Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void backward()
            // pooling layers have no parameters, so simply compute
            // gradient wrt data here
            var V = this.in_act;

            V.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(V.w.Length); // zero out gradient wrt data
            var A = this.out_act;                  // computed in forward pass

            var n = 0;

            for (var d = 0; d < this.out_depth; d++)
                var x = -this.pad;
                var y = -this.pad;
                for (var ax = 0; ax < this.out_sx; x += this.stride, ax++)
                    y = -this.pad;
                    for (var ay = 0; ay < this.out_sy; y += this.stride, ay++)
                        var chain_grad = this.out_act.get_grad(ax, ay, d);
                        V.add_grad(this.switchx[n], this.switchy[n], d, chain_grad);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override double backward(int y)
            // compute and accumulate gradient wrt weights and bias of this layer
            var x = this.in_act;

            x.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(x.w.Length); // zero out the gradient of input Vol

            // we're using structured loss here, which means that the score
            // of the ground truth should be higher than the score of any other
            // class, by a margin
            var yscore = x.w[y]; // score of ground truth
            var margin = 1.0;
            var loss   = 0.0;

            for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                if (y == i)
                var ydiff = -yscore + x.w[i] + margin;
                if (ydiff > 0)
                    // violating dimension, apply loss
                    x.dw[i] += 1;
                    x.dw[y] -= 1;
                    loss    += ydiff;

Exemplo n.º 3
 public SoftmaxLayer(Layer_def opt)
     // computed
     this.num_inputs = opt.in_sx * opt.in_sy * opt.in_depth;
     out_depth       = this.num_inputs;
     this.out_sx     = 1;
     this.out_sy     = 1;
     this.layer_type = "softmax";
     es = Convnet_util.zeros(out_depth);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void backward()
            var V  = this.in_act; // we need to set dw of this
            var V2 = this.out_act;
            var N  = V.w.Length;

            V.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(N); // zero out gradient wrt data
            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                var v2wi = V2.w[i];
                V.dw[i] = (1.0 - v2wi * v2wi) * V2.dw[i];
            in_act = V;//check this
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void backward()
            var V          = this.in_act; // we need to set dw of this
            var chain_grad = this.out_act;
            var N          = V.w.Length;

            V.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(N); // zero out gradient wrt data
            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                if (!(this.dropped[i]))
                    V.dw[i] = chain_grad.dw[i]; // copy over the gradient
            in_act = V;//check this
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void backward()
            var V = this.in_act;

            V.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(V.w.Length); // zero out gradient wrt bottom data, we're about to fill it

            var V_sx      = V.sx | 0;
            var V_sy      = V.sy | 0;
            var xy_stride = this.stride | 0;

            for (var d = 0; d < this.out_depth; d++)
                var f = this.filters[d];
                var x = -this.pad | 0;
                var y = -this.pad | 0;
                for (var ay = 0; ay < this.out_sy; y += xy_stride, ay++) // xy_stride
                    x = -this.pad | 0;
                    for (var ax = 0; ax < this.out_sx; x += xy_stride, ax++) // xy_stride

                    // convolve centered at this particular location
                        var chain_grad = this.out_act.get_grad(ax, ay, d); // gradient from above, from chain rule
                        for (var fy = 0; fy < f.sy; fy++)
                            var oy = y + fy; // coordinates in the original input array coordinates
                            for (var fx = 0; fx < f.sx; fx++)
                                var ox = x + fx;
                                if (oy >= 0 && oy < V_sy && ox >= 0 && ox < V_sx)
                                    for (var fd = 0; fd < f.depth; fd++)
                                        // avoid function call overhead (x2) for efficiency, compromise modularity :(
                                        var ix1 = ((V_sx * oy) + ox) * V.depth + fd;
                                        var ix2 = ((f.sx * fy) + fx) * f.depth + fd;
                                        f.dw[ix2] += V.w[ix1] * chain_grad;
                                        V.dw[ix1] += f.w[ix2] * chain_grad;
                        this.biases.dw[d] += chain_grad;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void backward()
            var V = this.in_act;

            V.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(V.w.Length); // zero out the gradient in input Vol

            // compute gradient wrt weights and data
            for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                var tfi        = this.filters[i];
                var chain_grad = this.out_act.dw[i];
                for (var d = 0; d < this.num_inputs; d++)
                    V.dw[d]   += tfi.w[d] * chain_grad; // grad wrt input data
                    tfi.dw[d] += V.w[d] * chain_grad;   // grad wrt params
                this.biases.dw[i] += chain_grad;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void backward()
            var V  = this.in_act; // we need to set dw of this
            var V2 = this.out_act;
            var N  = V.w.Length;

            V.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(N); // zero out gradient wrt data
            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                if (V2.w[i] <= 0)
                    V.dw[i] = 0;               // threshold
                    V.dw[i] = V2.dw[i];
            in_act = V;//check this
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;

            var A = new Vol(1, 1, this.out_depth, 0.0);

            // compute max activation
            var _as  = V.w;
            var amax = V.w[0];

            for (var i = 1; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                if (_as[i] > amax)
                    amax = _as[i];

            // compute exponentials (carefully to not blow up)
            var es   = Convnet_util.zeros(this.out_depth);
            var esum = 0.0;

            for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                var e = Math.Exp(_as[i] - amax);
                esum += e;
                es[i] = e;

            // normalize and output to sum to one
            for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                es[i] /= esum;
                A.w[i] = es[i];

            this.es      = es; // save these for backprop
            this.out_act = A;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override double backward(int y)
            // compute and accumulate gradient wrt weights and bias of this layer
            var x = this.in_act;

            x.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(x.w.Length); // zero out the gradient of input Vol

            for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                var indicator = i == y ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                var mul       = -(indicator - this.es[i]);
                x.dw[i] = mul;
            if (es.Length == 0)
            double _es = es[y];

            // loss is the class negative log likelihood
Exemplo n.º 11
        // y is a list here of size num_inputs
        // or it can be a number if only one value is regressed
        // or it can be a struct {dim: i, val: x} where we only want to
        // regress on dimension i and asking it to have value x
        public override double backward(int y)
            // compute and accumulate gradient wrt weights and bias of this layer
            var x = this.in_act;

            x.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(x.w.Length); // zero out the gradient of input Vol
            var loss = 0.0;

             * if (y instanceof Array || y instanceof Float64Array) {
             *  for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
             *  {
             *      var dy = x.w[i] - y[i];
             *      x.dw[i] = dy;
             *      loss += 0.5 * dy * dy;
             *  }
             * }
             * else if (typeof y == "number")
             * {
             *  // lets hope that only one number is being regressed
             *  var dy = x.w[0] - y;
             *  x.dw[0] = dy;
             *  loss += 0.5 * dy * dy;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // assume it is a struct with entries .dim and .val
             *  // and we pass gradient only along dimension dim to be equal to val
             *  var i = y.dim;
             *  var yi = y.val;
             *  var dy = x.w[i] - yi;
             *  x.dw[i] = dy;
             *  loss += 0.5 * dy * dy;
             * }
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void backward()
            var V  = this.in_act; // we need to set dw of this
            var V2 = this.out_act;
            var N  = this.out_depth;

            V.dw = Convnet_util.zeros(V.w.Length); // zero out gradient wrt data

            // pass the gradient through the appropriate switch
            if (this.out_sx == 1 && this.out_sy == 1)
                for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    var chain_grad = V2.dw[i];
                    V.dw[this.switches[i]] = chain_grad;
                // bleh okay, lets do this the hard way
                var n = 0; // counter for switches
                for (var x = 0; x < V2.sx; x++)
                    for (var y = 0; y < V2.sy; y++)
                        for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                            var chain_grad = V2.get_grad(x, y, i);
                            V.set_grad(x, y, this.switches[n], chain_grad);
            in_act = V;//check this