n.º 1
    // #############################################################################################
    // Internals
    // #############################################################################################
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Internal, recursive helper of #Find.
         * @param       domainPath  Path to search.
         * @param       sensitivity Denotes if domain name search is treated case sensitive or not.
         * @param       maxCreate   The maximum number of sub domains that are created if not
         *                          found at the end of the path.
         * @param[out]  wasCreated  Output parameter that is set \c true if domain was not found
         *                          and hence created.
         * @return The domain found or created.
        protected Domain findRecursive( Substring domainPath, Case sensitivity,
                                        int maxCreate, ref bool wasCreated          )
            //--- get act sub-name and rest of path
            domainPath.Consume( Separator );
            int endSubName= domainPath.IndexOf( Separator );

            ALIB.ASSERT_ERROR( endSubName != 0, "Internal Error" );

            // find end of actual domain name and save rest
            Substring restOfDomainPath= tSubstring2;
            if ( endSubName > 0 )
                domainPath.Split( endSubName, restOfDomainPath, 1 );

            // search sub-domain
            Domain subDomain= null;

            // "."
            if( domainPath.Equals( "." ) )
                subDomain= this;

            // ".."
            else if( domainPath.Equals( ".." ) )
                subDomain= Parent != null ? Parent : this;

            // search in sub-domain
                int i;
                bool fixedOnce= false;
                    for( i= 0; i< SubDomains.Count; i++ )
                        int comparison=   SubDomains[i].Name.CompareTo( domainPath, sensitivity );
                        if( comparison >= 0 )
                            if ( comparison == 0 )
                                subDomain= SubDomains[i];

                    // domain found?
                    if ( subDomain != null )

                    // try and fix name
                    if( !fixedOnce )
                        fixedOnce= true;

                        bool illegalCharacterFound= false;
                        for( int cp= 0; cp< domainPath.Length() ; ++cp )
                            char c= domainPath.CharAt(cp);
                            if (     c <  '-' || c > 'z'
                                  || c == '<' || c == '>'
                                  || c == '[' || c == ']'
                                  || c == '=' || c == '?' || c == ';' || c == ':'
                                  || c == '\\'|| c == '\''|| c == '.' || c == ','
                                illegalCharacterFound= true;
                                domainPath.Buf[domainPath.Start + cp]= '#';

                        if ( illegalCharacterFound )

                    // create
                    if ( maxCreate == 0 )
                        return null;
                    wasCreated= true;
                    SubDomains.Insert( i, subDomain= new Domain( this,  new AString( domainPath ) ) );
                    if ( maxCreate == 0 )
                        return subDomain;


            // recursion?
            if ( restOfDomainPath.IsNotEmpty() )
                domainPath.Set( restOfDomainPath );
                return subDomain.findRecursive( domainPath, sensitivity, maxCreate, ref wasCreated );

            // that's it
            return subDomain;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Helper method used when reading file.
  * @param subs    A sub-string.
  * @return true if provided substring starts with comment character.
 protected bool startsWithCommentSymbol( Substring subs )
     int i= commentChars.IndexOf( subs.CharAtStart() );
     return      ( i >= 0 && i < 2)
             ||  ( i == 2 && subs.CharAt(1) == '/'  );
Exemplo n.º 3
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Interprets given \p src as a value of enum type
  * \ref cs::aworx::lib::enums::Inclusion "enums.Inclusion".
  * If the case insensitive comparison of the first non-whitespace characters of the string
  * with values "i", "y", "t", "1"
  * matches, \b %Inclusion.Include is returned.
  * Otherwise, including the case that \p src is 'nulled', \b %Inclusion.Exclude is returned.
  * @param src The string to 'parse'.
  * @returns The \b %Inclusion value read.
 public static Inclusion ReadInclusion( Substring src )
     int idx= src.IndexOfAny( CString.DefaultWhitespaces, Inclusion.Exclude );
     if ( idx >= 0 )
         int c= Char.ToLower( src.CharAt(idx) );
         foreach ( char v in trueValuesInclusion )
             if ( c == v )
                 return Inclusion.Include;
     return Inclusion.Exclude;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Interprets given \p src as a value of enum type
  * \ref aworx.lib::enums::Case "enums.Case".
  * If the case insensitive comparison of the first non-whitespace characters of the string
  * with values "s", "y", "t", "1"
  * matches, \b %Case.Sensitive is returned.
  * Otherwise, including the case that \p src is 'nulled', \b %Case.Ignore is returned.
  * @param src The string to 'parse'.
  * @returns The \b %Case value read.
 public static Case      ReadCase( Substring src )
     int idx= src.IndexOfAny( CString.DefaultWhitespaces, Inclusion.Exclude );
     if ( idx >= 0 )
         int c= Char.ToLower( src.CharAt(idx) );
         foreach ( char v in trueValuesCase )
             if ( c == v )
                 return Case.Sensitive;
     return Case.Ignore;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Interprets given \p src as a boolean value.
         * \ref cs::aworx::lib::enums::Inclusion "enums.Inclusion".
         * If the case insensitive comparison of the first non-whitespace characters of the string with
         * with values "t", "1", "y", "on", "ok"
         * matches, \c true is returned.
         * Otherwise, including the case that \p src is 'nulled', \c false is returned.
         * @param src The string to 'parse'.
         * @returns The \b %Case value read.
        public static bool      ReadBoolean( Substring src )
            int idx= src.IndexOfAny( CString.DefaultWhitespaces, Inclusion.Exclude );
            if ( idx >= 0 )
                char c=  Char.ToLower( src.CharAt(idx) );
                foreach ( char v in trueValuesBoolean )
                    if ( c == v )
                        return true;

                char c2= Char.ToLower( src.CharAt( idx + 1 ) );
                if ( c == 'o' &&  ( c2 == 'n' || c2 == 'k' ) )
                    return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Interprets given \p src as a verbosity.
  * A case insensitive comparison of only the first (!) character of the start of the string
  * is performed (against 'v', 'i', 'w' and 'e').
  * If no match is found, \e %Verbosity::Off is returned.
  * @param src The string to 'parse'.
  * @returns The verbosity read.
 public static Verbosity ReadVerbosity( Substring src )
     int idx= src.IndexOfAny( CString.DefaultWhitespaces, Inclusion.Exclude );
     if ( idx >= 0 )
         char c= Char.ToLower( src.CharAt(idx) );
         if ( c == 'v' ) return Verbosity.Verbose;
         if ( c == 'i' ) return Verbosity.Info;
         if ( c == 'w' ) return Verbosity.Warning;
         if ( c == 'e' ) return Verbosity.Error;
     return Verbosity.Off;
public void FrontEnd()
    // empty substring
        Substring subs= new Substring();
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtStart(   ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt( 0 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt( 1 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt(-1 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt( 2 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt(-2 ) );

        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd (   ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 0 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 1 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd (-1 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 2 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd (-2 ) );

    // empty substring
        Substring subs= new Substring("aaaaaaaaaaaa");
        subs.Start= 5;
        subs.End=   4;
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtStart(   ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt( 0 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt( 1 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt(-1 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt( 2 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAt(-2 ) );

        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd (   ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 0 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 1 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd (-1 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 2 ) );
        UT_EQ(  '\0',      subs.CharAtEnd (-2 ) );

    // substring of length 1
        Substring subs= new Substring("aaaaaaaaaaaa");
        subs.Start= subs.End= 5;
        UT_EQ('a',      subs.CharAtStart(   ) );
        UT_EQ('a',      subs.CharAt( 0 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAt( 1 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAt(-1 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAt( 2 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAt(-2 ) );

        UT_EQ('a',      subs.CharAtEnd (   ) );
        UT_EQ('a',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 0 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAtEnd ( 1 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAtEnd (-1 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAtEnd ( 2 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAtEnd (-2 ) );

    // substring of length 2
        Substring subs= new Substring("aaaaabbbbbb");
        subs.End= subs.IndexOf('b');
        subs.Start= subs.End - 1;
        UT_EQ('a',      subs.CharAtStart(   ) );
        UT_EQ('a',      subs.CharAt( 0 ) );
        UT_EQ('b',      subs.CharAt( 1 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAt(-1 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAt( 2 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAt(-2 ) );

        UT_EQ('b',      subs.CharAtEnd (   ) );
        UT_EQ('b',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 0 ) );
        UT_EQ('a',      subs.CharAtEnd ( 1 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAtEnd (-1 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAtEnd ( 2 ) );
        UT_EQ('\0',     subs.CharAtEnd (-2 ) );
